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Xeno Tetsujin

Xeno Tetsujin
Image: [center] First character application: Xeno Tetsujin 1382218047360

Name(s): Xeno Tetsujin
Nickname(s): no nickname
Age: 23 years old
Sex: Male
Birthday: March 30th, X757
Sexuality: no preferences
Class: scout
Alignment: chaotic good
Rank: d-class
Guild: Eisenwald
Guild Tattoo: on back of hand
Face Claim: Shiro from Log Horizon

Height: 5’8
Weight: 150 lbs
Hair: Brunette
Eyes: Brown
General Appearance: Thin, wiry, calculating looking man, wears a black wool shirt and white pants to go with it. Not one to go around doing heavy lifting, he never developed a muscular build or something that would intimidate most people. However he did master basic combat at a young age and has no problems dealing with a few bandits when its combined with his magic. The most intimidating thing about him is his intelligence to people who notice that kind of thing.
Extra: Carries around a bag full of maps, scribe tools, and other equipment he can use to map out the places he's been through.


Personality: calm, collected, almost average person on first impression. Xeno is not someone who you would expect to be dangerous. He seems like a kind and gentle person, as long as you don’t go against his almost fanatical obsession with “justice”. This ‘justice’ is not just seeing people get punished by law. Anyone he see’s commit what he considers a crime will be subjected to a treatment quite similar to the ‘eye for an eye’ philosophy. For instance if he catches someone stealing, he will find a way to take away something of equal value from them without stealing from them. If he catches a rapist, he will surely find someway to put that person with similarly punished rapists. If he catches a murderer, he will make sure that person is confined in a way to where he can never do anything again. The scary thing is, he usually succeeds. People who have been friendly with him for a while are very careful in his presence. Unfortunately, this ideology has made it to where only the dark guilds will accept him. Surprisingly, even with this personality, he has never hated anyone.

  • peace
  • knowledge
  • order
  • family


  • hatred
  • corruption
  • tuna
  • cats
  • slavery
  • murder


  • Knowledge, Xeno has had a vast thirst for knowledge since a young age. He wants to know as much as possible about the world. This is a major part of the reason he's a scout. Because in his quest for knowledge he has explored many places to hunt down lost scrolls or speak with wise sages.
  • Justice, Xeno is obsessed with justice. He developed his own sense of justice because he thought that the system the government developed was inadequate. This includes taking something of equal value from criminals in response to their crimes. He will not do anything to commit a crime himself.  But he will use methods he does not consider criminal, (like the bureaucracy) to make sure that something of similar value does get taken from the criminals. If they commit murder, he will make their life a living hell by throwing them in the worst place he can think of for instance, or making everyone they ever cared for hate them. Anything to make sure that they lose just as much as their victim lost.
  • eventually world peace, after all what 'good guy' doesn't want world peace? Xeno has actually been researching ways to make world peace possible. If it means him becoming a tyrant that rules over the world so that no war ever happens, he will just so long as his justice is enforces and no one gets into fights.


  • Loss
  • Becoming like those he hunts

Positive Traits:

  • Persuasive (+2): Xeno has a way with words and body language. Somehow he manages to persuade weaker minded people easily.
  • High Society (+2): Xeno knows good manners and was trained to handle social interactions in noble circles. This is useful in requests involving members of the highest levels of society, such as monarchs, nobles, courtiers, lords and ladies, and high-ranking clerics.
  • Diligent (+2): Xeno's meticulousness allows him to analyze minute details that others miss
  • Deceitful (+2): Xeno has a knack for disguising the truth. His lies are difficult to distinguish from the truth.
  • Alertness (+2): Xeno has finely tuned senses.
  • Total: +10

Negative Traits:

  • Mute (-3): Xeno's vocal apparatus does not function, and he cannot speak at all. he can communicate only through other means--typically writing or signing. In his case, his magic. This is due to a birth defect, and therefore cannot be healed by any means.
  • Shy (-1): Xeno is distinctly ill at ease when dealing with people, and he tries to avoid social situations whenever possible. When he becomes the center of attention he freezes. Don't expect to make any public speeches.
  • Trusting (-2): Xeno doesn't like to believe that other people are capable of misleading and lying to him. After all, people are basically good, right?
  • Cruel (-1): Xeno has a sadistic streak that causes him to perform acts of cruelty for no good reason. Of course, this doesn't endear him to others. Most times he is prudent enough to carry out his cruelties on those under his thumb, rather than those he sees as equals. However, Xeno carries a constant social stigma, as rumors have their way of getting around.
  • Curiosity (-1): Xeno is a naturally curious person and he finds mysteries of any sort irresistible. In most circumstances, alas, his curiosity overrides your common sense.This forces him to investigate something unusual, even if it looks like it might be dangerous.
  • Righteous (-1): The end justifies the means. Xeno is willing to perform morally repugnant actions in order to achieve noble goals. Unfortunately, this can alienate those people who might support his cause if he didn't use such heavy-handed methods.
  • Intolerance (-1): You have an irrational dislike of a certain thing. It may be an animal, a class of person, a situation, or just about anything at all. Note that some dislikes may be too trivial or ridiculous to count--a dislike of Bavarian-crème-filled donuts or mechanical pencils, for example, has no real dramatic value and will not be allowed. [cats]
  • Total: -10


