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1Imogen Aeneid [FIN] Empty Imogen Aeneid [FIN] Sun Feb 14, 2016 11:14 am

Imogen Aeneid

Imogen Aeneid

  Imogen Aeneid [FIN] E8b1ad61-7735-44ec-aa02-bb77b24d4407_zps2vgmnfxb
   “When gods are contrary, they stand by no one.”


Name(s): Imogen Aeneid
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Birthday: April 24
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Rank: C
Guild: Guildless
Tattoo: Left shoulder (when she receives one)
Face Claim: Yamato - Kantai-Collection


Height: 5'5"|165 cm
Weight: 121 lbs | 55kg
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Purple
Description: Despite being a character of pleasant features: ones that tend to be striking upon close encounter, there is little that makes Imogen Aeneid stand out immediately when looked upon in a group. At 5'5", she isn't of any profound height gift or deficiency, and while she is well endowed with a curvy shape, her proportions aren't exaggerated enough to become a defining characteristic.

Perhaps one of Imogen's most noticeably unique features, however, is her exceptionally long hair. The brunette locks' color, with their tinge of red are pleasant but dull the awe factor of the unusual length. Her long hair is usually warn in a ponytail, which even when pulled back, fall well past her waist. Her bangs are cut to gently frame her amethyst eyes.

The young woman's skin is pale, and she likes to keep it that way, often carrying around a parasol to shield her from the sunlight. A mere 21 years in age, Imogen is still young, and is still getting used to her womanly figure. Her attire still generally mimics her youthfulness: still gravitating towards pleated skirts and thigh high socks. She tends to be attracted to accessories with feminine details, including flowered barrettes and hair ties.


Personality: Determined. The first word that Imogen would use to describe herself is determined. She has a difficult time doing anything without one-hundred per cent conviction. Goal oriented and dedicated, she is good at identifying what she wants, making an action plan to get there and following through. She isn't stubborn enough to let the first time she fails stop her entirely, and is used to pre-planning alternate routes to accomplish her goals. This intuitive foresight and planning leads her to be rather creative and quick witted. She is crafty and does well in situations in which she has to think on her feet.

Loyal. The young woman is loyal to a fault, and often puts those she is aligned with before herself. If she has committed herself to a worthy organization, or person, she is selfless and unafraid of sacrificing herself for that group or individual. This being said, she has high standards for those to whom she is willing to dedicate herself to. She is highly critical and deeply reflective when meeting someone for the first time, and often spends her time studying new people before displaying vulnerability.

Generally Agreeable. Pleasant and demure, Imogen tends to be a person that most people enjoy being around. She is well-mannered and good-humored and tends to stray away from conflict in social situations. She tends to be a good mediator, when one is needed, and tends not to take situations too seriously. She tends to find humor in every situation, as such, her humor varies depending on its audience: anything from puns to sarcasm to something far raunchier. This display typically only appears when she already knows the boundaries of the person(s) in which she is spending time.  Given her large range of humor, it is hard to offend her.

Mischievous. Imogen is a fan of practical jokes. The nature of the jokes and tricks, however, is completely dependent on her judgement. Some are carefree and designed to be harmless, for those she cares for. Others tend to be darker and more vindictive for those in which she may have a vendetta. Regardless of the motivation, her trickery is well calculated and and reflective.

Vengeful. In general the young woman believes that it is better to get even before getting mad. In the times in which her trickery lends towards her vindictive side, for example, the young woman tends to be uncaring and emotionless, until the person has suffered enough that he or she has been forgiven for their action. While this side is generally unseen, she can be very protective of those she cares about, as well as her devotions, and will not hesitate to harm someone that intends or intended to destroy the things she loves. While it is uncommon for her to downright dislike someone, it does happen on occasion, and she will continue to slight this person until she pities them more than she dislikes them.


  • Self-Improvement: Imogen wants to become a better her in every way: a better mage, a better friend, a better communicator, a better guild member, etc.
  • Love: It sounds cliche, and Imogen understands that it is, but she can't help but have a desire to love and be loved in return.
  • To Inspire: Imogen's favorite people are those that can inspire others to pursue greatness. She herself has a desire to be this person for as many people as possible.


  • Loss: Imogen is terrified of losing those that she cares for most.
  • Stagnation: The young woman fears coming to a point in her life that she can no longer improve, or that she will have hit the ceiling so to speak. She thinks that a life without improvement is a worthless one.
  • Thunderstorms:Childish? Yes. Irrational? Yes. There's something about thunderstorms that causes the young woman to run for cover and hide. She assumes it is something from her childhood that she never ended up growing out of.


  • Cooking
  • Good Company
  • Girly Things (pink, flowers, hearts, cute things, etc.)


  • Deceitful People
  • Helplessness
  • Over-ripe foods (particularly bananas)

Positive Characteristics:

  • Swift (+3): You are fleet of foot. When running, you move faster than most people.
    Explanation: C-rank speed buff passive.
  • Stealthy (+3): You are particularly good at avoiding notice. You could be sitting somewhere in a thread at a bar and people wouldn't even notice that you were there.
    Explanation: You are able to blend into a crowd, and those entering threads cannot initiate conversation with you until you speak or state your presence in an obvious matter by doing something that draws the attention of others.

