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1Levi Empty Levi Thu Feb 11, 2016 5:48 pm



   Levi Levi_Profile
   “Why do you cry? Do you not understand I am her salvation? Your daughter, she's only ever known pain, pain that you caused her. Now me, well you see how she worships me already? Because to her, you're nothing. I'm her Goddess, her reason to live. And the best part of it all, you see the knife she's carrying? Well, in a moment I'm going to have her slit your throat, and as you lay there, bleeding out, I intend to take her for myself, and I hope... No, I pray, that you live long enough to see, to truly see her eyes. To see that she's forgotten you..."


Name(s): Levi
Nickname(s): The Queen of Eclipse Haven, the Wicked Goddess, All-Mother
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Birthday: July 15
Sexuality: Homosexual
Rank: S
Guild: Eclipse Haven
Tattoo: Back of her neck, beneath her hair.
Face Claim: Saeko Busujima [High School of the Dead]


Height: 5'8"
Weight: 125 lb
Hair: Royal Purple
Eyes: Crystal
Description: Levi is a young, beautiful woman, who has an almost exotic appeal to her. Standing at a slightly higher than average height of 5'8", Levi possesses a level of almost unnatural beauty as well as an incredibly tone figure, one in which most people would mistake for that of a swimsuit model, tanned skin and impressive bust included. While her form is in itself a work of beauty, it is only further complimented by a lovely face, though blessed with eyes that could very well could send shivers down an individual's spine as easily as it could cause a man's - or woman's - legs to melt. Levi typically wears her hair straight down, it having a royal purple color to it though at times seeming to look even darker, at times even being a deep purple based on the light. Although a member of Eclispe Haven, Levi's choice of attire are not typically resonant of this fact. Instead, she is often known to wear a medley of different outfits, most of them to reflect the wealthy status that was so often shown around in Daverio, but she is also believed to wear more primitive - and certainly revealing - outfits, ones in which are far more reflective and indicative of the cult-like persona that Eclipse Haven has taken upon itself. In whatever outfit she may find herself in, Levi is certainly one to wear a look well, exposing as much skin as is needed to maximize appeal.


Personality: It would be easy to say that Levi was inspired by the idea of terror, the pain upon others, but that would be a gross simplification. Levi's own mind is a parallel to shattered glass, no part of her own mind wholly structured or otherwise supported. Her own greed, her lust for sexual thrill, and the cold persona in which she conveys are in themselves, attributes to her but at the same time manifestations of different sides. In some sense, she could be considered to be bi-polar, transitions between wishing to slit a woman's throat and spreading their legs being perhaps as unexpected or as quickly as seeing the tears forming within their eyes.

That isn't to say that she isn't wicked and shouldn't be considered dangerous. To enter with a sort of mentality like that would be walking into a tiger's cage adorned in meat. Her own explosive temperment is perhaps only beaten by her own madness. With her own psyche completely eroded into nothing more than a "I get what I want" mentality, her willingness to act on her desires, combined with her disregard for life, make the objects of her obsession a great liability to all those around. Since the formation of Eclipse Haven, Levi's own deranged behavior has seeming intensified, her willingness to inflict pain even greater, the joy she takes it from that much more potent, and perhaps most disturbing is her ignorance. Though even in the past her actions were known and of great concern, her narcistic antics of taunting the city of Daverio and its lack of a response have further emboldened her. Now, the concerns or fear of retribution are gone, her having cemented in her mind that she is untouchable, that people are nothing more than dolls, toys in which she can take and get rid of without second thoughts.

