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1Ryumimi  Empty Ryumimi Tue Mar 22, 2016 3:36 pm



   Ryumimi  J2MRONk
   “Praise be!”


NAME(S): Amahassa-Ryumimi-Mirufu-Hassan-Hoshikage
NICKNAME(S): Ryu, Mimi, Ryumi,
AGE: 19
GENDER: Female
BIRTHDAY: May, 5th
TATTOO: Just under her navel in a dark velvety red.
FACE CLAIM: Zest || Shinmai maou no testament


HEIGHT: 5'9" (175 cm)
WEIGHT: 100lbs (45.35 kg)
HAIR: White
EYES: Yellow
DESCRIPTION: Ryumimi appears to be a woman out of one's dreams. Long slender legs lead into two juicy, toned thighs, her wide, womanly hips curve into s slim waist, sporting a shadow of abdominals that are soon headed off by a full voluptuous bust, and a dark exotic skin tone that offsets her wide, shimmering (if not more than a little vapid) bright, golden yellow colored eyes, all leading up to her head which is topped by a mop of pure platinum colored hair, kept short and wild. She's got a more athletic, lean physique than her curvaceous body might let on, her toned muscle accentuates her silky soft dark skin. Her hair tappers up naturally into two odd licks that give the appearance of cat ears, much to her dismay. She appears to be rather small framed otherwise, a deceptively frail appearance hides a surprising constitution. Her features in comparison to her eyes seem small and give her an innocent appearance despite her fully figured form.

PERSONALITY: Ryumimi, often called Ryu, Mimi, or Ryumi is an extremely sunny and chipper girl with an exuberant amount of energy and kindness. She always prefers to smile than to frown, and her bubbly, carefree personality enables her to do this just fine. Mimi, though gifted in many areas faces troubles in her rather slow nature, and naive, honest bent. She was raised to never tell a lie, and as she believes in her heart all people are good, strangers or otherwise, she'll believe just about anything told to her unless she has information to the contrary and the idea of hiding the truth from someone is alien to her. She is also not the brightest, her skills lying in other areas. It's not that her education is lacking, she's simply a slow girl, not picking up on things as quick as others might. She is a liberal, free spirited sort, enjoying simpler things in life. She enjoys frolicking, sunny mornings, and all manner of other things that commonly and typically might raise ones spirits.She's quite innocent and sheltered due to her upbringing as a shrine maiden, and because of this she's developed a curious nature, deeply interested in people, places, and things that she knows little about.

Being a foreigner, she is also uninformed of Fiores customs and seeks to travel the lands and see what it all has to hold. The girl is also quite pious, her life she was raised to revere the gods of Seven and she finds a peace in this she can't describe. Prone to praying, or vocally counting her blessings, she often praises them for the good things that happen to her. She's a bit of an airhead as well, sometimes prone to diverting her attention awsy from things she not fully invested in, or missing the point of a conversation entirely. She's a girl who is eager to please, and readily helps any who request it. She's compassionate and kind and takes pity on those less fortunate than her.

Do not mistake it though, the girl can be quite serious if she must be, or if it is brought out of her. She's an emotional girl who prefers to be happy, but everything she feels, she feels completely. Love, hate, happiness. It's rare for her to not operate in an extreme of feelings as they hold a firm sway over her, never really having to curb them. She can be shy or coy at times, if she's finding it hard to communicate or doesn't know what to say, or if the other person seems agitated by her, she has a tendency to retreat into herself and do her best not to bother them.

Her takeovers have a way of influencing her moods, changing her personality. The strength of the spell and it's completeness influence how much it changes her personality.


Making herself useful- Ryu is a girl who eagerly seeks to please everyone. She believes life is not worth living if you're doing nothing. She wants to be as useful and helpful as she can, to mostly avoid feeling useless and therefore, lifeless.

Faith- Recently being promoted to missionary, she's been tasked with spreading her faith. She's not to force it on anyone, but she takes the task very seriously. She wants to bring the happiness faith has given her to others, everyone if she can.