Negative Characteristics:

  • Amnesia (-1): You are unable to remember anything about your past, yourself, or your family. Your life is a blank slate. However, your past may someday come back to haunt you. The rest of the flaws you pick are unknown to your character; over the course of your progress, your character will slowly discover them.
    Explanation: You can't refer to anything about your past. The rest of your flaws or not nulled by this characteristic but rather unknown to your character
  • Curiosity (-1): You're a naturally curious person and you find mysteries of any sort irresistible. In most circumstances, alas, your curiosity overrides your common sense. This forces you to investigate something unusual, even if it looks like it might be dangerous.
    Explanation: You will walk deeper into the forest you have never been before. You won't turn around from the castle that you have never seen. This can result into getting you into very dangerous situations.
  • Derangement/Insanity (-3): Due to circumstances beyond your control, you are permanently insane. You may have a congenital brain disorder, or perhaps you saw something mortals were never intended to lay eyes upon, and it drove you mad. Choose a Derangement/Insanity for your character from the lists below. Though the list is by no means exhaustive, the following options are ones that have been presented in game terms and that have definable--and most times numerical--penalties.
    Phobia: A character afflicted by a phobia persistently fears a particular object or situation. She realizes that the fear is excessive and irrational, but the fear is disturbing enough that she avoids the stimulus.
    Explanation: Character is unable to face anything that has it's fear. If you're afraid of spiders and someone uses spider magic, you flee. [Astraphobia--Thunder/Lightning]
  • Proud (-1): You don't like accepting help from others. If a gift or offer of aid smacks of charity or pity even the slightest bit, you grow indignant and refuse it.
    Explanation: You win 10% less jewels from wheel spins.


Magic: Shadowmancy
Type: Caster
Element: Darkness
Description: The user calls upon and  manipulates shadows, contorting them into form, with an ability to cast them into objects, weapons (kunai, shuriken, swords, etc.) as well as gives her ability to create shields and other similar creations that would act as a defense to other spells and attacks. Being darkness based magic, it is confined to its elemental strengths and weaknesses.


Imogen has a rather unique outlook on life: she feels as though every individual has experienced pain and suffering, though the severity and degree vary immensely from person to person, and their reaction to such distress is similarly unique. While the young woman can remember little of her own personal history, she can still feel a lingering sting of pain and loss, though the details allude her.

As a young girl, Imogen grew up in a small family, of just herself and her parents. The two doting parents showered her daughter in ribbons and bows: lavished her with stuffed toys, and whatever her heart desired, an attempt to soothe the loneliness that crept over the girl, particularly as her father disappeared for months on end, on business. The three of them lived in a small seaport town, in a moderate manor just off the coast. Her family was well off, her father was a wealthy merchant, who dealt with sea trade.

When Imogen was eleven, her mother became terribly ill. Her doting husband halted his business to be with his wife and young daughter. It was mere months that her mother clung to life. A few weeks after the young woman's twelfth birthday, her mother had completely disappeared from the world.

Her father, completely distraught, quickly turned to the bottle for solace, isolating the two survivors from the rest of his wife's family. As weeks turned to months, the man returned to his business, disappearing for extended periods, finding the pain of returning to his now nearly-empty home intensely growing, and even worse a terrible sense of paranoia of watching eyes from the shadows. He moved his daughter to a larger city, though as she transformed into her mother greater each day, he found it painful to return to his daughter.

As the girl blossomed towards womanhood, she transitioned too into independence. As her interactions with the outside world increased, and she grew restless. Even in a bustling city, the young woman felt lonely. Despite as she grew, she maintained naivety. When a letter was delivered to her residence, claiming the potential for a life far different than the one she was living. However, the promise was  a lure, of a different life entirely.

As the young girl left home, she headed towards the rendezvous hands grasped her from the shadows, fingertips muffling a cacophonous protest. As the captor whispered promises of power and potential. The young woman found herself complying to the forceful grasp, the allure of strength to intriguing to pass up.

Within the shadows, her captors did nothing to harm the young woman. Instead, they took her into a small catacomb, taking her in as kin. The girl became versed in claiming the shadows as her own. The young woman quickly mastered the art, and while she had great potential, their secret society was in danger of being exposed. The headmasters of the clan made the decision to displace. To protect the secrets of their community, they used copious amounts of magic to clear each of the member's memories, clouding each sheer darkness.  

The first thing that Imogen recalled was a bright light, and a raging headache. The village she was in was unfamiliar. As she tried to remember anything about who she was, or how she got there, her head only ached more, though she was desperate recollect.

2Imogen Aeneid [FIN] Empty Re: Imogen Aeneid [FIN] Tue Mar 15, 2016 11:53 pm

Irelia Fleur

Irelia Fleur
Imogen Aeneid [FIN] C76460a2772e6dc94d0a929d53b15934

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