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1Shuhei Misaki Empty Shuhei Misaki Thu Jan 09, 2014 1:40 am

Shuhei Misaki

Shuhei Misaki

   Shuhei Misaki A0654962-d41a-41c8-bf33-fc82e8545106_zps21234812
   "A life with no adventure in it is boring. The least a friend can do is stir up a little trouble in your heart."

Name(s): Shuhei Misaki
Nickname(s): Ice Wraith
Age: 19
Sex: Male
Birthday: December 31 X761
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Class: Cleric
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Rank: D-Class
Guild: Blue Pegasus
Guild Tattoo: Right Pectoral
Face Claim: Shu ouma- Guilty Crown


Height: 6'1"
Weight: 175
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Red
General Appearance: Shuhei is above average height for males. He is well built for his height and weight. He has a long athletic figure, with exceptional definition on his shoulders, chest, abs, and arms. Referred to by the girls in his village as a greek god incarnate. The types of clothes that can commonly be seen on Shuhei are as follows. Shuhei enjoys wearing t-shirts, long sleeve shirts, short sleeved collared shirts, the occasional hooded sweatshirt, and a winter coat if it is cold. As far as bottoms go, he enjoys wearing somewhat baggy cargo pants, athletic shorts if he is just hanging around the guild. Last but not least, sweat pants for just casual wear on days out. His shoes consist of black slip on shoes, running shoes, and hiking boots if he decides to well, go for a hike. Around his neck he wears a braided necklace, with a icicle pendant, and a small crown.
Extra: He has a small scar over his right eye brow. The hair usually covers it well, but if your close enough you can spot it.


Personality: Shuhei has been described by many words, so condensing the list will be hard. So lets start off with the important ones: Handsome, Deadly, Mellow. Shuheis favorite pastime is to sit by lakes and skip rocks, it has been a favorite since childhood. When ever he would have something on his mind, or something troubled him. He would go by the lake and skip rocks for a while, it was a way to clear his head. Shuhei understands how cold and unforgiving the world he lives in is. He understands it more then most, seeing as he came from a family of assassins. As a child he was very curious about his families line of work, he not understanding at the time. This inquisitive mind followed him through to his teens as well. But there is a quote about curiosity that he enjoys and shares with other inquisitive minds like his. "Information learned is more valuable then information given." Growing up in his family meant that he had to learn discipline, hard work, and respect. As a child he struggled with respect, he was the new blood so he got little. But his father did instill hope in him with a quote he lives by to this day. "Respect is earned, not given. You can't sit here and demand respect without having done anything to deserve it." It was thanks to his loving father and mother that he turned out as well as he did. Shuhei treats others with respect and kindness, regardless of if he knows them. Shuhei is not lazy, and knows the value of a hard days work. But more importantly Shuhei knows that you have to get your hands dirty to get the things you want. Wether its woman, fame, respect, all of these things have to be earned.

Shuhei's demeanor in battle is that of a calm one, taught as a child to never lose his head. Shuhei was taught that to show mercy to ones enemy is to give him the knife to stab you with. Mercy, and compassion in battle have no place in shuhei's mind. You have a duty to yourself and your team to get the job done so everyone can go home safe. His specialties in combat are magic, hand to hand, and capture. He is a master tracker given his assassin back ground. As disciplined as he is, he knows not everything can be done by the book. He will not hesitate to defy orders to get a job done.


  • Sleeping by the riverside: Shuhei absolutely loves the sounds of nature, to him they are the perfect lullaby. On warm days and nights he can often be found sleeping under trees, or by streams.
  • The Ocean: The Ocean's vast depths, and almost endless reach intrigue his mind. Hence why beach days are his favorite.
  • Wealth: Growing up in a family of assassins, your success is measured by your wealth. That and it is what you need to live, so having wealth is always an attractive prospect for Shuhei.
  • Respect/Fame: Coming from a family of assassins, your fame and respect was family based. Shuhei is in love with the idea of getting fame and respect for himself.


  • Doctors: Even since his first check up, he has been terrified of the men in the white coat. He would rather die then go to see one.
  • Spiders: Eight legs, about as many eyes, bites, and hard to find in the dark. No good for shuhei.
  • Lazy people: Shuhei being raised in the family he was, has a natural disdain for the lazy.He believes if you wait for a hand out, rather then help yourself. You deserve to starve.
  • Loud noises: His keen ears, are extremely sensitive to high pitched sounds. If you have ever seen a dog when that whistle is blown. His reaction is similar.


  • Survival: He will stop at nothing to keep himself, when his survival instincts kick in his not worried about anyone but himself. He is willing to sacrifice anything to ensure that he lives, there is nothing he will not do.
  • Settling down: Growing up in the loving family he did, he desires to have one of his own. Marry the girl of his dreams, and have a few children. Something he has dreamed of since boyhood.
  • To become the strongest: He desires for his name to go down in the annals of history as the best. He will train for days, run himself into the ground. His determination knows no bounds when it comes to his own legacy.