  • Creating Panic: For years, Levi has operated from within the shadows, toying with those who have either come to disregard the threat that she poses to Daverio or simply do not believe her to exist. For those who make those mistakes, there are typical one of two situations that will occur, often based on their gender. Male, and their body may be found sometime later, more often than not mutilated and having suffered significant torture. Women, it is rarely known what happens. Whatever occurs, it leaves loved ones with hope they may one day return. Inciting that fear, that false sense of hope in them, and affirming to those that don't believe Daverio is her's, serve among some of Levi's ambitions.
  • Social Distopia: The notion of a cult is something which by itself causes people to be alarmed by, and in the case of the Eclipse Haven, rightfully so. For people, to hear of the guild, they fear what impact it will have upon society, that it will unravel the culture that the people had for so long worked to preserve and keep strong. Recognizing this strength and determination to preserve values, it only further motivates Levi to see that Eclipse Haven thrives and grows, so as eventually, there will be only despair from the same groups who once villified and condemned Eclipse Haven.
  • Sating Her Own Lust: Even though she rules over Eclipse Haven, going as far as to being called its Queen, it isn't enough for her. What Eclipse Haven has shown to her that there are those who believe in the same ambitions and drives that she crazes, and more importantly are willing to do whatever they must, kill whomever they must to see it come to fruition. However, for as powerful as she or the Guild may be, she wants more, particularly with sating her own hunger. Each woman that is captured by her or her most devoted are another one for the pot, yet it still doesn't feel enough, and for that reason, she will continue to hunt, taking whomever she wants, whenever she wants.


  • A Unified World: For as impossible as it is to believe, let alone ever achieve, the notion of the world being united, all the Guilds, all the groups who have waged war for centuries unitying together, it poses the greatest challenge for Levi, as a union of that degree and strength would make the divide and conquer attack of Eclipse Haven that much more difficult.
  • Magic Disappearing: A long-told wives tale, but nonetheless one that has been imprinted into the minds of Mages all throughout the known world, the concept of being deprived of Magic is one in which utterly terrifies wizards, particularly Levi, who's unique Etherion Dragon Slaying Magic has enabled her to utterly twist the world in her favor.
  • Transportation: As a Dragon Slayer, Levi has a great disdane for transportation, willing instead to take longer routes if it means avoiding carriages or other means of transportation that may impair her Dragon senses.


  • Sex: The pleasure derived from sex, it has long been a thrill that Levi has showered herself in. In that same respect though, her own preference and dominating personality have essentially twisted her notion of sex into encounters that remain central upon her own pleasure, rather than her partners. Often though, given her means of manipulation and seduction, her partners are rarely discontent with this position.
  • Confusion: To create confusion is more a reflection of the state of affairs in Daverio, with there being hardly a day in which things seem to be stable. Rather, there is a huge degree of confusion and panic that occurs on a regular basis, but if she is perhaps able to play it up further and cause a little bit more confusion, a little bit more concern, people may be more timid and more likely to disobey some of the rules of the city, and when that happens, she can make her move, and perhaps, have another pet to play with.
  • Terror: By her very nature, Levi's willingness, even perverse joy in causing panic and chaos would define her as a terrorist, and though it has often been used as an extreme mannner of propoganda, in this case it is quite appropriate, even perhaps an understatement. While she takes enjoyment out of it, she is even willing to cause chaos and terror for the sake of doing so, even if there is no agenda associated with it.
  • Carrion: The processes in which surround the death of a creature, the decaying of flesh, the scent of a body eroding away to nothingness, as well as the general sickly feeling that others take up in the area of carrion, these are among the sensations in which invigorate and excite Levi, perversely so.
  • Lust: A carnal desire, but one nonetheless that Levi takes a fancy towards. Not only the physical pleasure that is derived from the encounters with others, but as much, their own infatuation and obsession over Levi. As a young woman with 'qualities' that men and women alike adore and fantasize over, Levi is not against using this to manipulate a situation, to further drive someone down the path of obedience or doing whatever she can to further expand the situation.


  • Pity: Showing a person pity, it's something that a person may rely on, particularly if they are weak or otherwise hope to garner some sort of favor. Either way, to show it is a mistake that Levi takes very seriously. Throughout her life, the notion of the weak dying and the strong surviving has stuck with her, enabling her to become hardened in a sense, but at the same time making it quite apparent and clear to her that that was how it was meant to be. In her dealings with the world now, there are little reasons for her to think that this philosophy has changed at all, and those who hope that either she will show pity or that she would understand why they do, none of which will be the case.
  • Guild-Martyrdom: A unique dislike of Levi's, this can be more tied to her own disdain towards what Levi considers to be the "Martyrdom" of the various Magic Guilds all throughout Fiore. Specifically, what she despises are those who carry not only themselves but also their guilds with some sort of standard, that they are somehow better than someone else because they are within a particular guild. Even in those guilds, there are those who are weak, some of them who are strong enough to hold themselves to their own glory, but there are always those that blindly believe that because they have some sort of guild stamp, it means that they are invincible, though in truth they are nothing.
  • Vigilantes: Even though Eclipse Haven effectively rules Daverio from the shadows, there are those who falsely believe that they can stand against the Guild, or perhaps even more foolishly, Levi herself. Those that make the venture to take her own, not only have they all failed, but for those who have suffered, they always endure the worst of it. The only condolence that they get is knowing that at some point, they will be free from the pain and suffering.

