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1Cisero Sandbuster (finished) Empty Cisero Sandbuster (finished) Tue Nov 11, 2014 3:55 am

Cisero Sandbuster

Cisero Sandbuster

   Cisero Sandbuster (finished) Char-amon
   "You will always stand in my shadow"

Name(s): Cisero Sandbuster
Nickname(s): Shadows Edge
Age: 23
Sex: male
Birthday: 4 Februari X758 winter
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Class: Scavenger
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Rank: D-class
Guild: Raven Tail
Guild Tattoo: Right side of neck
Face Claim: Amon (the legend of korra)


Height: 190cm
Weight: 75 KG
Hair: Purple long Spiked
Eyes: Left eye is green the right one is Purple
General Appearance: He wears a mask and his hoodie, he has giant scars from his past whom he doesn't wanna talk about. he has a slim, tall, decent muscular body appearance. he has most power in his right arm, the left arm is partially paralyzed because of an accident so he can only use low class magic with it. he wears a brown monk robe crossed with a battle armor
its lighter than normal armor but still protects a whole lot.
he has a pretty fearfull impression on most people he encounters, has a heavy voice and is very agile thanks to his magic. (a sort of palm magic like bacchus)
Extra: he has scars in his face thats why he wears so much coverage with clothes. he wears a mask (shown on pf and character picture)


Personality: To start off he has a very silent look, he doesn't speak much nor does he shout. his problems in the past have changed him a lot in these years, before every action he takes he thinks it through.
He grew pretty tall so most people are too scared to interfere with him, he never puts his mask off nor his battle-robe (only when it must be cleaned badly or when its destroyed).
He has a heavy voice, but calm. His eyes are always normal but when he battles the pupils become larger than average.
Every fight he makes a strategic plan in his head so he can charge head on without dealing with minor problems he could encounter.
He doesn’t seek happiness nor chaos but once you step in his way, he will eliminate you.
He can manipulate people very well. His mind is unbreakable but can break others like a twig.
He often thinks about his arm (whom is partially paralyzed) as an supportive extension because he can only use weak and low class magic with it.
His character is a silent, (people think of him as a trustworthy warrior) but he truly is a evil one who will seek only to profit from his (friends) so he can achieve his goal.
He hates to lose, he seeks out the strongest of the group than challenges them for a battle.
he has a great hunger for power, always wanting to become stronger.
He is an evil warrior but still has a heart for things, for example if a child needs help he will help him/her but adults he will try to annihilate if they get in his way!


  • silence
  • battles
  • wealth
  • power
  • shadows
  • strong opponents


  • weaklings
  • losing
  • being poor
  • the law
  • enemies of the guild

Motivations: greed, greed for more he only wants to get the best, the largest, the most expensive things he can get his hands on. though he doesn't show that.


  • he has the fear of losing, the fear of becoming nothing again. he doesn't wanna go back to the way it was, he must become stronger.
  • an intense fear of spiders, almost like a phobia for spiders, if spiders even come near him (no matter how big) he will lose control.

Positive Traits:

  • Daunting Presence (+2): You are skilled at inducing fear in your opponents.
    Explanation: Players of lesser rank cannot initiate combat against you, but are capable of defending themselves.
  • Swift (+3): You are fleet of foot. When running, you move three times your normal speed.
    Explanation: You have a passive C Rank speed buff at all times.
  • Persuasive (+2): You have a way with words and body language. Somehow you manage to persuade weaker minded people easily.
    Explanation: When using this feat, players will have to roll a bronze die. Failure to land on a number results in them agreeing with you.

Negative Traits:

  • Aloof (-1): Your manner is cold and unapproachable, distancing you from friends and strangers alike. Your preternatural intelligence lends itself to viewing others as slow-witted and a waste of your precious time. Your charisma is lowered.
    Explanation: You can't act nice to people and you can't make friends easily.
  • Arrogant (-1): You firmly believe that you are better than anyone else is. Your ideas are the best, your clothes are the most stylish, and you have to let everyone else know how much better you are. Once in a while you openly show contempt or disdain for someone else.
    Explanation: You must at least act arrogant one out of five posts.
  • Bravado (-2): You are rash in combat, refusing to show weakness by falling back from your enemies' blows. You either face it and stop it, or get hit in the progress. In addition, you cannot fight defensively.
    Explanation: You can't create any defensive spells. Offensive spells are made to inflict damage while defensive spells do not inflict any damage at all and are made to prevent damage.
  • Cruel (-1): You have a sadistic streak that causes you to perform acts of cruelty for no good reason. Of course, this doesn't endear you to others. Most times you are prudent enough to carry out your cruelties on those under your thumb, rather than those you see as equals. However, you carry a constant social stigma, as rumors have their way of getting around.
    Explanation: You must perform an act of cruelty one out of five posts.
  • Greedy (-1): Money makes your eyes light up with joy. The more, the merrier, as long as it spends. Once in a while, whenever you're divvying up shares of the loot, being offered a hefty bribe, or catching wind of some fabulous treasure, the flaw can to convince you to grab for as much money as possible.
    Explanation: You may act differently when money comes into play.
  • Fanaticism (-1): This can be a substantial disadvantage for a character, though it requires significant roleplaying commitment on the part of the player. The fanaticism can be dedication to a particular cult, religion, or god, or it can be more worldly-based, in the sense of overwhelming loyalty to a state, a military presence, or to a particular leader. Whatever their sources, the different types of fanaticism have several things in common. If a certain code of behavior is called for by the belief, then the character must conform to that behavior even if it conflicts with the immediate goals of the character and his companions. While fanaticism is not necessarily evil, it may certainly become tiresome to those who do not share the fanatics beliefs.
    Explanation: You must always strongly act out to your beliefs even if it goes against your immediate goals or it brings the lives of people you care about in danger.


