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1Irelia Fleur  Empty Irelia Fleur Wed Feb 10, 2016 2:37 am

Irelia Fleur

Irelia Fleur

 Irelia Fleur  Enoshima_junko__render__by_m_o_n_o_k_u_r_o-d7v7pi5
   “The normals, they make me afraid. The crazy? They make me feel sane.”


Name(s): Irelia Fleur
Nickname(s): Ilya ; Miss Fortune
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Birthday: August 31st
Sexuality: Pansexual
Rank: S
Guild: Eclipse Haven
Face Claim: Junko Enoshima - Danganronpa


Height: 160cm
Weight: 55kg
Hair: Strawberry Blonde
Eyes: Blue
Description: Standing at barely 156cm, Irelia is an obviously short, rather pale girl who pretends to stand tall despite her height, back straight and chin up, with a constantly arrogant look in her eyes. Her complexion, as mentioned previously, is pale, with no imperfections on her skin. Long, strawberry blonde hair covers her scalp, reaching pretty much until her waist when down, yet is rarley seen down; as Irelia has developed the habit of always wearing her hair tied in two pigtails, a rather childish style. Simply put, Irelia likes her hair up, and rarely lets it down. A rather peculiar detail, the pins she uses to keep her hair up have an interesting detail; instead of wearing ribbon pins or anything like that, Irelia prefers wairing a pair of similarly designed pins with a pair of cute, mini bear heads attached to them, one of which is white and adorable, the personification of innocence, and the other bear is black, with a grin that shows its sharp teeth, and glowing red eyes. The pins somehow symbolize Irelia's personality, as the white bear pin symbolizes her pure, innocent side, her rational part, the calm and intelligent part. Meanwhile, the black bear pin symbolizes Janna's more dominant side, her psychotic, chaotic, arrogant and insane persona. That aside, Her eyes are big, cat-like and icy blue, with a constant cold, yet arrogant look in them, almost hidden by her long, black eyelashes.

Irelia's clothing rarely changes. She enjoys sticking to the same style for some time, and tends to use that style, the same look, for quite some time. When going out on jobs, or in the guild, or really anywhere, Irelia has one outfit which she prefers to wear among everything else. Irelia's usual outfit includes a black cardigan over a white dress shirt, unbuttoned enough to expose the top of her black-and-red bra. A long tie loosely dangles around her neck, equal parts black and white, with a red "X" in a circle at the point where the colors meet. She also wears a red miniskirt and mid-sized black boots with platform heels and red laces. Irelia also wears a red bowtie on the right side of her cardigan.



Sweetheart, I was born a catastrophe.

Beware: Do not trust this woman, under no circumstances. Irelia Fleur, as the quotes indicates above, is a catastrophe; the worst disaster that has happened to humanity. Yet... at the same time, she is an insanely charming individual. Overall, her personality is complex and twisted, making her a difficult to understand persona; and often, difficult to get along with, mostly if you meet her insane side.

Irelia is a wild one; nothing on this world can tame her or make her behave correctly, following the model that society wants her to follow. She's a free soul; she does whatever she wants, whenever she wants and however she wants, often giving into following her instincts and her desires, instead of listening to what her rational part says. Yet, don't be fooled; albeit untameable and impulsive, Irelia is incredibly intelligent, she is the absolute Queen of Lies. Charming, she can make you like her or see her in the light you want her to see. She can make you see her as the nicest person ever, while stabbing you in the back with a gigantic knife. She can mix with the group and appear to be yet another member of the group, and not a totally psychotic stranger. In a few words, Irelia is one hell of a chamaleon.

Don't get this wrong, though. Irelia is nice; or at least, somewhat nice, only when she is in a good mood, at that. Although she is an insanely outgoing and charming person, Irelia has serious trust issues. She can befriend people; yet never trust them. She can never bond with them entirely. All those who she meets become mere contacts of hers; people she knows and will probably try to kill once in her short life, yet another poor soul to betray, or a possible tool she can manipulate in order to achieve what she desires. Although it would seem that Irelia does it all, she destroys people and toys with them, because she needs it or, simply because a child trauma made her be who she is, then you're damn wrong. Irelia does it for pleasure. Always the black sheep of her family, Irelia never found pleasure in meeting rich boys or walking around in satin dresses; what has always kept her high is the pleasure of toying with people. There is nothing that brings Irelia as much pleasure as being free and toying with people does. She sees herself as a puppeteer, where the world is her stage, and all humans her dolls.

