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1Mars Bellum Empty Mars Bellum Sat Jan 11, 2014 9:27 pm

Mars Bellum

Mars Bellum

    Mars Bellum Koneko_toujou_by_aceagito-d4ua46r
    "A person can dream their entire life. Whether they move towards them... That's a different story."

Name(s): Mars Bellum
Nickname(s): - - -
Age: Sixteen
Sex: Female
Birthday: 1st September, X764
Sexuality: Bisexual
Class: Cleric
Alignment: Neutral Good
Rank: D-class
Guild: Fairy Tail
Guild Tattoo: Stomach - Pink
Face Claim: Koneko Toujou - High School DxD


Height: 4'10"
Weight: 75 lbs.
Hair: Snow white, neck-length, flowing, soft; two elongated bangs, chest-length.
Eyes: Hot gold.
General Appearance: Mars is considered quite an attractive girl in the appearance aspect, but mainly by those who can see her unique aspects. The most notable feature about her would have to be her height; Mars is shorter than your average female, especially for a sixteen-year old; But her height and childish features grant her a certain, rarely found charm. Mars' skin is pale, as if protected from the sun's rays since the day she was born, and her bright hair, white like snow and framing her face, matches such a feature. Both of those, compliment her large, deep eyes greatly, with it showing a strong golden color, almost like a cat's.

Mars' body frame is petite; for a girl her age, she barely boasts any significant endowment on her body, having proportions like a child's. That does not mean her sex appeal is lacking however, just different. Her figure is usually concealed by many articles of clothing, her prefered style being modest, contrast to most females nowadays. She usually appears with a humble two-piece: a white, striped, dashing shirt with long sleeves, closed from the front with a zipper and decorated delicately with a neatly tied black ribbon on the collar. Her preference in topwear varies in hues of black and white, but is nonetheless similar in style. Her lower body is covered by elongated skirts or dresses on formal events, yet on daily basis, by a much shorter piece. Blending with her white shirt, a black, uniquely styled garment wraps itself around her thin waist and stretches down to knee-level with four ends, one on each side on the front and the back. Through four, white buttons gradually rising up her stomach, this piece is tightened on her. It also serves to partially hide her shortened, pink skirt, the hem reaching thigh-level, and slightly extended with numerous white cloth strips, stretching outward from the inner part. Mars prefers lighter clothing when on actual work, hence why it is more commonly seen her.

Extra: A rather common addition on her would be the two, matching hairclips, one on each bang stretching from her hair. They are black in color,and each resemble a cartoonized kitten's head.


Personality: Mars' usual behavior is more or less, completely opposite to her parents, much to their dismay. Despite hailing from the country of war, Mars was born with the attitude of a pacifist, and her father's actions only augmented such further. She absolutely loathes fighting, whether it be related to her or not, and will attempt many different ways at coming to an acceptable compromise to minimize damage, and so both parties will be satisfied. Mars is incredibly calm and collected, having the same vibe to her aura as a respected, gentle high priest. She almost seems holy to some, with her welcoming nature that wills to give a chance to practically anybody. Her calmness stretches though, to a perhaps humorous edge of hypoactiveness and air-headedness, making Mars sometimes forget things and display very little motion. She prefers to solve things rationally through words and reasoning, much more than through harsh actions if the situation calls for it.

Mars easily puts her trust in people and expects mutual good will to be a given obvious between allies. She will not seek enemies and will try avoiding such as much as possible. Mars believes everyone are equal and that the world can be united, Utopia being an ideal world. After all, people generally hurt each other or commit crimes because they're in distress or desperately require assistance. Nobody is born 'evil', they're all raised to a certain mindset, and it can always be changed. Mars is not afraid of leading a group would she need to, and her often peaceful mind allows her to take things at an effective pace, but bring good results at the same time. It probably comes with being born a royal. For the sake of others, Mars can go out of her way gladly, focusing on individual needs.

But, every coin has two sides. Mars was born specifically to the king of Bellum, a powerful, selfish and cruel man. She could try denying it as much as she wanted, but it exists in her very genetic code: Mars has a hidden side to her, that of a bloodthirsty demon who longs to watch his enemies in agony, much like her parents. The sight of blood makes her feel excited and her heartbeat rises in anticipation for more, it makes her blood boil to know she is superior to her foes. Enough blood can cause her to lose sense of herself, and she might go berserk - weak as she is, physically. The girl is well aware of this quirk of hers, and hates herself for being incapable of restraining it - yet. In Bellum, this is called the Warrior's Blood, very much contradicting Mars' usual self.

