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1Nidahri, The Wild Fox Empty Nidahri, The Wild Fox Sat Feb 22, 2014 8:49 am

Nidahri Solora

Nidahri Solora

  Nidahri, The Wild Fox Ahri_Foxfire_Splash_thumb
    "Tee hee hee :3"

Name(s): Nidahri Solora, the Wild Fox
Nickname(s): The Fox Spirit
Age: 20
Sex: Female
Birthday: 12th February x760
Sexuality: Bisexual
Class: Cleric
Alignment: Chaotic neutral
Rank: D-class
Guild: Magic council
Guild Tattoo: Right thigh, soft pink colored
Face Claim: Fox fire Ahri from League of Legends


Height: 1.7 meter
Weight: 65 kilo
Hair: black
Eyes: Yellow/red
General Appearance: Nidahri has a beautifully shaped figure with flawless white skin spun tight over her body. Her long black hair flows straight down and reaches around her wide hips. Her yellow and red eyes bear an interesting feature, as they look not entirely human, but have a more animal like shape. But the most interesting features, are not her eyes, but her ears and nine tails. Her ears grow on top of her head, like that of a fox, it's fur the same color as her hair. She has a cluster of nine tails sprouting from her spine, covered in soft and fluffy fur, ine the color of flawless white. She moves with a grace and subtlety like you would expect from fox, moving around without a single sound and with the beguiling manner that is her sensual nature, swaying her hips with every step.
Extra: She has two extraordinary features: Her fox like ears that grow on top of her head and the cluster of nine fluffy tails that grow from her spine.


Personality: Nidahri lives her life only to enjoy herself. Every day that she didn't do anything fun is a wasted day. But she still needs to earn a living, so takes the occasional mission to sustain her rather expensive life style. It is not that is is always out for luxury, but if you got the money, why not make the food just that little more tasty?

She likes nothing more than teasing people and fooling around. Gifted with a silver tongue, she speaks with charming words and tends to come with witty remarks. She takes great pride in her appearance and invests a good amount of time to brush her nine tails, which according to her, is her most charming feature. She is hates anything that would tarnish her beauty, which caused her to avoid most physical conflicts. She rather turn her back upon an enemy than face it, even if it is only to stab the said person in the back a later time.

Her most important goal, is to find her true love. But because she tries to find her love as fast as possible, she gives a quick and resolute judgment on people she meets... Which might be a little short sighted.


  • Teasing: She likes nothing more than teasing people and making them fluster and blush. Though she might go for a practical joke, she won't actively seek to hurt someone.
  • Seducing: Speaking with charming words and with beguiling body language, she likes to seduce people, if only in order to make teasing them more fun.
  • Cuteness: Kittens, puppies, fox cubs and anything else that is adorable, she just wants to hug it!
  • Beauty: A beautiful painting or well dressed men or woman, some sights are just a bliss to see.
  • Romance: A pick nick during cherry blossom or watching the sun set with a loved one, she enjoys these small things with whole her heart.


  • Loud sound: Her sensitive ears can't stand hard and loud sound, especially that of explosions.
  • Working: She doesn't like work, she'd rather sun bath or fool around.
  • Being looked down upon: She doesn't like and borderline hates being looked down upon and will mostly act mean and maybe even aggressive against such a person until they apologize.
  • Being made fun off: Although she does enjoy teasing others, she won't stand others making fun off her and will most like plan for vengeance.
  • People touching her tails without asking: Although she touches others with her tail a lot, if you try to touch her tails in return, she would pretty much treat it as sexual assault, depending on the circumstance.
  • Any marks that tarnish her beauty: She hates wounds that tarnish her beauty, even if it is only temporary. Because of it, she rarely fights or if she does, her opponents terms.

Motivations: To find true love and enjoy the life that she has been given. She seeks out many people and tries them out to see if she likes them, though she rarely continues long with anyone, she knows quickly if she would like them or not. She might spend a single night with someone or do a single date and then she draws a final conclusion. She doesn't want to spend anymore time on most people, as she wants to hasten her quest for finding her true love.


