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1Hazama Empty Hazama Mon May 05, 2014 3:39 pm



   Hazama NN79Lsy
   The devil can cite Scripture for his purpose.

Name(s): Terumi Yuki
Nickname(s): Hazama (not a real nickname, more of a fake identity)
Age: 25
Sex: Male
Birthday: 28 april x755
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Class: Cleric
Alignment: Chaotic Evil (pretends to be good however)
Rank: D
Guild: Fairy Tail
Guild Tattoo: Back of right hand (color: black)
Face Claim: Hazama (aka Yuki Terumi)- Blazblue


Height: 183 cm (6'0")
Weight: 61 kg (134.5 lbs)
Hair: Green, cut short in a quite simple style.
Eyes: Always keeps them shut, so nobody has ever seen them (if someone did get to see them, it would probably give away his true identity).

General Appearance: Hazama is a tall, slim, good looking man who always dresses in a formal, almost elegant way (white shirt, black suit, tie). There aren't many details that stand out in his appearance, and this is actually part of his plan to conceal his true identity: the only noteworthy trait is his green hair, but given that he always wears a black hat, even those rarely attract any attention. He always speaks in a low tone of voice, even his stance and his way of walking are studied to look as insignificant as possible. All in all, Hazama is not a guy you'll remember if you look at him only once.

Extra: As mentioned, his eyes are yellow with pupils. This is his most distinctive trait, which would actually give away his identity quite easily, so he always does everything in his power to prevent other peoplefrom seeing his eyes, from keeping them shut to walking around with his head low, the large hat covering the upper part of his face.


Personality: Arrogant, cruel, sadistic and downright ax-crazy, Yuki Terumi used to be one of the most evil mages on the planet, hell-bent on world domination.
Following his defeat, he devised the Hazama persona to avoid being recognized, and slowly work to regain his powers: to accomplish this result, he made sure to take on a façade that depicts the exact opposite of his true personality.
Hazama is humble, gentle, helpful, polite: he tends to avoid fights and to support his companions from the sidelines, trying to help them with his knowledge of magical matters. He will always have a good word for everyone, showing a supportive, sympathetic side to those who (think they) are close to him.
A trait he has retained from his Yuki Terumi self is the tendency to carefully plan out his moves before acting: he is a very good observer and never fails to notice the smallest details, being quick to make up plans to take advantage from anything useful he may spot. Highly intelligent and cunning, it is easy for him to exploit this trait to outsmart people who are stronger than him (and now that he lost his powers, basically everyone is stronger than him, so he is forced to rely on his superior intellect to get himself out of dangerous situations).


  • His former powers: working to restore them.
  • World domination: his main goal, his dream, the thing he loves the most.
  • Boiled Eggs: his favorite food.
  • Snakes: finds them to be cute, which creeps out other people.


  • His current condition: hates being so weak.
  • Weak people: this won't stop him from acting all nice to them as part of his cover, however.
  • Cats: Allergic to their fur.
  • Colors: he is just mad that he cannot see them.

Motivations: Yuki Terumi's main motivation is to exploit his Hazama persona to buy himself enough time to recover his former powers. He wants to once again be as powerful as he used to be, and won't stop in front of anything to achieve this result.
Once he regains his powers, he intends to restart working on his complex schemes for world domination: his ultimate goal in fact is to rule over the world, to achieve the supreme power, and he actually had a couple of plans ready to achieve just that, but he had to abandon them after he was defeated, losing all his powers in the process. If givn the chance, he will immediately resume working on those from where he left them.


  • Cats: he is mortally scared of them, and is also allergic to their fur.
  • Failure: he is obsessed by the thought that he might fail to achieve his goals, and this thought makes him paranoid.

Positive Traits:

  • Deceitful (+2): You have a knack for disguising the truth. Your lies are difficult to distinguish from the truth.
  • Diligent (+2): Your meticulousness allows you to analyze minute details that others miss.
  • Persuasive (+2): You have a way with words and body language. Somehow you manage to persuade weaker minded people easily.
  • Stealthy (+3): You are particularly good at avoiding notice. You could be sitting somewhere in a thread at a bar and people wouldn't even notice that you were there.

Negative Traits:

  • Allergies (-1): to cats' fur.
  • Ambitious (-1): You crave power. Money is nice, but being in charge of other people is your favorite thing. You are likely to be brought down by attempting a risky grab for power and failing. Even when deals are risky you will give in and agree most of times.
  • Bad Reputation (-1): You have a reputation that angers or frightens people. Examples include being unlucky, petty, or cruel. The rep may or may not be accurate, but in either case, word travels faster than you do.
  • Cruel (-1): You have a sadistic streak that causes you to perform acts of cruelty for no good reason. Of course, this doesn't endear you to others. Most times you are prudent enough to carry out your cruelties on those under your thumb, rather than those you see as equals. However, you carry a constant social stigma, as rumors have their way of getting around.
  • Dark Secret (-1): You have some sort of secret that, if revealed, would make you an outcast amongst your society and companions. While this secret is on your mind at all times, it will come up in topics only once in a while, but when it does, watch out!
  • Derangement/Insanity (-3): Expectations of Doom: Anxieties, worries, fears, and especially anticipations of misfortune. All attack rolls, saves, and checks take a -2 penalty. *
  • Proud (-1): You don't like accepting help from others. If a gift or offer of aid smacks of charity or pity even the slightest bit, you grow indignant and refuse it.


