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1Genevieve Marcel Empty Genevieve Marcel Sun Feb 23, 2014 7:20 pm

Genevieve Marcel

Genevieve Marcel

    Genevieve Marcel 14n1wbs
   "Is that all you've got?"

Name(s): Genevieve Marcel (née: Apollo)
Nickname(s):  Huntress of the Gods / Apollo's Apprentice
Age: 25
Sex: Female
Birthday:  17/06/X755
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Class: Cleric
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Rank: D
Guild: Eisenwald
Guild Tattoo: The underside of her right wrist in dark green
Face Claim: Eren Jaeger (genderbend) - Attack on Titan


Height: 5' 6 inches
Weight: 150 lbs
Hair: Mousy brown with a glow in the sun. The tips rest on her shoulders if not in a high ponytail.
Eyes: Light green eyes with a hint of yellow, almost like a lime color.
General Appearance: Genevieve is of average build, pretty much. Her outfit rarely varies, but in general it consists of white pants and a 3/4 length olive green shirt. She wears brown leather straps every which way partly out of habit and partly to strap her bow to herself (which she doesn't do often; she'd rather diagonally drape it across her shoulders or hold it in some fashion). Sometimes she'll wear a light brown / dark khaki jacket with her family's crest of the sleeve and the back.
Extra: Branded - it is an ugly, milky-white symbol of Bosco's main prison complex made completely of scarred tissue that covers her left arm from her shoulder blade to edge of her collar bone. Brand Image


Genevieve is more of a tsundere character with little regard for people outside her usual party (even those in her guild). She sees herself as a higher level of mankind, partly for her magic ability (even as a holder mage) and partly from her background of defying the law and getting away with it. The black market is fueled by deceit and corruption, and Genevieve thrives in that type of setting. She enjoys watching the hierarchy of magical society be corrupted and twisted right underneath their noses (ie: What happened with Etherion / Jellal).

She has an intolerance for non-magic folk and will lash out from agitation if around them for too long. Her bad reputation comes party from this (she's regarded as an ill-mannered type) and partly from the fact that she's a wonderful liar. She knows her trade (hunting and bartering animals and their parts and magical wares) well and won't hesitate to try and scam people for money or objects.

Judgmental, stubborn, overconfident - these traits combined make one hell of a package. She's not willing to compromise too often unless she can see some sort of benefit for herself or her comrades at the time, but she's indecisive with decision-making which can slow the overall process. The different consequences of actions play out in her mind, so she's hesitant to act before considering all options unless persuaded by others to make a certain decision.

Genevieve is difficult to impress and expects the best treatment and services available. Once an opinion is made on something (whether it be an object or a person or an event), it's takes a while to change her mind. Her overconfidence may get her into trouble from time to time, but she's generally not too reckless. Unless from her husband, she isn't likely to wholeheartedly accept help from others.

Her feminine side is a rare thing for people to see, but it may be more noticeable when her husband is around. Hell, that's probably when you'll see her show the most affection. What she generally fails to show will surface when her husband is around, whether or not it's noticeable to bystanders.


  • - Her husband
  • - Successful deals
  • - Stealing
  • - Profit
  • - Sunshine
  • - Nicer quality things / places
  • - Perfume


  • - Non-mages. If she's around them for too long, she's likely to physically lash out at them.
  • -  Broken products / low-grade items
  • - Betrayal, despite the fact she may do it herself. (Yeah, she's a hypocrite. Bite her.)
  • - Cheap things
  • - Law enforcement in general and being caught by the law
  • - Losing prey (or whatever she may be hunting, whether it's an item or animal or person)

Motivations: Genevieve partly wants to see what has become of her family, but she also never wants to return to Bosco for fear of actually being captured this time (not that she's any safer in Fiore, heh). Her brother is of mild concern to her, mainly out of curiosity of his whereabouts, but she also hopes to see him someday other than on a wanted posted or in a casket.
Since marrying whatshisface, she strives to live a quieter lifestyle and leave her more... frowned upon lifestyle behind. It's proving a bit of a challenge (especially with her semi-kleptomaniac ways), but her key motivator for change is for him. (Although she won't mind stealing or having underhanded deals in order to be financially stable, heh.)

  • - Losing her husband to death or jail. She may seen rather cold to outsiders, but she melts for him.
  • - Rotting in jail
  • - Her brother's execution (although she hasn't the faintest idea where he is)

Positive Traits: (+16)

  • Agile (+3): You are particularly flexible and poised.
  • Appraise Magic Value (+4): Your ability to determine an item's worth and your knowledge of magic allow you to determine the exact properties of a magic item.
  • Deceitful (+2): You have a knack for disguising the truth. Your lies are difficult to distinguish from the truth.
  • Swift (+3): You are fleet of foot. When running, you move three times your normal speed.
  • Zealot (+4): [Bow and Arrows (magical or non-magic arrows)] This person has trained themselves to wield a specific type of weapon.

