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1Jasper Quartz (done) Empty Jasper Quartz (done) Sun Nov 02, 2014 1:48 am

Jasper Quartz

Jasper Quartz

   Jasper Quartz (done) Jasper_quartz_by_koffyhouse-d84zn1i
   "D-don't worry, I got this!"

Name(s): Jasper Quartz

Nickname(s): Gem Knight

Age: 20

Sex: Male

Birthday: 11/12/ X761

Sexuality: Straight

Class: Cleric

Alignment: Neutral Good

Rank: C

Guild: Rune Knights

Guild Tattoo: Inside of right forearm

Face Claim: (n/a)

Height: 150

Weight: 5'8

Hair: Emerald green

Eyes: Topaz orange

General Appearance:  He is of average height, but a little under weight, with a thin and wire frame build. He holds himself in a manor that makes him seem smaller than he really is. He Has a short tight kept green emerald colored hair style, and very light looking orange topaz colored eyes. his skin is a light pearl color, and looks like he has spent a lot of time inside, despite the amount of time he spends out in the sun. Contrary to his personality he wears loose fitting pants, with a belt strapped tight so they don't sag, and a black mesh tank top.

Extra: In both ears are several piercings, topaz, ruby, diamond, and emerald.

Personality: Jasper is an odd ball. He is very shy, and doesn't like to be center of attention. Being in a guild is fun, and helps him and others, but he feel like is can be a little difficult at times with his social disorders. He doesn't like seeing people in trouble, and despite his shyness will help in any way he can. He may not start conversations, but will almost always respond then spoken to. When he get into a jam and is attacked, he wont hesitate to strike back, be he may feel bad afterwards. When he fights he has a trick that keeps him some what calm, and has become a compulsive behavior where he touches a specific ear ring when casting different spells. He would rather himself be hurt than his friends.

Jasper is the guy who is always there, and is useful, but often over looked. He knows it, and is ok with it. Sometimes he wants to come out of his shell and talk to people, but then he thinks about what people might say to or about him and he clams up. He doesn't like taking on jobs alone, not that he feels that he can't it is just that he would rather someone else do the talking for him. He gets flustered sometimes and stutters.While he seems like a goof, or putz he is a good friend and will always be there when needed.


  • Being useful

  • Coffee

  • Mimes

  • Spicy food

  • Playing games


  • Clowns

  • Homeless people

  • Being center of attention

  • Bullies

  • Sour food

  • Tea

Motivations: He is motivated to get stronger, and become a knight and hero to be able to help people, even if he is shy. Jasper doesn't like how hr is right now, and seeks to better his social issues, and break out of his shell.


  • Jasper fear never being able to be good enough.

  • His other fear is not being able to contribute to the guild.

  • He has a strong childhood fear of clowns.

  • a strong childhood fear of homeless, or beggers.

Positive Traits:

  • Fortitude (+3)

  • Regeneration (+4)

  • Enhanced Strength (+3)

Negative Traits:

  • Shy (-1)

  • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Compulsions (-3) (touch ear ring specific to spell before casting the spell)

  • Phobia: Coulrophobia- Fear of clowns. (-3)

  • Phobia: Hobophobia- Fear of bums or beggar‏s (-3)

Magic: Gem Make Magic "Gem Crafting"

Caster or Holder: Caster type

Description: with the summons of his magical ability gems form together to Jasper's will. Ether the same kind or multiple gems and jewels, usually ruby, diamond, emerald, topaz, and sapphires.

Strengths: Much like any Maker magic the limits of Jasper's Gem make is only his imagination. Weapons, armor and the like. The Gems are very sturdy they don't conduct electricity and are resistant to electrical spells, and have a variety of uses like by stretching out a large crystal to magnify light like a laser, or to see far away.

Weaknesses: Jasper's gems have a weakness to dark magic. It cracks and corrupts the gems, and they start to shatter. Due to how gems are, another weakness ois other gem magic.


History: Jasper was born into a small family in the town of Era, the home of the original magic council. He grew up in a small house in the middle of the town with his mother and father. His father was a Jewel crafter, who worked and sold from a show they owned. His father was also a wizard who specialized in Gem Maker Magic. When he was ten years old his father noticed a talent in his son Jasper. Less than a year after he started to teach Jasper his trade, in the art of Maker Magic. On the first day of his lessons his father pierced Jasper's ears for the first time.

Jasper took to the magic lessons quickly, and was actually progressing faster than his father would have ever guessed. While he got better at magic, his connection with regular people started to falter. Jasper started to shy away from people when he was taken out for shopping trips, or when he went to school. It started to become a problem. So his parents set up a plan.

On Jasper's 12th birthday his parents surprised him with a party, after his father was done with Jasper's second set of ear rings. It didn't go well. It was a big party, dozens of children, balloons, games and more. Jasper had a look of almost sheer terror. His parents pushed him to join the fun and games. The boy stumbled out and walked around the crowd awkwardly, shying away from other kids wishing him a happy birthday. It didn't take long before he ran into the party entertainment. The clown started to do anything to make Jasper smile. He told the clown to stop, but he kept on going and going, he was a giant compared to Jasper and he was terrified. He screamed and ran. Behind him Jasper left a small wall of Gems.

Jasper had run into the streets of the town to escape. He made his way all over, and finally hit away in the back of an ally way. He was trying to calm down, and his ears hurt. He touched them gently and it helped sooth him. Things seemed fine till a homeless man approached him asking for food, or money, he was scared. Another homeless man and another also approached him, he was surrounded. Jasper had started to cry again at this point, then he heard a voice. A man told the beggars to back away from the child, and they did. The man was a Rune Knight, he helped up Jasper and took him home. Jasper wasn't scared of him, he was astonished. On that day he decided he wanted to Join the Rune Knights.

Jasper got another set of ear rings 2 years later as he continued his training, but soon he surpassed his father. A few years after his father had nothing else to teach him Jasper decided to join the Rune Knights, and on that day his father gave him one last set of ear rings.It has been 2 years now since Jasper had joined Rune Knights, and he has worked through some of his social anxiety, but not all, and he has been training and getting stronger, so he can help people for this guild the same way they helped him.

Last edited by Jasper Quartz on Wed Nov 05, 2014 2:11 pm; edited 2 times in total

2Jasper Quartz (done) Empty Re: Jasper Quartz (done) Wed Nov 05, 2014 1:02 pm

Ardere Kasai

Ardere Kasai
-Put your fears in bullet points like the others.

-Give me another sentence for motivation.

-Give me one more weakness for your magic, perhaps other gems, since gems break gems, or fire, but that would depend on if they melt easily.

Fix those and you're good to go for C bud.

3Jasper Quartz (done) Empty Re: Jasper Quartz (done) Wed Nov 05, 2014 2:13 pm

Jasper Quartz

Jasper Quartz
I have edited everything you requested sir.

4Jasper Quartz (done) Empty Re: Jasper Quartz (done) Wed Nov 05, 2014 3:38 pm

Ardere Kasai

Ardere Kasai
Alrighty then


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