  • Losing her beauty: She takes pride in how she looks and hates to see it tarnished. She hates having wounds, but she outright fears anything that might scar her permanently, like fire that might burn and damage her face.
  • Unable to find her true love before losing her beauty: Her biggest fear, is losing her beauty, her pride, before she can find her true love. If this would ever be the case, which she has already decided, she will end her life.
  • Mind controlled: She fears that she might encounter something that can take control of her body and make her do things that she can never attone for.

Positive Traits:

  • Agile (+3) (You are particularly flexible and poised): She prices grace over strength and thus worked harder to get her body as flexible as possible.
  • Alertness (+2) (You have finely tuned senses): Her ears can pick up the faintest sound and her eyes work fine within dark environments. She has been blessed with great senses.
  • Deceitful (+2) (You have a knack for disguising the truth. Your lies are difficult to distinguish from the truth): Her silver tongue can make you believe more things than you want... Or you are just too distracted watching her breasts... pervert!
  • High society (+2) (You know good manners and were trained to handle social interactions in noble circles. This is useful in requests involving members of the highest levels of society, such as monarchs, nobles, courtiers, lords and ladies, and high-ranking clerics): She knows how to make her way around in the higher circles, speaking with charming and flattering words and knowing the etiquette of such places... Which she might just ignore for the fun of it.
  • Nimble fingers (+2) (You are adept at manipulating small, delicate objects. This involves things such as a small mechanics and locks): Having nimble fingers is important for someone like her, if it is for taking someones priced item without them noticing, performing a trick to impress someone or tickling... Yes... Tickling ;)
  • Persuasive (+2) (You have a way with words and body language. Somehow you manage to persuade weaker minded people easily): She speaks with pleasing and charming words and knows far too well how to convince someone to have it her way.

Negative Traits:

  • Cowardly (-2) (You have a strong sense of self-preservation. You often hesitate to put yourself at risk, even if there's a good reason to do so. In dangerous circumstances, you are likely to run away. Even if there is a slight chance that you might be able to save your friends, you cower and run away): She would rather avoid danger and turn her back on an enemy, than risk damaging her pretty face.
  • Curious (-1) (You're a naturally curious person and you find mysteries of any sort irresistible. In most circumstances, alas, your curiosity overrides your common sense. This forces you to investigate something unusual, even if it looks like it might be dangerous): She more curious than she should be, inquiring after things that she shouldn't have or picking up a shiny bauble without considering it harmful.
  • Merciful (-1) (For a villain, you have a terrible weakness--you don't like to hurt people. Given the choice, you'd rather exile your deposed brother to another country than do him in. Whether this is because you want him to live knowing that you beat him, or whether you just have a small soft spot down in your heart somewhere, the result is the same: your enemies keep coming back again and again): She will not ever kill anyone or anything, unless there is no other option. She will neither try to leave any lasting injuries or try to maim anyone.
  • Extravagant (-1) (You enjoy living in the lap of luxury. Ale is never good enough if you can get fine wine instead. You aren't happy with anything less than the finest room in the inn. In addition, any equipment or services you purchase cost 10% more than the standard rate for the locale you are currently in. The best of the best always costs more, after all): If you have such fine tastes as her, you wouldn't settle for regular things as well.
  • Hedonistic (-1) (You love a good time. You party too much, drink too much, and eat too much. You have trouble resisting an invitation to join someone in a drink and sometimes shirk your duty if offered a more enjoyable time elsewhere. Whenever a good time is presented you let your guard. You're also not capable to resist seduction of any sort. It's just not in your nature to resist such opportunities): A day without fun is a day wasted.
  • Indecisive(-1) (You have been known to hesitate when faced with difficult choices or split-second decisions. If forced to choose between letting a villain escape and rescuing a loved one from being lowered into a snake pit, you're likely to agonize over the situation until something--perhaps a cry for help from your sweetheart--forces your hand): Which outfit should I wear today...?
  • Judgmental (-1) (You form opinions quickly and change them very slowly. You also have a tendency to judge people on their appearance. A man dressed as a pirate, no matter how gentlemanly, is a scoundrel and a dog as far as you is concerned. A man covered in mud is a peasant, and a woman wearing revealing clothing is a prostitute): She is quick to judge someone, in order to find her true love quicker.
  • Lazy (-1) (You will never do any more work than is absolutely necessary. You will rely on your companions to do things such as build campfires, cook, and keep watch throughout the night. Generally, you will neglect details of preparedness in order to grab a few extra minutes of sleep. Failure indicates that you think the time would be better spent napping or laying under the shade): Why spend too much time on not having much fun?
  • Proud (-1) (You don't like accepting help from others. If a gift or offer of aid smacks of charity or pity even the slightest bit, you grow indignant and refuse it): She won't stand being insulted or being looked down upon. Although she won't turn away any gifts regarding how good she looks.
  • Compulsion (-3) (he character insists on performing ritual actions, such as touching a doorway at left, right, and top before passing through it. Though she may agree that the actions are senseless, the need to perform them is overpowering): Her nine tails are her biggest pride and must and shall keep them as fine as always. She brushes her tails every day and most likely more than once a day and keep her tails as clean as possible. She would almost freak out if someone dirties her beautiful tails and most likely drop anything she was doing in order to get them clean and neat again, no mater how long that takes (while planning her revenge on anyone that was responsible for it).


