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1Eliara Mitsurugi  Empty Eliara Mitsurugi Tue Dec 31, 2013 1:41 am

Eliara Mitsurugi

Eliara Mitsurugi

  Eliara Mitsurugi  06-haiyore-nyaruko-san-the-caos-4
   "Do you want to be my toy~!? I'm sure we'll have a blast~! I won't hurt you too much~"

Name(s): Eliara Mitsurugi
Nickname(s): Eli, Crawling Chaos
Age: 16
Sex: Female
Birthday: April, 9, X864
Sexuality: Pansexual, also Polyamorous
Class: Mystic
Alignment:Chaotic Neutral
Rank: D-Class
Guild: Eisenwald
Guild Tattoo: Top of the right forearm, Black and white checkerboard pattern
Face Claim: Nyaruko - Haiyore Nyarko-San!

Eliara Mitsurugi  31-haiyore-nyaruko-san-nafushigatai-game-no-yona-mono-2

Height: 5 feet exactly
Weight: 105 lbs
Hair: Silver
Eyes: Green
General Appearance: Eli is petite girl with long flowing silver hair that reaches down to her waist and striking green eyes. Her hair is mostly kept down but she has been known to wear a variety of hairstyles, the one thing that always stays the same though, is the single extremely long strand that pops out of the center of her head. She can never get it down no matter how hard she tries. Eli is most often seen wearing a black dress with a checkerboard pattern at the hem and a checkerboard patterned bow. She also compliments this outfit with thigh high white socks and a pair of red heeled shoes. She has been known to wear a variety of outfits as well though, but that is the one she is most often seen in.
Extra: Eli has a scar on her right hand from where she drew blood to make the contract that gave her her magic. In addition, Eli cosplays a lot.


Personality: On the surface Eli is an energetic young girl. Every emotion she experiences she feels to it's fullest extent. Giving her a very excitable personality. Eli is a pursuer of pleasure. Looking for anything she could find fun and gunning for it. Though sometimes Eli's idea of fun runs into a sadistic streak. As she likes to toy with people, whether it be through torture or, other, methods, and watch them squirm under her thumb. The only person who is free from being used by Eli's sadistic nature is her older sister Aoi. Though sometimes, a little bit slips out as she still likes to tease her older sister. Despite her nature, Eli is quite trusting of other people, even if it isn't healthy to be trusting of them.

Eli cares more about her sister than anything else in the whole world. Seeing Aoi as a role model of sorts. Because of her emotional extremes if something threatens to harm her sister, physically or emotionally, Eli will immediately hop to the defense of her sister. Defending her sister with the fervor of a zealot until the threat has faded. After all, her older sister is the only family she has.

Eli, perhaps as a side effect of the way she gained her magic, loves everything horror. Horror stories never fail to bring a smile to Eli's face. Eli also enjoys playing the piano, as she is quite skilled in the instrument. But Eli believes all music in general is great. Eli can be a violent person. Finding fights with other people to be quite fun and cathartic. Since Eli wasn't born with the gift of magic, instead having to obtain it through other means. She has a natural fascination of magic and the magical world she got to be a part of. Eli loves a good romance, to the point where she will try to seek out multiple romantic partners at once. Eli will always inform her partners of her beliefs, and intentions to romance multiple people at once. Maybe she does it because she feels guilty, maybe she does it to tease them some more to see how they react.

Eli has a burning hatred for nobles. This hatred stems partially from her jealousy at her parents always neglecting her for Aoi. Though that wouldn't be the sole cause, only fuel for the spark that ignited her hatred, the eventual final betrayal that they both committed against her and her sister. As such Eli cannot stand to associate with nobles.

Because of the experience that Eli went through in obtaining her magic. Her mind was damaged slightly. Causing her sadistic nature to develop. And several symptoms of insanity to develop. The most notable being her full sensory hallucinations Eli experiences.

  1. Clothes
  2. Her sister
  3. Toying with people
  4. Sweet food
  5. Cats
  6. Foxes
  7. Horror
  8. Piano
  9. Music
  10. Violence, or being just rowdy in general
  11. Magic
  12. Romance


  1. Being bored
  2. People who think they are superior
  3. Nobles
  4. Sour food
  5. Silence
  6. People who hurt her sister


  • To take care of her sister
  • To have fun
  • To get stronger with her magic


  • Heights
  • Death
  • Slugs (or slimy creatures in general)
  • Losing her sister
  • Losing her magic
  • Losing her freedom

Positive Traits:

  • Blind-Fight (+4): You know how to fight in melee without being able to see your foes.
  • Acrobatic (+3): You have excellent body awareness and coordination.
  • Regeneration (+4): You heal very fast inside and outside of combat. Small cuts that go up to one inch deep are healed in the next post.
  • Swift (+3): You are fleet of foot. When running, you move three times your normal speed.
  • Agile (+3): You are particularly flexible and poised.
  • Athletic (+3): You have a knack for athletic endeavors.

