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1Lily  Empty Lily Tue Dec 17, 2013 6:23 pm

Lily Nature

Lily Nature

Lily  Lily_zps9acfdce7
 "I have raised hundreds of seedlings over many years, children like you will behave or incur Mother Nature’s wrath!"

Name(s): Lily
Nickname(s): Mother Nature
Age: 100
Sex: Female.
Birthday: X680
Sexuality: Straight, technically but it is a little complicated.
Class: Scout.
Alignment: Neutral good.
Rank: D-class
Guild:Lamina Scale
Guild Tattoo: It is printed across her stomach
Face Claim: N/A


Height: Six feet
Weight: 29kgs
Hair: Pink, or a shade of crimson and reaching roughly half way down her chest
Eyes: Red
General Appearance: The first place to start with will be her head and the colour of her skin. On account of her race Lily's skin colour is a step between green and lime green, making it even more obvious when she is flustered and blushes. Moving onto a more specific area Lily is gifted with fairly attractive good looks and well cared for "hair" that is pink in colour and reaches down to roughly half way down her chest with a light blue/purple flower growing out of it; and yes this flower is actually growing out of her hair, not just a simple accessory.

Moving downwards you have her rather small breasts and general pretty curvy body which combined with her general appearance and facial looks makes her look much younger than she actually is, however this is due to her race being basically flowers with the upper legs and torso of a human growing out of it; that is to say they do not physically age beyond their regardless of how many years they have actually lived for.

The picture may be misleading but from roughly her knees downwards all you will find is a giant purple and light purple flower which may make you ask “but how does she move around?” and the answer to that is simple, growing out of this giant flower is a series of green thorny vines and she uses though to move around either by dragging the bulk of her flower along the ground or, raising the flower off the ground and “running” for the sake of speed but most of the time she just drags her flower along the ground.

Another point I should make is this: she may be stark naked in the picture but she does actually have clothing that she wears which is a pretty “organic” outfit ranging from dress created from flowers and other plant matter all the way to more daring outfits such as T-shirts that show off her cleavage which may not make sense for a motherly women to wear, but I wish to point out an aspect of her appearance which tends to change. Before I mention this changing aspect however, I’d like to point out she does actually wear underwear and shorts on account of the fact her “legs” end at the knees. For colours and general style most of her clothing consists of bright reds, oranges, yellows and purples, basically colours you’d find in flowering plants.

Lastly, she does produce pollen like most flowers do yet due to her both plant and human DNA the pollen she produces is stored inside of her breasts yet is released through the flower growing out of her head as well as a few of the vines she uses for movement as a couple of them do actually flower. Now due to the fact her breasts are basically storage tanks for pollen and nectar they tend to swell if she spends long periods of time in areas with a heavy pollen count, however by long periods of time I mean weeks and months.

Extra: Nothing, except the fact she is a fricken plant.


Personality: First and foremost Lily is an incredibly motherly women, kind and compassionate, she cares greatly for her “children” which may have basically moved out of the house but she still cares for them and would go to any degree to keep them safe. Tying in with this motherly nature Lily is that type of women who treats anybody younger than her like a child that needs protection, at least as long as they are not her enemy. Finishing off this paragraph when it comes to protecting her “children” Lily is more than willing to follow the rules and co-operate with the authorities however, if she personally deems that they cannot help her Lily will just go off and do what must be done by herself.

Being a plant means that her mood is prone to changing depending upon the weather; if it is a sunny and warm day Lily tends to be much more cheerful and happy with a lot more patience and tolerance for things yet, on the flip side of the coin Lily becomes much more grumpy and moody during darker days when the sun is hidden behind the clouds or if the weather has become a lot colder. Again related to the fact she is a combination of a Venus fly trap and a human Lily actually has a pretty moral less side of her personality often showing no personal problem with hunting down and eating another living creature, however this is pretty rare as most of the year sunlight and nutrients taken in through the earth are sufficient.

One other aspect of her personality I wish to mention relates to that first paragraph about her motherly nature; when it comes to parenting you’ll find Lily is a rather tough stubborn tree who sticks her roots down, metaphorically, and will not budge. How this relates to her motherly side is that if her “children” or one she views as her child misbehaves she will tell them straight up that they have done wrong and will punish them accordingly. How she punishes her children, either her real ones or adopted ones, tends to be pretty average normal parenting methods; she takes away things they enjoy or denies them privileges such as games or chocolate.