Conquering her weaknesses- Ryu is secretly quite sick of losing herself every time she transforms. Fiore is renowned for its powerful mages and Mimi hopes to learn from them, to better herself and return home stronger than when she'd left.

Displeasing the gods- As a religious sort, Mimi finds a great deal of solace in her faith. However, the last thing she'd ever want to do is displease them.

Solitude- Mimi is a codependent sort. She needs to have someone around, or be thinking about someone, or something related to someone. The idea of being alone, truly alone, frightens her deeply.

Losing herself to her own Takeover- Ryumimi is keenly aware her personality has a tendency to change when she adopts a new form. Her greatest fear is that one day she won't be able to get her personality back, that she'll be stuck in that particular takeovers mentality for the rest of her life.


Sunshine, Rainbows, other celestial objects, and light- Ryumimi is fascinated by the sky and the idea of light. She wonders what kind of things make such lights, and if she could bottle them up and keep some for herself. They make her happy to look upon them and she often loses herself in their incandescence.

Cooking- Ryumimi tasks as a shrine maiden kept her busy, one of the few dutys she often had to preform was cooking for her fellow maidens, priests, and visitors. This was considered a chore, however Mimi loved doing it. Food is a passion of hers, as flavor brings smiles to people's faces.

Prayer, and praying- Ryumimi finds a great deal of comfort in praying. Meditation is hard for her, but provides similar peace. It soothes her in a way she can't really describe.

People, namely her family- Ryumimi has a deep love of socializing and interacting with people, good or evil, weak or strong she loves meeting them, talking to them and learning from them. It was a rare treat to engage someone as a shrine maiden and now that she is a missionary, she eagerly embraces every opportunity to be with people. She seeks to understand them, help them as they need it. Doing this makes her feel useful, which is what she endeavors to be.

Dancing- Certain rituals or festivals called for complex song and dance. Though she was good at singing, Mimi much preferred the dancing. Her body in motion broke the monotony of what she normally had to do. It was a rare treat, and to this day she enjoys moving her body to the rhythm of music.

Freedom- Temple life was peaceful, serene. The place was beautiful and living there made Ryumimi feel content, but now that she has been elevated to missionary and she understands the true taste of freedom, she's never felt more alive. The world is a big place and it excites her to see it all, unbound from her daily routine at the shrine.

Physical contact- Mimi feels physical contact just makes everything more meaningful. She doesn't want anything to feel like it was half given, and as a result she prone to glowing, hugging, hand holding, shoulder touching, and other actively seeks to be physically close to people. It comforts her to be close to people.

Sports and being active- Mimi has a love for activity, if she is sitting around doing nothing for too long she gets restless. Sports allow her to interact with people, and stay active. They are the perfect combination of the two major things she enjoys doing.


Intolerant or judgemental people- Ryumimi has a keen distaste for people who can't accept others. As a foreigner she is unfamiliar with the customs of Fiore, their fashion sense, they way they interact with one another. She feels that since she does not judge them, what right do they have to judge her or anyone else.

Bees and other things that make loud buzzing sounds- Of all the creatures Ryu has encountered Bees are her least favorite. They're the only bug she's aware of that can hurt people and she wonders what kind if bug would need a stringer, and she despises how much noise they make as they fly. Butterflies make no noise, neither do lady bugs. It bothers her that they need to be so disruptive and hostile.

Fiore fashion and covering up- Mimi is accustomed to more liberal clothing, her clothes as a shrine maiden weren't modest in the least, leaving much of the skin exposed. Fiore fashion, for the most part, covers up. There are exceptions, of course but on the whole, Fiores fashion just seems unnatural to her. Not to mention whatever they seem to use in their fabrics has a way of making her itchy.


  • Acrobatic (+3): You have excellent body awareness and coordination.
    Explanation: Character can perform flashy moves such as back flips, cartwheels and various other moves when dodging an attack.
  • Athletic (+3): You have a knack for athletic endeavors.
    Explanation: Ability to jump 10 meters in a single bound.
  • High Society (+2): You know good manners and were trained to handle social interactions in noble circles. This is useful in requests involving members of the highest levels of society, such as monarchs, nobles, courtiers, lords and ladies, and high-ranking clerics.
    Explanation: You are capable of having threads with nobles. Those without this feat cannot.
  • Fortitude (+3): You are tougher than normal. You can take more hits than the regular Joe.
    Explanation: Players have a C-rank endurance buff passively.