  • Luxury; Mars can't lie about this, she enjoys a luxurious, easy environment. It doesn't rocket to a point where she has to always choose the best of the best, but she won't say no for some lax quality. Besides, she manages to find some comfort in simpler things as well.
  • Sewing; As a hobby, you might say. Mars is exceptionally good at sewing and also does it pretty fast, she could make a living out of it if she tried. However, being a wizard, that talent of hers is preserved for free time only.
  • People; Reserved as she is, Mars enjoys people in her vicinity. They can be silent or lively, she will welcome them and happily accept their company. Through people around her, she can feel alive, free. So long as they're all alive and well, that is...
  • Blood; As much as Mars would try to neglect it or ignore it, she can't escape her genetics. In Mars' body flows the blood of Warriors, and since she was a small girl, only seeing it splatter made her boil with excitement. It awakens a somewhat sadistic, different side of her which she wishes never existed. But deep down, Mars knows how much she enjoys the thought of her enemies' blood splattered.

  • War; How ironic is it for a girl from Bellum to grow up becoming a pacifist? Mars despises violence and absolutely refuses to admit that war is sometimes a correct path, from what she learned. The same somehow bends to match Fiore: strong wizards using their powers over weaker ones. It can be called perhaps, Mars' justice, but she refuses to manually engage in combat and go to war.
  • Cats; Adorable as they can be, Mars prefers to keep her distance from them. If only she wasn't allergic to them... Only being around a cat makes her sneeze consecutively, and sniffing at their fur is likely to choke her or at the very least, shortness of breath. You'd wantto keep away from things that harm you, or that cause major uncomfortability to you.
  • Stormy Weather; Hailstorm, thunderstorm, heavy rain and gusts - they're all pretty hard for her to work in. Mars isn't as physically tolerant as most people, therefore she can actually feel small pain if pit against many raindrops in strong winds. What's more, she feels cold and is affected by it more drastically than other people, as with heat. She can't stand storms, and would rather wait them out.
  • Her Warriors' Blood; As much as Mars would try to neglect it or ignore it, she can't escape her genetics. In Mars' body flows the blood of Warriors, and since she was a small girl, only seeing it splatter made her boil with excitement. It awakens a somewhat sadistic, different side of her which she wishes never existed. How she loathes at herself for feeling good when seeing it. Oh how she despises that side of her.

Motivations: Mars strives to move towards peace between the two countries, Fiore and Bellum. With her nature and how she got to Fiore in the first place, it's no wonder. Mars views herself as a diplomat between both lands, that needs to settle the conflict with peace rather the preferred violent ways present. The thought of one day forming an alliance between the two countries encourages her further to proceed her small, but gradually effective actions. Because if she doesn't move towards it, it is likely to never happen. Who knows? Maybe one day she could even unite all of Earthland.

Mars has also apparently taken quite the liking to Fiore Kingdom, and to Fairy Tail in particular. Much like the rest of her new, rowdy 'family', Mars also wishes to excel as a wizard, bringing fame to her new home. It is a rather common motivation amongst Guildmates, but sometime after joining, she found herself happy with everything it had to offer. If she could repay it somehow without involving it in her own personal affairs, it would be through succeeding as a Mage and making herself known in Fiore as a wizard of Fairy Tail.

  • Thanatophobia; Fear of Death. Quite simply, Mars is afraid of losing her life. She certainly hasn't seen much danger to consider herself a candidate for immediate death, but most certainly, from the times she stared fear in the eyes, it's likely this fear was formed. She's anxious about danger lurking to take her life when the possibility is highly probable. In a way, she's also scared of the Afterlife, simply because she doesn't know a thing about it.
  • Acrophobia; Fear of Heights. It's not on par with her fear of death, but Mars feels mildly uncomfortable in high heights regardless. She gets startled and somewhat dizzy, and despite knowing she shouldn't do it, can't help but stare down. It is possible for her to occasionally overcome it when the situation calls for it, but she's prone to shaking afterwards for trying something so 'outrageous' on her end.

Positive Traits:
  • Diligent (+2): Your meticulousness allows you to analyze minute details that others miss.
  • High Society (+2): You know good manners and were trained to handle social interactions in noble circles. This is useful in requests involving members of the highest levels of society, such as monarchs, nobles, courtiers, lords and ladies, and high-ranking clerics.
  • Nimble Fingers (+2): You are adept at manipulating small, delicate objects. This involves things such as a small mechanics and locks.

