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1Seijūrō Hajime Empty Seijūrō Hajime Thu Jun 19, 2014 3:43 pm

Seijūrō Hajime

Seijūrō Hajime

  Seijūrō Hajime Dsy4fU8
   "Life is the adventure!"

Name(s): Seijūrō Hajime
Nickname(s): Renegade
Age: 21
Sex: Male
Birthday: 01-01-X759
Sexuality: Cis/- Heterosexual
Class: Scavenger
Alignment: Lawful Good
Rank: D - Class
Guild: Crime Sorciére
Guild Tattoo: Left Shoulderblade, blue colored
Face Claim: Ike - Fire Emblem


Height: 6'3"
Weight: 165lbs
Hair: Blue
Eyes: Dark Blue
General Appearance: Seijuro is a rather tall male, standing at six foot and three inches. He occasionally wears a green headband around his forehead that goes around his head. He is quite muscular seeming, as he is quite strong. He weighs 165 lbs, or rather around seventy-five kilograms. Which indicates that his punch packs quite a force behind it. His hair is true-blue looking. As are his eyes, though they have more dark pigments then his hair does. Depending on the lighting in the room, they might appear completely black- or crystal clear blue/- cyan. His clothing are quite old- fashioned. Not really classical, like Victorian but legitimately old, Roman era. The male usually wears a cape as well as combat- gloves. The attire on his torso is blue-yellow colored. Aside from the cape, of course. Which is brown on the outside and white-beige on the inside. He wears a belt around his waist and brown colored leather- pants.
Extra: Nothing too special!



  • The Good: Seijūrō is a natural good person in mind. He does not do things that society would brand him as 'evil'. Instead of being evil he's more considered 'good', under the perspective of a normal-neutral person. He does good deeds. Seijūrō sets bad judgement aside and chooses for the right one, even though it might pain him. He would make decisions other people would call him a fool for, but he believes that those decisions are the superior ones. Though Seijūrō's good side has a line, those who cross it move onto his evil persona. But which he rarely retorts on. He also has a very big peen. Every other time Seijūrō would wear glasses, no real glasses but metaphorical ones. The tint of his glasses are somewhat positive alas he's an optimistic person by heart.

  • The Adventure: Seijūrō is an adventurer by heart. In his mind somewhere he would love to be lost somewhere deep down a jungle rich of forests and wildlife and stay lost. But he knows better then that. It would be too selfish of him to do that though, after all he has to take care of people and contribute to society. At least, that's what he convinced himself. The young lad loves to discover the wonders of nature. Explore lands that have not yet been explored. Meet new things and put old things behind. Moving on is an important point of Seijūrō's life, after all as a traveler he must move on constantly. Thus this involves leaving behind people that he might love. He does not take a lot of stuff with him when he travels around.

  • The Evil: Every man has his flaws, as does Seijūrō. He's weak to some subjects, he succumbs to emotions like anger and resent when they are being used against him. He will grit his teeth. And narrow his eyes towards the person or thing making him feel somewhat... angry. Though he will not bear a grudge towards people. He feels somewhat indifferent about the people who upset him. Making him feel angry is quite an achievement. You'd have to know Seijūrō well to intentionally hurt his feelings. He'll most likely try to avoid continue about it unless it's very serious. Seijūrō's eyes show a hint of darkness in them when he feels somewhat on the side of the edge. He will not be hesitant of any strikes he might give or won't second doubt himself.

  • The Spiritual: During Seijūrō's travel over seas, over vasts regions of land he has learned many new types of religions. He has read their books, their beliefs and learned about their culture. The one that has interested him the most was Hinduism. Though this does not mean that he believes in Hinduism. The man believes in Christianity, which makes him a Catholic. He was raised as a Catholic person by his parents and still beliefs in Christianity after learning many more religions. Even though he's a little ignorant on the parts that focus on unethical things. He focuses on it's wisdom instead of it's ignorance. He is often found quoting stuff from the bible. He rarely speaks about his religion.

  • Likes:

    ✓ Adventuring : Seijūrō's hobby is to go out and adventure, explore new parts about the world that he hasn't previously explored.Part of exploring he likes the most is learning the new stuff, environmental stuff that is.

