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1Zero Entei [Done] Empty Zero Entei [Done] Wed Nov 05, 2014 1:10 am

Zero Entei

Zero Entei
Zero Entei [Done] Akirat10
"I don't know what my future holds, but my past holds nothing."

Name(s): Zero Entei
Nickname(s): Zero, Hellsing
Age: 19
Sex: Male
Birthday: 21 / 03 / x762
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Class: Cleric
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Rank: D-class
Guild: Phantom Lord
Guild Tattoo: Left Hand
Face Claim: Akira - Togainu no Chi


Height: 5'11''
Weight: 138 lbs
Hair: Bluish-Silver
Eyes: Blue
General Appearance:

Extra: Zero always wears white gloves with a red pentagram on the backside to cover his guild tattoo as well as any part of his branding that shows through his hoodie or shirt.




  • Receiving Pain: In a somewhat masochistic manner, Zero enjoys having pain inflicted upon him, although not to extreme extents. He especially loves it when someone he feels is far beyond his own power level tries to contest against his own, and attempts to injure him. With weaker spells, sometimes he will intentionally let himself get hit to experience the high, while other times he will use it as an insult to an opponent who has yet to hit him.

  • Knowledge: Zero is obsessed with analyzing everything. He is intellectually curious to an absurd degree, and studies every detail about everything: how lacrima work, how magic works and how its used, technology, biology, chemistry, physics, and even literary classics. Most of the knowledge is useless, but Zero finds solace in his knowledge and obscure references, and enjoys the company of others that can reflect his knowledge.

  • Power: Zero is ambitious to a fault, seeking power over anyone. His superiors are not exempt from this, but he makes a note to gain their trust before he attempts to seize their power from them. It compliments his debuff magic nicely, as he seeks to take power from others. It is not enough for him to have power- others must be limited in their power as well.

  • Money: Money makes the world go round, and in much the same way how Zero loves knowledge, money is another priority for any of his actions. Zero is a firm believer that knowledge and money create power, and as such any way that he can attain either, he will diligently fulfill.


  • Immorality: More specifically, Zero dislikes those that go against his definition of morality. He believes in chivalry and proper etiquette, but finds that the restrictions created by laws can sometimes screw with his own goals. As a result, he has a "forgo the rules" type attitude when it comes to his beliefs, and immediately distrusts anyone who blindly obeys any sort of structure or government without first consulting their own motivations.

  • Prolonged Conversations: Zero prefers his interactions with others to be kept at a minimum, at least as far as conversations go. He absolutely despises when people talk to him for extensive periods of time, and he will often begin to ignore the other person entirely, leaving them to have a conversation with themselves.

  • Arrogance: In an ironic twist, Zero dislikes arrogance. That's not to say that he hates anyone with a hint of arrogance, but he dislikes the personality trait (mostly because he thinks he is better than the other person).

  • Any food without juice or meat: Zero only likes solid food that he can bite into, limiting much of his daily meal to fruits and meat. He dislikes most vegetables and absolutely abhors yogurt and pudding. The only notable exception is ice cream (which is strange considering some forms of ice cream are very similar to yogurt).


  • Strength: One of Zero's most prevalent motivations is self-improvement. He wants to obtain power through any means necessary, and the quickest and easiest way to do that is to get stronger. If he is stronger, he concludes, then he can further his financial assets. He can't be opposed if he is the strongest.

  • Knowledge of His Past: Zero is motivated by his presumed knowledge of his past. He believes that in the past, he was a criminal who was branded for his crimes, and so Zero strives to uphold his beliefs. The false branding has essentially brainwashed Zero into believing he was a criminal, and so he sees no reason to mend his ways, as he has already been branded.


  • Large Bodies of Water: Although Zero isn't entirely sure why, he has a phobic fear of large bodies of water such as the ocean or the sea. Even large pools could cause him to tremble, and he would never think of entering a body of water.

  • Dying a pitiful or nameless death: Zero fears dying, but only in a way that would cause him to be forgotten. He wants to make an impression on Earth, and does not want his name to be lost amongst billions of others.

Positive Traits (+19):

Negative Traits (-19):


Magic: Unholy Wrath
Caster or Holder: Caster
Description: Unholy wrath is a standard buff/debuff magic that takes the sins of the target of the buff or debuff, and brings it to the surface. The sins are then used to make the target stronger, or to shackle him or her as a burden. Most spells require a brief incantation, usually in Latin or a lost and forgotten language. After the incantation is said, a magic circle in the form of a red, black, or white pentagram appears beneath the target. Outside of combat, it has very little practical use outside of rigging competitions. Both buffs and debuffs can be applied to himself as well as others.

Strengths: The strength of Unholy Wrath lies in its versatility. It is a solely buff based magic, meaning that any or all of the user/target's physical attributes can be manipulated on a whim. As it brings a target's sins to the surface, it has the potential to create moral discomfort for those that are afraid to confront their wanton desires, possibly even causing those afflicted to go insane if they are extremely morally insecure or anxious.

Weaknesses: One of Unholy Wrath's greatest strengths is also its greatest weakness. As it is only a buff magic, it has no true offensive capabilities, and the buffed attributes must be utilized to deal damage. As a result the caster is fairly vulnerable when range is exploited, as the magic requires the caster to get in close to have any of his buffs be effective.



Last edited by Zero Entei on Wed Nov 05, 2014 4:08 pm; edited 2 times in total

2Zero Entei [Done] Empty Re: Zero Entei [Done] Wed Nov 05, 2014 3:43 pm

Ardere Kasai

Ardere Kasai
Everything looks good except the only guilds accepting free ranks are Rune Knights and Raven Tail. If you looked in the free guild ranks post, I closed it off. So just change your rank and it should be good.

P.S: My apologies about the rank, I closed that off two weeks ago. Someone deleted my post >.>

3Zero Entei [Done] Empty Re: Zero Entei [Done] Wed Nov 05, 2014 4:04 pm

Zero Entei

Zero Entei
Edited. Thanks for the quick reply, TFK101.

4Zero Entei [Done] Empty Re: Zero Entei [Done] Wed Nov 05, 2014 4:25 pm

Ardere Kasai

Ardere Kasai
Approved my man

(Message me your identity!)

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