Negative Traits: (-16)

  • Branded (-2): You have fled for a crime committed and now have a prominent brand. You may have been a criminal, a slave, or some other such illicit individual. The brand is such that it cannot be easily covered, and a cursory search reveals it each time. Law enforcement agents of any lawful land will immediately take you into custody if they see the mark, for extradition or imprisonment. It is your choice as to whether or not you were falsely accused of the crime.
  • Proud (-1): You don't like accepting help from others. If a gift or offer of aid smacks of charity or pity even the slightest bit, you grow indignant and refuse it.
  • Intolerance (-1): You have an irrational dislike of a certain thing. [Non-magic folk.] Being solely around them for too long sets Genevieve on edge and may cause her to physically lash out.
  • Aloof (-1): Your manner is cold and unapproachable, distancing you from friends and strangers alike. Your preternatural intelligence lends itself to viewing others as slow-witted and a waste of your precious time. Your charisma is lowered.
  • Bruise Easily (-2): Each time you take bludgeoning damage, including that from falls, you take more damage than any other person.
  • Bad Reputation (-1): You have a reputation that angers or frightens people. Examples include being unlucky, petty, or cruel. The rep may or may not be accurate, but in either case, word travels faster than you do.
  • Extravagant (-1): You enjoy living in the lap of luxury. Ale is never good enough if you can get fine wine instead. You aren't happy with anything less than the finest room in the inn. In addition, any equipment or services you purchase cost 10% more than the standard rate for the locale you are currently in. The best of the best always costs more, after all.
  • Judgmental (-1): You form opinions quickly and change them very slowly. You also have a tendency to judge people on their appearance. A man dressed as a pirate, no matter how gentlemanly, is a scoundrel and a dog as far as you is concerned. A man covered in mud is a peasant, and a woman wearing revealing clothing is a prostitute.
  • Overconfident (-1): Nothing is beyond your capabilities. If you wanted, you could defeat the best swordsman in the world; you just haven't had any reason to do so yet. And surely that chasm isn't too wide for you to leap across.
  • Misfortunate (-1): Lucky breaks are something that happen to other people. Your luck isn't terrible; you wouldn't have survived as long as you have if it were. It just isn't very good. Look at it this way: if you need some blind luck to get you out of a sticky situation, expect to be sticking around for a while.
  • Indecisive (-1): You have been known to hesitate when faced with difficult choices or split-second decisions. If forced to choose between letting a villain escape and rescuing a loved one from being lowered into a snake pit, you're likely to agonize over the situation until something--perhaps a cry for help from your sweetheart--forces your hand.
  • Derangement/Insanity (-3): Due to circumstances beyond your control, you are permanently insane. You may have a congenital brain disorder, or perhaps you saw something mortals were never intended to lay eyes upon, and it drove you mad.
    Compulsions: The character insists on performing ritual actions, such as touching a doorway at left, right, and top before passing through it. Though she may agree that the actions are senseless, the need to perform them is overpowering. (Genevieve must steal an object at least once per RP, if not more. It's generally triggered by shiny objects, and she'll even go so far as to try and steal something much larger than concealable.)


Magic: Apollo's Fury
Caster or Holder: Holder - Bow w/ magic arrows Bow Image
Description: Genevieve's magic relies solely on her bow. She doesn't have to carry a quiver of arrows around since they are made from magic power. When pulling the string back, an arrow automatically knocks into place (depending upon the spell used, the arrow will look differently (whether size, shine, sound (while through the air or upon impact), or color) or manifest differently). The location and size of the magic circle, should one appear, varies but will be near or on the bow itself.

  • Capable of mid and long-range offense
  • Since the bow is family-made and centered, it will not respond to a user outside of the Apollo bloodline. (Old magic was used on the bow, but Genevieve does not know the magic herself and cannot replicate it on another object.)
  • Arrows are made from Genevieve's magic power, thus she doesn't have to carry a quiver around and runs out of "ammo" when out of MP (as with other mages).
  • Genevieve can maneuver while an arrow is knocked (does not have to be stationary to perform spells).
  • Spells will either have greater impact over a denser area or less power over a larger area (in the form of a multitude of arrows or a shockwave upon impact, for example)


  • Bow is required for magic use.
  • Without the bow, Genevieve is practically offense / defenseless without other material weapons.
  • This magic heavily relies on Genevieve's aim; if her arm(s) is/are injured, her aim may be altered, thus her accuracy may decrease. (In general, her bow arm is her left arm and her drawing hand is her right. She CAN use both as drawing hands, but her right hand has greater accuracy and precision.)
  • If her senses are altered, she may be at a disadvantage.
  • Enemies can potentially dodge more precision-based spells. (IE: An arrow that creates a shockwave upon contact will be more difficult to dodge and vise versa.)
  • Ice-aligned spells will be weaker against fire mages / spells.
  • Provides little to no defense


Genevieve hails from the kingdom of Bosco. It's a smaller region of Earthland, but it supported her family well enough. She grew up in the trade of hunting, the act being her family business. She often stood behind the counter as deals were made, listening in on code phrases and picking up on little gestures her family members made to one another. It didn't make much sense to her as a child, why they sold different wares to different types of people and why they had special hiding places for certain items. She never questioned anything, however, and was soon helping in the business as much as possible.

