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1Lorelei the Siren of the Rhine Empty Lorelei the Siren of the Rhine Fri Feb 21, 2014 2:43 pm

Lorelei Doe

Lorelei Doe

Lorelei the Siren of the Rhine Sona_by_kimsomi-d5coxa3_zpsadaaa153
"Snow is white, because it's forgotten what color it's supposed to be."

Name(s): Lorelei Doe
Nickname(s): NA
Age: 114
Sex: Female
Birthday: Friday the 13th, November x 666 (washed ashore on April, Friday the 13th two years ago)
Sexuality: Bisexual
Class: Cleric
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Rank: D-class
Guild: Magic Council
Guild Tattoo: left pinkie toe-soft pink
Face Claim: Sona – League of Legends


Height: 5'5”
Weight: 143 lbs
Hair: Blue with golden tips
Eyes: Golden
General Appearance: Lorelei can best be described as a fair skinned beauty with a healthy hourglass figure and flowing blue hair that seems as if its tips had been dipped in gold. Most often seen wearing pony tails and flowing blue robes to match her hair she has been described as a silent angel, a woman whose golden gaze can captivate people. However despite her beauty, and also because of it, she moves quietly like a soft breeze to try and not draw attention towards her.
Extra: When casting A-S rank spells the golden tips of her hair can shimmer and glow with her magical power being brought to bear.


Personality:  What Lorelei was like just a few years ago is a complete mystery to her, having forgotten everything about her life for reasons she isn't even able to understand. The trauma of losing her memories and discovering herself unable to speak has left her as a shy and withdrawn woman whom at times acts younger than she truly is. While she is shy, Lorelei is also a proud woman whom despises pity taken on her for her lose of memories and inability to speak. Even though she has lost much, what she has discovered about herself is something to be proud of. Her creativity and ability to craft wonderful music and art fills her with confidence even though she rarely shows such skills off to others.

She is also a lazy person who would much rather shrug off more physical labor tasks and enjoy her time alone. If a person expects her to carry heavy loads than they will be disappointed. However with close friends and people she is comfortable with she can turn boring downtime into ones filled with wonderful music to turn what would have been repetitive labor into something more enjoyable. In general she is a quiet and rather meek person that prefers to hide in the background, only showing her true colors to people who force themselves past her shyness and stick with her.


  • Music: Music is apart of Lorelei, it is something that fills the vast void in her mind and brings comfort to herself. A picture may be worth a thousand words, however songs can inspire people in ways that pictures can not. They can paint images in people's minds, bring about emotions long since buried and make people realize things they never though they were capable of before. It can be either subtle or obvious in the way that it affects people, since even the noise In the background can have effects on a person's reactions that they wouldn't otherwise expect.
  • Art: A picture is worth a thousand words, and a beautiful picture can render people speechless just as songs can. Beauty is something that Lorelei enjoys be it art or music, which is one of the things that helped her settle into the Blue Pegasus guild when she was first taken in.
  • Books: Books when read can paint a world just for the reader to enjoy and pass the time, when read with music however they become an impressive story that sucks Lorelei into their tale due to the constant songs playing in her head.
  • Sunflower seeds: Sunflower seeds are Lorelei's favorite snack, often popping handfuls into her mouth at a time to savor the salty taste and crack the shells open with her teeth only to spit them out.


  • Center of Attention: No matter how much she enjoys listening and playing music, when she realizes just how much people wind up loving it and staring at her it is enough to give her pause. Lorelei is a shy person and with the inability to speak has a hard time turning down people or making up excuses to flee.
  • Sunburns: The feel of the sun on the flesh is a wonderful thing, the peeling of flesh, blisters, and sunburns in general however are something that she is better off without.
  • Spelling Errors: Everyone knows that saying the wrong thing can lead to horrible misunderstandings, for Lorelei it is writing the wrong things that are their cause. With an obsessive hatred for spelling errors and the compulsion to fix them has lead to Lorelei resenting such things the most.
  • Work: Lorelei is a healthy woman, with a body in surprisingly wonderful condition, however this in no way means that she likes physical labor and working. She is at heart, a relatively lazy person and would much prefer listening to the songs in her mind rather than moving a piano up ten flights of stairs.