For all those who are already planning to try and screw up Irelia's life; she is never, ever sad. Laugh while you're alive, that's her motto. Life is short and full of obstacles, so why getting sad over it? It'll be fine after some time, so keep smiling. That's the only law that Irelia willingly follows. What about the rest of the laws? Exceptuating the Physics laws, which she recognises and follows forcefully, Irelia doesn't see any other law as valid, and thus, rarely even bothers to follow the laws humans have imposed. Don't kill others? Pssh. Keep silent in the hospital? Puh-lease. Laws like that make life boring. And Irelia hates boredom.

ღ Setting the world free: Freedom is Irelia's sole drug. She's addicted to it, she cannot forget nor leave behind the euphoric feeling of beeing capable to do whatever you please, whenever you please and however you want. Such feeling of absolute liberty makes one feel complete and perfectly happy, so Irelia wants to share this happiness with everyone else and se the world free, regardless of the consequences. Keep in mind, that she is completely nuts; she can't evaluate properly what owould happen if everyone was allowed to do whatever they want like her, and, honestly, murder isn't exactly an issue.
ღ Desire to be widely recognised and remembered: Always in the shadow of her older sisters, Irelia has always had to see people be dissapointed of her for being the only one of the Fleur who did not enjoy parties or social meetings, or dresseds like her sisters did, or for not being on their level in so many things, although in intelligence Irelia has always surpassed them. So, ever sicne she was a child, this constant comparison to her sisters made her want to rise and become an important person in society, wildely known for her actions and recognised, so she could prove to all those that called her useless in her childhood.

ღ Death: Classical fear, death is the thing everyone, deep inside, fears a lot. There is no information about what comes after death. Do you reincarnate? Does absolute nothingness follow after death? What comes after the last breath leaves your lips? Nobody knows that, and that is precisely what scares Irelia. Not knowing what follows after death is something that makes her fear death itself, as she does not like the idea of dying and heading into the unknown for the eternity. Although many people see this as a new possible adventure, death is precisely the type of adventure Irelia wouldn't want to go through ever.
ღ Small spaces: Irelia becomes absolutely paranoid when she's in an extremely small space. Even if she has enough space to move a bit, Irelia always has the feeling that hse'll end up suffocating in a small space, that in a determined moment the air will not suffice, and she will simply end up suffocating, unable to move, with nobody there to help her.
ღ Being alone: Although Irelia has spent her life roaming from one point of the world until the another, she has always hated the feeling of being alone, of being unable to trust anybody. She does enjoy toying with humans, yes, but she could easily dtoy with them without having to befriend them. The sole reason she tries to befriend them, is, because well, Irelia fears deep inside, that she'll end up being alone forever, with absolutely nobody near her, nobody she can call "muffin", nobody that could lend her a hand when she's in trouble, nobody to toy with.

ღ Chaos: Boy oh boy, Irelia loves causing chaos. As mentioned in the personality section, Irelia is an untameable force, a wild soul that does not abide to any law and refuses to even acknowledge them. Laws limit society, forcing it to live in a monotone, boring way. While chaos.... It epermits people to live however they want, doing whatever they want, causing complete disasters. Honestly; Irelia has always found disasters way more interesting and entertaining than order. Chaos has always been far more interesting.
ღ Books: Although Irelia often seems like the type of person that wouldn't near a book in her life, that belief is absolutely wrong. Irelia is an absolute book worm. She loves how books are capable to teleport you to different universes, make you forget about everything for a few hours and succumb into an entirely new scenery, surrounded by creatures you can't even imagine, in lands with impossible to pronounce names. In short; she loves books because they take you to new places. Even if it's for a short while.
ღ Troublemakers: Irelia goes along really well with people like her. The misfits, those that refuse to abide the laws imposed by the societies are the type of people she'd actually make an effort to truly befriend. Those are the only people that could actually understand her, that can actually relate to how she feels and discuss things with her, while others could not. Those that have never tasted freedom would be uncapable to keep a straight conversation with Irelia.

ღ Insects: Irelia hates, she absolutely hates insects. Creepy, crawling, with too many eyes and too many legs, Insects are possibly the only type of animals Irelia straight forward cannot stand seeing. Even snakes are more enjoyable than insects. Plus, some bite you. Like spiders. That just adds as another reason to hate insects.
ღ Boredom: Having nothing to do. Sitting in a corner, staring at the ceiling. Boredom is the greatest disease that human kind could have created. Hours go by slowly, and soon you feel as happiness slips away because you have nothing to do and your mind succumbs in dark thoughts. That's exactly why Irelia hate it. She knows that, if she doesn't stay happy all the time, if she isn't hyperactive, dark thoughts will occupy her head and once again, she will succumb completely into depression once more. And that isn't a feeling that one would like to repeat.
ღ Laws: Laws restrict people, they erradicate all the fun things. You're forbidden to kill, you're forbidden to steal, you're forbidden to live life like you want. Irelia dislikes how society even forbids people to be absolutely free. How it limits them to having a determined mentality, making society so damn monotone and boring... And making society hate those who think different, those, whose eyes are not closed, who are not blinded by the promises of the authorities.