Magic: Palm Magic --> is an unnamed Caster Type Magic.
Caster or Holder: palm magic is used through the palms of a persons hand, therefore a caster.
Description: A form of Magic that allows its user to focus his Magic Power in the palm of his hands. This significantly boosts the strength of the attacks he performs with the hands, allowing him to strike targets with great force through simple palm strikes. While noted to be a relatively orthodox Magic, it is shown to be extremely powerful and effective when employed by a martial artist focusing on palm strikes.

  • the palm magic makes simple strikes have great force behind them.
  • palm magic is used in a fighting style so its applied with each offensive hit/action with the fists.
  • it significally boosts your strength for each strike


  • this magic cannot be used from a distance, its a melee magic.
  • can be painfull for the user if it is used against something spiky/sharp
  • unseen magic like Airspace magic has great benefits in fights with palm magic users.


History: The story started in Daedel Village 4 Februari X758 winter when a boy was born named Cisero Sandbuster.
The village was quiet and never disturbed yet, there weren’t many magic users in the village that time.
The first three years of Cisero’s life were pretty normal, he had parents, a big sister Yuna (6 years) and yuna used to help Cisero with his things, even if they had a big load of trouble, Yuna always stood up for Cisero. When they got bullied, Yuna was there for him.
On his third birthday they celebrated big and everyone was happy and joyful… until the hunters (the hunters where then knows to be a dangerous raiding gang organized by several big criminals) came, they pillaged the village and killed the elder and the woman.
All the left over husbands and men tried to do something back but they just didn’t have the power to do so.
Bound by emotions Cisero ran back to his house to get Yuna and his parents.. what he found was truly outrageous.. His parents were beat up and bound to the wall, barely breathing.
DAD!! MOM!! He yelled, but no response was given.
He went to search for Yuna but she was not to be found, she was taken away by the hunters.
Cisero swore that he would get revenge on the hunters for taking his sister and heavily abusing his parents, on the moment he said that his mom spoke her last sentence: Cisero… i… I love…..y…
Then she passed away along with his dad.
After the hunters left, he started training and he became stronger, bigger and smarter.
On the age of 10 he went traveling, he had no family left only a memory of his sister whom he didn’t even know if she was even alive.
He encountered a guild: Raven Tail who asked If he wanted to join them, at first he was a little cautious but soon enough he got used to the guild, knowing it was a bad guild he started growing with them.
Becoming slightly evil himself in the beginning.
One day he had an intense training battle with Yonee a A-Class wizard of the guild, he did a great job and even kept the A-Class wizard busy with his attacks, until he hit a weak spot of the wizard.
The wizard went insane, destroying almost the whole training ground and Cisero (who was 16 at that time) got the full load..
He got blasted with the most powerfull fire spell that Yonee had after that he lost consciousness.
He got treated well, but when he woke up he noticed that his left arm didn’t response the way he wanted to.
His arm was left partially paralyzed and he had terrible scars all over his body and face.
From that moment on he wore a mask, a battle-robe and started to focus on his magic.
He had a special kind of magic, kind of orthodox it was called: Palm Magic, it’s a magic were the user focuses all his magic to the palms of his hands, so every punch he gave had a great force behind it.
At the age of 21 he became master of the martial arts, and even boosted his magic to a higher level with that.
From then on something snapped in him, he wasn’t himself anymore.
Totally evil he became, silent he became and at last, he became a cold blooded warrior.
Everyone who stood in his way, he annihilated. Only stronger opponents he sought.
Greed became his purpose to become stronger. He wanted wealth, power and status.
He wanted to be feared by all, and he was because few people saw such a strong boy.
Though his arm partially useless he uses it as a quick jab manner, a sort of staggering so he could focus full force on his right arm punch.
His left arm only could use a small amount of magic but he developed his right arm far further than any other palm magic wizard could even imagine.
He participated in contests that he always came out first.
A great future was meant to be for Cisero but his mind was overtaken by Darkness, power and greed.
Now, at the age of 23 he has reached another level of power, he learned more tricks and became smarter, he is tactical, strong and fast. You won’t see kids like this one these days.
Silently he continued to feed his greed, his surge for power and his thirst for wealth.
His story continues here.

2Cisero Sandbuster (finished) Empty Re: Cisero Sandbuster (finished) Tue Nov 11, 2014 10:42 am

Ardere Kasai

Ardere Kasai
I see no problems here


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