Positive Characteristics: (+8)

  • High Society (+2): You know good manners and were trained to handle social interactions in noble circles. This is useful in requests involving members of the highest levels of society, such as monarchs, nobles, courtiers, lords and ladies, and high-ranking clerics.
    Explanation: You are capable of having threads with nobles. Those without this feat cannot.
  • Daunting Presence (+2): You are skilled at inducing fear in your opponents.
    Explanation: Players of lesser rank cannot initiate combat against you, but are capable of defending themselves.
  • Deceitful (+2): You have a knack for disguising the truth. Your lies are difficult to distinguish from the truth.
    Explanation: Players can lie to enemies when being questioned and won't get caught if they're lying.
  • Persuasive (+2): You have a way with words and body language. Somehow you manage to persuade weaker minded people easily.
    Explanation: When using this feat, players will have to roll a bronze die. Failure to land on a number results in them agreeing with you.

Negative Characteristics: (-8)

  • Aloof (-1): Your manner is cold and unapproachable, distancing you from friends and strangers alike. Your preternatural intelligence lends itself to viewing others as slow-witted and a waste of your precious time. Your charisma is lowered.
    Explanation: You can't act nice to people and you can't make friends easily.
  • Ambitious (-1): You crave power. Money is nice, but being in charge of other people is your favorite thing. You are likely to be brought down by attempting a risky grab for power and failing. Even when deals are risky you will give in and agree most of times.
    Explanation: You will attempt to overthrow friends or foes alike when the opportunity rises regardless if it seems like it's not possible.
  • Arrogant (-1): You firmly believe that you are better than anyone else is. Your ideas are the best, your clothes are the most stylish, and you have to let everyone else know how much better you are. Once in a while you openly show contempt or disdain for someone else.
    Explanation: You must at least act arrogant one out of five posts.
  • Bad Reputation (-1): You have a reputation that angers or frightens people. Examples include being unlucky, petty, or cruel. The rep may or may not be accurate, but in either case, word travels faster than you do.
    Explanation: You can't communicate easily with non player characters. Somehow they've heard of you and the things they've heard weren't too good.
  • Cruel (-1): You have a sadistic streak that causes you to perform acts of cruelty for no good reason. Of course, this doesn't endear you to others. Most times you are prudent enough to carry out your cruelties on those under your thumb, rather than those you see as equals. However, you carry a constant social stigma, as rumors have their way of getting around.
    Explanation: You must perform an act of cruelty one out of five posts.
  • Judgmental (-1): You form opinions quickly and change them very slowly. You also have a tendency to judge people on their appearance. A man dressed as a pirate, no matter how gentlemanly, is a scoundrel and a dog as far as you is concerned. A man covered in mud is a peasant, and a woman wearing revealing clothing is a prostitute.
    Explanation: You must act very disgusted and displeased when your dislike comes into play.
  • Lecherous (-1): You have a lusty nature and a tendency to pursue the pleasures of the flesh. A woman or a man (however your tastes run) is an almost irresistible temptation to you. You give in to these temptations easily.
    Explanation: If fighting or RPing with someone of your sexual preference, you must act lecherous towards them once every three posts.
  • Hedonistic (-1): You love a good time. You party too much, drink too much, and eat too much. You have trouble resisting an invitation to join someone in a drink and sometimes shirk your duty if offered a more enjoyable time elsewhere. Whenever a good time is presented you let your guard down. You're also not capable to resist seduction of any sort. It's just not in your nature to resist such opportunities.
    Explanation: You always give in when a good time is offered such as drinks, women and other things. Even in the midst of a dangerous raid through a castle you decide to stay in the room that has wine and beautiful girls in them even though they could be monsters.


