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1Elysion Epsilon Empty Elysion Epsilon Fri Feb 12, 2016 11:42 am

Elysion Epsilon

Elysion Epsilon

   Elysion Epsilon 2034904_20130522090941
   “The ever-evolving loli with undying loyalty and a fluttering heart.”


Name(s): Elysion Epsilon
Nickname(s): Ely
Age: 16 Years Old
Gender: Female
Birthday: February 14th
Sexuality: Pansexual.
Rank: A-Rank
Guild: Guildless.
Tattoo: Left Breast
Face Claim: Kurumi Tokisaki - Date A Live


Height: 4 Feet & 9 inches
Weight: 126 Pounds.
Hair: Black
Eyes: Elysion right eye is red and her left eye is yellow.

One of the most noticeable feature people generally noticed is how short Elysion is. Being only a few inches short of being five feet tall. Elysion is an obviously short female who is as light as a feather. The second notable feature that people can quickly spotted would be her ususual and dual colored eyes. A rare sight to behold in most people. Elysion right eye has a darkish red color while her left eye appears like a yellow clock. The caused for her eyes apperance is unknown, but despite their appearance they both are fully functioning. Her complexion is creamy peach with no imperfections on her skin. She has long, black hair usually tied in long twin tails with her bangs covering her left eye depending on the outfit she is wearing. Due to being a loli, her chest is on the smaller scale.

As for her style of dress. Since Elysion likes to 'cosplay' or 'dress up', however you want to call it. She is fond of wearing a variety of cute and/or sexy outfits. From french maids to nurse outfits, everything in between and almost anything out of the box. Though when she isn't cosplaying Elysion is generally wearing something of the Gothic Lolita style generally an elegant dress or a schoolgirl uniform. A small disclaimer. While she does like to cosplay in many outfits and uniforms. Ely tends to avoid wearing anything too 'lewd' at least in public.

She doesn't want to be label or view as 'slutty' or anything close to it. She likes to view herself as a good girl or even a pure maiden if you will. Still she is young teenage and like most teens have those ugres which can cause her inner conflict. To give into her desires or to stay above them and be pure. An ever lasting conflict she has to deal with.



Elysion is very polite and generally respectful and friendly to everyone. Even if person or people she with aren't friendly or respectful towards her. She thinks that you can win over anybody by showing them enough kindness. Given enough time of choice. Elysion has a personal motto of killing them with kindness. With means to use overwhelming kindess to win people over. The power of friendship and love can't be beaten right? Even with her respectful tone, Elysion pefers being informal with people. She was never the fan of formal greets and stuff. Hence why she likes people calling her Ely or people giving her headpats.

Once you spend sometime with Elysion. it's revealed that Elysion happens to be self-conscious and cares highly for her personal image and what others think about her. She keeps this to herself or well tries to keep it to herself. She can't but constantly question is she good enough to catch someone romantic interest. With all the women with gaint breasts running around, how can someone with her smaller chest compare. If she does get involved with someone on a romantic level she does has a habit of asking her parther if he/she finds her attarctive. Even if they yes several times already.

Undying loyalty. Due to her submissive nature and desire to serve something.  This lead, Elysion to have near unwavering loyalty to a cause, person and/or idea if she likes it enough. Even if said thing is wrong. You call it My Master, right or wrong I will follow him or her regardless. At least until her life in danger, she still has some common sense. If she dating someone she willing to wait for them and cheating will never cross her mind. She will make sure they are happy. Fawn over them like a true waifu.


  • True love: Elysion dreams of finding that one person who she can give her mind, body and soul to. To find someone who she hold hands with, cuddle with and all of the lovely dovey things that people in love do. The warmth and sercuity that one feels when having someone wrapped thier arms around you and telling you that they love you can't be match.  Love is a wonderful thing yes?.

    Elysion pefers being monogamous, but she isn't compelety oppose to ploygamous. Though it would be a hard sell to Elysion since she really has no desire to share a loved one with anyone else or be thrown to side and forgotten.


  • A Lonely Life without Love: A common fear held by many. Elysion fears being alone and dying without enjoying the joys of being loved. She fears that she may even up being alone without her loved one.

  • Lighting: In the earlier years of her life. Ely had an near death encounter with lighting. Being blessed with bad luck one evening while she was walking to a cosplay event she got stuck by bolt of lighting that left her in bad shape for a couple of weeks. Almost losing her life to lighting had made Ely deathly afraid of it.

