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1Mars' Starter Spells Empty Mars' Starter Spells Thu Jan 16, 2014 8:48 am

Mars Bellum

Mars Bellum

Mars' Starter Spells Rcei

Name: Virgo
Meaning: The Maiden
Rank: A
Magic: Earth Magic
Gender: Female
Appearance: Virgo, much unlike other spirits, doesn't have a set form of appearance: due to her loyalty, she changes herself with magic to match the preference of her master, retaining only a few features. Now, under Mars' care, Virgo takes on a feminine form of a young maid. However, it is to note that it is merely transformation; no traits about her physical capabilities truly change when assuming a different form. Virgo's appearance as it is, follows the same pattern shown in each form: she has pink hair at neck length and blue eyes. She wears the same maid outfit, consisting of a black undercoat stretching to a minny-skirt under a frilly-trimmed, white apron. She also wears thigh-high white stockings, and classy brown dashing shoes. Her final set trait as the shackles around her wrists, connected to small chains exiting them.

As she is, Virgo has the addition of a white maid headcap, tied with a string under her chin. She is rather well-endowed, unlike her current master, and has a petite body frame. Virgo stands at barely 5'4" in this form. Her skin is pale, complimenting her pink hair and blue eyes, yet her face rarely shows any expression, following her personality. At times, just to tease her master, Virgo can appear with fake cat ears and tail, both black-colored.

Personality: Given her constant attire, it's not hard to guess that Virgo is perhaps the most reserved and loyal of all spirits; no matter her master's intentions, orders or favors, this spirit will see to them to the very end, taking everything as seriously as possible if the situation calls for it. Virgo is also shown, in her own way, to be a very caring spirit towards her master and their dears, taking care of their most smallest of needs and going to extreme lengths - mostly utilizing her magic - in order to help them attain their goals. In that aspect, doubtfully there exists a spirit as benevolent and dedicated as The Maiden. It is also shown that Virgo's very way of speaking, be it to anybody (even her master's enemies), is amazingly polite and calm. She is stiff in her movements and speaks directly and very much to the point.

Virgo appears rather unemotional; she doesn't speak of her own feelings at all unless truly trusting of her master, that they could allow her to do such; much like a perfect maid, meant simply to serve. As a result, her face often lacks expression, making it hard to really know what is she thinking. That is because, expressionless or unemotional as she'd appear, Virgo does have a sense of humor - and she won't hesitate to show it through several bizarre comments or statements at inappropriate times - or most appropriate, see it as you like. Ironically, Virgo is supposed to be 'The Maiden', but will more often than not ask her master for physical punishment, implying she is a masochist. It is most unclear if she means those or not, but from the extent of how often she brings it up or asks, it is possible that she's serious.

Virgo's loyalty to her master is unwavering; however, she keeps neutrality with everyone else.
She shamelessly calls her master exactly as they wish her to call them.
Virgo's contract requires nothing special besides simply holding on to the key while she has no contract.
Virgo takes Sundays off; besides that, she can be summoned at any day, anytime.

Mars' Starter Spells D01r

Name: Vulpecula
Meaning: The Fox
Rank: C
Magic: Trickster Magic
Gender: Female
Appearance: Vulpecula takes the appearance of a charming, well-endowed woman with 9 fox tails. She stands at 6 foot, enhanced further through a pair of heels on her feet, giving the feel that she's even taller. Vulpecula's usual attire consists of traditional eastern outfits, Kimonos specifically, decorated with different patterns. It is noticeable loose over the shoulders, revealing her cleavage quite clearly. Vulpecula has golden eyes, with thin, line-pupils, much like an animal. She has black, flowing hair reaching the middle back and three red lines on each cheek, signaling her similarity with foxes. She also shows two fox ears on her head, rather regular human ears.

Personality: Vulpecula is a rather complicated spirit; she obviously shows high honor and through her words alone, one can't help but feel intimidated in her presence - and she's well-aware of her status in people's, and other spirits', eyes. As such, she is prone to abusing her status to get what she wants, which seems to focus mainly on alcohol and service. She is deceitful in her wording, often removing specifics and allowing her subjects to interpret her meaning by themselves. Vulpecula is also quite playful in attitude, and if she finds someone boring, she will not hesitate to tease, push them to a small corner to amuse herself. All of that easily points out her arrogance.

