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1Anissia Sanford Empty Anissia Sanford Tue Dec 31, 2013 5:56 pm

Imogen Aeneid

Imogen Aeneid

 Anissia Sanford 468px-CheriaCutin
    "Even the smallest grain of sand can become a beautiful pearl"

Name(s): Anissia Sanford
Nickname(s): Sia, Ani
Age: 18
Sex: Female
Birthday: 18/11/X762
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Class: Scout
Alignment: Neutral Good
Rank: D
Guild: Fairy Tail
Guild Tattoo: Base of neck on back | White (in color)
Face Claim: Cheria Barnes - Tales of Graces


Height: 5’3” | 160 cm
Weight: 105 lbs | 48 kg
Hair: Pink
Eyes: Brown
General Appearance: Anissia is a petite young woman-- not particularly tall and rather slender. Despite her small frame, she has moderate curves that lay underneath her dresses.

Her pink locks fall midway down her back. Her hair, when worn naturally has volume and wavy curves. Typically her hair is pulled back in some way: either two small pigtails tied with black ribbon, or a side-ponytail fastened in the same way.

Her brown eyes are often twinkling with the prospect of an adventure. To those close enough to understand her, these chocolate orbs can be read like an open book-- quickly signaling to close companions her innermost thoughts and emotions.

Anissia typically wears dresses-- though she prefers tailored and sensible attire that accents the moderate curves she does have while remaining streamlined to not get caught on things while out “adventuring.” Usually, there is some feminine edge to her outfits: Including lace or ribbon details. She can always be seen wearing her signature yellow boots, sturdy enough to run, jump, hike, climb, etc. in-- and pretty fashionable too, or so she thinks.
Scar from a snake bite on her left hand


Personality: Anissia, or Sia, as she would prefer to be called, is a very bright young woman. She is analytical and a thinker by nature. The strongest asset that she considers for herself is her quick-wittedness. This comes to not only witty retorts in conversations, but also well-calculated plans during battle.

Sia’s analytical disposition, however is not always helpful to her, as she often over thinks situations. Always one to weigh all options of any given circumstance, she is often extremely hesitant to make decisions based on the infinite number of scenarios running through her head at any given time-- though it is often helpful in situations where an alternative plan is needed. She often finds herself in the role of presenting multiple options to people, but letting others decide which option is the best. This stems from a private insecurity of her own discretion.

Sia is not particularly comfortable talking with people she doesn’t know well. Instead, she will often wait and observe before attempting to make contact with them-- perhaps scared of being judged poorly by the people around her. This being said, it takes her a while to open up to new people, as she is often quiet and guarded to begin with.

Once she is comfortable with someone, or in a group that she trusts, Sia seems to become a completely different person. Around trusted companions she can become quite loud, and sarcastic and teasing. She will get into friendly debates and make playful jabs (often going back and forth) about the traits of the people around her. Of course, this is all in good fun, and meant in the most loving of ways.

Anissia is particularly committed to those she trusts, and would do anything in her power to please these people, even if it means that she herself would be put into a situation in which she is not prospering (be it getting hurt, or what have you).

  • Funny People
  • Summer-time
  • Sweets (particularly ice cream)
  • Being Complimented (by people she knows)
  • Wind
  • Being outdoors (picnics, hiking, you name it)


  • Being the center of attention
  • Traveling by ship/on water
  • Spicy food
  • Rain
  • Kill-joys/People without a sense of humor
  • Disappointing people
  • Being stuck inside


  • As a people pleaser (or a loved one pleaser) by nature, Anissia is driven by seeing those she cares about happy, and even sometimes those she doesn’t care about too. While she states this as her main source of motivation, there is also a sense of selfishness in this belief, in hoping to find happiness for herself as well.
  • Anissia is also driven to make enough money to help support her family, and home town in whatever way possible.


  • Letting the people that she loves and trusts down, or putting them into a dangerous situation because of something that she did/could have prevented, rather a fear of feeling guilty. Such feelings in the past have caused her to fall into stages of depression that can last up to a month at a time.
  • Snakes. Anissia has a particular phobia of snakes (any kind) stemmed from an unfortunate childhood encounter. This phobia causes her to completely freeze, and break down (often into crying hysterics), even after the snake has been removed from her sight.