  • Becoming Ugly: The cold hard fact of life is that looks matter. Even more so to women. Elysion knows that she wouldn't be able to find romance or cosplay if she deems ugly. So she tires to look her best to keep that from ever happening.  


  • Cosplay Otaku Girl: If didn't already guess Elysion loves to Cosplay. She loves the idea of dressing up and roleplaying as characters. She makes to sure to go to every cosplay event she knows of. Heck she even known to work in Maid & Cosplay Cafes to get paid for something she loves doing. Elysion has taken up sewing so she can make and repair her own outifts as well. Don't ask her how many cosplay outfits she has. Too many to count.

  • Technology, Robots, Machines and etc. Elysion loves tinkering and messing with anything she can grab a hold of. Elysion has considerable knowledge of all things technological and mechanical. Plus there just something about cool hard steel that gets her heart pumping. Maybe she a bit too fond of technology.

  • Big Eater: Pretty simple. Elysion enjoys eating. Though she hates salads and fish. She likes her meat. Funny thing is she doesn't have much of a sweet tooth, though she won't turn them down.

  • Video Games: She has a heart of a hardcore gamer. She spent many sleepless nights due to her love of gaming. 


  • Birds: They always have to poop on her shiny things and they are loud and annoying. The only good bird is a cooked bird like fried chicken.

  • Cheaters: Elysion has no respect for people who cheat on their loves ones. She view them as scum. Plus she a bit paraniod about losing someone she loves to a women with a larger chest.

  • Being view or call a slut or anything close to it. Yeah, she not fond of that label. Sure, some of her cosplay outfits may be questionable and she likes wearing fancy undergarments, but that doesn't make her an easy laid or some lustful woman who hump anything that moves.

  • Harems: Elysion doesn't like to share nor does she want to be random girl #XXX that som man or woman sleep with.

  • Heartbreak/Heartbroken: She can't stand the idea of having her heart broken by someone she thought that love her. It would almost be too painful for her to bear.

Positive Characteristics:

  • Diligent (+2): Your meticulousness allows you to analyze minute details that others miss.
    Explanation: Reduces training cost of spells by 10% in word cost.

  • Nimble Fingers (+2): You are adept at manipulating small, delicate objects. This involves things such as a small mechanics and locks.
    Explanation: Capable of picking all locks except magically sealed items.

  • Appraise Magic Value (+4): Your ability to determine an item's worth and your knowledge of magic allow you to determine the exact properties of a magic item.
    Explanation: 10% discount at any item crafter.

Negative Characteristics:

  • Clumsiness (-1): You have the unfortunate habit of dropping things, knocking things over, or tripping.
    Explanation: You are simply clumsy. You must perform an act of clumsiness in one out of five posts. In combat, you screw up an attack in one out of five posts.

  • Envious (-1): Everyone else seems to have it better than you do. They have more money, better toys, and a prettier wife. You tend to get envious over the smallest things. You're often disliked due to the constant mutterings and complaints you utter, along with the dirty stares you offer those you deem as better off than yourself.
    Explanation: You must act envious at least one out of five posts. | [Ely is envious of people with larger assets than her]

    Compulsive Honesty (-2): You cannot tell a lie, nor can you behave in a deceitful fashion. You tend to be blunt rather than tactful, even if it means insulting someone who you and your companions are trying to impress.
    Explanation: You can't lie and you will tell the truth when someone asks you something instead of lying. So if your team is impressing an ogre and the ogre asks if you guys are truly from the guild you guys claimed you were and lied about it, you will screw it up and say the truth.

  • Trusting (-2): You don't like to believe that other people are capable of misleading and lying to you. After all, people are basically good, right?
    Explanation: If someone lies, you automatically believe it.

  • Derangement/Insanity (-3): Due to circumstances beyond your control, you are permanently insane. You may have a congenital brain disorder, or perhaps you saw something mortals were never intended to lay eyes upon, and it drove you mad. Choose a Derangement/Insanity for your character from the lists below. Though the list is by no means exhaustive, the following options are ones that have been presented in game terms and that have definable--and most times numerical--penalties.

    Phobia: A character afflicted by a phobia persistently fears a particular object or situation. She realizes that the fear is excessive and irrational, but the fear is disturbing enough that she avoids the stimulus.
    Explanation: Character is unable to face anything that has it's fear. If you're afraid of spiders and someone uses spider magic, you flee. [Lighting is Elysion Phobia]


Magic: Mechromancer Summoning.
Type: Summoning | Caster
Element: Various

Summoning is a type of magic that allows the user to summon things from different planes. As a summoner, they have the advantage of summoning numerous creatures that are at her disposal, What and how the summoner uses their summons varies from summoner to summoner.  For Elysion she specializes in Mechromancer Summoning or simply put she can summon a various mechancial units ranging from drones to cyborgs to humongous mecha and other mechancial beings you can think of.  

