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1LeeAnn Nakamura  Empty LeeAnn Nakamura Tue Feb 09, 2016 10:21 pm

LeeAnn Nakamura

LeeAnn Nakamura

   LeeAnn Nakamura  197573
   "We need to have a mask that we never take off"


Name(s): LeeAnn Sophia Nakamura
Nickname(s): Sophie, Lucid Soul, The Blue Flash
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Birthday: October 31st
Sexuality: Asexual (If she had to choose, Straight)
Rank: B
Guild: Alabaster Wolves
Face Claim:Aoba/Sly Blue from Draumatical  Murder


Height: 5'9"
Weight: 145.5 lbs
Hair: Bright blue
Eyes: Electric Yellow
Description: At first glance, LeeAnn has a loosk of either/or of a male or female. She really is a female, but flat chested. She very tall for a girl and has more of a male built with broad shoulders and less curves than a girl usually. It's something she uses to her advantage though. She is well fit and toned. Her posture could use some work though.

With long blue hair and a electric yellow eyes, a rare combo that gets her a lots of looks. Not only that, but she has black colored skin that pulses with disgustion. This mark is on the right side of her face down her neck and covered her full right arm. She covers this with her long sleeved blue shirt and glove. She refuses to put on bandages since it would cause trouble for her in battle. For clothes, she wears a long sleeved blue shirt with basic blue jeans. She always wears a white and neon blue coat that has a patch on her left arm. She has pink headphones on her that look cheap but cool at the same time. Always wears her boots that are white, blue, black, and yellow with her matching neon blue belt.


"Being forgotten is just like a Shadow. You are there, but no ever notices you"

Personality: LeeAnn is a woman who has her ducks aligned in a row. She is very uptight about how she does things and gets them done. She has a backbone to the world after being hurt, burned, stabbed, broken, and tortured. LeeAnn doesn't let anyone push her around and tries to stay away from humans in general. Working with a team, as long as its for professional reasons. Accepting help is hard for her but eventually with enough pushing she will break. For a woman her age, she can observe people very well and knows a lot about the world around her. LeeAnn loves to learn all she can to benefit her in her personal quest to fulfill her duty in to improve herself. She is not one to quit but rather overwork herself.

LeeAnn is a stubborn woman and very much stuck in her ways of life. Telling her how to live her life will result in a punch of two. Being around things she despises brings out the worst in her. She is easily disgust by the smallest things or the smallest behavior people portray. It is hard to befriend Lee, she builds a wall around herself to conceal her true emotions. She remain a calm face. Sometimes she holds a cold face or other times its more serous. LeeAnn remains professional in duties of her guild and on missions. She is one to do her part fully and aims to overdo it sometimes. She does has a tendacey to never be pleased with her work. The girl is too hard on herself when it comes to everything in terms of career as a mage.  One of her major flaws about her, she overworks herself and never takes a break. She snaps a people for no apparent reason since she stresses herself out.

Beyond her touch and thick shell, LeeAnn is a very nice and tries to help out all people she can secretly. She is one to act tough and not allow people to boss her around, but she can soften up when she feels relaxed. Once you gain her trust, you have it for life. Though, if you burn her. You will never gain it back. Those who befriend LeeAnn are greatly rewarded with a nice and happy girl who can finally relax. She really does love to have fun and is extremely sarcastic in everything she does and says. She is not miss-happy-go-lucky, but she is happy and shows a smile rather a cold deadly stare. This is shown more around her guild mates than anything. Once she loosens up around people she knows, she can relax a bit.


  • Illness:Being held back her whole life, she felt like she always had a leash on her. People had put her down saying she was too fragile. She is ambitious to prove to everyone she is not some fucked up piece of trash.
  • Her family:This does not consister of her blood realtives other than her brother, but the people she holds dear which consist of four people. Her two guardians, her exceed, and her brother. She may not like to admit it, but she wouldn't be here today if it weren't for them.


  • Being Forgotten: Living in the shadows is something she has done before. It was painful! One of the things she fears, no one noticing when she is gone.
  • Death: A common death for any sort of person. Anyone is afraid of parting ways with their loved ones and friends. Something LeeAnn doesn't want to encounter yet.
  • Heights: Very high places make her dizzy and faint. She fears heights because of the consisant fear of looking over then falling and links to death.


