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Ares Menelaus

Ares Menelaus
Ares Menelaus[Finished] - Sabertooth Guild Master Application 16j1we0    __________________________________________________
   "Time is not alone."

Name(s): Ares Menelaus
Nickname(s): Mystic
Age: 26
Sex: Male
Birthday: 6/6/x854
Sexuality: Male
Class: Cleric
Alignment: Neutral
Rank: S
Guild: Sabertooth
Guild Tattoo: Right Shoulder - Gold
Face Claim: Loki Laufeyson - Marvel


Height: 6 ft
Weight: 165 lbs
Hair: Black
Eyes: Green
General Appearance: Ares has neck-length black hair that is usually slicked back. His physique itself is slim which displays an ectomorph type of body. Ares is not skinny, in fact, he is very muscular but due to his body type, he does not have an advantage over size. Ares tends to change his clothing quite often. His normal clothing is a black coat, knee length, with a green interior that shows on the folded collars and cuffs. The coat is trimmed with gold lining around the edges. With the coat, Ares wears black slim trousers tucked into black buckle boots that go halfway up to his shin. This appearance is the same as the header image, minus the helm.

There is also a full-body armor clothing for Ares. Where he weres golden armor throughout his whole body. It is simply for appearance and it does not have any magical effects. The armor would be treated the same as a normal shirt. It has no defensive purposes. This armor looks like the following.
Full-Body Armor:

Sometimes, Ares mixes the two making it something like the following image. It is when he doesn't feel like wearing the other two choices.
Both styles combined:
Extra: /


Personality: Before going deep into the character's personality, the first thing one needs to know is that Ares is a fashionable male. He enjoys looking good and is good at it. He loves to look the best in the group and the cleanest. He has a habit of judging some people on what they wear but he can get past it at times. Other times, not so much.

The mage is selfish to an extent. He only cares for himself but that doesn't mean he's evil. Ares can kill a person or go on the "bad" side if the rewards are higher (and persuasive) than if he were on the "good" side. The idea can be switched in vice-versa. He is also confident in his actions and what he decides to do.

In confrontations, it is entirely Ares' decision to be nice or.. mean to the other person. He may even randomly start a battle because the person looks strong. Or he may start flirting with a female because he's attracted to them. He can be foolish at times and he can also enjoy moments of emotion. He is not a psycho/sociopath. Not at all. He is just doing whatever his mind tells him and at rare times, his heart.

In battles, Ares enjoys to improvise. He is a "live in the moment" type of person rather than spending countless hours or energy strategizing and looking for ways to attack the opponent. He may think of ways to dispose of their's strengths by fighting them throughout the battle. But he doesn't spend the whole fight making a plan.

When it comes to patience, he is good. He could be patient towards a happy-go-lucky type of person or someone that really annoys him. He wouldn't speak. Just keep his mouth shut until the other person would realize he is not about playing games. Sometimes he may toy with them and act like he's enjoying but inside he's laughing at them for what they're doing.

When Ares has to kill a person, he can do it if he desires as long as there is a reason behind it. If there is something in return it will be even easier to kill the person.

Ares sometimes enjoys confronting certain people that interest him. He can make it awfully awkward for the other person to reply or communicate in the atmosphere. He is very... poisonous, one might say.

If Ares is put in a situation where he needs to lead a group, the mage will do his best to look out for the group. Alone, he is selfish. But if he has the burden of leading a group, he will look for the best outcome for the whole group. Ares will respect his underlings and give them freedom but also keep them busy doing jobs and other things.


  • Spicy Food
  • Fashion
  • Battles
  • Wealth
  • Leading
  • Sabertooth


  • Foolish individuals
  • Sweet food
  • Smoking
  • Drinking
  • Weaklings
  • Snakes

Motivations: Ares is driven by power. His desire is to become strong and become one of the top mages in Fiore. The mage won't let anybody get in his way even if he's made friends with them. The mage has been motivated to never fall to the ground due to his past and what he's learned from it. He has been always remembering his life and what he decides to do it based on the reflections of his past. He doesn't want to repeat it so he has decided to walk on the path of power and strength to guide himself towards a place of magnificence.


  • Doctors
  • Seers and Sages
  • Bats

Positive Traits:

  • Swift (+3): You are fleet of foot. When running, you move three times your normal speed.