  • Creativity: Creating beautiful music and painting breathtaking images of nature are things that Lorelei loves and constantly seeks to do. In a never ending quest to see new things that she can transform into creativity and freeze beautiful moments forever in time is one of the few things that keeps her going.
  • Memories: Having lost all of her memories Lorelei is seeking out a way to restore what had been taken from her. However even though she may not outright say it, for some reason she feels like there must be a reason why she had lost them all in the first place and is afraid that she won't like what she discovers.


  • Natural Lighting: Lorelei has a phobia of natural lighting. (more info in the negative trait, phobia)
  • Mutilation: Losing her hands would be the final nail in the coffin for Lorelei. It is her only means to express herself and communicate with people, leaving her unable to interact with people should they ever be lost.

Positive Traits:

Positive Traits:

Negative Traits:

Negative Traits:

Magic: Ocean Siren
Caster or Holder: Caster-type
Description: All of the waves bow down before the ocean's siren, a mage who has the powers of the vast seas and utilizes their complete domination over all forms of water. It is a versatile and ancient magic that can use its powers to create not only offensive and defensive spells, but also heal organic creatures composed mainly of water. The water that the caster produces has a faint glowing tint that appears and disappears.

Strengths: Water based magic is highly versatile, water magic in the hands of a Siren is terrifying with their superior degree of control. They are able to produce and manipulate it into all states of matter in order to create defensive spells, offensive spells, bodily debuff spells, or even close the wounds of organics composed of water in addition to its ability to manipulate water to the point of making it akin to an extension of herself along with her spells growing more near large bodies of water.It is powerful against fire and heat based magics, able to put them out and diminish their strength. Finally the user is able to gather water from vapor and condense it for spells and other uses.

Weaknesses: While the Ocean Siren's magic is strong, it also holds a weakness towards stone based magic, due to its sturdy nature and ability to withstand the effects of water. While in nature water is capable of tearing away rocks and carving entire canyons, it is a process that takes a large amount of time; resulting in any attack that the ocean siren uses against stone magic being counted as one spell level lower than it would otherwise be.


History: The scent of the ocean filled the air as its waves would gently wash ashore in a soothing rhythm while the crescent moon glowed dimly in the sky. All alone in the middle of a beach with no clothing, items, or anything man made nearby can be a scary prospect for anyone who has no memories of such things. For someone whom wakes up with not only no memories of what happened, but no memories at all it is a terrifying situation; even more so when the person tries to call out for help only to be met with silence.

However no matter how quiet the world was there was one thing that would very nearly drive the woman insane, the quiet sound of music and singing slowly beginning to creep up into her mind. A song of the ocean and death, of sailors being lead to their demise by following a song... a prospect that would have her entire body growing white with fear at the thoughts of her death soon approaching. For nearly a week the nude woman would struggle through the island's jungles, trying to find something or someone to help her as the song constantly played inside of her head, filling every moment with its merry song of death and of a siren clawing its way inside of people's minds to lead them to their graves.

Finally she managed to stumble upon a village to help her, however as she got past the front gate to stare at the demonic inhabitants all of the energy she had left in her body faded away, leaving her to collapse before them. That was three years ago when her first memories were made, terrifying memories that would forever follow her. The villagers would take care of her and help her get back to her feet, and as time went on she would discover her creative talents and go on to make a living playing for people before joining the Magi Council.

What she has long forgotten however is the true meaning of the song that first echoed throughout her mind, filling her entire being with it to the point that she had taken the name in it for herself; never knowing that she had misspelled it when she took it for her own name. It was a song that she had came up with long ago in another country to spread throughout the ports, a song she made of how merchant ships would disappear along rocky coasts and secluded islands. Of how a lone siren would draw men in to her through her songs that spread across the vast ocean like moths to a flame only to watch them be to crash into rocks or capsize with her water magic. It was a song that she made about herself and her true name, the siren Loreley.