Magic: Fox spirit magic
Caster or Holder: Caster
Description: She is magical fox spirit and can use her magic create fox fire and relies one trickery to overcome her opponents. She can assume the form of a small nine-tailed fox or use fox fire to overload someone's senses, turning them against them. She can overload the sense of sight, touch, smell, taste or hearing. This means that she can override what people experience normally with their senses, like causing tremendous pain, making eyes see things that aren't there or making them think that air smells like something intoxicating. She can cause people to feel incredibly hot, as if they were feverish, make them see double or unclear or cause them to hear a deafening sound drowns out all other sound. All these changes are in their head, so even if they are deafened by some phantom sound, their ears will not be damaged from it. Overloading senses is only temporary and will always return to regular, though the experience still seems completely realistic and vivid for them.
Strengths: She can create fox fire, which has the special ability to overload senses on touch. While it looks like weird colored flames, it doesn't act like regular fire. It can't ignite anything, nor can it be extinguished by water, though can leave burn wounds or burned marks or even disintegrate things if the user is strong enough. The most straight forward use of this type of magic, is too overload the sense of pain, which causes the victim to experience a painful burning sensation. But not only can it overload sense of pain, it could also overload the sense of sight, which makes it harder for the victim to see clearly or outright blind him. She can also overload any other sense, like the sense of taste, hearing and smell. Overloading senses is only temporary, though being exposed for a long time to it might make you more sensitive to it. The only way to cause sense overload, is when her victim is hit by her fox fire or when she can channel her magic directly with a touch. She can't just will her victim to hallucinate without any form of contact.
Weaknesses: She cannot effect anything that has no brain, as her magic directly stimulates the brains sensory system, although she could still physically destroy them with offensive use of her fox fire, but it less effective than any other element. Anyone that can replace their skin with harder and less sensitive elements, like rock, steel or heavy scales are more resistant to her magic, as it is harder to reach their nerves.


History: Nidahri was born in a hidden temple within a small village where they venerated a nine-tailed fox Goddess. Everyone within the village bore some visage of their Goddess, be it a fox tail, fox ears, whiskers or even a multitude of them. Once in a while, one of the daughters that was born within the temple was blessed with magic of the fox spirit and Nidahri was one of them. Some believed that she was the daughter of the Goddess herself, but she has no divinity nor any relations to the Goddess, except for her likeness although with just a single tail. Her mother died while giving birth, the high priests claiming that holding their Goddess divinity was too much for her and passed on to her daughter.