Negative Traits:

  • Cruel (-1): You have a sadistic streak that causes you to perform acts of cruelty for no good reason. Of course, this doesn't endear you to others. Most times you are prudent enough to carry out your cruelties on those under your thumb, rather than those you see as equals. However, you carry a constant social stigma, as rumors have their way of getting around
  • Curiosity (-1): You're a naturally curious person and you find mysteries of any sort irresistible. In most circumstances, alas, your curiosity overrides your common sense.
    This forces you to investigate something unusual, even if it looks like it might be dangerous.
  • Dark Secret (-1): You have some sort of secret that, if revealed, would make you an outcast amongst your society and companions. While this secret is on your mind at all times, it will come up in topics only once in a while, but when it does, watch out! (Eli Made a contract with a monstrous alien god in order to get her magic)
  • Hedonistic (-1): You love a good time. You party too much, drink too much, and eat too much. You have trouble resisting an invitation to join someone in a drink and sometimes shirk your duty if offered a more enjoyable time elsewhere. Whenever a good time is presented you let your guard. You're also not capable to resist seduction of any sort. It's just not in your nature to resist such opportunities.
  • Intolerance (-1): You have an irrational dislike of a certain thing. It may be an animal, a class of person, a situation, or just about anything at all. Note that some dislikes may be too trivial or ridiculous to count--a dislike of Bavarian-crème-filled donuts or mechanical pencils, for example, has no real dramatic value and will not be allowed. (Eli hates nobles with a burning passion)
  • Lecherous (-1): You have a lusty nature and a tendency to pursue the pleasures of the flesh. A woman or a man (however your tastes run) is an almost irresistible temptation to you. You give in to these temptations easily.
  • Overzealous (-1): You are incapable of having a weak opinion. Everything you believe, you believe as if your life depended on it. Everything you don't believe in, you hate with a passion.
    Once in a while your flaw gets you to strongly defend one of your opinions, no matter how inappropriate the time and place, nor what the circumstances of such an outburst may be.
  • Short Attention Span (-1): You have little patience, causing you to have difficulty concentrating on repetitive tasks.
  • Trusting (-2): You don't like to believe that other people are capable of misleading and lying to you. After all, people are basically good, right?
  • Righteous (-1): The end justifies the means. You are willing to perform morally repugnant actions in order to achieve noble goals. Unfortunately, this can alienate those people who might support your cause if you didn't use such heavy-handed methods.
  • Derangement/Insanity (-9 total)
  • Compulsions:(-3) Eli will constantly talk to her sister as if she is there. Even if her sister is not present.
  • Mania:(-3) Eli experiences full sensory hallucinations sometimes. When she is in this episode she interprets the world as a disgusting horrible mass of flesh mixed in with everything. Giving off a putrid odor and feeling disgusting to the touch, and taste. Everything she sees will be corrupted by this flesh. Including people, who no longer resemble humans at all, but something monsterous. These episodes last from a few minutes to a few hours, or even days at a time. Obviously Eli would be upset, irritable, and possible even depressed during one of these episodes.
  • Phobia:(-3) Eli has an irrational fear of slugs. It sometimes even bleeds out into other small slimy creatures. But slugs remind her most of the horrible things she's seen on the other side. And she will refuse to even be near one, instead opting to hide from it. This can also turn into a terrible combo with her mania under the right circumstances.