Positive Traits:

  • Alertness (+2): You have finely tuned senses.
    Explanation: Passive D Rank hearing, sight, and smell buffs
  • Diligent (+2): Your meticulousness allows you to analyze minute details that others miss.
    Explanation:Reduces training cost of spells by 10% in word cost
  • Swift (+3): You are fleet of foot. When running, you move three times your normal speed.
    Explanation: You have a passive C Rank speed buff at all times.
    Agile (+3): You are particularly flexible and poised.
    Explanation: You can dodge an attack up to B Rank, so long as it is feasible for you do to so (AoE excluded). Usable once per thread

    Total: +10

Negative Traits:

  • Curiosity (-1): You're a naturally curious person and you find mysteries of any sort irresistible. In most circumstances, alas, your curiosity overrides your common sense. This forces you to investigate something unusual, even if it looks like it might be dangerous.
    Explanation: You will walk deeper into the forest you have never been before. You won't turn around from the castle that you have never seen. This can result into getting you into very dangerous situations.
  • Tongue-Tied (-1): This disadvantage comes up whenever you try to discuss anything of importance and relay pressing information and such. You have the tendency to incorrectly state facts, forget or mix up names, and generally say the wrong thing.
    Explanation: Every time you try to explain something to someone, you mix up names, leave things out, and jump around the timeline of how things happened.
  • Intolerance - Snakes (-1): You have an irrational dislike of a certain thing. It may be an animal, a class of person, a situation, or just about anything at all. Note that some dislikes may be too trivial or ridiculous to count--a dislike of Bavarian-crème-filled donuts or mechanical pencils, for example, has no real dramatic value and will not be allowed.
    Anissia particularly hates (and is petrified of) snakes.
    Explanation: You must act very disgusted and displeased when your dislike comes into play.
  • Misfortunate (-1): Lucky breaks are something that happen to other people. Your luck isn't terrible; you wouldn't have survived as long as you have if it were. It just isn't very good. Look at it this way: if you need some blind luck to get you out of a sticky situation, expect to be sticking around for a while.
    Explanation: You cannot receive any bonus rewards from Requests.
  • Night Blindness (-2): Your night vision isn't worth squat, due to a physiological deficiency. This is due to a birth defect, and therefore cannot be healed by any means.
    Explanation: During night time in threads, or facing someone who uses Dark Magic, you have a hard time seeing more than 10 meters in front of you.
  • Derangement/Insanity (-3):Phobia: A character afflicted by a phobia persistently fears a particular object or situation. She realizes that the fear is excessive and irrational, but the fear is disturbing enough that she avoids the stimulus.
    Explanation: Character is unable to face anything that has it's fear. If you're afraid of spiders and someone uses spider magic, you flee.
  • Shy (-1): You are distinctly ill at ease when dealing with people, and you try to avoid social situations whenever possible. When you become the center of attention you freeze. Don't expect to make any public speeches.
    Explanation: You can never speak first when entering a thread with someone. This includes initiating combat.

    Total: -10


Magic: Sand Magic
Caster or Holder: Caster
Description: Anissia is able to cast and manipulate sand as her magic. This includes using the sand to:

  • Create small sand flurries and storms:
    Here Anissia forces sand to fly around her creating a hostile environment for anyone within the sand cloud (friend or foe): sand gets in the eyes, nose, mouth, ears causing discomfort, minor irritation, and possible disorientation. It also lowers vision and air quality.
  • Create sand berms (barriers/walls):
    Masses of sand piled up next to Anissia/nearby target that can be used to cause separation, soften impacts or block a weak attack from an oncoming force. Such magic can also be used for relaxation- creating beautiful sand sculptures and castles.
  • Set quick sand traps:
    Anissia modifies the property of her sand to that of "quick sand" to reduce an enemy's speed/ability to block attacks. The sand is only as deep as the layer of sand that is being manipulated. (i/e: if there is only 4 inches of sand, the quick sand would only be 4 inches deep)  

