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1Yura Lust Empty Yura Lust Sat Dec 28, 2013 8:04 am

Yura Lust

Yura Lust

   (Yura Lust Untitl10
   " No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always got there first, and is waiting for it"

Name(s): Yura Lust
Nickname(s): Ju’-nah, Devil, Yokai, Lust
Age: 17
Sex: Female
Birthday: 28/December/x763
Sexuality: Bisexual
Class: Scavenger
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Rank: D
Guild: EisenWald
Guild Tattoo: On left collarbone
Face Claim:  Ririchiyo Shirakiin from Inux Boku SS

In her Yokai form:

Height: 5’7
Weight: 118lb
Hair: Violet hair
Eyes: Purple eyes
General Appearance:

In her human form, Ririchiyo is a beautiful short statured young lady. She has long dark violent hair and purple eyes. She has fair skin, not to mention nice long full legs. She wears many different type of clothes, but is mostly seen wearing her black deep v neck dress with four buttons on each and no sleeves. Underneath, she wears a white long sleeve ruffle blouse. Also, she wears black heels or just plain shoes with gray thigh length socks. In her Youkai form, she has two curved in horns and a red flower attached to her left horn. She has a long black scarf with crimson red butterflies across it, topped off with gauntlets. She wears a dark red hakama, but with a miniskirt. Her legs are complimented by her black leggings, on her lower back there is a tied demon mask. There is speculation as to whether that mask belonged to the ancestor who passed on his demon lineage to her. She is slightly taller in her Youkai form due to the fact that she wears high heeled Zōri.

Yura is the kind of girl that draws the eye of a person. When she walks by, people notice and they turn their heads from the beauty. She doesn’t flaunt her looks, but rather she compliments it by wearing rather expensive taste. Her hair is naturally a light redish/pink, that is long and flowing barely reaching the bottom of her back. Long hair is a symbol of beauty, so it’s only fitting her to be long. She’ll wear it in almost any style that suits the circumstance and her attire.

The young girl has fair skin that is soft as silk. Luckily for her, she’s never been cursed with a skin complexion, even something as basic as a pimple. She uses the best soaps and skin products to keep her pores nice a clean, and often cleans her skin multiple times a night to wash away the days hard work and makeup.

Her body is slender and thin, with defined abs. This greatly benefits to her agile body type and benefits her in battle. Her legs are always smooth, and not a graze of hair remains after shaving. Yura does not have super large breasts but it’s not flat too. Instead this gives her face the distinctive nature. The focus is drawn towards her natural beauty, and not her body. It’s extremely important to know that she always keeps her collar bones revealed, to drawn the seduction from there if need be.

Extra: -



Charms and Patience: Yuki seductive smiles and twinkling eyes usually lure people what she want them to believe; innocent and harmless. Her charms work very well, after all, she is a chic, yet grateful and genteel. She is quite active in social and a high-spirited girl who is unchallengeable ruler in society. Yuki is usually nice to people but has no patience in conversation. Although, she tries to work on her patience, as to get know more about strangers. However, she never let her feelings show on her face; and never let her guard down.

Seductress: Yura had no problem with using her sex appeal to get her way. She is not above trying to seduce someone if it can further her agenda. She’s also willing to con others, using her beauty to influence others. She believes with her beauty and magical ability, everything else in no relevance to the world.

Anger and Stubbornness: However, if she goes berserk due to being annoyed or irritated, she can be quite a nightmare. People wasting her time are what she hates most and she tries to avoid those people as much as she could. Annoying people ticks her totally off and she doesn't need any more deeper reason. She elucidates everyone that she won’t harm unless the opponent challenges her or started a fight. Nevertheless, if these people start to annoy her a lot, Yura never promises she won’t hurt them. Indeed, she promises her opponent, she will send him/her to hell. Never tempt the demon goddess. She also never let other people win over her in any aspects. She loves to be top of everything she does, it’s all she cares. She is stubborn and she does everything on her own way, she doesn’t believe other people. Nobody is to be trusted, that’s what she believes in. Yes, she is resistant, difficult, and persistent in an opinion, task or idea.