Negative Traits:
  • Allergies (-1): You are afflicted with allergies. These may be something as simple as hay fever, but the reactions to such will result in something like a huge bout of sneezing and gasping. Mars is gravely allergic to cat fur.
  • Bruise Easily (-2): Each time you take bludgeoning damage, including that from falls, you take more damage than any other person.
  • Indecisive (-1): You have been known to hesitate when faced with difficult choices or split-second decisions. If forced to choose between letting a villain escape and rescuing a loved one from being lowered into a snake pit, you're likely to agonize over the situation until something--perhaps a cry for help from your sweetheart--forces your hand.
  • Trusting (-2): You don't like to believe that other people are capable of misleading and lying to you. After all, people are basically good, right?


Magic: Celestial Spirit Magic
Caster or Holder: Holder
Description: Celestial Spirit Wizards are mages with the capability of summoning special beings through the use of certain keys. Utilizing a being, or spirit, basically grants the user certain advantages and disadvantages depending on the summoned being. All spirits are different from one another, each - like living beings - carrying a unique appearance, personality, abilities and so on, and can only be summoned to this world through the Keys, that act as gateways - with the wizard as the catalyst.

To freely summon a spirit, a Mage has to form a 'contract' of the sort with said spirit, and as such, the power and efficiency of a spirit in a situation also has to do with their relationship with the owner. If the contract is broken, the spirit is free to leave; the same applies if the user becomes incapable of summoning the spirit permanently. There are two types of keys: Gold and Silver; Silver are the most common, and they very in rank depending on how powerful they are. In contrast, there are only 12 Gold keys, and they are considered the most powerful among the spirits.

Strengths: Allows the user to summon great beings which can aid him in battle. Each being is completely different, meaning that there is a wide range of techniques and elements used. This gives the user a bit of an upper hand as long as they see the opponents skills before summoning. At higher ranks, the user can summon multiple gates. Also the spirit never dies! It can only be sent back to the spirit world were it heals up.

Weaknesses: All spirits have a mind of their own, meaning that they can be arrogant, and do not always have to do exactly what the summoner tells them to. If the user makes his/her spirit mad, they can close their own gate.
Once a spirit is damaged to the point where they are sent back to the spirit world, they cannot be summoned again for the rest of that thread. The spirit can only be summoned if the user has the key.


History: It is unfortunate that among the many dwellers of Fiore, very few acknowledge the existence of the lands around as threats or possible allies, likely detaching themselves from worldly concerns and focusing on private life. It really is a shame - if only a little more would have paid attention to the Kingdom of Bellum, this event might have been prevented.

The king of Bellum, Ares, since youth was a fierce, dominating and strong man, his position showing his proficiency in combat and military skill. He was a man of few words and many actions, and in his road to triumph, had claimed an undefeated streak of victory over many enemies - big or small. A true warrior at heart, unwavering in the face of danger. Few were the women worthy in his eyes as possible mates, and even fewer as lifemates. And yet, even the powerful man's heart was eventually conquered, by a not less intimidating individual; a traveling fighter in quest for perfection, of all people. She went by the name Morrigan, and when entered Bellum's grounds in her youth, declared an immediate challenge over the country's army's head. Of course, to reach such a privilege, she had to prove her rightfulness - and so she did. Until, Ares took action and stepped in. Nobody would have guessed that the general would attempt recruiting the female, first to the military and then to his household. Shortly after, they married, and Ares took the royal position in the country.

Shortly after their marriage, Morrigan was impregnated. She continued to fight alongside her husband during her earlier months, but was forced to stop as the pregnancy advanced. Around the time Morrigan stopped fighting, Ares started showing odd interest in the neighboring countries. He set his sights on the power of Pergrande Kingdom, the largest country and the most developed in all of Earthland, and in-order to claim himself more powerful than they are, he needed to first prove his strength against the other countries to exist. Desierto was first on the list, on which Bellum waged war after pulling several tricks to stir them up against the Land of War. It was a short battle and a clear victory for Ares, reducing Desierto to what it is today - a barren wasteland, a complete desert. However, war was waged during Morrigan's later months in pregnancy, and as such, Ares was given one more thing besides his fame and proof of power; that is, a single daughter. During the war between Desierto and Bellum, Mars was born.

To maintain his position, Ares wanted to turn Mars to a great warrior like himself and her mother, attempting to leave an even better impression on his people, augmenting his power as it appears in Earthland. However, fate didn't allow such an option to come by - as Mars was born with a physically weak body and was subject to illness often as an infant. This got in the way of Ares' managing of the land very often, despite Morrigan preferring to serve as the girl's caretaker (unexpectedly). The two parents completely set the route their daughter's life will take, first to master war tactics and then to become a master of a weapon of choice; but Ares comprehended that he was in the worst state possible with his daughter when she became displeased, depressed even, whether her father planned further war and force development. She questioned hurting people and refused to take part in it; Mars was a pacifist, much to the King's misfortune.

