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1Charlotte Marigold Empty Charlotte Marigold Mon Feb 17, 2014 6:46 pm

Charlotte Marigold

Charlotte Marigold

Charlotte Marigold 70h1F
"You better keep your distance."

Name(s): Charlotte Marigold.
Nickname(s): Charlie.
Age: Sixteen.
Sex: Female.
Birthday: 23rd March X763.
Sexuality: Asexual.
Class: Cleric.
Alignment: Neutral.
Rank: D-class.
Guild: Eisenwald.
Guild Tattoo: Back of her left hand, Blue color.
Face Claim: Hibiki - Kantai Collection.


Height: Five foot, two inches.
Weight: One hundred and thirteen pounds.
Hair: Long white/silver strands.
Eyes: Aqua lenses.
General Appearance:
Charlie seems to have her hair flat out, not done into anything special, unless it's a formal/special occasion. If so, she usually has it done into a bun. Her frame is quite normal for a woman, somewhat thin though whilst she is slightly shorter than usual and not that much on the muscular side either. Her common attire consists of a v-neck striped short-sleeve top that consists of the colours grey and blue, along with a grey twin diamond emblem on the back. Blue jeans that reach to the feet along with a matching pair of white and blue shoes.
Extra: Couple of scars along her arms, them all being slight cuts and some are recent. Made from her playing with knives and perhaps getting into little accidents.


A cold heart, that's rather fragile but protected by a wall of harsh ice, she's one that never lets open any cracks to her heart. She wouldn't believe that she could even love or like a person, the only closest feeling would be respect. But that's only possible to get if you've proven youself to her or are one of her Celestial Spirits. Her gaze is like needles if to get close to her, often taking out a knife in a threatening motion to ask for someone to leave. She barely talks as well, not because she's shy but she doesn't want to allow a chance for her to get tricked.

Even so, she's still a child and doesn't really like to be alone at times. These moments she'd likely summon one of her spirits and chat to them or perhaps just make her way into a crowded area. Although she doesn't like to show it, she does rely on her spirits a lot. One more of her childish knacks seems to be the fact that she drifts off into daydreams when something the interests her. Even though it's not that much of a problem for normal people, it's very extreme at times for her, often occurring in even the most crucial of times.

But even so, she's likely to go violent at times and is quite heartless when it happens. As she doesn't like to have bonds to people, she doesn't really care for others. Even a task such as fatally wounding wouldn't be a problem for her, though she wouldn't like to do such a thing without a good reason. She's also rather selfish, good with her hands for "borrowing" stuff without permission from others.


  • Silence - She likes the sound of hearing absolutely nothing, it's rather soothing in her mind. Perhaps that's why she drifts off into day-dreams at times, tuning out the sounds of everyone around her.
  • Green - She never knew why, but since a child, the color green seemed to always be able to catch her attention more than other colors. She's been told it's something psychological, but in her mind, she just figures that she pretty much likes the color and that's it.
  • Nice Aromas - Another thing that can easily direct her attention, a simple nice smell would often lure her to the source of it. If she really likes it, it may even take her mind of combat and make her even forget that she's in danger.
  • Knives - Ever since she was supposedly 'saved' by her precious kitchen knife, she seemed to have a knack of keeping multiple knives on her at all times. Not only that, but she also does little tricks at times. Due to this, she also became a bit handy with her hands at manipulating small objects such as knives whilst she's rather skilled in using one.


  • Being told what to do - She doesn't really take keen with being told to do something, the only times she would accept it is if the person is someone that she respects due to being stronger than her or if it is a client for a request, though she still will show signs of being irritated if the task is tedious.
  • Being grasped - She has bad memories of her past, simply holding her arm tight would be enough for her to view that person as a threat. It may lead to her attacking the person, though if rare just something minor.
  • Stolen Items - If something was taken from her without her permission, she would consider it stolen. It would result in her being in a violent nature, especially if the item was one of her many knives which may end up rather badly.
  • Boredom - Though she can be entertained for a while by simple silence, it can only last so long. She tends to get easily bored if something entertaining doesn't occur, which is somewhat ironic as she tends to drift her attention away from such events after a while. She's just somewhat indecisive at times.