Canny and quick witted: Due to Yura’s experiences in her past, she is very mature despite her age. She is clever; both physically and mentally. Yura’s appearance shows the fake image of her being fragile and weak, that’s one of Yura Lust’s sly advantages. However, Yura is a strong fighter but she loves to take every advantage she can get. She can also read emotions that pass through people’s face. She is after all, quick-witted. She knew how to interpret the emotions and double meaning.

Manners: Yura is not downright rude but she is not very polite too despite the elders and can be very kind to youngsters if only, she is in good mood. However, Yura is not very polite enough to waste her time to do pleasantry conversation. Although she makes a lot of acquaintances for her social-status, since she never let anyone overrule her or let them command her. Yura never follows other people command unless it’s her guild master’s command. She believes she is best in what she does and she doesn’t allow anyone to lead. She prefers leading than following. She believes that other people will slow her down and she doesn’t trust anyone. She believes in herself and not others. She is proud in what she does, whether people calls her selfish or not, she doesn’t care what other people say.


  • Fashion & Beauty: Yura would always keep in touch with the fashion world and keeps herself in the best appearance. She cares about her facial appearance and figures. She keeps up her charismatic figure too.

  • Power: Yura enjoys the thought of being behind power. Half of her thoughts are filled with having power, getting more and surrounding herself with other powerful individuals. She enjoys knowing she can defeat anyone.

  • Winter: As her birthday was in December and the main thing is she loves snow. She loves the way how snow caresses her face and the cool winter breeze warms her heart.

  • Traveling: Yura loves to travel and she usually travels a lot. She studies cultures, boosts up her knowledge and skills through her travels.


  • Dirt: Dirt is dirty as simple as that, Yura does not like herself to be covered in dirt or mud, she thought dirt contains bacteria which is unhealthy.  

  • Noises: Noises such as drilling, screeching voice and screaming sounds are too loud for Hinata. She doesn’t mind loud music but Yura is just too sensitive with noises and sounds that are unpleasant.

  • Insects or Slimy creatures: she fears slimy creatures and dirty creatures which might even carry diseases. They are disgusting; Yura could not think anybody will like those slimy things but she did not mind snakes and in fact, she loves snakes due to her takeover magic.

  • People who waste her time: People who waster her time by engaging her into non-sense conversation gets on her nerves and she totally hates those people and considered them as annoying people with no job. She did not mind talking with people but she prefers if the person was talking to her, it better be worth her time, instead of babbling.


  • Becoming Stronger: Since Yura loves power, and knowing the fact she is powerful but there are still many other wizards who are stronger and powerful than her causes her to train herself better and stronger. She would be inspired when she meet some stronger wizard, and would try herself better and with the thought of she would defeat them one day.

  • Yura’s dream of being a powerful mage and never to be a victim of anybody did motivates her life to move on forward and never to back down or give up.

  • Getting to know better of her Yokai souls, magic did motivates her.


  • Being defeated: Yura hates to be defeated, she loves to win everything. Call her selfish or anything, it’s just her dignity and pride she cares. Whether it is in battle or anything sort of competition. She holds any sort of loss to be very personal and considers the one who defeats her to be her enemy from that point on.

  • Losing her beauty: Yura shivers at the thought of her losing the beauty. She felt that her beauty is what drives her to achieve whatever she had done and capable of what she had done. Although, considering her takeover magic, she still felt that her intimidation, persuasion and manipulation might not be as effective as it is currently now.  

Positive Traits:

  • Zealot (+4): This person has trained themselves to wield a specific type of weapon. (Swords).

  • Daunting Presence (+2): You are skilled at inducing fear in your opponents.

  • Persuasive (+2): You have a way with words and body language. Somehow you manage to persuade weaker minded people easily.

Negative Traits:

  • Short Attention Span (-1): You have little patience, causing you to have difficulty concentrating on repetitive tasks.