  • Gnocchi A foreign food she fell in love with that she learned out to make. A potato type dish that you put with butter and salt and its perfecto! She and her exceed learned how to make it.
  • Winning Anyone loves to win. Makes Lee feel accomplished and like she is making progress from her training.
  • Fooling People: One things she loves to do is fool people, this is her fun. The biggest trick she LOVES to do is fool people into thining she is a guy. Sometimes this doesn't work, but if it does she will fool them to the extreme. She likes to have fun with this.


  • Loosing: As much as she hates being held back, she is super competitive. She is a good sport, but she hates loosing. Makes her feel really bad and behind.
  • Pity/Charity: People all her life feel sorry for her since she was sick and extremely ill as a child. She still is, but pushes her limits. People who try to give her money or feel sorry for just disgust her.
  • Asking for Help: Being a proud person, she REALLY hates asking for help from anyone. It takes her guardians and her exceed to get her to do something. It hurts her pride a lot, but she knows that she needs help but denies it.

Positive Characteristics:

  • Deceitful (+2): You have a knack for disguising the truth. Your lies are difficult to distinguish from the truth.
    Explanation: Players can lie to enemies when being questioned and won't get caught if they're lying.
  • Stealthy (+3): You are particularly good at avoiding notice. You could be sitting somewhere in a thread at a bar and people wouldn't even notice that you were there.
    Explanation: You are able to blend into a crowd, and those entering threads cannot initiate conversation with you until you speak or state your presence in an obvious matter by doing something that draws the attention of others.
  • Blindsight (+4): Using senses such as acute hearing and sensitivity to vibrations, you detect the location of opponents who are no more than five feet away from you. Darkness and Invisibility are irrelevant, though you cannot detect non corporeal beings.
    Explanation: Self Explanatory
  • Diehard (+2): You can remain conscious after attacks that would fell others.
    Explanation: Allows for 1 A-Rank spell to be shrugged off. Damage is still applied, but no pain is shown. Limit of once per battle.

Negative Characteristics:

  • Daredevil (-2): You only really feel alive when you're staring death in the face. Your character is addicted to the thrill of death-defying stunts, pushing themselves to the limit at every available opportunity.
    Explanation: You can't refuse the opportunity of engaging into combat with anyone or anything that is stronger than you. You also always volunteer and perform tasks that have a risk attached to them when you are in a group.
  • Proud (-1): You don't like accepting help from others. If a gift or offer of aid smacks of charity or pity even the slightest bit, you grow indignant and refuse it.
    Explanation: You win 10% less jewels from wheel spins.
  • Intolerance (-1) [Pity/Charity]: You have an irrational dislike of a certain thing. It may be an animal, a class of person, a situation, or just about anything at all. Note that some dislikes may be too trivial or ridiculous to count--a dislike of Bavarian-crème-filled donuts or mechanical pencils, for example, has no real dramatic value and will not be allowed.
    Explanation: You must act very disgusted and displeased when your dislike comes into play.
  • Disfigurement (-2) [Black mark on her left side of her face, neck and full right arm]: A hideous disfigurement makes you ugly and easy to notice and easy to remember. Whatever your particular choice of disfigurement, it has to be something blatantly obvious to a casual glance. In addition, as it is a birth deformity, it cannot be healed, though you could employ magics to cover it via illusions in some instances, and perhaps utilize high level magics to transform yourself into a more pleasing form for the duration, though you'll always have the lingering fear of it being dispelled.
    Explanation: You have a visible major disfigurement.
  • Arrogant (-1): You firmly believe that you are better than anyone else is. Your ideas are the best, your clothes are the most stylish, and you have to let everyone else know how much better you are. Once in a while you openly show contempt or disdain for someone else.
    Explanation: You must at least act arrogant one out of five posts.
  • Curiosity (-1): You're a naturally curious person and you find mysteries of any sort irresistible. In most circumstances, alas, your curiosity overrides your common sense. This forces you to investigate something unusual, even if it looks like it might be dangerous.
    Explanation: You will walk deeper into the forest you have never been before. You won't turn around from the castle that you have never seen. This can result into getting you into very dangerous situations.
  • Generalized Anxiety Disorder (-3): The character suffers from a variety of physical and emotional symptoms that can be grouped into certain categories (select a single category).
    Explanation: Character has a tendency to snap at people for no reason.