Magic: Geminus Anguium: Ouroboros
Caster or Holder: Holder
Description: A peculiar variety of Shadow Magic, Geminus Anguium is the signature magic of Yuki Terumi, which he retains in his "Hazama" persona. It is cast by channeling magic energy into the weapon known as Ouroboros, which is essentially a chain whip with a metallic "head" which resembles a snake: the use of this weapon grants the mage the ability to control shadows, shaping them into snake-shaped (or somehow snake-themed), solid constructs which are then used to attack. By manipulating the shadow of the chain itself, the mage can also move Ouroboros around, using it as a blunt weapon with much greater versatility and range than a normal chain whip. As long as there are shadows on the field, the mage can use them to attack and to control Ouroboros at will (with the use of spells of course).

Strengths: The biggest strenght of this magic is its great versatility. While the shapes of the constructs the shadows can be molded in are bound to be somewhat snake-related, the fact that anything that casts a shadow can become a weapon in the mage's hands, and that the item that makes this possible can be moved freely around the battlefield by its owner, makes this magic very unpredictable and very tricky to counter.

Weaknesses: While this magic is, on paper, so unpredictable and versatile to be very difficult to counter, it has a huge weakness in its very nature: being a Shadow Magic, it relies on the presence on the battlefield of things that cast a shadow. in situations when there aren't shadows available to manipulate (for example in complete darkness, or if an intense source of light dissipates the shadow that was being used as a weapon untill that moment) this magic is completely useless.
Also, it is a Holder magic, so if Ouroboros is destroyed or taken away from the mage, this magic will be utterly neutralized.


Once upon a time, there was a young boy named Terumi Yuki. There was nothing special about this boy: he lived in the port town of Hargeon, he could see the sea from the window of his bedroom, and his life was the normal, simple routine you'd expect from a little kid who lives with his parents. And speaking of parents: Yuki's parents had nothing special about them, her mother a low-level mage and his father the owner of a small shop. He was their only son, they loved him, cared about him, tried to raise him as a straight, honest young man.

He didn't see any mystic light when it happened. He didn't hear any voice calling for him. He didn't feel any killing instinct, nor did he find a petty reason to hate is parents. He simply thought about his name, that was Yuki, and about the name his mather had embroidered on all his whites, that was Yuki, and about the name written on all his books for primary school, that was Yuki. He thought about how his name, that was Yuki, sounded when pronounced by his mother, by his teacher, by his classmates.
And the realization hit him like a truck: people have created society to feel safe, to be protected by it, but the very conventions they based their creation on ended up enslaving them. People bind each other with ties like names, relationships, expectations, and prevent each other from beeing free, because freedom is something that scares the simple-minded, and before allowing someone to tap into the power that comes with freedom from all ties, it is preferable to make sure that nobody is free.

You may argue that these are not the kind of thoughts a young boy should make, and you'd be right: a kid shoud never venture in the dangerous land of social speculation. But Yuki did, and it affected his psychology quite a lot.
When his mother refused to teach him the basics of magic, he wasn't particularly upset, he didn't feel any violent instinct, any urge to kill her: after all, it was likely that she had noticed something strange in him, and was just trying to protect him from his own darkness, as expected from a mother. She tried to hug him, to ask him what was wrong, he raised a hand to keep her away from him: the snake-shaped shadow darted at her literally out of nowhere, slamming her into the nearest wall. In that moment, Yuki knew his mother had nothing to teach to him. He turned his back on her and, ignoring her pleas to explain himself, to stay with her, to be the good kid he had always been, he left.
He left his home, he left his town, he left his life. He simply walked away.

It was said later that he had fallen under bad influxes, but since no guild ever took the responsibility for raising him (and given what happened next, who would?), it's hard to see whose influxes he could have ever fallen under. In truth, he simply fell under the bad inlux of himself: humans are not part of mankind by default, except from a strictly biological point of view, they need society to remind each other they are humans. But he hated society, he dreamt of destroying it and rebuilding as his own image, he wanted a world in which people could be free. People like that are very difficult to influence.

Nobody knows exactly what he did in the following ten years: his hate for conventions, including names, lead him to never use his real name for any activity he got involved with. Records of young males his age with a name that could have been fake can be found in the registries of many guilds, but each of them of course has always negated any involvement with the upbringing of such a man. And given what happened next, who wouldn't?
But the fact of the matter is: Yuki was great at covering his traces, at concealing his presence, at remaining unnoticed. It is therefore very difficult to track down and chronicle the events of his adolescence.