Positive Characteristics:

  • Atheltic: Ability to jump 10 meters in a single bound.
  • Acrobatic: Character can perform flashy moves such as back flips, cartwheels and various other moves when dodging an attack.
  • Agile: You can dodge an attack up to B Rank, so long as it is feasible for you do to so (AoE excluded). Usable once per thread.
  • Diehard: Allows for 1 A-Rank spell to be shrugged off. Damage is still applied, but no pain is shown. Limit of once per battle.

Negative Characteristics:

  • Allergies: Whenever this allergy comes into play you must suffer the consequences. The allergy must be something that can actually come and not something strange and unique. [Pollen]
  • Ambitious: You will attempt to overthrow friends or foes alike when the opportunity rises regardless if it seems like it's not possible.
  • Arrogant: You must at least act arrogant one out of five posts.
  • Cruel: You must perform an act of cruelty one out of five posts.
  • Curiosity: You will walk deeper into the forest you have never been before. You won't turn around from the castle that you have never seen. This can result into getting you into very dangerous situations.
  • Daredevil: You can't refuse the opportunity of engaging into combat with anyone or anything that is stronger than you. You also always volunteer and perform tasks that have a risk attached to them when you are in a group.
  • Derangement/Insanity (Phobia): Due to circumstances beyond your control, you are permanently insane. You may have a congenital brain disorder, or perhaps you saw something mortals were never intended to lay eyes upon, and it drove you mad. Choose a Derangement/Insanity for your character from the lists below. Though the list is by no means exhaustive, the following options are ones that have been presented in game terms and that have definable--and most times numerical--penalties. // Character is unable to face anything that has it's fear. If you're afraid of spiders and someone uses spider magic, you flee. [Claustrophobic]
  • Inattentive: You must drift off at least one out of five posts.


Magic: Star Magic
Type: Caster
Element: Light
Description: Most would question themselves how come such a psychotic individual like Irelia, can have a magic so pure and innocent at first sight. It is fairly simple; stars are beautiful, similar to Irelia, yet deadly at the same time, making this magic a perfect fit for the young mage. Star Magic is basically a caster-type magic which revolves around the usage of star dust with the sole purpose of creating mostly offensive spells based off of the stars of the galaxy. A complex magic which requires knowledge about the Stars spread through our Universe, this magic is precisely the type of magic that has insane firepower; and little to no defense and utility. The reason is fairly simple; the stars, those gigantic luminous spheres of plasma, don't really have a peculiar characteristic that could be forged into a defensive spell; even the utility spells outnumber the defensive one, as Irelia could potentially use the magic in order to blind an enemy or lighten up a dark room; yet there is a severe lack of defensive spells in this magic. Obviously, a Supernova cannot be used for a defensive spell. A burst of light can't be used as a defensive spell either. Overall, this magic is the "Greater firepower is the best defense" type of magic, which makes the user of this magic basically a Glass-Canon; Insanely fragile, yet powerful at the same time.


History: I will not lie to you; Irelia Fleur was born with the silver spoon in her mouth. Not literally, thankfully. The youngest daughter in the Fleur family, Irelia has always had whatever she wanted whenever she wanted it as a child; her family, a rather rich family, has always been capable to achieve the greatest treats for their youngest daughter, and thus, make her a spoiled brat. The youngest in a family with 3 older siblings, one could say that Irelia always lived in the shadow of her older siblings; it was evident from a very frail age, that the blonde girl wasn't interested in the same things as her sisters: while her sisters enjoyed spending their time at social meetings, choosing dresses, or simply discussing the lives of the neighbours, Irelia found no fun or pleasure in such trivial matters as discussing somebody else's problems, or trying to seduce the richest man at a social party. As weird as it sounds, in the Fleur family, the women have always dedicated themselves to being pretty; yet Irelia never even bothered in trying to be pretty, and focused entirely on trying to be intelligent; something that was weird in the Fleur family. It was evident from the very start, that Irelia was a bookworm. Books, about any topic really, brought her more pleasure than any dress her parents bought her, more entertainment than any party could ever offer her, and more to discuss than the life of any neighbour. Needless to say, the other members of the Fleur family, and even the strangers, dissapproved of this weird conduct that the youngest of the Fleur had.

So, Irelia became the black sheep of the family.