Strengths: Majority of the strength that this magic has is its defensive capabilities as the magic allows for Anissia to get away from, or stealthily close to an enemy. Because she is a caster type, she has the ability to produce the sand, and use it, as long as she has strength to do so.
Sand magic fairs particularly well against fire and lightning users, as immense heat (from flames or lightening strikes) turns the sand into a glass like substance. While Anissia can no longer manipulate the sand in this form, she can use the heat as an advantage to forage glass tools and/or weapons and that she wouldn't have previously had access too.
Weaknesses: One major disadvantage of this magic is that it doesn't particularly hold any true offensive capabilities-- Anissia has no true way to "finish-off" opponents using her magic alone. Beyond that, Anissia is countered by water users and rain-- when the sand gets weighed down by water, flurries are cleared and berms can be washed away, and quick sand diluted to lose potency.



Anissia Sanford was born in a small, isolated desert village-- covered in rolling hills of sand and rock. She is used to the extreme temperatures of the desert-- dry hot days mixed coupled with the freezing temperatures of night. The second youngest of seven children, Sia grew up comfortable being around the many different faces that her family had to offer. She was comfortable around her siblings-- and rather the minuscule village as well. Adventurous, daring and compassionate would have been the words to describe the young woman at the beginning stages of her youth. Often tagging along with her older siblings on adventures into the dessert, like other children of her age would wonder into their backyard or a small patch of woods. As soon as she could walk, she was following her array of older siblings, unaware of any true danger that could have lurked in the dessert.

At the age of five, Sia had an unfortunate accident. While out exploring, the rest of the Sanford siblings had long disappeared traveling further and faster than the two youngest sisters could travel. As such, Anissia was pulling around her younger sister (who at that time was three and a half, and stuck to her like a duckling to its mother) urging the still-toddler to hurry on after her-- watch  Anissia was scaling a modest ledge (one that would have been impressive for a girl of her age, but small in size to an adult). After finding a ledge to hold her up, she extended a then free arm back to her younger sister. However, what Sia had failed to notice was the serpent lurking in the crevice she was using as a handhold. Just as Sia was grabbing the hand of her sister, she fell from the ledge screaming from the pain throbbing in her left hand.

Her next memories were that of waking up in a bed a week later to the relived faces of her family around her. It took over 2 months to properly recover from the venomous snakebite, but Sia had been lucky in evading death. The healing came with long lectures from her parents reiterating a need for caution-- “Why wouldn’t you have looked before you did something so reckless?” and “What would have happened if it had been your little sister that got bitten?” 

The young Anissia harbored a lot of guilt for making her family worry and for putting her little sister in danger as well as a fear accompanied with her near death experience (for days, her family did not know if she would survive or not). Though her sense of adventure always pined in the back of her mind, Anissia attempted to counter it by being overly-cautious in everything that she did-- never again wanting to cause those she loved so much pain and worry. She honed her senses to be hyperaware of her surroundings, and began to analyze every situation she was given-- acting with caution despite a desire to run into situations haphazardly. This air of caution over time replaced her natural curiosity.

Anissia became aware of her ability to use magic at the age of 8. She could manipulate sand into beautiful structures and cause small clouds of sand. Most of her family didn’t attribute this to magic-- often passing the occurrences off as creativity or happenstance rather than magic. “The sand cloud must have been caused by a quick burst of wind” “That’s a beautiful castle, Sia... You’re so creative.” It wasn’t until the age of 12 when a fit of pre-teen agitation caused an indoor dust storm-- did the family contribute the coincidences as being magic related.

At the age of 16, Sia left her sheltered life in the desert to further develop her magical skills-- hoping to make a living, as well as help support her family through her skills. It wasn’t until traveling away from home, that Anissia realized how little she knew about interacting with others-- particularly the big personalities that came with city life. It was unsurprising, as she lived in a very small, rather remote village and was used to the same people all her life. She became rather drawn back with new people, watching and waiting, trying to learn how to act with them, a skill she is still trying to obtain.

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