But, in the end, it comes down to how you treat her. Vulpecula is quite the Tsundere character, refusing to admit her affection and getting flustered whenever she herself, is driven to a corner. Her preference in 'offerings' is also rather cute, varying from clothes and alcoholic drinks to little children's toys. She also reacts unexpectedly well to both sexual actions - and stroking or petting. This mixture of dominating and childish attitudes sway Vulpecula's opinion on her peers, colleagues and master: outdo her, and she's yours.

Deceitful as she is, Vulpecula is rather loyal to her master, much like other spirits.
She has a quirk of speaking in a very old fashion, and referring to herself as "we" rather "I". She also claims to be younger than her master, no matter their age.
Vulpecula's contract is signed through offering of high-quality alcohol.
Vulpecula can be summoned from Monday to Wedensday, and from Friday to Saturday.

Last edited by Mars Bellum on Fri Jan 31, 2014 12:56 pm; edited 6 times in total

2Mars' Starter Spells Empty Re: Mars' Starter Spells Sun Jan 19, 2014 1:47 am

Mars Bellum

Mars Bellum
This is complete and ready for review!

3Mars' Starter Spells Empty Re: Mars' Starter Spells Tue Jan 21, 2014 11:26 am

Aoi Mitsurugi

Aoi Mitsurugi

Spell #1: -State the speed at which she would dig.
-State a max range from the key holder in which she can travel away
-Can this spell do any damage to anyone?
-Increase cooldown to 4 posts.

Spell #2: -Remove the sustain on this spell. It does not require one as it's a shield.
-State that this shield does not add damage to any physical damage to anyone, as it's a defensive spell, not offensive

Spell #3: -This spell seems like an auto hit from the way it's typed out. It sounds as if it will home onto a person and trap them into a "tomb" for two posts like it was taken from a pokemon game (Rock Tomb). Edit this around to state that it'll be traveling to a certain location up to 10 meters away, trapping up to three people that may get caught in it. Some variation on that. The rocks must also travel in a straight line as well.
-State the damage the rocks can be broken by to destroy them.

Spell #4: -Lower the buff to 25%
-Add in a distance from which the target must be from the spirit to cast or sustain on them.
-This spell seems like a sustain based spell to me, if not, state how it can be canceled or stopped.

Spell #5: -Truthfully, i don't know how this magic is supposed to work, so I will leave this go until I can get how this magic works.

Bump your spells when edited.

4Mars' Starter Spells Empty Re: Mars' Starter Spells Tue Jan 21, 2014 10:15 pm

Mars Bellum

Mars Bellum

5Mars' Starter Spells Empty Re: Mars' Starter Spells Tue Jan 21, 2014 11:51 pm

Aoi Mitsurugi

Aoi Mitsurugi
Spells 1 & 2: Approved

Spell 3: I understand the reference, but it can't exactly work that way here, you'll still have to edit it to meet site guidelines.

Spell 4: Approved

Spell 5: I see the noted reference, but I still personally don't believe this spell can be used here without it being godmodded. I'll let you keep it unless you want to change it, so that the secondary mod can possibly have a better notion on how to grade it.

Bump when edited.

6Mars' Starter Spells Empty Re: Mars' Starter Spells Sat Jan 25, 2014 11:34 pm

Mars Bellum

Mars Bellum
Hopefully fixed properly this time.

7Mars' Starter Spells Empty Re: Mars' Starter Spells Fri Jan 31, 2014 9:18 am

Kazuki Kobayashi

Kazuki Kobayashi
Good day! I'll be doing the Final Review for your spells! Let's get started!

Digger: The fastest you can move at D Rank is 5 m/s, which is roughly 11mph. Please fix this.

Spira Lock: Please state how many rocks are fired, and used to trap opponents. Please be reasonable.

Please bump when edited!

8Mars' Starter Spells Empty Re: Mars' Starter Spells Fri Jan 31, 2014 12:57 pm

Mars Bellum

Mars Bellum

9Mars' Starter Spells Empty Re: Mars' Starter Spells Fri Jan 31, 2014 1:11 pm

Kazuki Kobayashi

Kazuki Kobayashi
Approved! Go blow some shit up!

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