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1Melkiador Belzander Empty Melkiador Belzander Sun Dec 08, 2013 9:06 am

Melkiador Belzander

Melkiador Belzander

Melkiador Belzander Wallpaper-151741
   "I have a world of machines on my side.  What have you got?"

Name(s): Melkiador Belzander
Nickname(s): "Mel". Sometimes "Bel", but he hates that. “Kid”, tolerates.
Age: 14
Sex: Male
Birthday: 28/11/X766
Sexuality: Straight
Class: Cleric
Alignment: Neutral Good.  People matter.  Laws are only good when they serve the people.
Rank: D
Guild: Not yet, but probably Blue Pegasus
Guild Tattoo:  On his back. Very dark Blue.
Face Claim: Simon from Gurren Lagann


Height: 5'1". He's still growing.
Weight: 110.
Hair: Blue
Eyes: Very dark brown. Almost black.
General Appearance: (Include their body type, clothing etc. This should be at least 75 words.)
An average looking young man of small stature and weight, so he looks younger than his actual age by a couple of years.  His hair and eyes are very dark, each bordering on being black, but his skin is fairly white, showing a life spent indoors and covered in coal dust.  When he can afford it, Mel prefers to wear mixes of bright, primary colors: reds, blues, yellows, whites and blacks.  His vibe is currently unconfident and he doesn’t make a strong impression on others.

Extra: Loves goggles and sunglasses.  Wears guild crest on clothes.


Personality: (Requires at least 200 words.)
Mel is a fairly well intentioned young man, but he is still a bit immature.  He wants to prove himself to others and currently has a low sense of self worth.  He is very thankful to the village that raised him and wants to prove himself to them maybe most of all.  He is naturally very honest and not very good at lying or acting.  Once started on a task he will work diligently at it to completion.  Being unable to finish something can weigh heavy on his mind.  He is of slightly above average intelligence and very introspective.  He can spend a long time making decisions.  To compensate for this, he tends to have pre-formulated plans with ‘plans b through z’ for foreseen contingencies.  When he reaches an unforeseen circumstance, he finds it very difficult and will obsess afterwards about his thoughtlessness.  He tries to keep an upbeat attitude and encourages others to do so, but is actually very gloomy most of the time.  Being self aware of how negative his outlook is, he always tries to make up for it, but usually fails.  He is excited and terrified about his new path in life.  He knows his new career as a Mystical Machine Mage is important, but he can’t help but feel someone else would be better at it.  


  • Meat
  • Machines
  • Small places
  • Most small mammals
  • Flowers


  • Celestial Spirits/Spirit Mages
  • Being outside
  • God Slayers
  • Spicy foods
  • Being weak


  • To restore the Mystical Machine World, by finding missing machines and parts.
  • To defeat the Dark Machine Empire.
  • Girls are a recent distracting interest
  • Gaining allies/Not being alone


  • Worms
    : Stemming from fear of deep worms in the caves, which actually are quite dangerous, it trickles down to even the common nightcrawler.
  • Storms
    : When you live in the mines you rarely know it’s storming.  Being out in them is shocking.  Will always seek the best possible shelter when a storm is coming.

Positive Traits:

  • Regeneration (+4): You heal very fast inside and outside of combat. Small cuts that go up to one inch deep are healed in the next post.
  • Nimble Fingers (+2): You are adept at manipulating small, delicate objects. This involves things such as a small mechanics and locks.

Negative Traits: (The negative special characteristics compensate for your positive ones to bring your total to 0. Use the list code to fill this in. Only use the characteristics from the rules.)

  • Indecisive (-1): You have been known to hesitate when faced with difficult choices or split-second decisions. If forced to choose between letting a villain escape and rescuing a loved one from being lowered into a snake pit, you're likely to agonize over the situation until something--perhaps a cry for help from your sweetheart--forces your hand.
  • Intolerance (Celestial Spirits)(-1): You have an irrational dislike of a certain thing. It may be an animal, a class of person, a situation, or just about anything at all. Note that some dislikes may be too trivial or ridiculous to count--a dislike of Bavarian-crème-filled donuts or mechanical pencils, for example, has no real dramatic value and will not be allowed.
  • Curiosity (-1): You're a naturally curious person and you find mysteries of any sort irresistible. In most circumstances, alas, your curiosity overrides your common sense.This forces you to investigate something unusual, even if it looks like it might be dangerous.
  • Bruise Easily (-2): Each time you take bludgeoning damage, including that from falls, you take more damage than any other person.
  • Allergies (bees)(-1): You are afflicted with allergies. These may be something as simple as hay fever, but the reactions to such will result in something like a huge bout of sneezing and gasping. You must mention this allergy in your character application.  (Character not actually aware of this one yet.)