When it comes to her general attitude Lily is actually a pretty dedicated adult women, if a problem is presented to her she doesn’t sit around on her petals waiting for somebody else to resolve it, she goes out and does it herself which I suppose basically makes her very independent. However, despite her independence she does actually want a husband, a permanent one not just a male who’d pollenate her seeds which doesn’t happen via sex as it is done via air born spores, just to make it clear. Going back to the fact she wants a husband, the reason why Lily wants a husband is because for quite a lot of her life she has observed human families and know genuinely wants a family. Tying in with this Lily is actually a romantic and often prone to infatuation with those who she encounters via a romantic set up, even if the individual she meets didn't intend any romance.


  • The sunlight; the reason for this is obvious as Lily shares DNA with plants and as such uses photosynthesis to generate energy. This love of sunlight is also one of the reasons for a hobby of hers, but I will mention that  in more detail later.
  • The water and swimming; Again this is due to her being part plant and oh yes, she swims with that giant flower bud of hers on account of it you know, being attached to her.
  • Kids; plan and simply Lily loves kids on account of her personality.
  • Meat; just meat in general which again is a like she developed on account of her race, after all when sunlight is sparse and the soil contains poor nutrients Lily indulges her carnivorous side and resorts to meat.


  • Vegetables, eating vegetables for her is like being a cannibal when you think about it.
  • The cold; like many of her likes and dislikes this dislike of the cold is due to her race; for her the cold means no sunlight and no warmth which for her carries a risk of death.
  • Any kind of bug that eats plants; she has no problem with bugs that just live on plants or trees, such as beehives, but if a bug or insect comes along that eats plants, such as caterpillars, she will not be a happy plant lady.
  • Bullies, due to her motherly personality she dislikes bullies and will not stand for anybody pushing around those younger than them or older for that matter.

Finding a husband and creating what she calls "a real family" and by husband I don't mean a mate, I mean somebody who she loves that loves her and would stay with her.

  • Fire, she is deathly afraid of fire due to how deadly it is for her.
  • Books and paper in general, as well as any material made from trees. The reason for this fear is because she is a plant herself and paper comes from trees, which to her means you basically killed a living creature and turned it into a book.

Positive Traits:

  • Alertness (+2): You have finely tuned senses.
  • Breath Control (+3): You enjoy an almost legendary ability to master the air in your lungs. You may hold in your breath for multiple posts

Negative Traits:

  • Night Blindness (-2): Your night vision isn't worth squat, due to a physiological deficiency. This is due to a birth defect, and therefore cannot be healed by any means.
  • Intolerance (-1): You have an irrational dislike of a certain thing. It may be an animal, a class of person, a situation, or just about anything at all. Note that some dislikes may be too trivial or ridiculous to count--a dislike of Bavarian-crème-filled donuts or mechanical pencils, for example, has no real dramatic value and will not be allowed. Lily is utterly intolerant of bullying.
  • Star-crossed (-1): You keep falling in love with the wrong people. You're the common soldier who falls in love with the king's daughter at first sight, or the hero who falls for the villain's daughter without knowing who she is.
  • Cautious (-1): You are uneasy engaging in behavior that carries a chance of failure. You must spend twice as long performing any skill that requires an action. For example, deciphering a page of text would take 2 minutes for you instead of 1.


Magic: Rise of the thorns
Caster or Holder: Caster
Description: Rise of the thorns is a combination of both magical talents all members of Lily's race possess and practice that she has undertaken throughout her life time. Tying in with the nature theme rise of the thorns allows communication with other less sentient plants, production of nectar with healing abilities, the ability to produce and release non-poisonous spores which can have numerous effects, one of them being debuff effects such as lowering defensive powers or making enemies slower.