She doesn't have much of a motivation, she just keeps on living as she can't think of something that would be interesting with death. When bored, she'd likely take a request or something to just fuel her, though she tends to not complete them due to her drifting away from the mission. Usually her spirits are there to redirect her back on track, though her relationship with her spirits isn't the best of ones.

The only things that she's scared of is the corpse/ghost of her deceased brother coming back to life for revenge, which is unlikely going to happen, but still she tends to avoid going within the area his grave is located. The second is likely the losing all of her knives, even though she does have magic, she does consider them as her life-line. They protected her from her brother and she had been thinking that they've protected her since. Without them, she thinks that she'll be more vulnerable than a newborn baby.

Positive Traits:

  • [Knives] Zealot (+4): This person has trained themselves to wield a specific type of weapon. This weapon can be mentioned behind the Zealot feat within brackets to claim it upon approval.
  • Nimble Fingers (+2): You are adept at manipulating small, delicate objects. This involves things such as a small mechanics and locks.

Negative Traits:

  • Aloof (-1): Your manner is cold and unapproachable, distancing you from friends and strangers alike. Your preternatural intelligence lends itself to viewing others as slow-witted and a waste of your precious time. Your charisma is lowered.
  • Bad Reputation (-1): You have a reputation that angers or frightens people. Examples include being unlucky, petty, or cruel. The rep may or may not be accurate, but in either case, word travels faster than you do.
  • Branded (-2): You have fled for a crime committed and now have a prominent brand. You may have been a criminal, a slave, or some other such illicit individual. The brand is such that it cannot be easily covered, and a cursory search reveals it each time. Law enforcement agents of any lawful land will immediately take you into custody if they see the mark, for extradition or imprisonment. It is your choice as to whether or not you were falsely accused of the crime.
  • Inattentive (-1): Your mind has a habit of drifting off at inopportune moments. It flits from one thought to the next so fast that you have trouble getting it to concentrate on the here and now. As such, you are particularly unaware of your surroundings.
  • Short Attention Span (-1): You have little patience, causing you to have difficulty concentrating on repetitive tasks.


Magic: Celestial Spirit Magic
Caster or Holder: Holder
Celestial Spirit Magic is a Holder type of magic, involving the summoning of Celestial Spirits. This is achieved by opening their specific gate using a Celestial Spirit Gate Key. Beforehand, it requires that a Celestial Spirit Mage would make a contract with the spirit at its first summoning. These contracts usually detail when (and in rare cases, where) the spirit can be summoned and is usually decided by both parties. Once agreed, the contract can only be broken via three ways. The mage being arrested, the mage releasing the spirit off his/her own accord or whenever they die. It also seems that spirits have rules of their own world, not allowing them to kill or indirectly kill their mage in any situation. There are two types of keys for a Celestial Spirit mage, the common being a silver and the rare being gold. For a spirit to be unsummoned, it requires both parties to agree upon it. A forced gate closure can be done, but requires someone with a great will.

The ability to summon allies that can help you or work together with you. The spirit all have different abilities, truly making this magic diverse. With skill it's possible to summon more than one at the same time, but with more drain on the mage, though this does allow for combinations. Spirits are also unable to die within this world, a fatal wound would just cause them to be unsummoned and forcibly closing their gate.

All spirits have their own personalities (Unless in special circumstances) which can cause for often confliction between the mage. Mentally or perhaps physically hurting a spirit will cause unco-operation from the spirit majority of the time. Each spirit also have their own weaknesses as well as strength, which can leave the mage in a pickle against a bad-match up. Each key would need to be brought/found/given to the mage, as they are unable to summon different spirits from the same key. This also causes problems to a mage in combat, if they have only a few.


It was considered misfortunate to her, that the family that she was born into were rather wealthy. Her parents neglected their children, not that they didn't love her but they were more focused on ways to get richer rather than her child. Her only sibling was her brother; he was spoilt and rather rude. But despite that, he was caring for her. Both of the children were raised by hired nannies, often being changed due to the fact that the parents didn't think that it would be good for their children to be influenced by their "poor minds", so they would succeed further in life. But all that did was stop the children from knowing who to go to in trouble.

As Charlotte grew, she became distant with everyone, her brother begun hanging out with rather rich and spoilt friends, whom were changing him to a point where he didn't care much for his sister. It's not as she cared herself, she was just the child who was content with being by her, just staring into placed in silence. She wasn't dumb, actually rather smart for her age as her intelligence was quite high for her age and her parents were quite proud with her. Even if she was distant, as long as she had the brain, they considered her to be their favourite child.