Magic: Etherion Dragon Slayer
Type: Caster
Element: Metal (All Variants)
Description: Etharian Dragon Slayer is a lost form of Dragon Slaying Magic. It allows the user the utilize a liquid metallic substance that be hardened. The user can incorporate the element into their body, granting them the ability to change parts of their body (or the entirety of it) into Etherian, which can be shaped in a number of forms for different purposes. Etharian Dragon Slayer is capable of any metallicalic substances. Bronze, Iron, Steel etc. The Magic relies around the use of Etherian for both offense and defense, with the user being capable of creating a wide array of weapons from their body to attack the opponents both in melee and from a distance, and to cover their body with Etherian in order to drastically increase their defensive power, whilst simultaneously heavily boosting their offensive power.  Its true potential lies in the feat that the user obtains. Etherian Dragon Slayers can absorb magical items into their body. This can only be done with magical items that they possess. Once they absorb an item they have to sacrifice a body part for it. The magical abilities of items that are absorbed can be used.



It would be easier to say that Levi is just an evil person, someone who is lacking any redeeming qualities and leave it at that. However though, the story is much more complicated, a little bit tragic, but really, the sad truth is that even in the worst of circumstances, it's hard to ever imagine that a young girl, left abandoned in the company of a dragon, would end up becoming a woman so warped and twisted, so manipulative that she has effectively taken over control over one of the largest cities out there. Now, where it all began, where Levi's descent began, nobody is entirely sure, but what is known was that at some point or another, the baby Levi was left in the hands of the legendary Dragon, Tezzarexes. While there is no concrete evidence, one rumor is that Levi was meant to be a sacrifice to the Etherion Dragon, but instead of consuming her, the Dragon adopted her as a child. But again, it's hard to say entirely how she came to be raised by a Dragon.

How she went from going from raised by a Dragon to hobnobbing with the Accadian elite is a story in itself, the most important details refering to when she was just a young teenager, maybe 14 or 15. The exact age is unknown, mostly due to the lacking of any real witnesses that are still alive. By the time she was starting to master Etherion Dragon Slaying, or at the very least, being able to use it on command without much issue, she found herself again on her own, Tezzarexes having disappeared months earlier, forcing Levi to survive, doing whatever was required to keep going. This drive, this will to survive, while being enough to keep her going as opposed to others who would have perished much earlier, it eventually led her to an isolated winter town, suffering from a heavy snowstorm. By the time that she had reached there, she was freezing, barely conscious, and greatly fatigued and hungry.

A bit of food. It was all that she asked for, and in a town which otherwise looked against and ignored outsiders, at least one was willing to help her, but only to an extent. Very quickly, she found herself being lifted by the rags she wore and was thrown out of the building back onto the hard, cold snow. Looking up, she saw only several men, several men who saw a woman who would be an easy score, and if needed, a meal, in the event of the hellish snow not stopping anytime soon. Never had they figured, that she was a Dragon Slayer. In the end, she was still alive, and they were not.

They were going to rape her. They were going to kill her. What else could she have done? In the end, it made sense, and look at what happened. She was alive, they weren't. They tried to take from her, and they suffered. Now though, she could take from them. It was weird, but in that moment, as she scrounged through the pockets and claimed the few pieces of gold in their possession, she came to realize, this was the world's design, that she was to take from the rest of the world. No, the idea that she might have gotten lucky was far too simple of a reason. This, the fact that she survived, in situations where most people would have fallen long before, it was proof enough. It was clear, that the world wanted her to survive, and therefore, she didn't have to follow the rules of the rest of the world. It had already been proven, she had conquered the world's challenges against her. It would not stop her. Only these people. Only these corpses. And, if they wanted to try to stop Levi from getting what she wanted, like the coins she held in her hands, then they were welcome to try. But if the world's own challenges would not stop her, there was no way that they were going to either. And as time went on, this further dissolved into her believing that she was entitled to the world, to whatever she wanted, whenever she wanted. And that there was nobody that would be able to stop her.