Since she was little, she was a charming child that loved everything, and everything loved her. All living creatures were her friends, and she couldn't help but feel the incredible urge to hug all of them until death. Literally. Ever since she was little, it was pretty obvious that something was off with Irelia. Really off. Aside from finding great pleasure in knowledge, Irelia found a psychotic pleasure in killing animals too. Blood, viscera, nothing of the kind of things that other people would find repulsive bothered Irelia. She was... curious, to say. She wanted to know what the animals she loved so much had inside, she enjoyed toying with them, she simply loved the animals, in her own way. It was evident that she was a twisted child; that would grow into a twisted teen later on, always hidden in the shadow of her sisters, until she became a twisted adult. As mentioned, murder never bothered Irelia. She found it something natural, even. The end of life, the end of a cycle and the beginning of a new one, it all seemed so natural to her, that the blonde could not comprehend why her parents and her siblings feared and despised her. When she became an adult, her sisters, all mother to at least one child, and her parents had all understood that the youngest of the Fleur siblings was a psychopath, or the closest to it. The times in which they had found cat or dog corpses in the chambers of the girl had been far too many, and it all indicated that Irelia had a serious mental problem; while in reality, her beliefs were simply different. She wasn't kept down by the chains of society, which forced her to follow the current and deem certain attitudes as right or wrong. She, for instance, was intelligent enough as to break free, and decide by herself what was right for her, and what was not.

That does not mean though, that all decisions she made from then on were as intelligent or rational as when she broke free from her chains.

Irelia found insane pleasure in freedom, in being able to do whatever she pleased. Like a drug addict, she couldn't help but feel obsessed with the idea of being eternally free, living the life she desired forever, without a single person on this planet that could impose any rules on her, without anyone to criticize her decision. At that point, everyone who knew her realised she's a sociopath and an insanely perillous psychopath. Through the years, she had learned how to make precise cuts in all sorts of animals, so she had practice in killing with precision any type of target that came into her way. Her parents feared for their own life, and for their daughters', which was the main reason as to why one of Irelia's sisters, the youngest one of the three, was sent away. Mere days before the disaster happened, at that.

It had been years since Irelia began planning how she would end the lives of her parents and her sisters. She never had any special connection with them; in fact, she had always hated both of her parents, and had wished the death of her sisters for making her seem like a black sheep. Yet, she had kept postponing it, mainly because, before the accident happened, there was still a small part of humanity left in Irelia which kept her from ruining her family's life. Yet one night, she simply snapped. She had fought with her mother again; the elder woman considered that Irelia was unworthy and vile for walking around with the attire she wears until this very day; her sisters were all wearing long dresses, hiding as much of their skin as they could, and then there was Irelia, with her mini-skirt and shirt, showing off as much skin as she could. Everyone considered Irelia for a heretic, for she, at her 21 years, kept refusing to have children or to try to find a husband; while her beloved sisters had gotten married in their teens and had given birth to their first child before they even hit eighteen. Obviously, the cruel comments from her mother bothered Irelia to unimaginable extents, forcing her at last to lose the last part of sanity she had left, and storm off towards her room, only to return seconds later, a butcher's knife in hand. Her parents and her sisters, due to being rather fat and not as intelligent, needed a lot of time to react and recognise the threat, the time Irelia needed to crave a thick line in her relatives' necks, blood spilling on the expensive carpet and sofas. Contrary to popular belief, the sight of the massacre she had caused didn't make Irelia realise how bad murder is;

Instead, it made Irelia realise she enjoyed murder even more than anything else.

It was from then that Irelia's chaotic path began. Through the years, and with lots of hours of study, the blonde had achieved something nearly impossible for her relatives; Irelia had, simply put, learned magic. Through years and years of practice, study, and entire days spent in the library, she had managed to learn Star Magic, which was basically the motor of her decision to join a Guild. Once finishing off with her parents, Irelia, the charming individual you'd probably greet while walking around, decided she wanted more. The blood that covered her hands wasn't enough; she wanted more people to kill, more dead humans, killed by her hand. Not many guild would accept her, despite how innocent her magic seemed. Her history was dark, and if she joined a legal guild she would have never been able to fulfill her desires, and she would have been forever limited by the laws of said guild. That's why, Irelia began her search for a dark guild. And it wasn't long before she finally found a place that would accept her psychotic persona; Eclipse Haven. Her new beginning. Her new home.

2Irelia Fleur  Empty Re: Irelia Fleur Fri Feb 12, 2016 8:52 am

Hikaru Nakamura

Hikaru Nakamura
She's crazy, i'm loving how round your character is. Welcome to the site!

Now wait for the guild master to read/approve you joining the guild.

3Irelia Fleur  Empty Re: Irelia Fleur Fri Feb 12, 2016 10:38 am


Welcome to the Haven, my child.

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