Magic: Gift of the Dweller: Darkness Make
Caster or Holder: Holder
Description: This magic was given to Eliara by an ancient alien god that referred to itself as "The Dweller in Darkness". It is a darkness based, multi purpose, holder make magic that is channeled through a crowbar on Eli's person. Eli uses it for "Close Quarters Combat" but close quarters is a very general term to Eli, being defined by her whim. Close quarters could actually be close quarters, or it could just mean that her opponent is within eyesight. Eli's magic reflects this whimsical nature. Doing many things from augmenting her holder item, to forging weapons out of darkness for her to use (These weapons must be able to be wielded one handed of course), to shooting darkness projectiles at her opponent. Eli can also create structures, defenses, even other entities out of solid darkness for a period of time. Eli can even tear holes in reality to the Dweller's dimension, causing his influence and own magic to seep through the rift to affect the battlefield (Darkness based, of course). At the pinnacle of her ability, Eli can become an avatar of the dweller herself. Channeling his power directly through her.
Strengths: Eli's magic's greatest strength is in it's versatility. Since it is a make magic Eli can make all sorts of things out of solidified darkness. From weapons, to defenses, to structures, even to other entities. Plus, since her magic was given to her by the alien god known as "The Dweller in Darkness", with it's blessing she can tear holes in reality to it's realm, allowing it's influence to affect the area and allowing travel through the rift, and even channeling the god through her own body. Though becoming the avatar of an alien god of darkness and insanity is never without it's risks. If all else fails Eli can modify her trusty crowbar with the magic, enhancing it in various ways, and even changing it's form temporarily.
Weaknesses: Being darkness magic, it is obvious that Eli's magic's natural enemy is light. Also being a holder magic, she cannot use it unless she is in possession of her holder object. So if she is disarmed, she is defenseless. Also, The Dweller's natural enemy, being an old one and all, is the Elder Gods, and all of Eli's offensive magic can be neutralized with an Elder Sign. (A five pointed star with an eye with a flaming pupil in the center) Leaving her to try to beat them into submission with her crowbar if she wants to still fight offensively as long as the elder sign is present on the opponent.

Example of an Elder Sign:


History: Eliara was born the second daughter of the Mitsurugi family. Her parents were council members that took their work, and her older sister Aoi, very seriously. Spoiling Eli's older sister quite often. Despite this making Eli jealous of her older sister, she never harbored any ill intent towards her sister. In fact, Eli adored her older sister, making the girl a role model. Eli would always try to stay by Aoi's side, partially because of her adoration, and partially cause their parents actually gave her attention while she was with her sister. For when she was with her sister, their parents spoiled them both. While she was alone though, she was ignored and neglected. Left to take care of herself. Her parents seemed to care more for Aoi than they did her. Always curious to see the developments of her magical talents. Something which Eli lacked. For Eliara was born with no magical talent whatsoever. A fact which seemed to severely disappoint their parents, and led to her neglect.

As Eli and her sister grew up, Aoi made friends with a girl named Andrea. Eli enjoyed watching their spars. They both had a unique magic that allowed them to summon and switch weapons in an instant. Eli heard her parents call it "Requip" magic once during one of their spars. Eli wanted to join in too, but she had no magic to speak of. So she settled with play wrestling her sister once their spars were over. More than anything else, Eli wanted to be an equal with her sister. To explore that wondrous world of magic with Aoi. Perhaps then, she would get her parent's adoration. Perhaps then, they'd deem her worthwhile as a daughter.

So Eli used her free time alone borrowing her parents books on magic and studying them thoroughly. Trying to force a magical gift out of herself. It was all to no avail though. Despite her days upon days of studying. Not even being acknowledged by her parents as she studied alone in her room. Eli couldn't even ignite a small spark of magic within herself. She entered a state of depression. Lamenting the thought that she'd never be able to stand side by side with her sister.

When Eli was 15, she traveled from town to town with her sister. She gleefully watched the little shows her sister put off for the townspeople. Then, during one show a year later. A group of Rune Knights grabbed her sister by the hair and started to torment her. Eli yelled and pleaded with them to stop. Running up and slamming her fists ineffectually on them as she cried. One of them backhanded her, sending her sprawling into an alley. It was no use, she had no magic, she couldn't help her sister. She could only watch and cry in the alleyway as the knights tormented her sister as they amused themselves. Then it happened, Aoi summoned a pair of claws and started to do a dance of blood and death as she cut down the Rune Knights. Eli could only watch in stunned silence as she cut them down one by one. The street became soaked with their blood as they fell one by one like useless sacks of meat. Only when the carnage was done did Aoi seem to come to her senses. The blood soaked cat girl teared up and started to plead with someone that Eli couldn't see from her alleyway. Then she heard the voices of her parents, stating that she had to go into custody. Eli teared up, it wasn't her fault, those disgusting pigs were tormenting her sister. Why couldn't her parents understand that Aoi was in the right. After all, the one person they seemed to care for in the family was Aoi. How could they betray her like this? Then Aoi's expression changed to that blank one again. She ran out of sight of the alleyway and Eli heard the sounds of claws going through flesh. Once the sounds stopped Eli started to emerge from the alleyway. Aoi suddenly darted past her, her face wearing an expression of fear. Eli reached out and called for her sister to come back. That she was still here, but her cries fell on deaf ears.

