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1Charlotte Levonne [Complete] Empty Charlotte Levonne [Complete] Sun Mar 27, 2016 6:21 am



   Charlotte Levonne [Complete] CSyR4m1
   “I see a future. Distant and blurred, it speaks volumes through the black and white hues it appears in. However, it also speaks of something unknown. The Pandora's Box will open again and shall my fate be to turn into a speck of light as well?”


NAME(S): Charlotte Levonne
NICKNAME(S): Princess
AGE: 20
GENDER: Female
BIRTHDAY: February 10
SEXUALITY: Heterosexual
GUILD: Alabaster Wolves
TATTOO: Right side of her neck, white.
FACE CLAIM: Yuzuriha Inori - Guilty Crown


WEIGHT: 54kg
HAIR: Light pink
EYES: Darker shade of pink.
DESCRIPTION: Light pink hair that cascades down her back like waterfalls, clever, sharp looking eyes, two deep pink orbs that appears to pierce into one’s soul, thin red lips always pulled into a calm smile; that is Charlotte in one look. Outwardly, Charlotte looks more or less like a lifeless doll that moves under a set of commands rather than emotions. Standing at a height of 5’6, she has a tall, athletic and balanced figure. She always puts up a calm face with her straightforward eyes and small smile that doesn’t always reach her eyes.

Charlotte’s favourite outfit consists of her old plain white shirt combined with her tight-fit black leather trousers and black ankle boots. Outside it, she also likes to wear comfortable dresses. Very pale, almost boring colors, along with black and white take up most of the space in her wardrobe that is always filled with shirts, trousers and shorts along with a few dresses.


PERSONALITY: A noticeable trait for Charlotte is her detachment to the rest of the world. Despite being physically present in front of people, it becomes obvious most of the time that she is either in a world of her own or is simply deaf to the people around her. It is not deliberate but something that just comes to her when she is in the company of people that has nothing interesting to offer her. She is indifferent to many things that happen around her. In fact, she likes to mind her own business rather than to poke her nose into places that does not need her. Because of this, it is extremely difficult to get her interested into anything outside the few things inside the small bubble of her hobbies and interests. Due to this aloof nature of hers, she is usually quiet and soft spoken, speaking only when the situation calls her to do so. Because of this, to people who seek comfort, she becomes a good companion and listener.

Charlotte is quite a smart character, not only because she has photographic memory that lets her store any event in her head forever, but also due to her ability to observe and make calm judgments in all situations. She can usually be found in a quiet place without a crowd, specifically the library. She isn’t someone who would make relationships with people easily but once she does, she carries it along with her for as long as she lives. Towards those special people, she is more expressive and sociable. Inside battle, she is the type of person that stands back and charges in with a definite plan.

-Alabaster Wolves: Her guild, stressing on teamwork is a driving force for her.
-Magic: Charlotte loves her magic and researching on it, thus it becomes a motivation for her.
-Finding her sister: Charlotte wants to find her sister whom she was separated from at the age of six.
-Snakes: Simple, Charlotte is very much afraid of the slimy, sly creatures.
-Losing Magic: Charlotte cannot stand the idea of losing her magic.
-Clowns: The reason isn't clear but she has a fear of clowns.
-Crepes: They are delicious.
-Animals: Charlotte can handle animals, other than snakes, very well.
-Magic: Charlotte likes all kinds of magic.
-Crowd: She likes to be alone. Crowds and noises are something she hates the most.
-Children: Mostly because she can't handle them very well.
-Violence: Charlotte doesn't like violence and is more of a peacelover.

  • Stealthy (+3): You are particularly good at avoiding notice. You could be sitting somewhere in a thread at a bar and people wouldn't even notice that you were there.
    Explanation: You are able to blend into a crowd, and those entering threads cannot initiate conversation with you until you speak or state your presence in an obvious matter by doing something that draws the attention of others.
  • Alertness (+4): You have finely tuned senses.
    Explanation: Passive D Rank hearing, sight, and smell buffs.