She grew up like a princess, taken care off and held in high regards. She didn't really like how they treated her, she just wanted to have some fun, but everyone pretty much did whatever she asked them to do. Their willingness to go to the extreme for her bothered her. Many times she tried to convince them to treat her like every other person, but no one really did it... No one but her closest care taker, her father. Though he only treated her like a regular person and as her daughter when no one was around, she loved him for it. She knew that if he did it around everyone else, that he would be banished from the temple grounds. Her father was only a lower priest and not really acknowledged as the real father. But he didn't care, his daughter loved him as her father and the only thing he wanted, was to see his daughter happy.

But all things come to an end. As Nidahri grew older, she began to grew more and more tails and after her fourth tail grew at the age of 14, she first began to manifest her magic power. It wasn't much back then, she could only use it too create a flame to illuminate the area, but it heralded the moment that she was to be taught about the secret nature of her race. Only the fox spirits that were capable of magic were taught this and she was to be the third in their entire history. But she didn't like studying, she just wanted to have fun. Most of her lessons ended in her teacher getting furious after she pulled a new prank on him or that she was fooling around too much. She proved to be more a hassle to teach than it was worth, according to a lot of priests and they began to question the high priests decision. Troubled by the lack of faith from his colleagues, he came up with a plan to ensure that the young Nidahri would pay attention. He took her aside and threatened her, because he knew one things would hurt her more then anything else, the death of her father. He didn't say that he would kill him, but he said that he would undergo a specific ritual, to test his faith to the Goddess... A ritual that would most likely end with his death. Shocked and disgusted by the threat, she couldn't help to give in to it. So her lessons continued, this time, with a more focused mind and without showing her playful nature. She showed a serious face which was almost discomforting to behold, considering the sudden change in behavior.

During the following couple of years, she was taught what was to be her new duty within the temple. A duty that she would be forced to follow. But she didn't want it, she wanted to see the outside world, she wanted to see new places, see the natural world in all it's beauty. But instead, when she would grow her ninth tail which marked her coming of age, she was to strengthen their connection with the Goddess by giving birth to as many children as possible. Everyone is the village was related to the first of her kind and they all had their mutations because of that link and they believed that those mutations were a blessing of their Goddess. This prospect terrified her. She wanted to choose her own lover, one that truly cared for her, instead of seeing her as an object of worship. She decided that she would escape the place and take her father with her.

The year that she grew 16, she grew her final tail. She wasn't prepared yet, as they had guards everywhere around the temple ground they made sure that none entered the temple unwanted... Or leave. She had grown too big for the escape routes that she used when she was younger, so her only options, would be either deceiving her way out... or fighting her way out. Fighting was not really an option. Even though she disliked most people, she didn't wish to harm any of them, nor did she believe she was capable of defeating more than one guard with her magic.

Although it was said that when she would grow her ninth tail, her magical power would be at it's strongest, she didn't feel that much stronger. At least that is what she thought. Her potential was so much higher than she knew, she could have slain the entire village if she would only know how to harness her power. However, she was never taught how to use her magic, because no one actually had the ability to use magic on their own. She knew that she could harm people with her fox fire and that she could turn herself into a fox. But no one would ever fall for that trick, as everyone already knew she could. But then she realized, if she would turn into her fox self, she would fit inside her escape tunnel! She knew that wouldn't take long before people would know, but enough to find her father and get away. But she wouldn't do it without giving an heads up first. She thought she could hide her ninth tail inside the cluster of tails and they probably wouldn't notice for at least a day. Enough to talk some things through.

As she met up with her father, they discussed things. They decided it was the best to leave within the night, her own eyes would guide them through the darkness. Her father had been working on making a trap to block the passage, so they wouldn't be followed. As the night fell, she changed into her fox form and made her escape through a tunnel that would lead her outside the temple. Being found out was inevitable, the key was to be faster then the rest. Her father was waiting outside the village, ready to spring the trap when she passed by and when she did, the ground fell apart as a giant pit formed in between them and the chasers. They turned tail and left the village behind. It would be left in chaos, as she left them behind, but she hoped that her letter would explain (in their words) that this fox will not be caged and hoped the village would threat the next one with better care.