Lastly the ability to control and use the vines that grow out from the flower at her base and use them as limbs or weapons. This magic is also able to absorb sunlight and water magic using it to power her abilities and no, this doesn’t render water or sunlight magic useless, it just reduces the effectiveness.
Strengths: The main strength to this magic is that it has both offensive and supportive effects being able to dish out damage and poison foes while also allowing supportive effects such as buffs or minor healing.
Another strength is the fact her magic is able to absorb both water and sunlight and use it to power her own abilities on account of photosynthesis.
Fire, fire will also be a instant win magic against Lily and her own unique brand of magic.
In an area where she doesn't have access to decent amounts of sunlight or nutrients in the soil Lily's magic weakens and while it doesn't become unusable, it has a 25% reduction in power which I will list in the specific spells.


Having lived for one hundred years Lily has quite an extensive history for me to go in depth upon and so I feel that a sufficient starting point would be her child years. Unlike human children Lily only physically remained a child for about a single year being ready for breeding reaching adult age. More in depth about her childhood though Lily's childhood was filled with learning about the world, how to look after herself, how to use her magical talents and other stuff that would be necessary for her to survive upon her own and when Lily had learned this skills she was sent out into the world by herself.

The first real adventure she had after basically being cast off into the world was encountering a village of humans and at first the villagers where not trusting of her and with good reason; she was a naked women who from the knees down was a giant moving flower which moved across the land but, all it took for Lily to actually be able to have a conversation with the villages without them fleeing in fear was a simple child of the village that ended up wondering beyond its outskirts one night. And oh, on a side note I wish to point out that Lily was taught to speak English, or the language used inside of Fiore.

Now this child that had wondered out into the wilderness found themselves in a dangerous spot; wolves and lots of lots wolves hunted down the child looking for dinner only and this was how Lily got involved. Following the howls of the wolves and the sound of a crying child Lily found herself be the pack of wolves and the child and while it would have been very easy for her to just walk away, but instead she chose to fight and actually ended up saving this young child's life who in return seemed incredibly happy about it.

However, when the search party from the village found Lily hugging the child at first they where confused but thanks to the kid not being a total jackass and showing some gratitude, managed to explain the situation and while yes, I'll admit this event didn't eliminate all negativity towards Lily, it at least made a few of the villagers a little more accepting of her. This small amount of acceptance she had earned gave her the chance to make some real friends which ended up with her being friends with pretty much everybody inside of the town and living among them.

So yeah, after she was accepted into the village and all that Lily eventually became known as a sort of baby sitter which only further moulded Lily into the motherly women she is today. Now, for pretty much twenty nine years of her life this was enough for Lily yet eventually the inborn desire to reproduce soon took hold and so following the scent of pollen upon the wind she left the village saying good bye to her friends and oh, I feel I should mention though out her entire life she refined and practised her magical talents and another thing, living with the villagers is how she developed a fashion sense which is rather rare for her kind to do.

Moving on swiftly though, Lily soon found a male of her own race and through cross pollination her own seeds where fertilized and as she knew of a perfect place to raise her own off spring returned to the village much to her villager friends happiness and joy. Speaking of happiness and joy the fact Lily was basically pregnant was a wonderful event worthy of celebration and while having to raise her own seedlings meant Lily's baby sitting business was basically closed, she was still perfectly happy. And so yeah, following her inborn desires after a year of raising kids, then a year of resting this actually happened a few more times through out her life.

However.. call this a mid life crisis but at age sixty Lily started to feel.. depressed, on account of how her race reproduces and the behaviour inherent inside of them Lily always found her self feeling alone and a little unloved after the seedlings she raised went out into the world and this was only made worse when she looked around at other families and saw that they tended to consist of both children and two parents; to summarize it basically made her feel unloved.  

To try and deal with this at first Lily actually started to have people tell her romantic stories and tales and while yes, she could have simply read romance novels her self the fact she knew they where made from trees, which to her seemed like distant family members, made her feel sick hence why she had them read to her. At first simply using her imagination was enough to cheer her up but eventually that stopped working and when she reached age seventy Lily made a choice, perhaps the biggest of her life, and this choice was basically deciding to leave the village permanently and search for her one true love.

And as sad as this may sound she has spent years doing that and yet hasn't found anybody who she feels attracted to romantically but despite that her belief and force of will means she has not given up hope and at age 100, which brings us to modern times, she has decided that the next step in her journey for mister right would be to join up with a guild and after perusing all the ones she had to choose from, picked Lamina scale and well, there we have it, modern time.

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