  • Aloof (-1): Your manner is cold and unapproachable, distancing you from friends and strangers alike. Your preternatural intelligence lends itself to viewing others as slow-witted and a waste of your precious time. Your charisma is lowered.
    Explanation: You can't act nice to people and you can't make friends easily.
  • Compulsive Honesty (-2): You cannot tell a lie, nor can you behave in a deceitful fashion. You tend to be blunt rather than tactful, even if it means insulting someone who you and your companions are trying to impress.
    Explanation: You can't lie and you will tell the truth when someone asks you something instead of lying. So if your team is impressing an ogre and the ogre asks if you guys are truly from the guild you guys claimed you were and lied about it, you will screw it up and say the truth.
  • Curiosity (-1): You're a naturally curious person and you find mysteries of any sort irresistible. In most circumstances, alas, your curiosity overrides your common sense. This forces you to investigate something unusual, even if it looks like it might be dangerous.
    Explanation: You will walk deeper into the forest you have never been before. You won't turn around from the castle that you have never seen. This can result into getting you into very dangerous situations.
  • Inattentive (-1): Your mind has a habit of drifting off at inopportune moments. It flits from one thought to the next so fast that you have trouble getting it to concentrate on the here and now. As such, you are particularly unaware of your surroundings.
    Explanation: You must drift off at least one out of five posts.
  • Intolerance (-1): You have an irrational dislike of a certain thing(Snakes). It may be an animal, a class of person, a situation, or just about anything at all. Note that some dislikes may be too trivial or ridiculous to count--a dislike of Bavarian-crème-filled donuts or mechanical pencils, for example, has no real dramatic value and will not be allowed.
    Explanation: You must act very disgusted and displeased when your dislike comes into play.
  • Dark Secret (-1): You have some sort of secret that, if revealed, would make you an outcast amongst your society and companions. While this secret is on your mind at all times, it will come up in topics only once in a while, but when it does, watch out! (The fact that she destroyed an entire village while trying to defend herself)
    Explanation: You must think about your dark secret at least one out of ten posts. When things that are relevant to the dark secret are brought up you can't stop thinking about it.


MAGIC: Crown
TYPE: Caster
DESCRIPTION: This magic utilizes the energy derived from stars, planets and other celestial bodies. It takes the celestial energy received from them and turns it into spells that can be explosions, beams of celestial energy or even have it turn into a tornado or a flower that has an AoE effect. It's strength is its versatile nature while its weakness is that it gets no elemental advantage.

HISTORY: Where this story should start, I wonder. Should it be from the heavens or from the earth? Well, if this should be up in an order, let’s start from the heavens after all.

It would be foolish to think that Earth was the only place out there with life and magic. Without a doubt, other places exist and Arcadia was one of them. But, while Arcadia wasn’t exactly placed up in the clouds or besides the God’s high and mighty chair to call it was heaven, it was still a small planet light years away from Earth with people living under the sacred blessings of Gods and Goddesses. It was a beautiful, serene place that tasted peace for centuries. The people took pride in their kindness and compassion and ability to truly bring the concept of heaven and engrave it deep into the threads of that small planet. However, it’s a well known, unavoidable fact that things never last the same way forever. Just as how anything, in time, loses their worth, Arcadia too started losing its light.

Let me tell you how things worked in that world. At the very base of the pyramid, you have the common people, working hard and always putting blind faith in the God and the messengers that I have yet to explain. These people did all the work, never complained nor questioned, and accepted the blessings from those above them. Speaking of those above them, there were the nobles that thrived in wealth. Only, contrary to the many historic tales of the haves and have-nots that we have heard, these people actually shared their wealth with the common folks and helped them with any and all financial needs. At the very top of the tier but below the Gods and Goddesses that watched over the place were priests and priestesses, and one person in particular, the high priestess that stood very close to the holy powers. They did all the rituals, the worshipping, the summoning and all those magical things that others couldn’t. This class was considered as the messengers or the “links” between Gods and people. The high priestess amongst them was considered the child of Gods, having divine powers that distinguished them from rest of the world.

Now this class system has had its root from almost the beginning of time for them. No one questioned it nor contemplated it and as if it was like breathing, followed it, till, the gears for another story snapped awake like a lion out for its prey, spinning a change, and weaving another legacy that was soon to shift the story from Arcadia to the humble Earth.

It all began when the Pandora’s Box was set open on this innocent world and no one, not even the high priestess saw it coming. The Pandora’s Box, a curse with an unknown origin, destroyed the trust among the tiers. They got suspicious, started questioning and they stopped believing. The common folks began asking why they had to do all the work while the nobles asked why they had to waste their money on others. The priests got haughty with their powers and even the Gods and Goddesses started abandoning that world. Just like the two foolish human that fell under an old snake’s tales, this world too fell under the Pandora’s curse. In the end, it didn’t take too long for a war to break out.