Magic: Lucid Light
Type: Caster
Element: Light
Description: Taught by the Gaurdians, Concord and Sylveon, spirits who are aligned with the element of light. If they take on a vessel, this specific magic can be taught. It is specific of who it accepts depending on your intentions for using it. It's a ancient magic that is very sacred and rare. Barely unheard of, not many people know about it. It is used for offensive and defensive purposes and occasionally with supplementary. Lucid Light allows the caster to cast powerful light spells and grows with the right training. Lucid Light uses a users motivation to power it up. If a user's motivation is all gone or none at the moment, the magic will not be as powerful or will not response upon command. It's really emotional based besides motivation, the magic will change color to whatever the caster feels. For example, if the user feels angry the color would show red or if one is happy or full of excitement it shows the color yellow. If one is filled with negative energy or surrounded by it, the magic will make the user feel pain that is undescribeable. Its a risky magic, but w rewarding.



The Start

"It hurts to know i know almost all the kinds of emotional pain there is to offer in this world. Yet I still stand. What drives me?"

Born of to the youngest of the Nakamura Family, she had a normal life with two parents and her older brother, Hikaru. Unlike her brother who was born healthy, she was born with an illness that put her in the hospital consistently giving her severe headaches, fainting, fatigue, and loss of appitite. These were the few symptoms she had as a kid. With this drawback, she felt dependent on everyone. Her parents didn't know what to do with her since she was always sick and stuck indoors. She knew her brother was year older than her and training like crazy for magic. Being stuck indoors all the time, she was refrained from doing any physical activity and magical training. She read a lot of books giving her a vast knowledge of everything from history to magic. Her parents had a huge library and she read it all within two to three years. Within these years, mother would keep an eyes on her to make sure she wasn't doing anything stupid. As time went on, she would see less and less of her brother. Hikaru was something she could look forward to as time would lurk upon the long days. She had realized that she was in a cage upon age seven and thats when she decided to do something about it.

"I learned in order to escape my life and problems is to evolve. Only I can make myself happy and show everyone I am not weak"

The change

Having an illness, she never thought that would hold her back. If her brother could do it, she could too. So upon those long, cool summer night she would sneak out of hte house while her parents and her brother were asleep. LeeAnn had read upon training for magic for beginners that she stole from her brother's room. Long training sessions she would slowly push herself further and further each night. Her body was getting fit, but not her magical skill. She could only go so far doing this alone. At the age of 8, she stumbled upon a small cave far from her house. She had gotten lost and was having one of her coughing fits. In rags and covered in dirt, she went inside the cave. Upon it was a large crystal that shown a blue aura. It made LeeAnn curious and decided to touch it. Upon its touch, it released a light that turn it purple then pink while something came out of it. A form of a dog-like creature and a fox with ribbons wrapped around her. Guardians. Their names were Concord and Sylveon. From there on, they decided to help the young girl on her quest. Concord saw the need this girl needed after her long while of crying and suffer she had in ehr heart.

"Finally, my cries were heard upon that my wishes and desire became reality"

Secret training they would give her as proper instructors to aid her in her skills. One day, her mother saw her training for magic. Bringing this to Lee's father, they decided to enroll her in school. At the age of 9, Leeann had to take an entrance exam to get into one of the top schools in Fiore. Taking the entrance exame, she passed with flying colors. Having hte highest score ever in the history of all entrance exams. Upon recognition, she was placed in the highest classes. It was a lot of work, but LeeAnn found it to be fun learning. She learned more about magic and herself. Though, the other student made fun of her mark that she was born with and that she looked like a boy. Teasing her and would pull her hair in the locker room. She was passive since she was not used to people. One day it went too far, someone attempted to shove her in the locker and close it. LeeAnn had fought back and nearly killed the girl who tried. Concord and Sylveon spiritually had to hold her back. With that motion, the school kicked her out loosing all honors and tution that her parents had paid. It was then she felt ashamed she as kicked out, but she felt like she had cheated her parents out. At age 13, Leeann finally had enough. She decided to tell her parents that she needed to spread her wings and soar.

With that, she promised she would come back and make them proud. Most of all. To prove to them nad everyone else that she would come back to shove in their faces of how stupid they were to doubt her.

"I would told by Sylveon, you could learn more about this world through experience than through a book"

The Journey

"Turning your hatred and sorrow into motivation is the best way to prove to those you doubt you your whole life what you are made of. Let them eat your dirt and move on"

Having pure hatred built into her since she had left. Things had finally hit her. Her parents were actually glad they didn't have to pay tution for her schooling. Having doubts about her parents and if they were lying to her all of her life. She then felt forgotten.

