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1Rise of the Thorns; Lily's Spells Empty Rise of the Thorns; Lily's Spells Fri Dec 20, 2013 2:31 pm

Lily Nature

Lily Nature
Name: Photosyntheses  
Rank: D
Magic Cost:15 mana initially and a five mana cost per post.
Requirements: You need to have Rise of the thorns which is race based, and also to be in an area with either sunlight or access to a source of fresh water, either from rain, an enemy spell, in the ground so on.
Class: Supplementary
Element: Nature
Cooldown: 3 posts.
Duration: 4 posts.
Effect: Retreating into her flower Lily closes herself inside of it and for one of the posts duration sends her root into the earth searching for fresh water; this also allows her to absorb any water launched at her or any that lands on her such as rain or water based element spells. In addition to this searching for water effect she also takes in sunlight and yes, if a sunlight based or light based spell was used against her this spell would also absorb it.

Despite absorb both water and light/sunlight, this spell doesn't render them totally ineffective and simply reduces any damage done by these spells by about ten percent. However, if the spell does not deal any damage and is simply a debuff effect all this spell does is reduce the de-buffs duration by a single post. And in addition to this, Lily is healed for the smallest amount possible and lastly, for the first post of this spell, when she is absorbing, Lily can not move nor take any other action.

Name: Pollination  
Rank: D
Magic Cost: 15 mana initially with a five mana per post cost.
Requirements: Rise of the thorns as a magic.
Class: Offensive
Element: Nature
Cooldown: Four
Duration: Three
Effect: Opening up the numerous flowers growing upon her vines Lily releases a large cloud of pollen which drifts about in the direction the wind is blowing, however wind magic would also cause it to change direction, and anybody except Lily who inhales it takes the smallest amount of damage possible , equal to the level of small bruises, while also causing anybody else who inhales it to feel sluggish and slow suffering a five percent speed reduction. The area this pollen spreads over is five meters in a circle shape around Lily's location.

Name: Cross pollination.
Rank: D
Magic Cost: 15 mana initially with a five mana per post cost.
Requirements: Rise of the thorns as a magic
Class: Supplementary
Element: Nature
Cooldown: Four
Duration: Three
Effect: Despite the spells name this automatically translates what Lily says into a format that can be understand by basically any plant and while your average plant isn't as intelligent as a sentient human, they do possess some ability to record information and by talking with said flowers or plants or whatever, Lily is able to ask them questions or things. By no account does it give her the ability to force them to do anything though.

Name: Whiplash
Rank: D
Magic Cost: 15 mana initially with a five mana per post cost.
Requirements: Rise of the thorns as a magic
Class: Offensive
Element: Nature
Cooldown: 5
Duration: 2
Effect: Thrusting her arms and all of her vines into the ground Lily sends forth a large amount of the vines which charge forward, to a maximum of five meters, heading towards the targeted location and anybody who gets in the way is wrapped around and held there for two posts while also suffering minor bruises, of course higher level spells can destroy these roots. These roots would break after two D-class spells or a single spell of C-rank or higher.

Name: Plants vs zombies
Rank: C
Magic Cost: 20 mana cost
Requirements: Rise of the thorns.
Class: Offensive
Element: Nature
Cooldown: 4
Duration: 1
Effect: Aiming all of the flower bugs attached to her vines, excluding the main one she rests in, Lily launches a barrage of rapidly moving seeds towards the target which explode upon contact causing deep bruises on impact. They have a ten meter range and she can shoot at three targets maximum at this rank.

Last edited by Lily on Mon Dec 23, 2013 2:55 pm; edited 1 time in total

2Rise of the Thorns; Lily's Spells Empty Re: Rise of the Thorns; Lily's Spells Sun Dec 22, 2013 3:54 pm

Lily Nature

Lily Nature
Okay, this is finished.

3Rise of the Thorns; Lily's Spells Empty Re: Rise of the Thorns; Lily's Spells Mon Dec 23, 2013 11:48 am


Hello, Lily.

First of all, I want to let you know that you are able to start with 4 D-class spells and 1 C-class, instead of 5 D. Of course you can leave it this way, but if you want to change one of your spells into C feel free to make some changes.

Every spell that has a longer duration than 1 post will cost extra mana for each extra post.

  • Photosyntheses: Change mana costs or duration.
  • Pollination: Change mana costs or duration.
  • Cross pollination: Change mana costs or duration.
  • Whiplash: Change mana costs or duration.
    Will break after 2 D-class spells or 1 C-class spell or higher.
  • Plants vs Zombies: The max range for a D-class spell is five meters.

Last edited by Eve on Mon Dec 23, 2013 2:55 pm; edited 1 time in total

4Rise of the Thorns; Lily's Spells Empty Re: Rise of the Thorns; Lily's Spells Mon Dec 23, 2013 2:55 pm

Lily Nature

Lily Nature
K, changed.

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