Magic: Mystical Machine Magic (Machines Summoning)
Caster or Holder: Holder (Omega Key)
Description: Mystical Machine Magic is the summoning of mechanical objects and creatures from the Mystical Machine World, aka MMW.  This is done through an Omega Key.  The Omega Key is a device from the MMW that allows for the summoning of machines to a bonded user.  It has a voice interface and a semi-solid holographic display for displaying information about or from the summons.

Strengths: This magic allows for the summoning of various mechanical creatures and objects.  These summons can be further enhanced through following spells.  Such as allowing a motorcycle to turn into a robot or vice versa, or even allowing for temporary power-ups to the existing forms.  A handful of spells may allow for the enhancement of mundane machines, but this is not the norm.  Machines have variable strengths depending on their design.  Almost all machines lack the biological components to be affected by attacks targeting biology, such as poisons.
Weaknesses: As a holder type magic, the Omega key represents a huge vulnerability as it can be stolen or temporarily damaged.  Because of the mystical nature of the summons, they are vulnerable to god slayer magics.  Individual summons will have differing weaknesses, though many are weak to water and lightning damage.  The MMW is at odds with the Celestial Spirit World for unspecified reasons, so Celestial Spirits and Mystical Machines hate to work together and love to fight each other.


History: (At least 400 words)
Mel was raised in the mining community of Rubyridge, in the mountains east of Hargeon.  He was discovered in the mines there as a young boy with no memory of where he came from.  The villagers took him in and raised him among their own children, though he had no permanent home.  At a young age, he started working in the mines to earn his keep.  He quickly became considered lucky in the mines, as wherever he would go to play would turn out to be the location of a rich vein of minerals.  He was often free to wander the caves in the hopes his luck would lead to more riches.

In one of his wanderings, he noticed an odd glimmering down a deep natural crevice in the mines.  He hoped it would be another new vein of minerals, because that always made everyone so happy.  As he tried to wedge himself into the crevice to get a better look, his footing slipped and he found himself falling.  He landed with a loud thump and lay there for a while catching his breath.  When he came to his senses, he looked around and found himself in a large chamber, that didn’t look at all natural.  In the center of the chamber was a large metal monolith.  It seemed to hum and shudder with a life of its own.  Curiosity drove Mel closer, until he found himself in front of the monolith.  Putting his hand on it, he felt a pleasant warmth run through him, but then suddenly there was a bright flash blasting Mel backwards.

Mel awoke in a bed in the healer’s hut, confused about what had happened.  The healer informed him that he had been missing for days before the workers had found him unconscious outside the caves.  When they found him he had been clutching some odd looking technological device.  The healer handed it to Mel hoping it would help jog his memories of what had happened in this absence.  It was irregular and shiny and shaped a bit like mix between a flashlight and an electric screwdriver.  As Mel grabbed hold of the device he felt that same warmth as from the monument and quickly dropped it in fear, but no bright flash followed this time.  Stiffening up he grabbed the device again.  This time his head flooded with images of faraway lands, a machine city and a great war.  Mel had to know more.

Taking the device in hand Mel raced back to the mines intent on finding the monument again, but alas the crevice he had tried exploring before was no longer there.  A natural stone wall stood in its place.  Lying there in the cave, Mel tried studying the device.  Pressing a small button, a voice echoed in his head.  “Hello User, would you like to begin your tutorial.”  The device then began giving Mel all the information he would need to start his journey of being a Mystical Machine Mage.  It told that it was an Omega Key and how he would need to search out the missing Mystic Matrices and the Machine Sages and of how he would have to face the perils of the Dark Machine Empire.  But those are stories that will wait for a future day.  In the present time, Mel is seeking out friends to help him in his journeys.

Last edited by Melkiador on Mon Dec 09, 2013 9:58 pm; edited 2 times in total

2Melkiador Belzander Empty Re: Melkiador Belzander Mon Dec 09, 2013 3:10 pm

Melkiador Belzander

Melkiador Belzander
Well, I guess my review is mostly ready for review. It doesn't feel quite right, but if I keep changing it, I'll never get done.

Let me know if you have any ideas for things I can change.

Thank you.

3Melkiador Belzander Empty Re: Melkiador Belzander Mon Dec 09, 2013 3:19 pm


Please copy paste the entire Positive and Negative Traits with description.

4Melkiador Belzander Empty Re: Melkiador Belzander Mon Dec 09, 2013 5:59 pm

Melkiador Belzander

Melkiador Belzander
Done. Any other suggestions?

5Melkiador Belzander Empty Re: Melkiador Belzander Mon Dec 09, 2013 9:59 pm

Melkiador Belzander

Melkiador Belzander
Cleaned up my use of list.

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