  • Dishonor: He is terrified of the idea of shaming his family. He believes it is a fate worse then death for his family to be dishonored and ashamed of him.
  • Missed Potential: He fears not being able to get the most out of himself. He believes his potential is virtually unlimited. But he fears that at the end of his life, he might not be as strong as he could have been.

Positive Traits:

  • Stealthy (+3)
  • Athletic (+3)
  • Enhanced Strength (+3)
    Swift (+3)

Negative Traits:

  • Ambitious (-1)
  • Bravado (-2)
  • Cruel (-1)
  • Curiosity (-1)
  • Extravagant (-1)
  • Greedy (-1)
  • Hedonistic (-1)
  • Intolerance (-1) (He has an intolerance for the lazy.)
  • Judgmental (-1)
  • Proud (-1)
  • Reckless (-1)


Magic: Ice Magic
Caster or Holder: Caster
Description: Ice magic is bluish white ice particles that freeze on contact. It can serve a versatile array of purposes. From freezing enemies solid, with a blizzard type of wintery blast. To being a moldable substance that can be crafted into what the situation demands. Being able to shot hail like projectiles for ranged attacks. Finally, Shuhei can use this magic to cross different landscapes. Such as freezing lakes, creating bridges to cross valleys. And if being followed, sealing off a get away.
Strengths: Ice magic can be used in a variety of ways. Like most ice magics it freezes physical objects, and some liquid based ones. It can be used to enhance physical attacks, such as coating the user's fist in a layer of ice. It can be thrown or launched, the size of the projectile can vary. The sizes vary from a marble, to a basketball. Because it is moldable, it can be used to make: Daggers, swords, hammers, scythes, bow and arrow, and canons if need be. It's uses outside of combat can vary from making barriers to block off areas. Creating stairs, or bridges to cross large valleys. Freezing bodies of water, so that they can be crossed.
Weaknesses: Ice magic, is the weakest in dry environments because of the lack of water particles in the air. With out water in the air, the spells lose a good bit of their potency. Using it without the water particles can lead to the deadening of the user's hands. By forcing the ice magic, it can freeze the nerves and muscles in the users hands paralyzing them. When it is sunny with out clouds there will some difficulty getting the particles. Ice magic has a natural weakness to fire, a high ranking ice spell can be weakened or nullified by a fires spell of equal or lesser value.


It is unknown the location of Shuhei's childhood home, though it is rumored to be just a boat ride away from Qaras. Shuhei was born the youngest son of assassin lord Ryuga Misaki.  In the Misaki family the birth of a child is a celebration. He was given gifts, that he could not even use yet. Celebrated as if he were a king. He grew up under the constant watch of guards, and his older siblings. He was often seen holding onto his mothers dress, he was a timid but beloved child. On his fifth birthday he began his training to be an assassin, and on that day he started his first day of tutoring. His father desired to have well rounded children. So he would do his schooling at home, where his father could supervise his progress. Though this sheltering would not last long. Soon his father would need to search for his successor, seeing as how this was his last child to raise. Shuhei's relationship with his siblings became strained for sometime during the weeding out process of who would success his father.

The finalist for successor were he, and his middle brother. His middle brother often referred to as a child prodigy. The two had competed against one another for most of their lives. Now it was no longer a friendly competition between brothers. Shuhei struggled with the idea of having to fight his brother for supremacy. But he did not want to shame his family either. The dual between his brother was a one sided affair until his brother was about to strike him down. Shuhei being the runt of the litter was clearly out matched by his older brother. As Shuhei went to defend himself from the blow his brother was about to give him. He heard what sounded like ice hardening. He opened his eyes only to see that he had been able to defend himself. But what he used to defend himself, shocked him. He had somehow conjured a shell of ice around himself. This was to his father's delight. He had fathered a mage, now the choice was clear. Shuhei would surpass his father and lead the family. Now he had to find shuhei a teacher so that he might better his craft.

At the tender age of ten, he was sent away to learn more about his magic. He would return once his training was complete. His father had pulled strings for him to stay with an ice wizard named Raven. She would be his mother, father, and teacher for the remainder of his time there. Raven was a kind woman, who had a soft spot for young Shuhei. She was in her mid twenties, and one of the strongest ice wizards in fiore to date. She was an old acquaintance of his father. He had known her father years ago, they used to go on assassination requests together. Shuhei spent four years under the tutelage of this woman. She had taught him how to incorporate his magic into his assassination techniques. How to withstand the cold, she had laid the foundation for his development. Shuhei truly loved this woman, and swore he would repay her for all she had done for him.

Shuhei returned home to a warm welcome from his family, now that he had "mastered" his craft. He truly only knew the basics, but Raven had sparked a fire in him to learn, to know more, to become the strongest. For the next five years he was trained by his father to become the master assassin that the family required to have as their head. Then on a warm summer day, while Shuhei was sitting by the koi pond in his home. His servant brought him a letter, it was a recommendation to join the blue pegasus guild. The letter was sent from Raven. She had explained that they could use someone like him. He was handsome, strong, and intelligent. Shuhei explained the situation to his parents, and much to his surprise they were delighted. On that day he set off for the next step of his journey.

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