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Eric Flamel

Eric Flamel
Name: Toughen Skin
Rank: D
Magic Cost: 10 Magic (5)
Requirements: Earth God Slayer Magic
Class: Defensive
Element: Earth
Cooldown: 2 Post
Duration: 2 Post
Effect: By secreting minerals from his skin Eric will be able to withstand the damage of up to  a C rank before receiving any harm. This will be weakened to only blocking D ranks with magic that is stronger to earth while magics weak to earth will need damage that reaches B rank to destroy the armor. The armor that he makes is a flexible style coating that does not restrict his movements or any physical skills/ abilities

Name: Hole of Banishment
Rank: D
Magic Cost: 10 (5)
Requirements: Earth God Slayer Magic
Class: Offensive
Element: Earth
Cooldown: 2 Post
Duration: Instant (Hole Remains)
Effect: By either stomping his foot or slamming his hand Eric will cause a pitfall to appear in an area within 5 meters of himself. This pit will be 3 meters by 3 meters with a 3 meter fall. The fall is enough to twist enemy’s ankles and cause bruising and other minor damage in other areas of one’s legs (if that is how they land, if not same type of damage to other areas of the body). While the hole has no set duration it will remain there for the remainder of the thread and one will have to climb out or fly out to escape the hole due to it being a 3 meter drop.

Name: Lurking God
Rank: D
Magic Cost: 10 (5)
Requirements: Earth God Slayer Magic ( A form of earth)
Class: Supplementary
Element: Earth
Cooldown: 3 Post
Duration: 2 post
Effect: This allows Eric is able to move in the earth or martials made of earth without any problem up to a depth of 5 meters. He may move at a speed of 7 meters a second while using this skill. Due to being underground he will have a lack of oxygen and direct sight Eric will have to rely on his instinct to find enemies and will have to resurface at least once every post or he will run out of oxygen. Eric will have to resurface to attack and cannot attack while underground or resurfacing due to having no exact location of his targets, if this is acquired somehow then this will allow him to do such a feat.

Name: Heartbeats of Mother Earth
Rank: D
Magic Cost: 10 (5)
Requirements: Earth God Slayer Magic
Class: Supplementary
Element: Earth
Cooldown: 3 Post
Duration: 2 Post
Effect: Eric will be able to sense all things that are touching the ground in some form or fashion within a 5 meter radius of himself. He cannot get exact readings on these things, such as colors, facial expressions, clothing and all that. Though he will be able to see things like weight and basic sizes. He is able to sense things by sending unnoticeable pulses of his magic through the ground or objects made of minerals and using it in a sonar like fashion.

Name: Clutches of a Childish God
Rank: C
Magic Cost: 20 (10)
Requirements: Earth God Slayer Magic
Class: Offensive
Element: Earth
Cooldown: 4 Post
Duration: 3 Post
Effect: By either stomping his foot on the ground or slamming his hand on the ground Eric will cause a bit of his earth god slaying magic to leak into the ground. Instantly either a single hand the size of 3 meters tall 1 meter wide or two hands the size of 1 ½ meters tall and ½ a meter wide each will appear from the ground under an enemy(ies) and grip onto them holding them in place while dealing minor damage capable of causing major bruising, if using both then it will cause slight discomfort and minor bruising. The hands will appear at a speed of 7 m/s from under an enemy that are up to 10 meters away. To break the single arm one will need to deal C rank damage if using both then only a D rank will be needed per arm. The arms will need double damage from the element of wind while only half the damage of water to break it. There can only be two arm/hands at one time while using this spell.

Last edited by Eric Flamel on Tue Jul 29, 2014 7:54 am; edited 3 times in total

Eric Flamel

Eric Flamel
Okay fitted to the new rules and ready to be checked!

Jabo Devine

Jabo Devine
System has changed a bit, check it out Here.

Eric Flamel

Eric Flamel
As far as I see these spells fall into the guidelines.

Tali Zorah

Tali Zorah
Everything checks out. Approved.

Kazuki Kobayashi

Kazuki Kobayashi
Moved back for revisions to old system.

Eric Flamel

Eric Flamel
okay old system is in play

Kazuki Kobayashi

Kazuki Kobayashi
Hi there! I'll be reviewing your spells today!

Toughen Skin - State that this can be destroyed by 1 C Rank or 2 D Ranks. Also state that 1 D Rank spell of a stronger element could break through this. State that it would require 2 C Rank of a weaker element to destroy this. Also state clearly whether this is a shield, or flexible skin mold. I assume the latter, but just be obvious.

State that this only lasts two posts. Anything more and you will have to pay a sustain cost.

Hole of Banishment - Approved.

Lurking God - Because of the nature of this spell, in terms of going underground and effectively making one impervious to attack without it being a defensive spell you cannot affect anyone else at this rank.

State how far down he goes.

Change this to 7 m/s. As you are not effectively 'running' this spell will not get the full buff of a speed spell.

Eric will have to rely on his natural heighten senses to find enemies. Remove this. As of now, we have not defined what the natural DS / GS senses are.

State that you must resurface before attacking, and cannot do it at the same time.

Pebble Armor - State that this can be destroyed by 1 C Rank or 2 D Ranks. Also state that 1 D Rank spell of a stronger element could break through this. State that it would require 2 C Rank of a weaker element to destroy this.

State that this only lasts two posts. Anything more and you will have to pay a sustain cost.

Clutches of a Childish God - State that there can only be two hands max. It's there, but just make it obvious.

State that opposing elements and those stronger would have the according effects.

State that the cooldown begins when the hand(s) are destroyed.

Bump when edited!

Eric Flamel

Eric Flamel
edits made good sir

Kazuki Kobayashi

Kazuki Kobayashi
Heartbeats of Mother Earth - Lower this radius to 5m, as it is a D Rank spell. Change the wording of the spell to state that you are only able to detect vibrations by sending out harmless waves of your own magic--similar to sonar.

Clutches of a Childish God - Add a sustained limit.

Bump when edited.

Eric Flamel

Eric Flamel
Edits made bum

Kazuki Kobayashi

Kazuki Kobayashi
Approved and added to your spell list.

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