Generally Elysion equips a Mecha Summoning with certain role in mind. From long range combat to surveillance. Each Summon tends to foucs and specialize in a single area though she can have a summoning being multiple purpose.

In combat Elysion likes to view herself as a commander of an army. While she keep herself in the backlines, awhile directing her summoning on the battlefield. Her summoning are smart enough to opreate on their own, they tend to be more effective if Elysion is giving orders. The main strengths of Mechromancing summoning is outnumbering the enemy and its versatility.

Of course summoning magic has its weakness. Being a summoner Elysion isn't used to direct physical combat, so if her enemy(ies) where able to get within melee range they would have an major advantage over her. The second weakness is mana cost. Summoning and maintaining multiple units can be taxing on one mana pool if they aren't careful. Finally a common tactic to fight summoning mages is to ingored the summonings and go after the summoner or cut the head of the snake tactic.  



Elysion Epsilon was born into upper class family in the Cielo, yes she is one of those one percent people that people tend to envy. One of the most if not the most technological advanced place in the entire region of Fiore. Elysion was an single child to best of her knowledge. Assuming her parents didn't have any children after she left her childhood home. Anyhow, Elysion was born into the standard two parent household. Both of her parent were working parents. Elysion's mother was B list idol who travel around singing and acting. She star in a few movies and plays, but she never manage to make it to the big time.  Elysion's father was a Ceo of tech company that dealt with making robots to help the disabled. It turn out to be a succesful businesss. Making Elysion's father and her family in turn of one the richest families in Cielo. Of course their wealth was no where never level of noble families.

Despite being born with a sliver spoon in her mouth, Elysion never developed to become one of those spoiled rich kids. Her parents made sure she didn't gain that type of persona as it would be bad for their businesses. Since both of Elysion's parents were working. Elysion was often left to on her own or she was taken care by the maids her family hired. As Elysion was being watch and taken care of by the maids her love of cosplay would start to take root as she just love seeing those maid outfits and wanted one for herself.

Once Elysion was old enough her parents would she to a private school. The private school was an all girls school call Hesita Academy of Magitech. Hesita Academy was well known for its magic, art, and STEM progarms.  Elysion was somewhat poplaur with the girls due to her friendly and outgoing nature. Still she was a bit of geek/nerd and a teacher's pet. Which did cause some people to make fun of her, but she just smile at those people. Never the one to cause trouble, but she sliently admit that she started become a bit self conscious of herself which would only grow as she got older.

When she was around 13 years old in Hesita Academy, she was one of the most hard working students in the Academy. She took classes in Summoning, Sewing, & building. She was in Hesita's Gaming Club, being the 3rd best gamer in the club. Elysion was also the president of Hesita's Cosplaying Club. Still even with all the work she was doing she still made some friends and hang out with them time to time.

As Elysion grew older and was growing closer to graduating from Hesita Academy of Magitech. She succesfully developed her summoning magic and call it Mechromancer Summoning due to her love for Mechas and drones. She would also start working in local maid cafes around town. Like all girls getting into their teens years, Elysion would have those urges from time to time, but she never acted on them. Since Hestia Academy stress the importance of being a modest lady. Still accidents happens. During one of the meetings she was holding for the Cosplay Club. The club play spend the bottle and well it landed on her and she had to kiss another girl. The kiss didn't last long, but Elysion had to admit that kissing someone of the same sex wasn't bad. Yes it was on that day she started to like girls like she like boys. Though she wasn't sure which one was better.

Elysion dated a couple of people, but never got into anything serious. Heck, she never let people get past kisses on the cheek. She learned that many people her age didn't want anything serious and just try to get under her skirt and into her panties. Which annoyed her to no end. How can people be so lewd?

Once she reach age of sixteen she would graduate from Hesita Academy with honors. Going back home to greet her parents, Elysion's parents told her that she was old enough to fend for herself and it was time for her to leave the coop. With a nod Elysion would begin her adventure traveling across the lands of fiore to find her true love and to make something of herself. She just wasn't sure where to start at.

2Elysion Epsilon Empty Re: Elysion Epsilon Sun Feb 14, 2016 12:35 am

Hikaru Nakamura

Hikaru Nakamura
Approved, welcome! Enjoy your stay~

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