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1Kazuma Azure Empty Kazuma Azure Wed Jul 16, 2014 11:33 am

Kazuma Azure

Kazuma Azure
Kazuma Azure 2cmrt52
   "Art is more than just a painting, just listen, there's art being made right now."

Name(s): Mother's: Kazuma Azure/Father's: Avery Azure
Nickname(s): Celestial Reaper
Age: 17
Sex: Male
Birthday: 30/10/X763
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Class: Cleric
Alignment: Neutral Good
Rank: D-class
Guild: Fairy Tail
Guild Tattoo: Behind the Right Shoulder - White
Face Claim: Kazuma Azure - Fairy Tail OC


Height: 5'11''
Weight: 115 lbs
Hair: Black, goes to middle of back.
Eyes: Dark Brown
General Appearance: Kazuma wears a slim silver eye visor that take the shape of needles passed his ears, wearing a white jacket with blue outlines ontop of his black long sleeve shirt that bears a symbol of a white Phoenix on the front. Also wearing white pants with the same blue outline, along with black and silver shoes. He wears silver bracers on his wrists, which give off a light particles when his magic is active. He wears a golden necklace with a tiny flute attached to its chain.
Extra: The tiny flute is not made of gold, but of a rare wood. It is actually Kazuma's Sister's flute.


Personality: Kazuma is the type of person that can't exactly keep his mind set in one place, so it's a hit or miss of wither he wants company or not. He tends to be by his lone-some most of the time, though, he has a bright side, some say even brighter than others. He is usually calm and easy-going, able to talk to you with ease. But his emotions go to the extreme, as he doesn't come out of a rage until whatever angered him was destroyed. He's reckless, he doesn't pay to mind the objects around him, even in battle. But, he is polite at the very least.

He is very loyal to his friends, as he will never give up on them, even if it means that he needs to get into trouble and against his better judgement. But, he will jump at the challenge to do whatever it takes to prove his worth, no matter how difficult. He's highly curious, often leading himself into dangerous situations. This also leads him to be aware of many other things that people may have missed. He gives everyone the respect that they deserve, except for the ones that disrespect. He has no tolerance for those kinds of people, and will not let them continue it for long.


  • Music - Kazuma enjoys music and tends to make some himself with his own instruments, and it's one of the few things to calm Kazuma down when in a fit of rage.
  • Being left alone - Kazuma tends to want to be left alone to his thoughts.
  • Birds - He has a liking towards birds, how they fly and sing their songs.
  • Listening to stories - Kazuma loves to hear the tales of other's. Be it of amazing adventures, daring fights, or just the dramatic life of another person.
  • Board Games - Chess, Checkers or its Chinese variant, Cards, or even Children's board games, any board game is a joy to play for him.
  • Apples - Possibly one of his favorite fruit, he's usually seen eating one when it the topic comes to food.
  • Tea - Kazuma's favorite drink and would trade it for any drink in any place. It serves as his coffee in the mornings.


  • Dark Places - Having a slight fear of the dark, he doesn't bode well with areas without light.
  • Disrespectful People - He has no tolerance for anyone that disrespects others
  • Loud Noises - He doesn't bode well with extremely loud noises, he tries to stray away from noisy areas because of this.
  • Being bossed around - Kazuma never wants to be told what to do, he only takes orders from those he trusts.
  • Sour Foods - Kazuma has never been a fan of Sour foods, and would rather not see any.
  • Being Tired - Who likes being tired anyways? It's best not to disturb Kazuma when he wakes up, he's not exactly himself when he wakes up.
  • Losing Friends - One of Kazuma's fears is when he loses a friend, the mind does not bode well for any that loses that spark in their heart.

Motivations: Keeping a promise to both his mother and his younger sister, he is set to keep things right in the world. He also looks for his sister, keeping yet another promise to his dying mother to protect her, and destroy the Demon that took her away.


  • Darkness - This fear came from the disappearance of Kazuma's father, from a Demon of shadows. Because of this, he doesn't trust Dark Magic users very much.
  • Being Lost - This fear came when Kazuma first started his journey, after getting lost within the forest, he was attacked by monsters, then after out-running them, he was attacked yet again by trees coming to life by some sort of wizard. Afterwards, he doesn't like to know that he's lost, otherwise, he might break-down from the thoughts that fill his head for possible out-comes.
  • Losing a Friend - Possibly one of the biggest fears Kazuma has, he doesn't have many friends to count on, but cares about them with all of his heart, if he loses one of them, it would be torture to his mind at even the thought of it.

Positive Traits: Deceitful (+2) High Society (+2) Stealthy (+3) Diligent (+2) Total = (+9)
Negative Traits: Allergies (-1): To Pollen. Overconfident (-1) Overzealous (-1) Curiosity (-1) Daredevil (-2) Indecisive (-1) Night Blindness (-2) Total = (-9)
+9 + -9 = 0


Magic: Light of Trinity (Light Weapon Make Magic)
Caster or Holder: Caster-Type
Description: A family type of magic, passed down from generation to generation. This magic creates weapons of pure light, able to be summoned at will. However, they can't be used as much as regular weapons. Each Generation formed each weapon, to suit what they need. The first, was ranged weaponry. The Second, was the bladed melee.
Strengths: Because it is made of Light, it has an effectiveness against Shadow. It can also increase in strength, allowing something to burn in the line of the ray. Of the ones known, the user can call upon ranged and melee, for up-close or far-away battles.
Weaknesses: However, Shadow is also a great foe against light. Light can only travel in one direction, and can be reflected off mirrors of the like. It can only be used a number of times, before retreating back into its pure magic form, once that is done they need to be reformed. Once the user has chosen the form of each class, they are stuck with that for the rest of their lives.



Last edited by Kazuma Azure on Wed Jul 23, 2014 10:54 pm; edited 6 times in total

2Kazuma Azure Empty Re: Kazuma Azure Wed Jul 16, 2014 8:45 pm

Kensei Murakami

Kensei Murakami
Yo it's Kensei and uh, I'll be grading this today.

As much as this may sound like knit picking, I need you to add up your total of negative and positive points.

I can't find any other issues with this application, so if you would do me the kindness of adding up your point totals I would be glad to get you on your way.

Bump when done.

3Kazuma Azure Empty Re: Kazuma Azure Wed Jul 16, 2014 9:10 pm

Kazuma Azure

Kazuma Azure
Among the Bumps, there is the total!!

4Kazuma Azure Empty Re: Kazuma Azure Fri Jul 18, 2014 9:02 pm

Jabo Devine

Jabo Devine
You'll be needing an avatar and replace the weakness with shadow instead of darkness. That's all I see wrong. Bump when finished.

5Kazuma Azure Empty Re: Kazuma Azure Wed Jul 23, 2014 10:56 pm

Kazuma Azure

Kazuma Azure
There you go sirs, a bump with the changes made.

6Kazuma Azure Empty Re: Kazuma Azure Sat Jul 26, 2014 2:23 am

Jabo Devine

Jabo Devine

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