Eli emerged from that alleyway into a scene of a grim slaughter. Her parents lie dead and cooling in a pool of their own blood. Eli fell to her knees and started to cry. Not because her parents were dead, they never cared for her anyways, but because her sister was driven to these acts and to run away, leaving Eli all alone. Eli felt ashamed that she couldn't do anything to protect her sister. As she sat crying on the sidewalk, she felt a large hand rest on her shoulder. Eli looked up to see a tall man with sun bronzed skin and regal features smiling in front of her. He asked her if she wanted the power to protect her sister. Eli nodded without hesitation. The man then offered her a hand to help her to her feet. She accepted. Once she was on her feet again the man stated he could give her the power to protect her sister. But that it would come at a price. Eli nodded, she would pay whatever price she could if it meant protecting her sister. The man then drew an ornate knife and a goblet and handed it to her. He then instructed her to gather the blood of her parents and the rune knights and fill the goblet up with it. She complied and returned to the strange man. He then instructed her to cut herself with the knife and pour her own blood into the goblet. She complied, the blade causing a flash of pain in her right hand. She squeezed and watched her life drip into the goblet. The man seemed to be grinning wider. He placed is own hand over the goblet and started a ritual. "This mortal, who has drew her own blood, the blood of a stranger, and the blood of her kin, pledges herself to The Dweller in Darkness. In exchange for his power, she will become his priestess and spread his word across the world." The man then took his hand off the cup. All the collected blood glowed with an unearthly green glow. He then instructed her to drink, and then the contract will be complete. Eli gulped audibly, and then downed the blood. The iron tasting fluid ran down her throat and as she drank, she had the sensation of being whisked somewhere else.

The first sounds that hit her were the wailing cacaphony of alien flutes and trumpets and who knows what else. Eli quickly lowered the goblet to see, and then wished she hadn't. There was no landscape around her, she stood in complete darkness. But despite the darkness, she could clearly see the monstrosity in front of her. It was so monstrous that Eli couldn't comprehend all of the detail. It seemed to be an amorphous slug like entity with dozens of tentacles and other appendages forming and disappearing all over it's surface. Dozens of maddening green eyes formed on the side of the creature facing her and held it in her gaze. It shrieked and wailed horribly, the sound not possibly coming from any worldly vocal cords. Eli felt her mind start to warp and snap at the sight. She dropped the goblet and curled up in a fetal position, hands clutching her ears and her wailing in terror. She couldn't look at it, couldn't hear it if she wanted to stay as sane as possible. For this is a being that no mortal should have to comprehend. Eli felt something hit the ground from very far away. Looking at the direction of the noise she saw something. Light! Blessed light! She got up and ran away as fast as her legs could take her from the babbling insanity behind her. The light got closer and closer, and eventually Eli found it. It was a crowbar of all things. Black with a red tip. She heard the monstrosity behind her starting to get closer. The alien shrieks getting louder. Eli's mind was tearing under the terror. She babbled incoherently as she bent down to take the crowbar. She spun to face the horror head on but when she faced it, it was gone. Replaced by the bloody street she was just on.

Eli came to her senses and looked around. The goblet lay on the ground in front of her, her clothes were now covered in blood, the strange man was still standing in front of her smiling, and strangest of all, that crowbar was in her hand. Eli felt some sort of energy from the crowbar in her hand. It felt as alien as the stars, but it was powerful. The man chuckled and stated that he was surprised that Eli lived. He said that she had the power to protect her sister now. Then, he finally opened his half lidded eyes fully, letting Eli gain direct eye contact with him. His eyes were the same maddening green as that monstrosity Eli encountered. Causing her to shriek in terror and visibly back away from the man. In a now alien voice, the man stated that her sister would be at Eisenwald, before turning and leaving. Eli could only stand there and shake in terror for a few minutes. But then she found her resolve. Clutching her crowbar close, she turned and headed off in the direction her sister ran. Heading for the town that housed the guild Eisenwald. If that.... was it even a man? If the information she obtained was correct, she would find her sister there. And this time, she'd be able to protect Aoi.

2Eliara Mitsurugi  Empty Re: Eliara Mitsurugi Tue Dec 31, 2013 4:59 pm

Eliara Mitsurugi

Eliara Mitsurugi
Bump for finishing ze app~!

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