  • Fortitude (+3): You are tougher than normal. You can take more hits than the regular Joe.

  • Enhanced Strength (+3): Your character is slightly stronger than other characters when it comes to physical strength.

  • Acrobatic (+3): You have excellent body awareness and coordination.

Negative Traits:

  • Ambitious (-1): You crave power. Money is nice, but being in charge of other people is your favorite thing. You are likely to be brought down by attempting a risky grab for power and failing. Even when deals are risky you will give in and agree most of times.

    Explanation: You will attempt to overthrow friends or foes alike when the opportunity rises regardless if it seems like it's not possible.

  • Derangement/Insanity (-3): Due to circumstances beyond your control, you are permanently insane. You may have a congenital brain disorder, or perhaps you saw something mortals were never intended to lay eyes upon, and it drove you mad. Choose a Derangement/Insanity for your character from the lists below. Though the list is by no means exhaustive, the following options are ones that have been presented in game terms and that have definable--and most times numerical--penalties.

    Bipolar Mood Disorder: The character oscillates between the mood states mentioned above, sometimes staying in one mood for weeks at a time, sometimes rapidly switching from one to another. Also known as manic depressive.

  • Daredevil (-2): You only really feel alive when you're staring death in the face. Your character is addicted to the thrill of death-defying stunts, pushing themselves to the limit at every available opportunity.

    Explanation: You can't refuse the opportunity of engaging into combat with anyone or anything that is stronger than you. You also always volunteer and perform tasks that have a risk attached to them when you are in a group.

  • Proud (-1): You don't like accepting help from others. If a gift or offer of aid smacks of charity or pity even the slightest bit, you grow indignant and refuse it.

  • Judgmental (-1): You form opinions quickly and change them very slowly. You also have a tendency to judge people on their appearance. A man dressed as a pirate, no matter how gentlemanly, is a scoundrel and a dog as far as you is concerned. A man covered in mud is a peasant, and a woman wearing revealing clothing is a prostitute.

    Explanation: You must act very disgusted and displeased when your dislike comes into play.

  • Intolerance (-1) - Dragons: You have an irrational dislike of a certain thing. It may be an animal, a class of person, a situation, or just about anything at all. Note that some dislikes may be too trivial or ridiculous to count--a dislike of Bavarian-crème-filled donuts or mechanical pencils, for example, has no real dramatic value and will not be allowed.

    Explanation: You must act very disgusted and displeased when your dislike comes into play.

  • Dark Secret (-1) - Widower: You have some sort of secret that, if revealed, would make you an outcast amongst your society and companions. While this secret is on your mind at all times, it will come up in topics only once in a while, but when it does, watch out!

    Explanation: You must think about your dark secret at least one out of ten posts. When things that are relevant to the dark secret are brought up you can't stop thinking about it.

  • Curiosity (-1): You're a naturally curious person and you find mysteries of any sort irresistible. In most circumstances, alas, your curiosity overrides your common sense. This forces you to investigate something unusual, even if it looks like it might be dangerous.

    Explanation: You will walk deeper into the forest you have never been before. You won't turn around from the castle that you have never seen. This can result into getting you into very dangerous situations.

  • Arrogant (-1): You firmly believe that you are better than anyone else is. Your ideas are the best, your clothes are the most stylish, and you have to let everyone else know how much better you are. Once in a while you openly show contempt or disdain for someone else.

    Explanation: You must at least act arrogant one out of five posts.


Magic: Elemental Shift
Caster or Holder: Caster
Description: Elemental shift is a magic that revolves around the use of all elements. Creating them, manipulating them and giving them certain effects. This means the user is able to create and/or manipulate lightning, ice, earth, light, darkness, wind, air, and any other element one can think of.

Strengths:  Due to the many elements the user can create, this magic delivers great versatility. It can give the user the upper hand on elemental mages and any other mages that use elements by using the element they're weak to. This magic is great in any range and helps the user give create all kinds of effects depending on the magic. An example would be lightning giving the power to paralyze while light would give the power to blind, etc.

Weaknesses: One weakness to the magic is that the magic does not allow him to control opposing spells of any type. The final and most worthy weakness to the magic is that once an element has been used, the user may not use it again in the next post, this exempts spells with a duration more than one post. The rule will take into account when the element's spell ends.