The one time he did stand out was the time when he started his plans to take over the world, which happened when he was 20. At the peak of his powers, with unrivaled abilities, wide knowledge of magical matters and his ideals stronger than ever, Yuki was ready to declare war on the system, to bring about the world he envisioned. For a couple of years, the mere sight of his signature yellow coat was enough to strike fear into the hearts of people all around the world. He was proud of his immense power, he was sure that his ideals were just, nobody was going to stop him: he wielded the power of the shadows, and so the fools who thought they were the forces of light had no way of defeating him, because the closer one gets to the light, the biggest his shadow becomes. He knew for certain that he was absolutely invincible.

Except he wasn't. Eventually a man stood up to him: he was a old, yet very powerful man, regarded as "the strongest fairy". The Guild Master of Fairy Tail.
Seeing such an old, pathetic-looking man coming his way, Yuki laughed. He wouldn't have laughed if he had known he was going to be given the beating of his life. Soundly defeated and brought to the edge of death, Yuki gathered all his magical power to brace himself: the final attack of his adversary nearly vaporized him, and he was left for dead, however, unknown to everyone, he survived. But the cost was huge: he lost all of his magical powers, being reduced a worthless, weak man.

After recovering from the aftermath of the battle, Yuki took on the fake identity of Hazama, a private eye, a detective for hire: living in Magnolia, he was actually able to make a small name for himself, actually managing to get some requests. But he wasn't making many money, because the vaste majority of people would go to the local Magic Guild for requests instad. The local Magic Guild being Fairy Tail, of course.
It was actually part of his plan: one day, "Hazama" went to the guild, and declared that he had some attitue for magic, and wanted the help of Fairy Tail to actually become a decent mage because otherwise he would have never been able to make a living out of his detective skills alone. They bought it and welcomed him as a member.

The plane was very simple: he was going to make friends with anyone, including that Noah Starrk guy, the new Guild Master and the successor of the man who had defeated him. He would have used them to recover his powers, and regain his former glory. And then he would have finally exacted revenge on Fairy Tail, and resumed his plans for world domination.
Only time will tell if this plan will succeed...

Last edited by Tomas Elliot on Fri May 09, 2014 8:41 am; edited 1 time in total

2Hazama Empty Re: Hazama Thu May 08, 2014 3:02 pm


Bump for completion :)

3Hazama Empty Re: Hazama Fri May 09, 2014 8:19 am

Azabel Poppins

Azabel Poppins

Copy and paste the traits exactly as we have them written.

Magic -[Comments in Red]-
Magic: Geminus Anguium: Ouroboros
Caster or Holder: Holder
Description: A peculiar variety of Shadow Magic, Geminus Anguium is the signature magic of Yuki Terumi (which is why Hazama always tries to avoid fights, or to kill his opponents when there are no witnesses: he always has a hard time figuring out an excuse to explain why he knows this magic, without blowing his cover). <-- Remove, It is cast by channeling magic energy into the weapon known as Ouroboros, which is essentially a CHAIN WHIP WITH A METALLIC "HEAD" WHICH RESEMBLES A SNAKE: <-- Remove the caps lock. the use of this weapon grants the mage the ability to control shadows, shaping them into snake-shaped (or somehow snake-themed), solid constructs which are then used to attack. By manipulating the shadow of the chain itself, the mage can also move Ouroboros around, using it as a blunt weapon with much greater versatility and range than a normal chain whip. As long as there are shadows on the field, the mage can use them to attack and to control Ouroboros at will. <--- Understand that this means only with spells, not passively.

Strengths: The biggest strenght of this magic is its great versatility. While the shapes of the constructs the shadows can be molded in are bound to be somewhat snake-related, the fact that anything that casts a shadow can become a weapon in the mage's hands, and that the item that makes this possible can be moved freely around the battlefield by its owner, makes this magic very unpredictable and very tricky to counter. If the mage is looking straight in your eyes, he is probably shaping your own shadow into a snake head to attack you from behind, so you better be careful... <-- Nope, that is the same as autohitting. Remove this aspect, replace it if you wish. You can use the shadow of anything not touching or belonging to your opponent.

Weaknesses: While this magic is, on paper, so unpredictable and versatile to be very difficult to counter, it has a huge weakness in its very nature: being a Shadow Magic, it relies on the presence on the battlefield of things that cast a shadow. in situations when there aren't shadows available to manipulate (for example in complete darkness, or if an intense source of light dissipates the shadow that was being used as a weapon untill that moment) this magic is completely useless.
Also, it is a Holder magic, so if Ouroboros is destroyed or taken away from the mage, this magic will be utterly neutralized.

4Hazama Empty Re: Hazama Fri May 09, 2014 8:42 am


The "chain whip with a metallic head" thing is not caps lock, it's a hyperlink. Hyperlinks are displayed in caps by default on this site for some reason...

Changed all the rest as requested.

5Hazama Empty Re: Hazama Fri May 09, 2014 10:42 am

Azabel Poppins

Azabel Poppins
Site be on some dumb stuff.


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