Last edited by Placeholder on Wed Feb 26, 2014 1:53 am; edited 5 times in total

2Lorelei the Siren of the Rhine Empty Re: Lorelei the Siren of the Rhine Tue Feb 25, 2014 11:01 am

Lorelei Doe

Lorelei Doe
Bump~ Come on, you know you want the ocean godslayer approved

Also, do people get a rank up for joining new guilds? I know that they do if they become a GM of it, but >.> well my character isn't GM material.

3Lorelei the Siren of the Rhine Empty Re: Lorelei the Siren of the Rhine Tue Feb 25, 2014 3:39 pm


Random note: You need a last name.

4Lorelei the Siren of the Rhine Empty Re: Lorelei the Siren of the Rhine Tue Feb 25, 2014 3:41 pm

Lorelei Doe

Lorelei Doe
Bumped, Edited in Doe for the last name.

5Lorelei the Siren of the Rhine Empty Re: Lorelei the Siren of the Rhine Tue Feb 25, 2014 8:14 pm

Tali Zorah

Tali Zorah
There are just a few things left to fix.

-Magic Council is currently not available as a joinable guild. Though it will be in the future, I cannot give you a definite answer as to when it will become available. Until then, you may wait until MC opens (Again, no idea when that will be) or you can switch your desired guild.

-Under negative characteristics, you have all subsets of Derangement/Insanity listed under one entry. This is fine, since its multiple aspects of the same characteristic, however there are five entries which would make -15. This offsets your points. Please remove one of the forms of Derangement/Insanity or select another 3 points worth of positive characteristics.

-For your magic, please extend the weaknesses to 75 words.
Also, the key characteristic of God Slayer magic is the element in question being black in color, such as a Sky GS' black wind of Flame GS' black fire. Please change that in your magic description.

When you are approved, your username will be changed to Lorelei Doe.

6Lorelei the Siren of the Rhine Empty Re: Lorelei the Siren of the Rhine Tue Feb 25, 2014 8:37 pm

Lorelei Doe

Lorelei Doe
Edited in another +3 trait to balance it out and also changed the color to black along with the weakness word count.

Also i'll wait on the MC, the GMG ended so they should hopefully be open soon enough.

7Lorelei the Siren of the Rhine Empty Re: Lorelei the Siren of the Rhine Tue Feb 25, 2014 8:43 pm

Tali Zorah

Tali Zorah
Alright then, you will be approved once the MC opens. However, a word of warning. If another character is approved for God Slayer before that time comes, you will need to choose a new magic. This is due to the fact we cannot let a person have a limited magic held on reserve, so to speak.

8Lorelei the Siren of the Rhine Empty Re: Lorelei the Siren of the Rhine Tue Feb 25, 2014 8:55 pm

Lorelei Doe

Lorelei Doe
That's alright, I looked through the applications and so far no one else seems to be going for it. So i should be able to keep it if the MC doesn't take to long to open up.

9Lorelei the Siren of the Rhine Empty Re: Lorelei the Siren of the Rhine Wed Feb 26, 2014 1:13 am

Lorelei Doe

Lorelei Doe
Bump, Joining LS instead of MC. :3 Lamia scale fits oceangodslayer alil more.

10Lorelei the Siren of the Rhine Empty Re: Lorelei the Siren of the Rhine Wed Feb 26, 2014 1:47 am

Alyssa Strauss

Alyssa Strauss
Hello Placeholder,

The Godslayer magic has already been claimed by Warren dent. Please re-select another magic.

11Lorelei the Siren of the Rhine Empty Re: Lorelei the Siren of the Rhine Wed Feb 26, 2014 1:56 am

Lorelei Doe

Lorelei Doe
..... e.e .... no one had it just four hours ago -head to desk- meh, oh well. There's no real difference between them and other mages aside from the eating thing. Edited my magic and went back to the MC since theres no more rush to be a godslayer.

12Lorelei the Siren of the Rhine Empty Re: Lorelei the Siren of the Rhine Wed Feb 26, 2014 2:29 pm

Tali Zorah

Tali Zorah
Apologies Lorelei. I was unaware of that person having been approved so quickly. Your will be approved as soon as MC opens.

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