History: The beginning of this story begins with a childbirth. It was a home birth, only the father there to support his wife.The child's name being Ares and the mother's Ariana. The mother had died giving birth to Ares due to falling unconscious from the pain. The father, Hephaestus, had surgically taken out Ares from the womb by cutting open the corpse's body. It was the only way to save his son. Hephaestus didn't blame the child of Ariana's death, because he himself had killed him mother while she gave birth to him. He never dreamed that something like this had become a "like father, like son" moment. He burned Ariana's body and mourned for only a week. Then he took care of Ares.

Throughout the years as Ares grew, Hephaestus taught him about magic, made him read and write. He also made Ares fight and helped him in hand-to-hand combat. It was only until Ares reached his teen years had he began practicing weapons. He was quite good at them actually, but he was more focused on magic. Hephaestus' family line passed down a book of lost magics from one generation to the next. It was Ares' turn to pick a magic he wanted to learn. He had chosen Weather Magic due to its nature of having advantage over his enemy and the never ending possibilities the magic could bring.

His father had taken him to many places while he trained his chosen magic. Hephaestus showed Ares how to do missions, and the danger that came along with them. when Ares was around 16 years old he had killed his first person. His father had been proud of him and acknowledged him ever since. Ares had learned to change the battlefield in the middle of a fight. He'd gotten so good he had beaten his own father.

In one mission, Ares and Hephaestus had been separated and the young mage had spent a whole year by himself. After a month of being by himself, Ares had fallen in love with a girl who's family was noble, traditional, and strict. They would hardly meet but when they did he had forgotten of all the worries in the world. Ares loved her so much. Her name was Aphrodite. She was the most beautiful woman on the face of Earthland. The mage would think about her all the time as if he was stuck in a trance and there was no way out. The two had married secretly and moved to another small town away from her family. The town was small and isolated and the two had enjoyed their life together, while it lasted.

One day, he and Aphrodite had set up a meeting point, under the only cherry-blossom tree in the small town. It was a sacred tree and there was a bridge. That's where they had always met. But when Ares had gotten there he saw blood on the ground and a piece of her clothing. He found a pile of flowers scatted that were once a bouquet. Ares was shocked and heartbroken... but he was also filled with anger and hatred. The blood had made a trail and lead to a cave in the nearby forest. Whatever it was... it wasn't human.

Following the trail slowly and cautiously, Ares had found Aphrodite's body, scarred and ripped open. The love of his life lay in a cauldron with her blood boiling. He ran for her in an instant and took her out. His hands boiled from her blood but that didn't matter. He ignored the horrid pain and looked around. The fire place had been extinguished the moment he took her out. The body of Aphrodite had turned cool in an instant until Ares' hands became frozen. He instantly let her down and saw her body turn into ice and shatter.

Ares wrote a rune and turned the cave into a massive field with torches all over it. He saw a monster... well... it wasn't really a monster. Just a lion. He walked towards the lion who sat up and growled at him. Aphrodite's blood dripped from his raw teeth and his red eyes glowed in the night. The lion... or should I say lioness had slowly morphed into a tall slender woman. She gave an intimidating look and sneered at Ares.

"Did you think it would be so easy to have a perfect love story?" she asked as her finger nails extended into claws. She walked around the confused young mage and grazed her claws over his skin and cackled evilly. Ares was confused and asked who she was.

"I'm her mother of course..." the woman smiled at him and placed her hand on his cheeks with her claws digging into his skin.

The moment she touched him, Ares stabbed the women in her right shoulder and wrote a rune on her flesh. The flesh burned and scorched. The woman's whole body turned black like paper burning. Her skin would curl and churn up. The woman had morphed back into a lion but midway in morphing, she was all black and turned into ash instantly. A pile of ash in the ground.

"This isn't some legendary story or some fantastical movie, bitch." Ares spoke to the dead, "you never walk up to a person that hates you... never." And with that, Ares stomped the ash and gathered the shattered ice. He dug a grave overnight and had dedicated it to his love. Writing a rune, he created a gravestone and wrote her name and left an ellipses in the middle of the epitaph. The cherry-blossom leaves would fall on the grave throughout the years leaving the area undisturbed. It would be protected by the noble Aphrodite.

