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1~Isa Ishiyama~ Perfected Empty ~Isa Ishiyama~ Perfected Sat Jun 21, 2014 7:54 pm

Isa Ishiyama

Isa Ishiyama

       ~Isa Ishiyama~ Perfected Yx6m
       "Are you upset that I'm a man and I'm prettier then you a woman...because you should be."

   Name(s): Isa Ishiyama
   Nickname(s): Rune Knights True Image of Beauty
   Age: 18
   Sex: Male
   Birthday: 7/8/x761
   Sexuality: Homosexual
   Class: Mystic
   Alignment: Neutral Good
   Guild: Rune Knights - Ivy Division
   Guild Tattoo: between shoulder blades - Green
   Face Claim: Bleach - Yumichika


   Height: 5'6"
   Weight: 150lbs
   Hair: Black
   Eyes: Light purple
   General Appearance:
He is an Young male, reaching five and a half feet and has a slim physique. He has black hair which is cut into a bob and part of his hair is braided on the right side. He has a light skin tone, He prefers to wear a very Elegant  outfit. It’s an black and white japanese kimono, with a white sash over his shoulder and orange like turtle neck underneath the black and white kimono and wears black loafers. Isa wears feather ornaments on the lashes of his eyes and the back of his ears. Isa always carries around his japanese hand fan that he uses a lot in battle of when talking to people often talking with the fan over his mouth.

   Extra: n/a


 Personality: Isa has always had a arrogant nature about him always thinking he's the most fashionable, and handsomest out of him, Chimera and ghost,he's the type of person to walk with his head held up high and glare at people he finds to be ugly, so he's sorta like your high school bully that won't let you sit at his table. Isa is playful and likes to tease people about the way they look or dress and doesn't care if he hurts their feelings at the end of the day, because he believes some people need grow tougher skins. Isa Is known to have a low tolerance level for females that talk to much, the type of people that are happy and full of energy in the morning are the people he gets along with the less.  People confuse Isa as a cruel person,but he actual very calm and carefree when you really get to know him and he's some what of a poet, the only people that really understand him though are ghost and chimera. In battle Isa likes to fight with elegance and poise with swift, but pretty,and precise attacks, while his brute of a friend chimera would dive in head first and attack willy nilly.


  • Sorcerer weekly
  • Photoshoots
  • Modeling
  • Chimera and Ghost


  • Dark Guilds
  • Evil Mages
  • Ugly people
  • bugs


  • Chimera and Ghost's happiness
  • Bring peace to the world


  • Losing Chimera and ghost again
  • Claustrophobia

   Positive Traits:

  • High Society (+2)
  • Daunting Presence (+2)
  • Diligent (+2)
  • Swift (+3)
  • Acrobatic (+3)
  • Animal Tongue (+4)
  • Blindsight (+4)

   Negative Traits:

  • Arrogant (-1)
  • Allergies (-1)
  • Ambitious (-1)
  • Bad Reputation (-1) [Prostitution]
  • Careless (-1)
  • Curiosity (-1)
  • Indecisive (-1)
  • Intolerance (-1) [Evil mages]
  • Judgmental (-1) [Dark guilds]
  • Overzealous (-1)
  • Righteous (-1)
  • Star-crossed (-1)
  • Trusting (-2)
  • Extravagant (-2)
  • Branded (-2) [Fleeing the scene after being caught prostituting.]
  • Derangement/Insanity (-3)[Claustrophobia]


   Magic: Gift from Pavo
   Caster or Holder: Caster
   Description: Gift from Pavo is a feather magic, it is said to be a gift bestowed by the Peacock constellation Pavo. It gives Isa the ability to control and manipulate peacock feathers that he may use in combat. The feathers are sharper then they seem and Isa can use them in different variations such as sharp projectiles, wing blades , a defence completely made out of feathers, and even wings to fly, but flying is something that can only be perfected at a higher rank.

  • can cut through solid objects
  • Can learn the a flight spell at higher rank
  • Can increase physical mobility


  • Feathers can be easily scorched by fire making them less effective.
  • Since it is a lighter weight magic it can be blown away easier by wind magic.
  • Feathers are weak against muddy and slimy substances.


Long ago isa lived in a city long forgotten by fiore with his mother and father he was five years of age and didn't have many friends his only friends were a boy of the same age named Chimera Silveous and Ghost silveous. Isa would sneak out with his pals chimera and ghost without his parents knowing and help them steal items, he would even help the boys out by giving them some food and stuff from his families home. When Chimera would enter brawls Isa would be right there cheering him on and also praying he wouldn't get hurt. Chimera was a great friend to isa he would always protect him from the bullies that picked on him for his femanine qualities, getting bruised up and hurt for the sake of his friend.  When the boys turned fifteen and ghost ten years of age, a war waged in there town. They set fire to the buildings and killed innocent woman and children.
They set fire to his families home, the roof from his house fell on his mother, he tried to pull his mother out the rubble, but even if he did get her out her lower body had been crushed so she could get away, the mother yelled at the boy to go, but he didn't listen finally his dad came a snatched the boy up, he screamed for his mother and all she did was smile with a trail of tears running down her face, the foundation for the house collapsed and the boy couldn't see his mother anymore tears were running down his face he was in shock, he couldn't believe what was going on. The boy and his father were out of the house, but  were stopped by the soldiers that invaded the city. The dad tried to hold back the  soldiers as long as he could they ran as fast as they could,but the dad had got shot in the chest, he told the dad to run and hide, but the boy was crying so hard he didn't listen, he even attempted to fire back at the soldiers in anger downing three of the six. The father finally grabbed his son by the collar and told him to live and be free, the boy ran as fast as he could leaving his dead parents behind, the boy hid for awhile and waited till the soldiers cleared out. He searched around for his friends chimera and ghost,but there was no response he didn't want to think the worst so he kept his hopes up. The boy decided to leave the town, he wandered around for days, with no money and no food, the boy often sold his body for prostitution, he was found on the street corner one day and was talking home by a old woman who nursed him back to health, and fed him and gave him some new clothes, the old woman past after a few years and the boy was sad not knowing what to do now,he bury the old woman by her house and stuck a wooden cross over the grave. After a few days the man had decided he need to do something better with his life so he decided to join the rune knights. The boy still prayed  every night for his past friends safety and wondered what could have happened to them on that day?


Last edited by Veronica Helion on Sun Jun 22, 2014 6:09 pm; edited 2 times in total

2~Isa Ishiyama~ Perfected Empty Re: ~Isa Ishiyama~ Perfected Sun Jun 22, 2014 2:48 pm

Isa Ishiyama

Isa Ishiyama
~Bumped for Review~

3~Isa Ishiyama~ Perfected Empty Re: ~Isa Ishiyama~ Perfected Sun Jun 22, 2014 5:33 pm

Warren Dent

Warren Dent
State all of these in brackets at the end of their respective traits: Bad Reputation, Indecisive, Intolerance, Judgmental, Branded.

4~Isa Ishiyama~ Perfected Empty Re: ~Isa Ishiyama~ Perfected Sun Jun 22, 2014 6:10 pm

Isa Ishiyama

Isa Ishiyama
~Bump for Completion of Edits~

5~Isa Ishiyama~ Perfected Empty Re: ~Isa Ishiyama~ Perfected Sun Jun 22, 2014 6:31 pm

Warren Dent

Warren Dent

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