  • Careless (-1): For some reason, people always seem to escape your clutches. You don't understand how that's possible. After all, you throw them into your easily escapable deathtraps before leaving them with your bumbling guards while you wander away for no apparent reason. You just can't manage to do a great job at anything.
    Explanation: You can never capture a person. This means that any type of request or roleplay involving capturing is out of the question for you. No matter how great you were throughout the roleplay, you will do something that allows the other to escape at the moment supreme.
  • Compulsive Honesty (-2): You cannot tell a lie, nor can you behave in a deceitful fashion. You tend to be blunt rather than tactful, even if it means insulting someone who you and your companions are trying to impress.
    Explanation: You can't lie and you will tell the truth when someone asks you something instead of lying. So if your team is impressing an ogre and the ogre asks if you guys are truly from the guild you guys claimed you were and lied about it, you will screw it up and say the truth.
  • Curiosity (-1): You're a naturally curious person and you find mysteries of any sort irresistible. In most circumstances, alas, your curiosity overrides your common sense. This forces you to investigate something unusual, even if it looks like it might be dangerous.
    Explanation: You will walk deeper into the forest you have never been before. You won't turn around from the castle that you have never seen. This can result into getting you into very dangerous situations.
  • Derangement/Insanity (-3): Due to circumstances beyond your control, you are permanently insane. You may have a congenital brain disorder, or perhaps you saw something mortals were never intended to lay eyes upon, and it drove you mad. Choose a Derangement/Insanity for your character from the lists below. Though the list is by no means exhaustive, the following options are ones that have been presented in game terms and that have definable--and most times numerical--penalties.

    -Mania: The character has a fairly constant euphoric or possibly irritable mood. Symptoms include a general increase in activity, talkativeness, increased self-esteem to the point of delusion, decreased need for sleep, being easily distracted, willingness for dangerous or imprudent activities , delusions, hallucinations, and bizarre behavior.
    Explanation: Character must be affected by their mania once every three posts.
  • Fanaticism (-1): This can be a substantial disadvantage for a character, though it requires significant roleplaying commitment on the part of the player. The fanaticism can be dedication to a particular cult, religion, or god, or it can be more worldly-based, in the sense of overwhelming loyalty to a state, a military presence, or to a particular leader. Whatever their sources, the different types of fanaticism have several things in common. If a certain code of behavior is called for by the belief, then the character must conform to that behavior even if it conflicts with the immediate goals of the character and his companions. While fanaticism is not necessarily evil, it may certainly become tiresome to those who do not share the fanatics beliefs.
    Explanation: You must always strongly act out to your beliefs even if it goes against your immediate goals or it brings the lives of people you care about in danger.
  • Hedonistic (-1): You love a good time. You party too much, drink too much, and eat too much. You have trouble resisting an invitation to join someone in a drink and sometimes shirk your duty if offered a more enjoyable time elsewhere. Whenever a good time is presented you let your guard down. You're also not capable to resist seduction of any sort. It's just not in your nature to resist such opportunities.
    Explanation: You always give in when a good time is offered such as drinks, women and other things. Even in the midst of a dangerous raid through a castle you decide to stay in the room that has wine and beautiful girls in them even though they could be monsters.
  • Righteous (-1): The end justifies the means. You are willing to perform morally repugnant actions in order to achieve noble goals. Unfortunately, this can alienate those people who might support your cause if you didn't use such heavy-handed methods.
    Explanation: Your beliefs guide you so strongly that you are willing to kill an entire village that's harboring a thief, if it kills the thief too.
  • Overzealous (-1): You are incapable of having a weak opinion. Everything you believe, you believe as if your life depended on it. Everything you don't believe in, you hate with a passion.
    Once in a while your flaw gets you to strongly defend one of your opinions, no matter how inappropriate the time and place, nor what the circumstances of such an outburst may be.
    Explanation: If someone goes against your beliefs, you violently defend the beliefs, even if the person is your ally.