    ✓ Treasure Hunting: As Seijūrō goes out to explore new part, treasury hunting is a tradition that he likes to do whenever he explores a new vast area that he might think has had signs of civilizations. He doesn't exactly treasure hunt for money.

    ✓ Money: Money, money, money. Life is made of money, money, ping ping, greenbacks. It's value all has a meaning to Seijūrō. Seijūrō keeps his treasure well, somewhere in a jungle far away from society he has built a room. In this room there's more money then a generation of screw ups could spend.


    ✗ Agony : Seijūrō can recognize it when someone is in deep pain. It takes a man experience in a field to know it and recognize it. Speaking from experience, Seijūrō hates it and resents it when people are in deep agony.

    ✗ Physical disablement : Seijūrō can never imagine being at one place at the same time. Thus seeing a person in a wheelchair irks him a little, it fills his mind with a strange sense of guilt which prevents him from not feeling bad around people who are physically disabled.

    ✗ Being at one place for too long: A week, Seijūrō can manage. A month, Seijūrō will become crazy. He constantly has to move.Staying at one place for too long will cause him to irk up and feel demotivated to do anything at all


    ✓ Exploring: Seijūrō likes to see new areas. He sometimes conducts experiments on the soil of the areas he had explored to see what it is all about.

    ✓ Experimenting: Not the one you think of -- The one where he conducts biological experiments. At his own home he has had a lab before but it got destroyed when he left his home for safety reasons.

    ✓ Reputation: Seijūrō believes in a grand dream. The dream is when he ever gets trapped, is in need, or whatever that he could call out for the countless people he has saved in the past whilst on expeditions. He puts his reputation high up on his list of morals.


    † Death: As an adventurer, Seijūrō has to face death on a daily basis. And as such, he tries to avoid it. After being in many possible death scenarios he's been a holding back a little.

    † Jail: Being imprisoned and not being able to continue his exploration and his general fun time sounds like hell for Seijūrō. He'd try to avoid jail time, which is why he signed up for a legal guild. He has a tough time.

    † First Contact: Seijūrō knows that after first contact the world will change in a rapid way. He can't predict on how it would go like, thus he fears it. He dislikes the unknown and knows that the universe is too vast for him to explore in one life time.

    Positive Traits: 19
  • Enhanced Strength (+3)
  • Regeneration (+4)
  • Zealot(+4) /Dagger/
  • Fortitude (+3)
  • Diehard (+2)
  • Swift (+3)
    Negative Traits: 19
  • Branded (-2) /Lower back, below the right rib
  • Compulsive Honesty (-2)
  • Daredevil (-2)
  • Derangement/Insanity (-3) /Compulsions/
  • Derangement/Insanity (-3) /Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder/ Washing his hands
  • Intolerance (-1) /Elderly/
  • Lazy (-1)
  • Overzealous (-1)
  • Overconfident (-1)
  • Trusting (-2)
  • Allergies (-1) /Hay Fever/


    Magic: Exodius
    Caster or Holder: Holder- Greatsword
    Description: Seijuro's magic revolves around his greatsword. It mostly ranged on offensive stances. For example, coating his sword with magic that cuts through steel, or other things his greatsword cannot naturally cut through. His magic isn't depended on his natural strength. Though as he is quite strong, it assists him into swinging his sword.  
  • Weapon: Because it is a holder, the weapon is an automatic bonus. Using his holder as a normal weapon does not cost mana.
  • Range: It is very strong in close combat fights. Since it isn't really kick-fist ranged, but then a meter or so more then that he automatically holds advantage over martial artists.
  • Kited: If Seijuro remains kited, he cannot do anything. So keeping him at a distance would make his opponent win the fight.
  • Range: Really extreme close quarter fights put Seijuro at a disadvantage, since he cannot swing his sword in these very- small environments.


    Seijuro's Diary

    Age 15 - Seven May - X765
    'So mom got me this diary today. We went to some quack-doctor and they, or rather he told me that I had OCD and had weird compulsions. He doesn't know me, neither does my mother. For now, I'm forced to write in this diary, every-day, until I'm eighteen. Then I can decide whether or not I continue writing in this thing. It's all bollocks.'

