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1Rarda Yana - Take Over Spells (Ready!) Empty Rarda Yana - Take Over Spells (Ready!) Sat Sep 20, 2014 11:43 pm

Rarda Yana

Rarda Yana
Name: Take Over : T-Rex Teeth
Rank: D
Magic Cost: 10(5 to Maintain after first post)
Requirements: Fossil Take Over Magic
Class: Offensive/Supplementary
Element: None
Cooldown: 4 Posts
Duration: Instant/2 Posts Maximum
Effect: The user of this spell has their teeth grow and become extremely sharp, causing their bite to become much more dangerous. These teeth brow exponentially, up to six(6) inches long, though her jaw compensates for this by extending as well so she can make use of her teeth.
Without her T-Rex Teeth, her bites barely leave a bruise when she bites hard(D Rank Damage), but when she has them, she can cause alot more pain, bruising and sometimes opening skin(C Rank Damage).

Name: Take Over : Dinohyus's Height
Rank: D
Magic Cost: 10(5 to maintain after first post)
Requirements: Fossil Take Over Magic
Class: Supplementary
Element: None
Cooldown:4 Posts
Duration: Instant/up to 2 posts
Effect: The users legs change into that of an ancient ice age boar, making the user much taller, and a much faster, more agile, runner.
Without this spell, the user can top out at about 10 m/s(D Rank), while with this spell they can go 12 m/s, dashing up to 14 m/s once per thread.

Name: Take Over : Ankylosaurus Armor
Rank: D
Magic Cost: 10(5 to maintain after first post)
Requirements: Fossil Take Over Magic
Class: Defensive
Element: None
Cooldown: 4 Posts
Duration: Instant/2 Posts Maximum
Effect: The user is able to coat a single part of their body, usually one of the users forarms, in plated, bone like armor. This armor is fairly flat, and can not be used to deal additional damage to others.
User can normally take bruises and cuts without hesitation(C Rank Endurance; Caused by Positive "Endurance"), but with this armor they could have bones break and still keep going(B Rank Endurance).

Name: Take Over : Liopleurodon Fins
Rank: D
Magic Cost: 10(5 to maintain after first post)
Requirements: Fossil Take Over Magic
Class: Supplementary
Element: None
Cooldown:4 Posts
Duration: Instant/up to 2 posts
Effect: The users hands and feet change into fins comparable in appearance to Liopleurodons, and the user is much faster in watery environments for the duration.
Normally, the user can swim at about 6 m/s(due to water resistance, and human bodies not very quick in water anyway, I made it below D Rank), but with this take over spell, the user can swim up to 12m/s and dash 14 m/s onces per thread.

Name: Take Over : Smilodon Rising
Rank: C
Magic Cost: 20(10 to maintain after first post)
Requirements: Fossil Take Over Magic
Class: Supplementary
Element: None
Cooldown:4 Posts
Duration: Instant/up to 4 posts
Effect: The user grows both sharp curved claws, and elongated canines that extend past the users jawline, however they are able to open their mouth exceptionally wide to make use of them, making them far deadlier in combat. She also has two small, rounded fluffy ears.
Normally, her attacks would only bruise others lightly if she hit them right(D Rank Damage), but with this spell she can cause greater damage easier(C Rank Damage). Her normal ears can only hear obvious noises usually(D Rank Hearing), but her small rounded ears can pick up on more subtle noises, allowing her to hunt and locate enemies or prey easier(C Rank Hearing).

Last edited by Rarda Yana on Mon Sep 22, 2014 12:53 pm; edited 2 times in total

2Rarda Yana - Take Over Spells (Ready!) Empty Re: Rarda Yana - Take Over Spells (Ready!) Mon Sep 22, 2014 11:20 am

Elizabeth Silvershield

Elizabeth Silvershield
Take Over; T-Rex Teeth:

  • Please state how much physical damage you'd normally do without the claws, and how much with the claws, please.
  • State how large the claws are, please.

Take Over; Pterosaur's Wings:

  • I'm sorry, but this spell is Denied. Flying spells can be only A Ranked or higher, sorry. Please change this spell completely.

Take Over; Ankylosaurus Armor:

  • Limit this so it can be able to coat only one concrete body part.
  • State how high is your endurance without this armor and how high it gets when the armor appears.
  • Describe the appearance a bit better; will the user get the spikes too? And if you do get the spikes, will they deal any damage whatsoever?

Take Over; Liopleurodon Fins:

  • State how fast you are when not using this spell, please. It might seem useless, but I want to see which is your original speed, and how much it changes when you use a spell.

Take Over : Smilodon Rising:

  • Do you have increased hearing because of the ears?
  • What rank damage do you do normally when not using this spell?

Bump when corrections are made.

3Rarda Yana - Take Over Spells (Ready!) Empty Re: Rarda Yana - Take Over Spells (Ready!) Mon Sep 22, 2014 12:36 pm

Rarda Yana

Rarda Yana
Bump!!! Its ready for reinspection!

4Rarda Yana - Take Over Spells (Ready!) Empty Re: Rarda Yana - Take Over Spells (Ready!) Mon Sep 22, 2014 12:56 pm

Elizabeth Silvershield

Elizabeth Silvershield
Take Over; T-Rex Teeth:

  • Approved.

Name: Take Over : Dinohyus's Height:

  • Approved.

Take Over : Ankylosaurus Armor:

  • Approved.

Take Over; Liopleurodon Fins:

  • Approved.

Take Over : Smilodon Rising:

  • Approved.

Approved as Starter Spells.

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