By the time she was twelve years old, she was able to smooth talk the elderly and distract them enough for her twin brother to slip loose bracelets off of women's wrists or pocket watches out of men's pockets. The pair gave the objects to their mother who sold them will broad smiles to customers, patting her children on the head for a job well done. "Remember to keep this all a secret," she would whisper to them, winking at their father as he walked past.

At sixteen years old, Genevieve and Ganon (her twin brother) accompanied their father on hunts. Their uncle had taught them how to be decent marksmen with a bow and arrows, and after gaining their father's approval, he took them on hunting trips. The trio (accompanied by family friends in the same trade) rounded up a plethora of animals from all across Bosco, travelling to the borders of the region to trade animals and objects (for sometimes they would stop at caravans and the like to barter) for hefty prices or another item or beast.

Two years later, when the trio came back from a trip with a larger bounty than usual, they were in a celebratory mood and brought out their stash of meade and cultured wines and had one hell of a party. It was common for the family to celebrate (for one in their line of work couldn't always plan on having a future of freedom), but this time something was amiss. One of their friends was missing, and Genevieve went on her merry way to find the lad. Cheeks flushed and a little frisky, she soon found him looking paler than the grave. "What's wrong, Jehn," she questioned, her loose grin sliding off her face upon seeing his entire body shake. "Run, Gen," he whispered. "The Black Market can't hide you now." turning from her and fleeing in the woods.

It was a moment before her body reacted, but she raced back to her family's humble cottage and nearly stumbled over something.
A body, the person's eyes wide and unseeing, a glossy film coating the orbs. Genevieve was no stranger to death, so she merely paused for a cursory glance before continuing her sprint. The majority of her family, it seemed by the sound of rapid gunfire, were fighting off the unknown threat. Genevieve readied her bow and headed towards the sound, but before she could get closer, someone clubbed her from behind and down she went, undertaken by a cheap shot. (Quite a pity.)

She awoke not too long later, her brother's tall figure the only thing distinguishable in the twilight. He explained to her in his low timbre that someone betrayed the family and that the majority of them had been taken captive. Few had fled, but Ganon hadn't seen where they had gone. "We've got to save them," he said darkly, clutching his heavier bow tightly.

The plan never didn't even begin. The pair were found mere moments later (so much for them being a family of renowned hunters). After some quick thinking, they were able to fend off a few enemies before they were entirely surrounded. Instead of immediately taking their captives in, the leader of the "Law-Abiding" brigade decided to go ahead and brand the pair, a sadistic gleam in his eye.

The branding process began, and of course... "Ladies First." In the process of Genevieve's branding, Ganon headbutted one of his holders and distracted the group long enough for the pair to make a run for it. The twins were known for their speed, and soon they got away with minimal damage.

Seeing as her skin burned white-hot with her new mark of the damned, Genevieve forced her brother to take another route than her, saying, "We'll meet up later, dammit! Get the hell out of Bosco! It's too late to save our family!" After growling protests, Ganon eventually conceded and ran in the opposite direction of Genevieve, intent on eventually finding her one day. How hard could it be to find your identical twin?

Genevieve ended up in Fiore after clandestinely making her way across Bosco terrain. Luckily her brand was decently hidden underneath her shirt; it was an ugly, milky-white symbol of Bosco's main prison complex made completely of scarred tissue covered her left arm from her shoulder blade to edge of her collar bone. She was there for two years (age 20 now) when she saw whatshisface - Mannimarco? The name was fuzzy (it's actually iffy to pronounce even to this day), but the face struck a chord for unknown reasons.

A few days passed after seeing the man before the memory hit her - he was the one that got away. And not in that sappy, "Oh, I'll never know what could have been!" kind of way - in the "Oh, I'm getting some funky vibe from you; let's not kill you" kind of way. So off he scampered while the rest of Genevieve's party took to looting the very caravan he had occupied.

Genevieve was a huntress, and although tracking wild animals was a specialty of hers, she didn't track the man down. She didn't have a reason to. So when he reappeared in about one week's time, she was thrown a little off-kilter. He hadn't struck her as some kind of evil creature, and the urge to seduce him (or any man) wasn't strong, so she didn't know why she could practically feel the energy radiating off of him.

No matter the cause, they partnered up and have been together ever since. Recently married two years ago, they remain decently inseparable up until this point. How cute.

2Genevieve Marcel Empty Re: Genevieve Marcel Tue Feb 25, 2014 10:58 pm

Genevieve Marcel

Genevieve Marcel
Bumping for review~ (o-o) Wooooo~

3Genevieve Marcel Empty Re: Genevieve Marcel Wed Feb 26, 2014 1:03 am

Alyssa Strauss

Alyssa Strauss
Hello Genevieve,

Approved! Well done!

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