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1Christ's Water god slayer starter spells Empty Christ's Water god slayer starter spells Sun Jan 04, 2015 9:12 pm

Christ Pheros

Christ Pheros
Name: Arms of Poseidon
Rank: D
Magic Cost: 10 Mp 5 Mp sustain
Requirements: Water God Slayer
Class: Offensive
Element: Water
Cooldown: 2
Duration: 2 (if sustained )
Effect: The casters eyes turn black and drip black tears as four tentacles made of blackened water form around the caster. they have a reach of 5 meters, and deal D rank water and bludgeoning damage.

Name: Water God's Shield
Rank: D
Magic Cost: 10 mp 5 Mp sustain
Requirements: Water God Slayer
Class: Defensive
Element: Water
Cooldown: 2 post
Duration: 2 post duration and 5 Mp sustain
Effect: With a shift of black to the casters eyes a fluctuating half shell of water shoots from the ground and protects the caster from attacks. the shield moves to block attacks. the shell is 2 meters wide, 3 meters tall, It can resist 2 D rank attacks or 1 C rank while Fire takes twice as long to effect it.

Name: Water Gods Aqua Bomb
Rank: D
Magic Cost:10 mp
Requirements: (The magic required to use this spell)
Class: Offensive
Element: Water
Cooldown: 2 posts
Duration: Instant
Effect: The casters eyes shift black for a moment as Black water bursts from the casters body. the Bursts does D rank damage and pushes those with in 5 meters of the caster back by 3 meters.

Name: Water Gods Wave Strike
Rank: D
Magic Cost: 10
Requirements: Water God Slayer
Class: Offensive
Element: Water
Cooldown: 2
Duration: Instant
Effect: With a swipe of the caster's arm his eyes flash black and a 3 meter high, 3 meter wide wave of black water crashes into a target within 5 meters, and deals D rank water and bludgeoning damage.

Name: Neptune's Black Bullets
Rank: C
Magic Cost: 20
Requirements: Water god slayer
Class: Offensive
Element: Water
Cooldown: 3
Duration: Instant
Effect: The caster's eyes blacken, and drip black tears as he holds out his hand as if firing a gun, firing 2, 9mm super fast bullets of black water at a single target dealing C rank Water and piercing damage.

Name: Consume Element
Rank: Same as Caster
Magic Cost: 0
Requirements: Water God Slayer Magic
Class: Supplementary
Element: Water
Cooldown: Depends upon Rank
Duration: Instant
Effect: The caster is able to begin consuming their element when it comes within 5 meters of them.

Last edited by Christ Pheros on Mon Jan 05, 2015 4:30 pm; edited 1 time in total

Ardere Kasai

Ardere Kasai
-The grabbing thing makes it also supplementary, so take that bit out. Sorry D:

-How large is the shell?

-Make the knockback 3 m, but the aoe can stay 5. Also I'd say burst rather than explosion, makes it easier to understand.

-How wide is the wave?

-I need a specific number of bullets, and a size for them. Also the more bullets you fire, the less damage each will do since combined they will all be C.

Christ Pheros

Christ Pheros
Done and Done
but now i am sad because i cant just walk around and pick things with my my tentacles :(

Ardere Kasai

Ardere Kasai
Noting that each of the bullets deal D rank a piece, combining to C.

This is approved. Go use these spells to do some missions now :P

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