While Ares soon came to give up on his daughter proving a worthy warrior, Morrigan refused to just abandon her child like that. Mars was to accompany Morrigan when she decided to carry out some task involving combat, remaining loyal to her bloody way of the sword. Mars watched countless times how her mother mercilessly cut down enemies again and again, blood splattered all over. She found it sickening and horrible, but didn't react to it as drastically as one would expect; she just found disgust in it. In an odd, unexplained way, too. Ares in the while, learned of Fiore Kingdom's rising of power: with the Wizard Guilds succeeding greatly, people keep gaining power to make a name for their guild and themselves. The Fiore Royal Army was also impressive and skilled, boasting a record of successful operations and missions, leaving clear safety in the whold country. It was developping exceedingly fast, and in time, was bound to surpass Bellum in all aspects. Ares decided to wage war against Fiore next, in fear of their power growth exceeding what he could handle. If anybody from Fiore would have acknowledged Bellum as a threat at the time, this event might have been prevented.

Time passed; Ares sent spies to Fiore to gather information, preparing for a large battle that will serve good proof of his power. Morrigan continued to mother Mars, trying to find a way to raise her into the warrior her parents wanted her to be. And as Mars grew up, her personal opinions of war and battle turned worse by the year, but she was not disturbed by blood anymore as she was as a child; in fact, she seemed to have found a strange liking to it, that much her mother accumulated from several experiences. Mars' Warrior's Blood was awakened, and while she hated hurting, seeing blood splatter pleased her. When Ares heard of that, his hopes for his daughter succeeding him were restored, and he forced her to participate in many war council discussions, even if she remains silent or only spouts about the 'soldiers' safety'. She understood that showing pacifism to her father would only cause him to neglect her again, while she longed for his love as a parent.

Soon enough, the time had come; Ares left to meet with Fiore's king after thinking up firm tactics and strategies to defeat their army. He came with the intention of provoking the country into charging at Bellum, so they would be prepared at their best for a skirmish; but the king refused to command an attack. Enraged, Ares ordered Bellum to attack Fiore in a long battle. Perhaps this was what Fiore's King wanted; it took a long while, but eventually, Fiore hailed victorious with taking Morrigan's life and kidnapping Mars. Ares Bellum desperately ordered a retreat to recover, and to devise a plan that would exterminate all of Fiore, rather just defeat them. If anybody from Fiore would have noticed Bellum, this event could have been prevented.

Mars proved to be surprisingly the exact opposite of her father; she endured the pain from losing her mother and her home to directly speak with the king of her own ideal, which with Mars' position in Bellum, was more than possible through persuading her father and using the right wording: she wanted a world of peace, where King Fiore and King Bellum were allies, rather enemies. The king was thankfully understanding, seeing that the girl really meant no harm. However, he refused to speak with Ares of peace, seeing the great deal of damage he had caused in the country. Mars was treated as a guest in Fiore after that long talk, provided a chance of a life in Fiore; yet, as long as Bellum still considered her a hostage, captive, Fiore needed to stay on guard.

Mars wanted to find a way to convince the king to surrender, or at least, try compromising with Ares once again. She wanted to unite the two countries, to prove to her father that war was irrelevant. To do that, she needed power.

In search of a way to make herself more powerful, Mars joined a Wizard's Guild, the rumored strongest in Fiore: Fairy Tail.

Last edited by Mars Bellum on Tue Jan 14, 2014 9:42 am; edited 1 time in total

2Mars Bellum Empty Re: Mars Bellum Tue Jan 14, 2014 8:57 am

Mars Bellum

Mars Bellum
This is done and ready for review.

3Mars Bellum Empty Re: Mars Bellum Tue Jan 14, 2014 9:10 am

Kazuki Kobayashi

Kazuki Kobayashi
Howdy! I'll be taking a look at this for pre-review!

Motivations: Provide two, both in a seperate paragraph.

Magical Weaknesses: Take out it being an expensive magic-all magic costs the same here.

Bump when edited.

4Mars Bellum Empty Re: Mars Bellum Tue Jan 14, 2014 9:43 am

Mars Bellum

Mars Bellum
Edited, thank you for the review.

5Mars Bellum Empty Re: Mars Bellum Tue Jan 14, 2014 9:58 am

Kazuki Kobayashi

Kazuki Kobayashi
Alright! Sending this up!

Mars Bellum Approv15

6Mars Bellum Empty Re: Mars Bellum Thu Jan 16, 2014 8:28 am

Alyssa Strauss

Alyssa Strauss
Le Alyssa Strauss approves of this. Congratulations.

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