Unlike other Dragon Slayers who wished to fight and become stronger and stronger, Levi instead sought to indulge herself with what she wanted, when she wanted. When she was around 18 or so, she found herself in the city of Accadia, romantically involved with the daughter of a powerful nobleman. When this affair was discovered, he sought for her head, but instead, she killed his guards and executed him. The daughter, rather than feeling distraught or even upset, celebrated Levi, heralding her as her new consort as the two of them immediately jumped to the talk of the town. Sickly enough, it was Levi's nature of being a Dragon Slayer that was of more interest and importance to the people than her having killed her lover's father. However though, it was not lost to them of what she did, and many of the elite worried about what she may do some day strike at them. By the time that they did feel comfortable with trying to rid their city of Levi, they were far too late.

Eclipse Haven was really an interesting creation, originally just a concept, one that was never going to have grown anywhere or done anything more. But as Levi revelled in her life as a celebrity, as the Dragon Slayer of Accadia, she came to realize something very interesting. People, whether rich or poor, could be manipulated. She had manipulated the elite there to forget that she was a killer but instead someone to be celebrated. It was funny, a bit sad, but something which she did not object to and it showed her something very important. It showed her that there were three things which could motivate/manipulate a person; money, beauty, and promises of power. She would never indulge in using the first, nor give herself to those who did not deserve it, but she could sell herself, the false promise of her body and of a better world, and it was enough. And as she departed for Daverio, she was ready to see just how easily it would be to put her manipulating ability to the test. If the elite and wealthy of the learned Accadia was that easy to manipulate, she couldn't imagine how easy it would be for her to manipulate the people of a trade city.

And sure enough, it didn't take much effort nor time before she was already on the rise within the city. To the elite, she was a beautiful, intelligent seductress. And to the more common folk, she was like a Goddess, a prophet who told stories of what they could do united beneath her. She told stories of them being able to take what they wanted, to do whatever they wanted, without having to worry if the elite would stop them. "Should they try, crush them," she preached, and the people ate it up. However though, while she riled up the common people, she was working the elite as well, convincing them that she could unite them in containing and controlling the city, making it their's. As the two sides began to move towards an eventual class, she simply continued to play both sides, using her manipulation and beauty to convince the common and elite alike to join her, eventually twisting their perceptions and their unwavering loyalty of her into a joined force that contained elements from both, the Guild Eclipse Haven.

Those who were swayed by Levi's cunning had no idea that they were damning themselves when they aligned themselves with Levi, as their money, their freedom, and their influence - all being spun and twisted by Levi's beauty and her charm - only further bolstered the strength of the Eclipse Haven. With enough man power and resources, the Eclipse Haven took over the once abandoned network that enabled for smuggling centuries earlier, establishing it as their new base of operations. However though, some who would see through Levi's deception sought to fight back, but it was in this that they realized the situation that Levi had created. Trade was vital to Daverio's survival, and Levi had effectively placed a vice grip upon the city. If they fought back, trade would cease, and the fear of being killed or kidnapped by the Eclipse Haven was something that the city would never be able to recover from. Left with no choice, they conceded to Levi, allowing her to continue to operate within Daverio without implication, as well as to further masquerade as one of the elite, swaying the younger nobles and wealthy women who were growing up to replace the old guard.

What was it that prompted Levi to create Eclipse Haven? Was it Tezzarexes leaving Levi and forcing her to survive on her own? Were it the men who tried to kill her in that isolated village when she was young? Was it the Accadian elite's daughter who only further embraced and celebrated Levi after she killed her father? Or was it the Accadian nobility who were entranced by the fact she was a Dragon Slayer, allowing her to manipulate and play them. Were it the people of Daverio who were utterly enthralled by her beauty and intelligence? Were any of these individual instances what prompted it, or did they all contribute to the creation of the Guild? It's unfortunately doubtful, as the one thing that was plainly clear is that her ability to manipulate, her own desire to take what she wanted and to assert control of Daverio were heavily motivating factors. Now, the allure of what she has promised supporters along with her own charisma and beauty have made Eclispe Haven that much stronger, and that much more dangerous.

Last edited by Levi on Fri Feb 12, 2016 11:10 pm; edited 2 times in total

2Levi Empty Re: Levi Fri Feb 12, 2016 9:40 pm


Please add some basic information to the history such as her childhood, why she is considered high society, what made her create the guild etc.

3Levi Empty Re: Levi Fri Feb 12, 2016 11:08 pm


History updated to reflect changes.

4Levi Empty Re: Levi Sat Feb 13, 2016 10:12 am


Congratulations, this application has been approved.

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