But this didn't sit well with her brother, whose grades were quite bad due to being overly spoilt and since he spent most of his times with his friends. As he was his late-teens and Charlotte was only two years younger than him, he felt as if she was a threat to him. It would be quite obvious due to the age difference that if something were to happen to the parents, the one whom would get the inheritance would be Charlotte due to her smartness. He already knew that his parents viewed him as a lost cause and couldn't stand for this to occur.

So he decided to get rid of his sister, though he didn't really want to, he was pressured to by his peers. During the night, he assaulted her as she went out to the kitchen to get a little late night snack. As everyone-else was upstairs, no one would hear the sounds due to the size of the large houses. Charlotte was indeed frightened, for a young girl to be attacked by her sibling was indeed something that she wouldn't ever expect. She never would have wanted the money for the inheritance, but her brother thought that everyone was out to get him at this point. She quickly reached for the nearest object and flung herself at him. With a splashed of red, she stabbed him unintentionally with a knife, screaming soon after. This scream was loud enough to catch the attention of her parents, whom eventually came down to view the scene in shock.

She was deemed as a murderer to them, as her mother immediately shouted it out at once. Of course they had no idea of the situation that was at hand, but in their eyes their daughter just killed their son. Scared, not knowing what to do, she got up and ran, attempting to flee the crime-scene. Images of her brother whom attacked her, soon falling to his demise filled her head with each step was taken. Once she had made herself flee a considerable distance away from her home, she collapsed on the street and poured her feeling out; looking at her hand that still seemed to have the weapon in her hand. She held it tight and brought it closer to herself instead of flinging it away in disgust. Why would she get rid of something that had protected her?

But she was now an out-cast, she was a criminal as it seemed her parents came to the conclusion that the girl wanted to kill the family and claim their money. The newspaper said that they did think that she was too smart for her own good. It felt horrible for her to see that, did they really didn't trust her at all? Perhaps her life was all a sham, for her to tell to study to be exiled due to just obeying orders. But even more the fact that her brother attempted to murder her, she didn't really think she could trust a person again. Keeping herself out of sights, she did what she needed to survive. She stole from others, keeping her distance from people. But she didn't know why she kept on, why she continued living.

This was around the time that magic came into her life; she stole from a shop a key that she thought that she may be able to sell for a lot of money. Perhaps enough to get a home for herself as that was her current goal. But then she came to know of Celestial Spirit Magic, thinking that perhaps it could help her and maybe give her allies that she could trust. After all, they weren't allowed to kill or harm their owner in anyway. So she learned and trained, soon becoming a mage. And with that she eventually was discovered by the dark guild Eisenwald, hoping to seek her power for their selves. She accepted, as she saw that there weren't many other choices for her. People whom were also abandoned must be here, perhaps they were worthy allies.

Last edited by Charlotte Marigold on Thu Feb 20, 2014 10:37 am; edited 5 times in total

2Charlotte Marigold Empty Re: Charlotte Marigold Wed Feb 19, 2014 5:13 pm

Charlotte Marigold

Charlotte Marigold
Done~ And bump.
-Changed to Eisenwald.
-All of history and personality was changed.
-Small parts of appearance was changed.
Overall, I like her more. Maybe cause I put more work into it >.<

3Charlotte Marigold Empty Re: Charlotte Marigold Thu Feb 20, 2014 10:28 am

Aoi Mitsurugi

Aoi Mitsurugi
Hello Charlotte~ It's nice to see someone apply for EW every once in a while.

Anyway, the only thing needed to be fixed in your app is to add your animal affinity to the list. It isn't spaced like the rest of them.

Everything else checks out ^-^

Bump when edited.

4Charlotte Marigold Empty Re: Charlotte Marigold Thu Feb 20, 2014 10:38 am

Charlotte Marigold

Charlotte Marigold
O-o Animal affinity shouldn't of even been there, it's fixed now though.

5Charlotte Marigold Empty Re: Charlotte Marigold Thu Feb 20, 2014 11:03 am

Aoi Mitsurugi

Aoi Mitsurugi
Alrighty then! With nothing else to say, approved! ^-^

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