No war in any memoirs started nor ended in peace and this one wasn’t any different. The skies rained spears, the rivers turned red, and the gales carried the scent of rotten carcasses. The nobles had been wiped out, leaving the scores to be settled between the priests and the masses. Of course, the priests dominated the war with their sacred powers. Some even used their link to the Gods to massacre the people. All they wanted was to stand above everyone else and redesign the world in their image. But one person and only person stood behind, only observing, only listening to the screams and cries of pain and terror. This person, at that point, had given up on the world.

The high priestess, determined to lock the Pandora’s Box forever and cast it away into the depths of time, pierced her own heart with the holy blade, scattered it across space and time, and sacrificed her sacred body to all the Gods and Goddesses above in a terrible twist of fate that both ashamed and saddened the Gods. She took her own life and destroyed the small world known as Arcadia right in front of their eyes. She had placed her grief and pain, hopes and despairs into the hands of the Gods, and turned into a speck of light and disappeared.

This, everyone, was the end and beginning of Charlotte’s existence. The Gods were so ashamed of their inability to do anything but watch and so impressed by the strong will of the human that literally broke her heart for an entire planet that they spent thousand nights in a ritual to bring the human back to life. They rounded up all the shattered pieces of heart that they could, even though it was still incomplete, and gave her back a soul, still broken but somehow alive. Finally, they sent her to Earth, like a shooting star, she was pushed down to the world from the skies only to be reborn in the womb of a farmer’s wife.

Charlotte was their first child. The small family that consisted of the woman, the man and his father was always in a state of unrest. The heavy drunkard of a man that treated both the woman and the old man as his slaves was always violent, always hitting or spewing profanities at the two souls that was a burden to him. It surprised no other when one day, it came to the point that the drunken man came home with a knife and murdered the woman and the man. Of course, in his state of violence, he turned to Charlotte and her baby sister as well who was no older than five months at that time. She needed no emotions or feelings to tell that she was in danger and the power automatically came out of her in the form of a blast that pierced the big oaf’s heart.

Years passed, Charlotte still had no memories of Arcadia and of her past but she had came to practice a magic she found to be unique in a sense that it came to her all too naturally. Her aimless travels led her to a guild called Alabaster Wolves and she had no trace of her sister that a local church had taken charge of. With a lot of puzzles still left unfinished, Charlotte begins her life from this point.

Last edited by Charlotte on Mon Mar 28, 2016 8:00 am; edited 1 time in total

2Charlotte Levonne [Complete] Empty Re: Charlotte Levonne [Complete] Mon Mar 28, 2016 7:51 am


Alright, let's go!

> Guild Tattoo: Color? (Why do people always forget about that! x.x)
> Character Traits (Negative)
- Intolerance: Please state what your character dislikes (in brackets, like this)
- Dark Secret: Please state what your dark secret is.

Your Magic:

Using celestial bodies I'm sure your element would be Light! Also, your Magic sounds a lot like Heavenly Body Magic.

"The properties of Heavenly Body Magic rely primarily on astronomical objects like meteors or the generation and manipulation of the energy of stars from their own body. The caster can create powerful light blasts or beams of high destructive power, reminiscent of starlight, at their opponents."

Unfortunately, Heavenly Body Magic is on our banned Magic list, so I need you to change that. Also, on a different note: Usually, elemental caster magics like that aren't allowed to buff or debuff, unless the element allows you to do so (poison, lightning for paralysing). Buffs are usually buffing magics only, but like I said rules on that aren't out yet.

So when you make a new Magic you can include that and I'll approve it for now, but you might have to change it later on, depending on Sei's verdict.

3Charlotte Levonne [Complete] Empty Re: Charlotte Levonne [Complete] Mon Mar 28, 2016 8:00 am


Bumpity bump~ <3

4Charlotte Levonne [Complete] Empty Re: Charlotte Levonne [Complete] Mon Mar 28, 2016 9:39 am

Hikaru Nakamura

Hikaru Nakamura
Approved to alabaster

5Charlotte Levonne [Complete] Empty Re: Charlotte Levonne [Complete] Mon Mar 28, 2016 10:34 am


Charlotte Levonne [Complete] TnnkSrq

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