  • Proud (-1): You don't like accepting help from others. If a gift or offer of aid smacks of charity or pity even the slightest bit, you grow indignant and refuse it.

  • Reckless (-1): You lack the emotion of fear. Unfortunately, it is often an important cue that keeps men from doing foolhardy things. Sure, you don't flinch at the sight of even the most hideous monster, but neither do you feel the need to run away when outclassed.

  • Overconfident (-1): Nothing is beyond your capabilities. If you wanted, you could defeat the best swordsman in the world; you just haven't had any reason to do so yet. And surely that chasm isn't too wide for you to leap across.

  • Overzealous (-1): You are incapable of having a weak opinion. Everything you believe, you believe as if your life depended on it. Everything you don't believe in, you hate with a passion.Once in a while your flaw gets you to strongly defend one of your opinions, no matter how inappropriate the time and place, nor what the circumstances of such an outburst may be.

  • Curiosity (-1): You're a naturally curious person and you find mysteries of any sort irresistible. In most circumstances, alas, your curiosity overrides your common sense. This forces you to investigate something unusual, even if it looks like it might be dangerous.

  • Ambitious (-1): You crave power. Money is nice, but being in charge of other people is your favorite thing. You are likely to be brought down by attempting a risky grab for power and failing. Even when deals are risky you will give in and agree most of times.

  • Intolerance (-1): You have an irrational dislike of a certain thing. It may be an animal, a class of person, a situation, or just about anything at all. (She has no tolerance to the gossiper and low-standard people who kept babbling non-sense, wasting her time.)


Magic: Take Over : Yōkai (妖怪, ghost, phantom, strange apparition)
Caster or Holder: Caster
Description: Yokai Takeover allows Yura to take over the form of a soul she has collected throughout her life which is Yokai. Yura is able to collect the souls of Yokai creatures or whatever creature she encounters and stores them. The Yokai Takeover Magic can be used for both offense and defense, with Yura being capable of taking form of body parts from a Yokai to attack the opponents and dramatically increase her defensive power, at the same time quickly boosting her offense as well.  She can take parts of their bodies and use them in combat. These are called 'partial' takeovers. (Can be used at a low rank.) As she ranks up and gains more experience as a mage, she is able to take entire bodies of the souls. These are called 'full body' takeovers.
Yokai Takeovers can increase Yura's power, strength and speed and sometimes adding a new skill such as giving her ability to fly or breathe underwater and her healing strengths are higher than the other mages which can be very useful in urgent situations. But it is important that Yura truly knows the being to be able to take over its powers. The Yokai Takeover Magic can be used for both offense and defense, with Yura being capable of taking form of body parts from a Yokai to attack the opponents and dramatically increase her defensive power, at the same time quickly boosting her offense as well.
Strengths: Yokai soul Takeover allows Yura to take over ANY type of Yokai creature's soul as long as it is Yokai. There is no limit to how many Yokai Souls she can store. (This does not mean that she has limitless amounts of spells. Her spell slot limit for her rank is equal to that of all other mages.) Yura is also able to take over a form for as long as she wants, as long as her body can take it. The Yokai Soul that is damaged will heal as soon as it returns to it’s world, when Yura dismissed the soul.
Weaknesses: Yokai takeover magic requires a huge amount of magic power and energy After, Yura is injured and although the injury heals by itself, it takes a lot of time and the higher the rank of the body part, the longer the time takes to heals. She needs large amount of mana and high-rank spell to has a Full takeover and are more powerful then partial takeover. Full takeover often consume a plethora of the user’s mana. And if she did a very strong spells and was highly injured, she would fell unconscious for a while. If she takes over too many forms in a short period of time, she could result in fainting - which could be prolonged from a few hours to several weeks depending on how much power she has lost. Yokai Soul Takeover also drains a lot of her energy because there is no limit to how many souls she can use, especially if she is taking over full bodies.