Magic: Vibration manipulation
Caster or Holder: caster
Description: Everything vibrates. Xeno can manipulate those vibrations to do many things like make an object sharper, make an object larger, project sound waves (after all sound is vibration of the air). It appears as a haze in the air and shaking in an object. I can make an object harder by decreasing the vibrations in it.  I can make a shield by vibrating any object that passes through it enough that it takes damage and may be moved off course.
Strengths: Can do a lot with my vibrations in a short time. I can vibrate almost anything I am touching. This includes the air, which means even if my characters vocal cords don't work he can still communicate through something similar to speaking. I can vibrate specific sections of objects I'm holding and in different ways. So for instance if I grab onto an opponents sword, I can try to vibrate the handle enough that they drop the weapon while slowing vibrations where I am grabbing to make it less sharp.
Weaknesses: I cannot use it on human-intelligence level life forms. This is more of a psychologicall problem then a magical one though and can potentially be overcome by personality changes. I cannot continually manipulate vibrations in one place exept for speaking. It can only last for a short time.


History: Xeno was born in a small village out in a valley. The entire village was amazed at the first birth in the village in years, and how silent the baby was. The moment he was born, a song of wolf howls was heard ringing through the valley.  By the age of two, the entire village had realized he was mute. But this did not make them disgusted or consider him an ill omen. Instead they raised him with incredible care. Bringing him lots of books and encouraging his intelligences growth and fostering a great sense of curiosity within him. By age four, he was trying to find out how to get around his inability to speak. At age four, he developed a magic that allowed him to communicate with the villagers. The villagers, amazed by what he had accomplished, hired a minor magician to help teach him magic. This allowed him to improve by leaps and bounds. At age 8, a group of bandits raided the village and raped and pillaged throughout the village.They hid Xeno in a shed with a window so that even if he was found he could escape. But he watched the entire raid through the window. As he watched, something inside of him snapped. He started coolly watching the entire thing, memorizing faces and tallying crimes with each face. After it was all over, he walked out and looked at each corpse of a villager around him. Realizing that not even the mage that taught him was alive, the kid went to the nearest city. Not impressed by the splendor, he started looking up names to go with the faces and plotted. For the next 15 years, Xeno tracked down all of the bandits who had been in that raid and made them wish they had never seen that valley. Prison was the least of his punishments. They one that got him caught was the man who murdered his family. He captured this man and kept him alive with the minimum food possible that he learned of through books, then after the man was begging for death, he buried him alive in a forest with only his head above ground and poured live fire ants on the mans face. After all, while he could not murder the man himself, he never had any problems with leaving the man at the mercy of the forest animals. He was caught doing this however and the man rescued. Thus he was branded a criminal and no guild other than the dark guilds will accept him. He joined Eisenwald because he had heard at least half decent things about them in rumors and from people he considered trustworthy sources because of his trusting trait.

Last edited by gmarsh on Wed May 14, 2014 5:40 pm; edited 4 times in total

Azabel Poppins

Azabel Poppins
Ahhh! Boyo what happened to the coding? XD That is very important. Can you use the template code and fill it in as it should be.

Xeno Tetsujin

Xeno Tetsujin
There, coding finished.


Hello, Gmarsh.

Your coding is still off, if you could take a look at the character example, you will know how it should look like. Use whitespaces on certain parts of the template. The headers are missing as well.

Xeno Tetsujin

Xeno Tetsujin
Thank you Eve, I have redone the coding with what you requested. Hopefully it is finished now. I now know how to do a character application! :)


Hello, Gmarsh.

This is much better.

  • You need to have a surname. I will have to include that into your username as well as soon as you are approved.
  • You forgot the Extra section below General Appearance. If you could add that and fill in if possible.
  • Explain your motivations in short.
  • Add the points and descriptions of your Positive Traits and Negative Traits.
  • Your magic is too OP, you are going to have to nerv it down. Only focus on the vibration aspect, which could be vibrations through physical contact.

Xeno Tetsujin

Xeno Tetsujin
Does this work? I restricted my abilities at manipulating other elements, and its physical contact now. Plus I fixed the other problems you mentioned.

Warren Dent

Warren Dent
Please just copy and past the trait information that we provide. But for intolerance just put Cats at the end of the description like this. [Cats]

For your magic it has no passive abilities besides the talking, and even then know that it will never be used offensively. Continuing from there you must understand that when it comes to this kind of magic that has a lot of utility it isn't going to be able to do most of the really crazy things you might think it would at higher level. Keep that in mind. Take out the temperature manipulation however, that is like 100% god-like vibration manipulation.

I don't see anything in your history or personality that indicates why you would join a dark guild. Fix that.

Xeno Tetsujin

Xeno Tetsujin
Ok I removed tempurature manipulation, fixed my traits, and added some information into my history explaining why I joined a dark guild. My character, being trusting honestly thinks they probably just got a bad reputation like he does. Let me know if I need to change anything else.

Warren Dent

Warren Dent
With all the limitations I have stated seemingly understand, I shall go ahead and label this.


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