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1Force Magic Starters Empty Force Magic Starters Wed Nov 05, 2014 9:43 pm

Alistair Christner

Alistair Christner
Name: Force Toss
Rank: D
Magic Cost: 10
Requirements: Force Magic
Class: Offensive
Element: None
Cooldown: 1
Duration: Instant
Effect: Alistair grabs an inanimate object of his choosing within 5 meters and launches it at a target. The size of the object cannot be anything larger than a chair, the the target takes D Rank wounds if struck. This damage is regardless of the object used.

Name: Force Shove
Rank: D
Magic Cost: 10
Requirements: Force Magic
Class: Defensive
Element: None
Cooldown: 1
Duration: Instant
Effect: Alistair generates a wave of solid, intangible force that pushes a target back 5 meters. The target must be within 5 meters of Alistair, and the target takes no damage.

Name: Force Armor
Rank: D
Magic Cost: 10
Requirements: Force Magic
Class: Defensive
Element: None
Cooldown: 1
Duration: 2
Effect: Alistair coats himself or an ally in concentrated intangible magic that protects them from 1 C Rank, or 2 D Ranks worth of damage. This damage doesn't have to be from spells, and the armor does not hinder movement in any way.

Name: Retrieve
Rank: D
Magic Cost: 10
Requirements: Force Magic
Class: Supplementary
Element: None
Cooldown: 1
Duration: Instant
Effect: Alistair pulls an inanimate object to him. The object cannot be any larger than a basket ball, and must be within 5 meters.

Name: Saber Ward
Rank: C
Magic Cost: 20 / 10
Requirements: Force Magic
Class: Defensive
Element: None
Cooldown: 3
Duration: 3 Posts
Effect: A sustained defensive spell that utilizes Alistair's dual sabers to their fullest. Twirling them in a non-stop defensive pattern, Alistair is able to deflect 1 spell B Rank or below each post this spell is sustained, but cannot attack while the spell is sustained either. Maneuverability is not sacrificed.

2Force Magic Starters Empty Re: Force Magic Starters Tue Nov 11, 2014 2:24 pm

Ardere Kasai

Ardere Kasai
Apprroooveded sir :P

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