Leeann traveled all over Fiore with her guardians by her side at all times. During her travels, she would take the most daring jobs and pushing her limits as far as they would go. Using her vast knowledge, she would slay monsters twice her size. Most of the time, she would fail most of the time for her rank since she was a great liar about her rank and power. Her clients would explain her as "Begging for trouble" or "living on the edge". Daredevil is the right word to explain this trait. Concord and Sylveon would put her through training sessions in aiding her. The thought about joining a guild had crossed her mind, but she refrained from that idea since it had to deal with...people. She was never rich and struggled to make money for someone with a low rank like her. She would do odd job to get her by. Most of the time, she would camp out in the woods and travel from town to town taking jobs. Leeann had gotten to be a master cook fending for herself.

LeeAnn was very anti-social. People had refused to serve her because of her mark. Religious people had called her the devil or a bad omen. Even light guilds would close their doors. Feeling rejected, she would do the same thing back to people giving them the taste of their own medicine. This would actually put her deeper into pushing her feelings off to the side putting on the same mask she always had on her whole life. When she was 15, she was going through some bushes trying to pick some berries and fruit to collect for dinner that night since she was camping out in the woods. A semi-large egg rolled out of the bushes. She had wondered where this had come from. Deciding it would make great food, she took him back to camp. It was a good distance to get back to camp making her. The egg moved once. She never notice. Once she got back to camp. She placed the egg down and left for a minute. Coming back, the eggshell was shatter. Seeing a small exceed or cat, she had read about these and she thought it was food. The woman had decided to take in this gift ad named him Loki for some odd reason. He just looked like a Loki.

She raised the little exceed herself as they traveled. LeeAnn, Loki, and her gaurdians undergone training in the mountain ranges in Valderice. Endless amounts of body buildings exercise and magical straining battles. Concord would have her undergo monster slaying jobs from the request board. They were easy for higher ranked mages, but for Leeann at her rank were tough. She would love the thrive of battle and the idea of living on the edge. Her daredevil side of her would show. This was the part of her life she enjoy the most. She did all of this herself! For two years, she spent training in the mountains and taking jobs around the area make her name a bit known.

Her travels has lead her to the big city of Ulassi. Concord had heard rumors of a man that went by the name of Taylor. Rumors said he was the ideal mage for learning about her specific magic element. Since she had a special light magic, he could give her some special training sessions. He was in a light guild located in the area. She gotten in contact with him and met him at a local tavern. Over a few drinks, he agreed to train her under a few conditions as long as he listened to him and didn't question his methods. Man did she regret it!

Training with Taylor was a nightmare! He broke her down mentally, physcially, and emotionally through hours of near death experienced training like mountain climbing 2000 foot cliffs or really deadly battles more than she ever undergone in her whole life. Slowly, her confidence had built back up and made her stronger. It was military style based training, but he was one of the best mentors in the whole country under going light magic. When she was 18, LeeAnn noticed he taken on another student hearing his training was going through the land about him and LeeAnn. At first, the boy was around her age and very particular too. He would drive her nuts on how horrible her posture was or how she looked so much like a guy. Eventually, this grew into a very tight friendship. It was one of those close friend relationships were they always had inside jokes and he would purposely get Lee angered and get punched a time or two.

As Concord could say, they were inseparable.

But...there came a day where all that changed!

The Loss

"We made a promise to each other we would never leave. What hurt the most when you actually saw him leaving. Then hurt worse when you remember they promised they would never leave you!"

That one day came that hurt the most. She could describe it as "Dark" and "Long". Time had grown and their mentor had notice an odd and slow change in his student. LeeAnn saw it too! He slowly became different...

What she could describe as...ambitious and driven mad. He would hold conversations that were different instead of the normal topics like what they had learned or how crazy the training sessions were. These topics were not normal. He went on about different ways to torture, history of recent murders in the area and stuff like that. LeeAnn saw the red flags everywhere and to get the hell out. Taylor quoted the magic was driving him made. He taken on more chaotic and dark magic than your basic light magic. Behind their backs, both found out his practices for the dark arts.

He snapped that day. It was like any other exotic training session as ever. In the training field, they were practicing their spells and attacks. Taylor was showing them a new tactic. Loki was with them. Concord and Sylveon were spiritually inside LeeAnn's head seeing everything. Taking mental notes, she observed her mentor and then her friend. The exotic smile was toxic to her sight. Taylor asked if they had any questions. Her friend started laughing then asked if Taylor had saw a white light. Confused, it left Taylor thinking. Without a second, Dark magic was spawn upon his mentor quickly having him fall to the ground unconcious. LeeAnn stepped back. She noticed how his mannerism was with that twitch in his eyes and that laugh was not normal.

Sylveon and Concord told her to run. Refusing to, Leeann stood frozen and asked him why in the world did he do that. The response was a question or riddle. In a flash, she saw a white light and hearing her exceed scream her name.

