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1Strikers Empty Strikers Thu Feb 18, 2016 6:42 pm


Name:Lighting Magic, Spark
Rank: D
Magic Cost: 10 Mana
Requirements: Lighting Magic
Class:Supplementary/ Defensive
Element: Lighting
Cooldown: 2 Post Cool Down
Duration: 2 post paralyzation
Effect: User genrates lighting over their skin, shocking anyone who touches him/her causing that person to paralazyed.

Name:Lighting Magic, Thunder Strike
Rank: D
Magic Cost: 10 Mana
Requirements: Lighting Magic
Element: Lighting
Cooldown: 2 Post Cool Down
Duration: Insitant
Effect: The user cover his/her palm(s) in electricty striking at a taget. By sending electric waves from palms, the voltage of this particular technique is considered high enough that the target generally loses control of the bowels and bladder causing a rather distracting mess in their undergarments. The target is left with light brusing, and first degree burns in the area hit.

Name:Lighting Magic, Kirin
Rank: D
Magic Cost: 10 Mana
Requirements: Lighting Magic
Element: Lighting
Cooldown: 2 Post Cool Down
Duration: Insitant, 2 post paralyzation
Effect: User strikes a target expeling electircity from their body, sending a jolt of electricity into the opponent, to temporarily paralyze an area of touched.

Name:Lighting Magic, The Bolt of Zeus
Rank: D
Magic Cost: 10 Mana
Requirements: Lighting Magic
Element: Lighting
Cooldown: 2 Post Cool Down
Duration: Insitant
Effect: User creates a stream of lighting to strike his opponent. Lighting currents will torment a target increasing a targets body tempture by 4 °C. The target will feel as if they would have a fever. The streams can come straight from the user, from the ground ,or above the from the sky.

Name:Lighting Magic, Thunder Strike
Rank: D
Magic Cost: 10 Mana
Requirements: Lighting Magic
Element: Lighting
Cooldown: 2 Post Cool Down
Duration: Insitant, 1 post of shaking.
Effect: User strikes a target expeling electircity from their body, sending a high  jolt of electricity into the opponent. The high zoltage would cause the target to shake out of control.

Name:Lighting Magic, Zakeru
Rank: C
Magic Cost: 20 Mana
Requirements: Lighting Magic
Element: Lighting
Cooldown: 3 Post Cool Down
Duration: Insitant
Effect: It creates a sporadic bolt of lightning that is shot at the opponent, it comes from his hand and is bluish-white leaving second degree burns.

Name:Lighting Magic, Regression
Rank: C
Magic Cost: 20 Mana
Requirements: Lighting Magic
Element: Lighting
Cooldown: 3 Post Cool Down
Duration: Insitant, 3 post of memory.
Effect: Upon touching a targets head the user would spend eletrical waves through their body into a target. Using alpha waves the user would cause the target to relive one of their past memories. The target will be unable to move until the memory is over, being stuck in a day dream state.

2Strikers Empty Re: Strikers Thu Feb 18, 2016 8:41 pm


Done for now.

3Strikers Empty Re: Strikers Mon Feb 29, 2016 3:22 pm


sry didn't notice you were done til Shinsei told me about this =/

Please refer to the debuff section of the magic regulations for the appropriate level of debuffing. it's the last post I think.
(Class would be Debuff, too)

Thunder Strike (D)


Look to spark

The Bolt of Zeus
One source pls. Preferably from the caster, but if not, try and give me some rationale as to how and why the magic comes from somewhere else.
State ranges too (i.e. how far away from you the spell goes and/or can spawn)

Thunder Strike (C)
D rank'd only be able to give that slightly uncomfortable kind of spiders walking over your skin kind of twitch, you feel?
Also, you know you have two of the same named spells, right? Just checking, you don't have to change, I don't think.

Max range from you pls

Illusory; no.

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