After she escaped with her father, they lived in peace for several months. Her father finally urged her to not waste her youth any longer by staying with her old man, but instead venture out and meet new people. She didn't to leave her precious father, but she didn't want to let him down either. She promised that she would return to him some day and then said farewell and set off for her new adventure.

Last edited by Nidahri on Wed Feb 26, 2014 3:50 am; edited 4 times in total

2Nidahri, The Wild Fox Empty Re: Nidahri, The Wild Fox Sun Feb 23, 2014 1:16 pm

Aoi Mitsurugi

Aoi Mitsurugi
Hello Nidahri~ I'll be lookin over your app today~

Now then, first off you have a small spelling error of the word February. Just fix that please.

Next up can you add a color of your guild tattoo for me?

I would like to see one realistic fear added please (Dark, heights, etc)

Lastly, for your magic, can you go a little more into description of what kind of things your magic can do? It seems a little bit more like your manipulating people from the bit, and it matches nothing from your strengths. Just give detail of how the magic works in you description and we should be fine.

Bump when edited~

3Nidahri, The Wild Fox Empty Re: Nidahri, The Wild Fox Sun Feb 23, 2014 1:48 pm

Nidahri Solora

Nidahri Solora
Donyaa~ :3

4Nidahri, The Wild Fox Empty Re: Nidahri, The Wild Fox Sun Feb 23, 2014 2:50 pm

Aoi Mitsurugi

Aoi Mitsurugi
Alright then, approved =3

5Nidahri, The Wild Fox Empty Re: Nidahri, The Wild Fox Mon Feb 24, 2014 4:11 am

Alyssa Strauss

Alyssa Strauss
Hello Nidahri,

I'm Alyssa and I'll be reviewing your application. I only see two problems with this application from first look. That problem pertains to your Dark Secret not actually relating to your character. Secondly, please go over your application and make sure you have explained everything in depth. Check spelling and grammatical errors. Until then, it will remain unlocked and unapproved.



6Nidahri, The Wild Fox Empty Re: Nidahri, The Wild Fox Mon Feb 24, 2014 7:22 am

Nidahri Solora

Nidahri Solora
You know, isn't it more fun if that dark secret isn't actually written out? I mean, I don't like ruining surprises with that, because everyone can just read it. If I still would need to fully detail it, then I'll just remove it, because I won't. It is a secret and people will only learn it when they actually role play with me :3

Secondly, I believe I have explained everything in enough detail, but you if think something is not enough, then point out which. For a non-native and dyslectic person, I believe I have done my best with the spelling and grammar.

7Nidahri, The Wild Fox Empty Re: Nidahri, The Wild Fox Mon Feb 24, 2014 8:13 am

Alyssa Strauss

Alyssa Strauss
Hello Nidahri,

First of all, I'd like to kindly request that you keep your attitude in check. Secondly, you will need to list it out in full detail because by not doing so, you are not fulfilling the template's purpose. Thirdly, it was just a gentle reminder to check everything before I re-read your application. Contact me when you're done.

8Nidahri, The Wild Fox Empty Re: Nidahri, The Wild Fox Mon Feb 24, 2014 12:12 pm

Nidahri Solora

Nidahri Solora
Removed Dark secret and replaced it with Merciful.

9Nidahri, The Wild Fox Empty Re: Nidahri, The Wild Fox Tue Feb 25, 2014 8:32 pm

Tali Zorah

Tali Zorah
Please include the descriptions of your characteristics as provided on the site's list. You can include your own descriptions as well if you wish, but include ours too.

When approved, your username will be changed to Nidahri Solora.

10Nidahri, The Wild Fox Empty Re: Nidahri, The Wild Fox Wed Feb 26, 2014 3:51 am

Nidahri Solora

Nidahri Solora
Added in the general descriptions.

11Nidahri, The Wild Fox Empty Re: Nidahri, The Wild Fox Wed Feb 26, 2014 7:12 am

Tali Zorah

Tali Zorah

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