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1Yuuki Sousetsu Empty Yuuki Sousetsu Thu Dec 19, 2013 8:26 pm

Jin Takahashi

Jin Takahashi

   Yuuki Sousetsu Char10
   "Doubt them. Question them, suspect them... and take a good, long look into their hearts. Humans are the kind of beings that can't put their pain into words, after all."

Name(s): Yuuki Sousetsu
Nickname(s): Yuuki
Age: 18
Sex: Male
Birthday: December 13 X762
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Class: Cleric
Alignment: Neutral Good
Rank: D
Guild: Lamia Scale
Guild Tattoo: Left Shoulder
Face Claim: Jack Frost - Rise of the Guardians


Height: 5'4"
Weight: 58 kg
Hair: Short White hair
Eyes: Light Sky blue eyes
General Appearance: Yuuki has white short hair that is said matched well with his striking blue eyes. He has a tall stature and a slim body built. Most of the time He is seen wearing a long brown jacket, white plain v-neck shirt partnered with light brown pants and a simple shoe. He also carries around a mid-length staff with a G-Shaped arch on the end that resembles a shepherd's crook. He usually put the staff on his back.
Extra: None


Personality: Yuuki Sousetsu is the kind of guy who is kind and friendly by nature meaning he was born that way and he would never change. Being kind doesn't apply to all people at all times, it only applies to those he trust and for those who are worthy of his kindness. He always prefer to be along with his guild mates and also plans to have his own team when doing missions. His friendly nature becomes a perfect quality for him as a celestial mage. He always prefer to be friendly with his spirits treating them as his friends not his minions or underlings. He is both quiet and talkative at the same time. If he feels like talking then he would talk to people like there's no tomorrow and if he know that there is no use in talking then he would rather stay shut. He is also flexible in some situations he knows where stand and he knows how to handle those kind of situations. Even though he really likes being in cold places doesn't mean he is cold by nature, In fact, from all those personalities mentioned above he is warm and easy to approach especially when someone gain his trust.

In a battle or a mission he is the kind of guy who prefers waiting and plotting all the moves they are gonna make. He always prefer to have plans rather than attacking head on, he believe doing it would just cause trouble and end up losing and he doesn't like the idea of someone dying because of his lack of plans.

  • He likes to stay in cold places and in cooler weathers.
  • He likes to train with his spirit and
  • He likes being in good terms and relationship with them.
  • Because of his friendly nature he likes to be friends with all of his guild mates


  • He doesn't like being accused of something he doesn't do
  • One thing he doesn't like to believe that human is evil in nature when they are born but still they can be evil.
  • He doesn't like the dark guilds.
  • He doesn't like dark areas because of his birth defect.

Motivations: He has a dream to become one of the Wizard saints and this is one of his motivations as a mage.

  • Spiders - One of his greatest fears, he is scared of spiders because of their creepy appearance. He can't stand looking at a spider even for 5 seconds.
  • Death - He doesn't fear his own death but the he fear the death of his friends, families or allies.

Positive Traits:

  • Swift (+3): You are fleet of foot. When running, you move three times your normal speed.
  • Agile (+3): You are particularly flexible and poised.

Negative Traits:

  • Derangement/Insanity (-3) -- Phobia[Spiders]: A character afflicted by a phobia persistently fears a particular object or situation. She realizes that the fear is excessive and irrational, but the fear is disturbing enough that she avoids the stimulus.
  • Night Blindness (-2): Your night vision isn't worth squat, due to a physiological deficiency. This is due to a birth defect, and therefore cannot be healed by any means.
  • Hedonistic (-1): You love a good time. You party too much, drink too much, and eat too much. You have trouble resisting an invitation to join someone in a drink and sometimes shirk your duty if offered a more enjoyable time elsewhere. Whenever a good time is presented you let your guard. You're also not capable to resist seduction of any sort. It's just not in your nature to resist such opportunities.


Magic: Celestial Mage
Caster or Holder: Holder Type
Description:Celestial Spirit summoning is a magic which allows the user to summon great beings for offensive, defensive, and supplementary purposes. Each being belongs to a different key. When a key is found, the user must create a contract with it, and thus the relationship between gate keeper and spirit begins. However, if the user breaks this contract, the spirit can go away. The contract can be broken by breaking a promise, going to jail, or being unable to use the spirit such as being in a coma, or dead.

There are two types of keys, gold, and silver. Silver are the most common, and they very in rank depending on how powerful they are. Most of these spirits are humanoid, however, a few are known to be beasts. Gold keys, however, are all humanoids, and are the most powerful of all the spirits. However, no two spirits are the same. Each spirit has its own unique strengths and weaknesses, whether they be physical or mental weaknesses.
Strengths: Allows the user to summon great beings which can aid him in battle. Each being is completely different, meaning that there is a wide range of techniques and elements used. This gives the user a bit of an upper hand as long as they see the opponents skills before summoning. At higher ranks, the user can summon multiple gates. Also the spirit never dies! It can only be sent back to the spirit world were it heals up.
Weaknesses: Most of the spirits have a mind of their own, meaning that they can be arrogant, and do not always have to do exactly what the summoner tells them to. If the user makes his/her spirit mad, they can close their own gate.
This is an expensive magic. Keys are not only rare but they cost a lot of magic because of it. As each spirit has its own, unique strength, it also has its own weaknesses.
Once a spirit is damaged to the point where they are sent back to the spirit world, they cannot be summoned again for the rest of that thread. The spirit can only be summoned if the user has the key. The spirit is summoned at the exact same spot as where the gate was opened.


History: Yuuki was born in a family of mages. His father and mother are both Celestial mages and there is no reason for him to be not one.

When he was borned both of his parents we're happy. They we're just surprised that he has a white hair and striking blue eyes. His father and mother have both black hair and both of them have brown eyes. Yuuki inherited his hair and eyes' color from his grandfather on his father side. Both of his parents believed that he would be a fine and strong mage like his father.

At an early age he was taught how to make contract with some spirits. He was given his first celestial key, a silver one. His father taught him on how to make contract with the celestial spirit. When the spirit was called Yuuki was fascinated on how cool the magic is. He then made a contract with the spirit. At first the spirit was in contract with his father and the spirit was in doubt to be in contract with Yuuki because he was still a child but the spirit was convinced by Yuuki's father. When Yuuki gain his first spirit his mother taught him how to fight using the spirits and as years pass he finally learn how to use his celestial magic.

When he was 12 years old he was brought by his father to a guild, Lamia Scale. From that time he began to be a fully pledged mage under the name of Lamia Scale together with his father. He was thought the basics of being a mage by some members of the guild. Also at this age his mother died due to sickness and all the keys in possession of his mother were transferred to his father. His father promised him to give him a golden key as a present for his birthday next year. Even he was promised with that gift he was still sad because of her mother's death. From that moment on he trained harder and harder for his mother and finally decided that he wanted to join the Wizard saints.

At the age of 13 years old, like promised, his father gave him a new key. He received a golden key , Pisces, he was happy and lonely at the same time. He missed his mother so much and he was happy because of the new key. It will give him new access to a gate. Just like he did before he opened the gate and made contract with the key. Years passed and he trained his body and achieved a state where in he is much more agile and swift compare to other mages. He can run faster and move faster.

When he was 18 his father decided to take on a S class request and because it was a S class request Yuuki knew that his father would leave for a long time. He then asked his father that he have to make sure he has to return safely and succesfully and he also promised that when he returned he would be one of the wizard saints.

He knew to himself that when his father leave everything would be now on his hands, especially in training. The keys he possess are the only memories from both of his mother and his father.

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