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1Blink [Done] Empty Blink [Done] Fri Mar 25, 2016 9:38 pm



  Blink [Done] 288020
   “Nothing is made, nothing disappears. The same changes, at the same places, never stopping.”


NAME(S): Blink Mato
AGE: 14
GENDER: Female
BIRTHDAY: April 10th
GUILD: Guildless
TATTOO: Right Palm, Silver
FACE CLAIM: Tomori Nao, Charlotte


HEIGHT: 4'6"
WEIGHT: 125 lbs
HAIR: Silver/Platinum
EYES: Blue
DESCRIPTION: Blink can be described as a petite girl, with her not very proportional body and very short height. She has long and wavy hair that is appears to be platinum in shaded areas but appears silver in the light. She has big blue eyes, which compliments her hair color, and and her most noticeable feature on first glance, and her hair color is something that people remember he. She has somewhat pale skin, and has average length limbs. She doesn't normally change her hairstyle very often, so it's either in pigtails or a ponytail.

Her everyday clothing is something unique as she can be seen wearing every other color except for ones that go with her characteristics, which rules out her wearing a light gray and a dark blue, but she always wears a skirt or short dress along with a blouse or blazer. She isn't a fan of accessories or jewelry so she doesn't wear them unless a special occasion requires her to.


PERSONALITY: Blink is known throughout her friends as a very headstrong and scary woman. She likes to talk a lot and may sometimes speak to things that aren't there, for instance an "invisible" cat or dog of some sort. She also craves for power, as she thinks that with power, you can get whatever you want, though she doesn't show her wanting for power that often, it would come up at the best moments for her to overtake and acquire power. This trait of hers usually ends up with her losing friends and making lots of enemies along her quest of power. Though she wants power, she also doesn't like working, so opportunities to her are like mini miracles. When it comes to working, she either doesn't want to do said work and will refuse to do it, or will stall and buy time for her to do the work later, or have the person making her work forget about the work. She talks a lot though, so she makes friends very easily, though when she gets angry, people fear her. She is a fun loving person, who is always up for a little activity to do every now and then, plus she doesn't back down from a fight. She loves making jokes and is always in a positive mood, even when she's on the receiving end of a beat down.
  • Destruction: She kives the feeling of something getting crushed by her hand. Sometimes it might be people other times itmight be objects, they're all the same to her. With her magic this is easily achievale in mass quantities.

  • Winning: To her, the strong always win right, so someone with as much power as her should always win, right? So one of her biggest motivations is to win and show the world her strength.

  • Helping Others: She's not as brutal as others make her out to be, so from every now and then she wants sto prove others wrong, by just helping people. She doesn't really want anything out of it, as material things don't matter much to her, so helping others just comes naturally.


  • Losing
  • Heights
  • Betrayal


  • Animals
  • Winning


  • Being Teased
  • Being Alone
  • Cold Food


  • Acrobatic (+3): You have excellent body awareness and coordination.
    Explanation: Character can perform flashy moves such as back flips, cartwheels and various other moves when dodging an attack.
  • Daunting Presence (+2): You are skilled at inducing fear in your opponents.
    Explanation: Players of lesser rank cannot initiate combat against you, but are capable of defending themselves.


  • Mania (-3): The character has a fairly constant euphoric or possibly irritable mood. Symptoms include a general increase in activity, talkativeness, increased self-esteem to the point of delusion, decreased need for sleep, being easily distracted, willingness for dangerous or imprudent activities , delusions, hallucinations, and bizarre behavior.
    Explanation: Character must be affected by their mania once every three posts.
  • Lazy (-1): You will never do any more work than is absolutely necessary. You will rely on your companions to do things such as build campfires, cook, and keep watch throughout the night. Generally, you will neglect details of preparedness in order to grab a few extra minutes of sleep. Failure indicates that you think the time would be better spent napping or laying under the shade.
    Explanation: You can never gain extra rewards from Requests.
  • Ambitious (-1): You crave power. Money is nice, but being in charge of other people is your favorite thing. You are likely to be brought down by attempting a risky grab for power and failing. Even when deals are risky you will give in and agree most of times.
    Explanation: You will attempt to overthrow friends or foes alike when the opportunity rises regardless if it seems like it's not possible.


MAGIC: Blue Flare
TYPE: Caster
DESCRIPTION: This Caster Magic is a variation of Fire Magic that allows the caster to create a specific blue fire, one that cannot be extinguished by wind or water. This Magic can have the effects of a solid attack, rather than gas-like normal fire. The caster can conjure this type of fire through various parts of their body, such as their arms. This fire can be used in many ways and forms. It can be extinguished by magical water and wind, just nothing natural, like rain.


HISTORY: Some time ago, there was a low ranked wizard that wandered the vast lands of Fiore. His goal wasn't as simple as one would think. He was power hungry but he also was searching for love, something so useless to him seemed to be a necessity, and so he would spend years looking for the right person for him, no matter the cost. This man happened to be Kris Mato, the father to Blink Mato. He was a wizard who utilized light-make magic, a very uncommon magic in the molding magic department but effective none the less. He had started his journey in Crocus, and he was on the search for almost 3 years, but finally found his partner in Cielo. Her name was Moary Incite, who was a fire-make wizard. They had met by bumping into each other in a store, ended up talking to each other, and finally got married and had two children and settled down in the city they first met, Cielo.

Blink was the oldest of the children, being a loud baby, that then grew up into a loud teenager. Her younger brother was Flicker Mato, a normal person who had some interest in magic, though never really wanted to learn it. He was a tall and fragile person, who happened to be way smarter than his older sister. Blink on the other hand was obsessed with magic, wanting to become the strongest wizard in all of Fiore. She was crazy about the fame that would come to those who were strong, and eventually left home to learn some making. This was at the age of 7.

After leaving home, she had taken an airship to Crocus, in search of a wizard to teach her magic. Growing up she had looked up to her mother, so she had already set her mind on what element of magic she had wanted, which was fire. During her search, she had been confronted by a group of dark wizards, in which she was saved by a legal wizard who was on the search for said dark wizards. This legal wizard's name was Agius. This wizard happened to be a fire magic user, so Blink had begged him to teach her how to use his magic, which was Black Flare. She had begun to study under him for 7 years, perfecting the magic, and made her own variant, which was Blue Flare. She now has left Agius's care and has begun to do jobs and requests, hoping that one day she might make her own guild, and be able to be the strongest.

Last edited by Blink on Sat Mar 26, 2016 3:25 pm; edited 3 times in total

2Blink [Done] Empty Re: Blink [Done] Sat Mar 26, 2016 12:44 pm


Bump and stuff. Basically, I'm ready to be checked.

3Blink [Done] Empty Re: Blink [Done] Sat Mar 26, 2016 1:22 pm


Welcome to the site! =)

> Guild Tattoo: Please state what color it would be! For future references.
> Weight: 90? 90 what?
> Motivations: Please expand those a lot and explain to us how and why those are her motivations.
> Magic: Your Magic is alright, but please note that this "fire, one that cannot be extinguished by wind or water" only goes for actual water or wind, like rain ect. If you'd fight a person with water magic, the normal magic rules would count.

Please make those changes and bump your app when ready!

4Blink [Done] Empty Re: Blink [Done] Sat Mar 26, 2016 3:26 pm


Okay, I think I did everything asked.

5Blink [Done] Empty Re: Blink [Done] Sat Mar 26, 2016 4:01 pm


Blink [Done] TnnkSrq

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