MAGIC: Takeover: Heaven's Feel (Daemon Soul)
TYPE: Caster
DESCRIPTION: Take-Over allows the user to, essentially, use the power of an entity and use it to fight. This magic is limited to a single element and can't create buff spells but instead has a passive buff that is applied to the user when transforming. "Heaven's Feel" is a bit of a misnomer as the magic, though believed to be holy by its wielder, the transformations are it in fact demonic in nature.

To understand where Ryumimi comes from, one must understand her home, her family, and her religion.

Her home is the easiest to understand, so it's best to begin there. Her home, an island bearing no name, is a largely arid desert with its occasional patches of thick, humid jungle by the beaches. It's people fought across the lands for simple things such as food, water, and shelter.

Her patents were brought together in a now archaic tribal fashion. He, the greatest warrior of one clan and she, the most beautiful daughter of another were wed to unite the two. This proved to be a surprisingly fruitful union, amidst the constant waring, the mother soon began to show a talent that had never been seen before. Magic. With this gift, the two were able to begin to win their clan some key areas to allow them to build and grow, and soon had a daughter. Her magical talents already seemed to surpass her mother's and with this new addition to their ranks they were able to become bolder. Pushing into more hostile tribe's lands, taking them for themselves. The next child born was yet another daughter, who's Powers surpassed her older sisters. With the family's influence now growing, defending their holdings had become more feasible then expanding. Ryumimi's mother thought of a way to begin scaring other tribes into joining them for safety and concocted a religion based around three gods, each holding sway over the facets of life. As the word of the "blessed family" spread, more and more tribes began to fall under the sway of the Amahassa tribe. After a hot night of love, the seed for Ryumimi's birth would be planted, and seeing quickly the life his wife was planning to create for his children, her father fled in the hopes that perhaps it would send a message.

It did not. The religion grew and grew, and Doon Ryumimi was born. The first daughter to be born into the full fledged religion, her powers far more capable than any mage in their islands history. The girl was pampered, educated, and trained. Her role would be that of a shrine maiden. For 18 years the girl spent her life living by the tenants of her mother's religion and learning the skills necessary to oversee their religious ceremonies.

After a failed assassin attempt her eldest sister left to find their father, a year later the eldest sent home a letter from a far off land called Fiore and insisted that their father was right to leave. Upon hearing of these foreign lands, Ryumimi insisted on being allowed to venture off and not only retrieve her sister and heretic father, but to spread the word of their gods far and wide. After some deliberation, her elder sister and her mother agreed and sent the prodigal daughter off as the very first missionary of the faith.

Last edited by Ryumimi on Tue Mar 22, 2016 5:04 pm; edited 4 times in total

2Ryumimi  Empty Re: Ryumimi Tue Mar 22, 2016 4:01 pm


Here we go! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

First things first, that picture is way to sexy and I'm banning it! :3

> Rank: According to your Reclaim your Rank is C and not B.
> Guild Tattoo: State what color it is.
> Appearance: You have 67 words. You need 150 words. Expand.

You seem to have a few coding errors throughout the whole app, you might wanna check that. Take out unnecessary headers, some of them appear twice (Personality, History, Magic). Something about your lists doesn't seem right either, so please go and check that out (mostly talking about the different traits here).

> Magic: As for the Element, you don't have 'various' elements. You have one single element that goes with all of your Take Over forms. The most common one for that type would be Darkness, I guess! So please pick one.

Everything else seems good. Please make those changes and bump your App for me to see.

3Ryumimi  Empty Re: Ryumimi Tue Mar 22, 2016 5:07 pm


regarding reclaim:

Besides that I believe everything else is fixed? If not feel free to let me know!


4Ryumimi  Empty Re: Ryumimi Tue Mar 22, 2016 5:31 pm


Ryumimi  TnnkSrq

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