"I could describe this sight as many things that day. But one thing stood out, was that one riddle:
It cannot be seen, cannot be felt,
Cannot be heard, cannot be smelt.
It lies behind stars and under hills,
And empty holes it fills.
It comes first and follows after,
Ends life, kills laughter.

The answer... was Darkness"

The Torture and The Light

Woken up in a dark room, she was unable to move. Loki was no where to be seen. Fear had seeped into her brain. Concord and Sylveon were still there. She remembered their cries that pained her heart. The few people that mattered to her in this large and cruel world were in pain. Her friend approached her and flipped on the light. The slow step she counted and remained still. As pain was sent to her stomach, he had kicked her down.

A few coughs came from her in response. The blue haired girl knew what he was up to. His words were slow and soothing that slithered around her head. He was going to do soemthing. She saw chains wrapped around her ankles and hands. He had kidnapped her to try to kill her but slowly torture her. The next few days she planned an escape and somehow kept her sanity. He use all sorts of methods on her. Concord had numbed her mind to most and played back teh good memories she had with Loki and little memories she had with her brother. Remembering her desires and to give up now, she planned carefully seeing every crack of opportunity.

That one day came! Sylveon had reminded her of a method of conserving magic. A basic method to use for a quick strength. Buff spells! She used that technique. Breaking the chains and activating the spell that she had learned with her mentor. Upon that, she escaped perfectly and murdered her friend. Her guardians did not approve of this, but LeeAnn made a point. He would of hurt more people like he had done to her. Once she escaped, Loki was founded with Taylor who was in the hospital. He friend had forgotten about her exceed. Loki explained he healed him the best he could which really surprised Leeann. A discovery of her friends ability. She had never been happy to see her little friend and her half dead mentor.

A few weeks later, her mentor had died. LeeAnn had lost everything. Only having her Exceed and gaurdians, she had not friends. She had no hope.

"Concord told me something once. My heart has been broken, played, stabbed, and shattered so many times yet it still works. He told me its my pure inentions that make me have a pure heart. I have a pure soul. Not for my alignment, but for what I have learned and used it my knowledge I have gathered from loosing and making myself better"

The New Life

"Tears is how my heart spoke when my lips could not describe how much you've been hurt"

At the age of 20, she had lost everything. She lost contact of her parents. Lost her closest friend. Lost the man that taught her everything. All of her pride and emotions were lost. The only thing she could claim as her own was Loki. That little cat had been with her through thick and thin. She wandered for months around the coast and the whole country not knowing what to do with herself. Everything that she had went through from hell to heaven to hell again and back.

Her illness still remained the same without her meds. Concord and Slyveon had found a way to help cope with the symptoms and actually found a medication sold by an old pharmacist. It costed a lot of money and was practcally unheard of, but worked. When she turned 21, Rumors had spread of her brother opening a guild. This had caught Loki's attention and mentioned it to her.

LeeAnn deeply wanted to join, but said know because of her pride. She didn't want her brother to try to help her with her life and to see her condition. It would of hurt her after consistently saying she could fend for herself for years then now going to him to show up broken and lost. But finally, her guardians and Loki forced her to join or attempt to see and meet her brother to join his guild and start a new life.

"I could never take credit of being independent. Everywhere I go, everything I do I lean on someone for support whether its my spirits or Loki. Secretly, I give them full credit. Don't tell them I said that!"

Last edited by LeeAnn Nakamura on Fri Feb 12, 2016 7:25 pm; edited 2 times in total

2LeeAnn Nakamura  Empty Re: LeeAnn Nakamura Fri Feb 12, 2016 6:27 pm


Please state what your character is intolerant against and also expand a little bit on the magic to explain what makes it different from other light magic, unless the magic is the same as light magic except with a different name.

3LeeAnn Nakamura  Empty Re: LeeAnn Nakamura Fri Feb 12, 2016 6:45 pm

LeeAnn Nakamura

LeeAnn Nakamura
All changes made~

4LeeAnn Nakamura  Empty Re: LeeAnn Nakamura Fri Feb 12, 2016 7:26 pm


Congratulations, this application has been approved. Since you have applied for Alabaster Wolves, please wait for Hikaru Nakamura to approve this application as well.

5LeeAnn Nakamura  Empty Re: LeeAnn Nakamura Fri Feb 12, 2016 9:04 pm

Hikaru Nakamura

Hikaru Nakamura
Approved, welcome to the family, family!

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