    Age 16 - Twelve April - X764
    'I found the sword of my late father in his old shed the other day. It's a big thing, I'm barely big enough to hold it. I can't keep it into the air for a full two minutes yet, but I think that I'm gonna practise in secret and hope mother doesn't see me using it. She always said she hated that thing. After all, it was the sole object- or rather weapon that led to my fathers demise. I noticed that I were washing my hands more then usual. I normally do it twice, to make it extra clean. Mom said I was washing my hands for sixteen minutes or so yesterday. Not sure if I should be worried about that.'

    Age 17 - Two January - X763
    'It was my birthday yesterday. I'm getting quite skilled with my fathers sword. I miss him a lot, I never really met him that much but by practising with my sword, I feel like as if I was living his life. As if I go through his memories and live them again. It's... weird. Mom is acting up a lot, she saw me cut down a tree today. One more year until I'm eighteen, so I can stop writing in this. Half of the book is full already, I wonder when it would be full. I really want to leave this town.'

    Age 19 - Three January - X764
    'It's been a long while since I've written into this. I just thought it'd be the thing to do, this would replace my page from a year ago. Which would be, three January. The day of my mothers dead. A dragon destroyed my village and ate my mother. I know she was eaten because half of her torn body was still standing. Her body was in shock when she died. Which caused her adrenaline to rile-up and force her legs to remain standing. I buried all the bodies of my village. When the Rune Knights showed up they arrested me, since they didn't believe in dragons back then. Or rather, thought they were extinct. They branded my lower back. I had to flee. It took me two months to get out of their jurisdiction, they found out about my OCD issues and tried to pin me with that, saying I didn't remember it. Ever since then, I've been on the run from the law. As cheesy as that sounds. I lost my fathers sword, real bummer. I've gotten a new one though. I think I'll write in this thing again, not day-by-day like mother told me to. But maybe weekly?'

    Age 21 - Two May - X780
    'I joined this guild today, seems like a really interesting one. This man named Jura invited me, this was when I was adventuring, well, I was primarily raiding a tomb. It's called Crime Sorcierére.. Sorciére? I have no idea how it's written down.  All I know is, they avoid the law pretty much and are a pretty good bunch of people! I think I'll stay here, for a while. I picked up my sword practice and I'm rising from my previous ashes! ... I think!'

  • Last edited by Seijūrō Hajime on Sun Jun 22, 2014 3:18 pm; edited 2 times in total

    2Seijūrō Hajime Empty Re: Seijūrō Hajime Sat Jun 21, 2014 2:25 pm

    Seijūrō Hajime

    Seijūrō Hajime
    This is a bump.

    3Seijūrō Hajime Empty Re: Seijūrō Hajime Sat Jun 21, 2014 10:40 pm

    Jabo Devine

    Jabo Devine
    Just about everything seems in order but there are a couple of iffy things.

    Zealot/Holder Weapons -
    You don't have to get the zealot trait if you're getting a holder type magic. I just wanted to let you know that you'd be having two greatswords which seems slightly redundant. Thus you might want to change that. Unless you just simply wanted to have two great swords.

    Negative Traits -
    Specify what your compulsion is along with what you have OCD over.

    History -
    Someone must induct you into CS. Whether it be an NPC or a PC you'd need to elaborate further on the process. Since, it made it seem as if you randomly popped into CS.

    4Seijūrō Hajime Empty Re: Seijūrō Hajime Sun Jun 22, 2014 3:13 pm

    Seijūrō Hajime

    Seijūrō Hajime
    Zealot: Didn't know, I decided to opt for a dagger instead. So I'll use my greatsword with my magic, and my dagger as plan B.

    Negative Trait: I made washing my hands as my main OCD.

    History: Opted for an NPC named Jura.

    5Seijūrō Hajime Empty Re: Seijūrō Hajime Sun Jun 22, 2014 3:18 pm

    Seijūrō Hajime

    Seijūrō Hajime
    Also changed my nickname from Samurai to Renegade after having seen a member that had Samurai as their nickname already.

    6Seijūrō Hajime Empty Re: Seijūrō Hajime Sun Jun 22, 2014 10:04 pm

    Jabo Devine

    Jabo Devine

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