Birth of Yura Lust
The Shirakiin family which was veiled under dark secrets, the head of the family, Ruskin, the boss of a powerful Japanese criminal organization Yakuza. Yura was born into the world unwillingly by Sakura. Ruskin and Sakura wanted their first born be the son, the heir to their organization of Yakuza and their Shirakiin Foundation. Yura was brought up in luxurious environment and grew up to be an exquisite and elegant, graceful girl.

When Yura was six, Sakura gave birth to another baby, the son, the heir they both wanted. Yura suffered through bullying at home by the little boy. This was why Yura puts up front developed lots of bad habit. Since Yura was of demon ancestry, her family kept her isolated at home. Yura grew up, jealous of her little brother who had more attention and love from their parents. Yura was locked in her room for yearning her little brother’s place. Ruskin scolded Yura for not knowing better that her little brother had to live under her shadow. Yura’s heart gone cold, her mind had realized something then. Yura knew now, she had no one in her life. She had only her Yokai.

Yura’s realization of magic
When Yura was seven, her parents had decided to send her to her grandfather. Since Yura’s grandfather was the demon ancestry where Yura got her demon blood from. Her grandfather told her of her magic and the mages. Yura listened attentively whenever her grandfather told Yura’s of her magics. She would listen attentively and in her mind, she had already decided her own fate. She would have a real new start, a new destiny for her, and herself to be a powerful mage. Yura ended up studying magic and improving her strengths and stamina. Yura spent her whole boring years by improving her swords skills and getting better to know the Yokai.

Bloods in Yura’s hand
Since Yura lives with her grandfather, Yura got more freedom than she did at her home. Yura went back to visit her house back on her birthday with her grandfather. When she got to her house, everyone was busied decorating the house for celebration. Yura’s heart jumps, thinking her parents had indeed, remember her birthday, to find her heart threw into piles of fire since the house was not celebrating her birthday but for her little brother for passing the exam. That was when Yura’s mind snapped, her anger got to peak, her fury had unleashed dark magic in her body, bringing out the Yokai form in her, causing her to get bloods on her hands. She didn’t know what happened but when she came back to conscious state, her parents were dead, so her little brother but did she cry? No. She was glad, they died. Yura then, left the place and noticed she had horns and all, she walked back to her grandfather in blood-soaked. Her grandfather did not scold her but told her what had happened, that her Yokai form had took control. She learnt more of herself and nodded to her grandfather, she changed her clothes, back to her normal form, she decided to walk into the woods.  

Yura meets her love in the woods
Yura was walking in the Obashima’s outskirts, the woods of it. Yura met a tall, handsome, and well-built young man with fairly light skin. He has longish, bright red hair he tends to wear up in a bandana, and green eyes; with an eyepatch over his right eye. Yura sat beside the guy, they spent the time sitting silently without talking. Then, as the sun sets, Yura went back to her home and the day onwards, Yura always meet the guy there. Later, they talked and got hit off, and they spend time together most of the time.

Yura finds her place
As Yura spent her time only in woods, Yura noticed the EisenWald guild's building which is a moderately sized building made of stone surrounded by a forest of dead trees. Yura remembered her grandfather’s words of the guild and such. She walked inside the guild building, found the receptionist and asked if she could join the guild. She nodded her head as she waited for whomever to come. She found the place, with bloods on her hands already, this dark guild is suitable for Yura.  

Last edited by Yura Lust on Tue Dec 31, 2013 10:11 pm; edited 1 time in total

2Yura Lust Empty Re: Yura Lust Tue Dec 31, 2013 11:55 am

Tali Zorah

Tali Zorah
Could you provide one more motivation? Surely power can't be all she wants in the world

3Yura Lust Empty Re: Yura Lust Tue Dec 31, 2013 10:13 pm

Yura Lust

Yura Lust
BUMP :)~

4Yura Lust Empty Re: Yura Lust Tue Dec 31, 2013 10:14 pm

Tali Zorah

Tali Zorah
Ready for approval pending final review by Eve or Lucius

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