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1Spells (finished) Empty Spells (finished) Tue Nov 11, 2014 2:32 pm

Cisero Sandbuster

Cisero Sandbuster
Name: Staggering Palm Jab
Rank: Rank D
Magic Cost: 10 MP
Requirements: Palm Magic
Class: Offensive
Element: body
Cooldown: three posts
Duration: one post
Effect: with a quick jab to the head with his weak left arm for a quick staggering punch. the target will be knocked back 4 meters.

Name: Harsh Palm Force
Rank: D
Magic Cost: 10 MP
Requirements: Palm Magic
Class: Offensive
Element: Body
Cooldown: 2 posts
Duration: instant
Effect: Cisero strikes his foe with a heavy palm strike, knocking his enemy back 4 meters leaving some distance between them, gives light bruises.

Name: Grand Palm Shockwave
Rank: D
Magic Cost: 10 MP
Requirements: Palm Magic
Class: Offensive
Element: Body
Cooldown: 3 posts
Duration: 2 posts
Effect: Cisero jumps up high in direction to his target and landing right before him on the ground creating an schockwave around him of 5 diameters, unbalancing the target for the next two posts making it easier to strike.

Name: Hurling Palm Spin
Rank: D
Magic Cost: 10 MP
Requirements: Palm Magic
Class: offensive
Element: Body
Cooldown: 3 posts
Duration: instant
Effect: Cisero runs at his target, spinning past them and hitting them 3 times with his palms. leaves light bruises

Name: Deceiving Palm strike
Rank: C
Magic Cost: 20 MP
Requirements: Palm Magic
Class: Offensive
Element: Body
Cooldown: 3 posts
Duration: instant
Effect: he raises his weak arm, making it look like he is about to give the Staggering Palm Jab, but on the moment of contact he switches to his right arm and gives a great slam underneath the foe's chest, knocking him up 4 metersĀ and giving him moderate bruises.

Last edited by Cisero Sandbuster on Wed Nov 12, 2014 5:13 am; edited 11 times in total

2Spells (finished) Empty Re: Spells (finished) Tue Nov 11, 2014 4:36 pm

Ardere Kasai

Ardere Kasai
-D rank spells cant debuff anything, this would be considered a speed debuff.

-Give a specific number of strikes, as a D rank spell I'd probably say 3.

-Make it moderately bruised.

-Take out the being unable to move part.

-Scratch this spell. Too much going on at once for a C rank.

I'm gonna tell you what else you can do with palm magic. You get more knockback then normal mages, and if you want you can create shockwaves by slamming your palm into the ground. You could even do a strength buff or something like that. So just rethink a couple of your spells, and bump when you're ready.

3Spells (finished) Empty Re: Spells (finished) Tue Nov 11, 2014 4:55 pm

Cisero Sandbuster

Cisero Sandbuster
b u m p

4Spells (finished) Empty Re: Spells (finished) Tue Nov 11, 2014 5:01 pm

Ardere Kasai

Ardere Kasai
-No stuns :P


-State the shockwave has a diameter of 5 meters.

-I said take out the being unable to move part lol

-You can either do the attack, or have a strength buff. The strength buff guidelines are in the magic rules, the second or third post I believe. And the duration would be 3 posts.

5Spells (finished) Empty Re: Spells (finished) Tue Nov 11, 2014 5:10 pm

Cisero Sandbuster

Cisero Sandbuster
bump, reworked most of the skills entirely :x

6Spells (finished) Empty Re: Spells (finished) Tue Nov 11, 2014 5:19 pm

Ardere Kasai

Ardere Kasai
-State the knockback is 4 meters

-Make the knockback 4 meters

-Like I said, state the shockwave has a diameter of 5 meters.

-Strength doesnt get risen by percentages. And it would be 2 posts.

-Give a knock up of 5 m, make the duration instant

Make sure you go to regulations and read the magic rules. That will have the strength buff part you need.

7Spells (finished) Empty Re: Spells (finished) Wed Nov 12, 2014 5:13 am

Cisero Sandbuster

Cisero Sandbuster
b u m p

8Spells (finished) Empty Re: Spells (finished) Wed Nov 12, 2014 7:59 am

Ardere Kasai

Ardere Kasai
Good good, approved.

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