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1Gaia's Order | Starters [WIP] Empty Gaia's Order | Starters [WIP] Wed Feb 17, 2016 7:39 am


Gaia's Order | Starters [WIP] 4596147
Gaia's Order | Starters [WIP] 4596145
Gaia's Order | Starters [WIP] Tumblr_n525ef1iuq1t96jpzo1_500
Type: Caster
Element: Earth
"Gaia's Order" or "True Earth Manipulation" is a rare/lost magic that can only be obtained by those who are truly connected with their crown chakra, and have a true connection with the earth itself. It is told that in order to obtain such a magic, one has to meditate for one hundred years and be chosen by the gods themselves, though Cecil was born with such a rare magic. There are multiple Mandates of Heaven, each one supposedly having a different type of magic. As it says in its name, Cecil can create a mental connection with any form of plant/vegetation connected to the planet earth itself and manipulate it at will or the user can use their own body as a catalyst for magic. As one would imagine, this gives the user full command over the element of plant in any form. This magic gives the user full control over plants, allowing them to grow or remove them even and even sharpen, harden or soften them for heavier attacks and sturdier defenses. Different plants naturally have different effects such as relieving pain, or even temporarily healing. Other effects include dizziness, and impairments of other stats which can be used in or outside of battle. Naturally, lightning and fire mages will usually have no problems against an earth elemental mage. Furthermore, this magic is almost futile if the user cannot access the ground.

Name: We Are One
Rank: D
Magic Cost: 10
Requirements: Gaia's Order/Plant Magic
Class: Supplementary
Element: Plant
Cooldown: 2
Duration: Instant
Effect: Cecil begins by touching a plant with any part of his body. Immediately his body will merge with the plant despite its size shape or form, as long as it is connected to the ground. Through the plants roots, he is able to travel through the ground to the roots of another plant within 5 meters from his starting point and emerge.

Name: Pop The Trunk!
Rank: D
Magic Cost: 10
Requirements: Gaia's Order | Plant Magic
Class: Offensive
Element: Plant
Cooldown: 2
Duration: Instant
Effect: Simply through command, Cecil can force a 30 foot tall, 5 feet wide balsa tree to quickly sprout from the ground, directly in front, beside, or behind him. He can even split the length of the tree in order to do other things such as bend it a certain way (to defend above the users head). This tree is an offensive spell that is just supposed to "pop up" in order for opponents to run into them, etc. It can deal D rank damage, and break upon D rank damage

Name: Ficus Grapple
Rank: D
Magic Cost: 10
Requirements: Gaia's Order | Plant magic
Class: Supplementary
Element: Plant
Cooldown: 2
Duration: Sustained | Until destroyed
Effect: As long as the target is up to 5 meters away, the user can force four 5 foot ficus vine plants to sprout from the ground at 10 m/s and wrap themselves around the user's ankles, and wrists 0.01 seconds after activation. This spell is a tricky one because due to the length of the vines, they still have a small chance of capturing the opponent if they manage to move out of the way before the vines capture them. All vines can easily be destroyed when at least one is hit with a D rank spell.

Name: Rafflesia
Rank: D
Magic Cost: 10
Requirements: Gaia's Order | Plant Magic
Class: Supplementary
Element: Plant
Cooldown: 2
Duration: Instant
Effect: A simple spell that allows Cecil to jump 5 meters into the air at a speed of 10 m/s. Cecil starts by producing a giant 10 foot wide Rafflesia plant under him that immeidately pushes him upward.

Name: (The name of your spell)
Rank: D
Magic Cost: (The amount of mana it costs to use this spell)
Requirements: (The magic required to use this spell)
Class: (Offensive, defensive, buff, debuff or supplementary)
Element: (Self-explanatory)
Cooldown: (The amount of turns it takes before it can be used again)
Duration: (The duration of the spell, in case it only happens that moment put 'Instant')
Effect: (Description of your spell)

Name: (The name of your spell)
Rank: C
Magic Cost: (The amount of mana it costs to use this spell)
Requirements: (The magic required to use this spell)
Class: (Offensive, defensive, buff, debuff or supplementary)
Element: (Self-explanatory)
Cooldown: (The amount of turns it takes before it can be used again)
Duration: (The duration of the spell, in case it only happens that moment put 'Instant')
Effect: (Description of your spell)

Name: (The name of your spell)
Rank: C
Magic Cost: (The amount of mana it costs to use this spell)
Requirements: (The magic required to use this spell)
Class: (Offensive, defensive, buff, debuff or supplementary)
Element: (Self-explanatory)
Cooldown: (The amount of turns it takes before it can be used again)
Duration: (The duration of the spell, in case it only happens that moment put 'Instant')
Effect: (Description of your spell)

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