By the time he left the small town, Ares had been away for almost a year and left for his small town. He went back and rejoiced with his father. He told him everything that happened and he knew he would never find love again. Ares rested that whole year until he decided it was time to get busy.

When Ares was 18, he left his village with his father's blessing to travel the world. The weight of tending to his son was gone and he was free to do whatever he desired. Ares on the other hand had much to experience and take in through the endless cities and countries he traveled through.

There had been many ups and downs but one moment in time had Ares been raped in his travels. He was defenseless against five powerful men. They had ended up raping him and scarred him for life. He was never that nice boy that always saw the positives in people. The moment had changed the many choices that were to come in Ares' life. From then on, he had only cared about himself. He had become careless of others and what they were experiencing. As long as he was happy and he got what he wanted, he was fine. Even if he had to kill a person.

He reached Fiore when he was 21 and still, lost, he had become a wanderer. He enjoyed being alone but he was serious all the time. He'd faced many horrors in his journeys. He had even killed men that had tried to mess with him.

Now, Ares had become the guild-master of Sabertooth, after being a member for five years. Ares moved his way up the ranks and now it was time for him to lead. Positive and confident about his position, Ares hoped he could drive Sabertooth in the right direction. He would keep it the top guild in Fiore. Ares had intended to keep his underlings busy and make them stronger than the mages in other guilds.

Last edited by Ares Menelaus on Sat Jul 26, 2014 11:34 am; edited 13 times in total

Ares Menelaus

Ares Menelaus
Ready for review. Also, the negative traits total into 12. So it should balance up. :)

Kensei Murakami

Kensei Murakami
Approved, great app by the way.

Kensei Murakami

Kensei Murakami
My apologies for this, staff is supposed to be the ones who hand out the descriptions for banned magics, I was under the impression someone from our staff had given you that description. Upon further review it was discovered that we as staff had not given it to you. I am going to bring this to our two administrators to look at and see if action should be taken. Thank you for your patience, we hope for this to be a relatively quick process.

Jabo Devine

Jabo Devine
Note: Dark Ecriture is no longer allowed to applied for, thus a change of magic will need take place. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Ares Menelaus

Ares Menelaus
Bump :)

I changed some bits in the history too, because of the change in magic.

Warren Dent

Warren Dent
My main issue with your magic is based on how you are going to manage manipulating the weather when we have ranges vastly smaller than what you would need to do so.

Ares Menelaus

Ares Menelaus
The AoE aspect is not the main part about the magic. It's just a minuscule addition. It's more of creating and manipulating different types of weather rather than controlling the weather that is in the sky. He creates the weather on the ground such as a thunder cloud or maybe even create lightning and shoot it at the person. The magic is more than simply changing the weather and having advantage over the other person.

Ares Menelaus

Ares Menelaus
Okay, I changed my magic and it's simply a shot in the dark. I'm hoping it can be approved. Also, I looked in the Banned Magic List and there was no ban on multi-element magic which is why I created this. If there were, obviously I wouldn't have.

If staff decides I cannot have it or I must make amends to it, I'm perfectly fine with that.

Jabo Devine

Jabo Devine
Birthday date doesn't match age; 844 means Ares is 36, not 26. Add in the color of the guild tattoo. There should be a space between the fears and motivations. Take, 'Due to such a great variety, the user will not be strong in one element, rather, he will be simply good in every single one. He can't focus on one element and make that one element stronger, rather he has to focus on every single on.' out of the description and add another weakness as you have dominion over that. State that you cannot control spells of any type. Elaborate upon the ability to give them certain effects.

Bump when finished.

Note: Multi-elemental magic is banned, however ST happens to have an open banned magic slot.

Ares Menelaus

Ares Menelaus
Bumpity bump bump :)

Jabo Devine

Jabo Devine
Ares wrote:
'Also, The magic is weak to magics that do not have an elemental alignment such as plasma or simply energy of some sort and thus, he will not be able to have advantage over such mages.'
If something doesn't have an elemental alignment then it will not have an elemental strength nor weakness. Take this portion out. Whatever element you use at the time will have the weaknesses/strengths of said element.

Ares Menelaus

Ares Menelaus
Done my good Ser.

Jabo Devine

Jabo Devine

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