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1Ariaa Empty Ariaa Tue Apr 29, 2014 12:12 am

Ariaa Norwood

Ariaa Norwood

   Ariaa Fleeting_by_shilin-d5xpfi9_zpsea848236
   "One is never truly free from their past."

Name(s): Ariaa -No last name-
Nickname(s): None-Yet...
Age: 22
Sex: Female
Birthday: 8,1, X757
Sexuality: Bisexual
Class: Cleric
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Rank: B Class/Squad 2, Intelligence Corps Lieutenant
Guild: Rune Knights
Guild Tattoo: Back right shoulder. Red in color
Face Claim: Veloce Visrin  (Carciphona)


Height: 5"8
Weight: 135 pounds
Hair: White
Eyes: Green
General Appearance: Ariaa is of an average height. She is on the skinny side and has no visible muscle. Her eyes are a emerald green. Her hair is long and white in color. Her skin is clear with no scars or blemishes. She is usually seen in a calm demeanor and rarely has outbreaks unless it is serious. The clothes she wears are usually rather plain and dry. She has no desire to wear fancy clothes and prefers the comfort of the plain clothes she is often seen wearing. It usually consists of a brown jacket, white t-shirt, and jeans. Around her neck is a pendent that she never removes. The pendent has a green stone on the end of it. She walks with confidence, but is always weary of her surroundings. At times she can appear nervous, but will not speak of what is bothering her.

Extra: She has no markings on her body. The only thing that is pierced are her ears. (Rarely worn.) She wears a pendent at all times.


Personality: Ariaa is a calm person who rarely finds herself in an emotional state. Due to her past she finds it rather hard to trust others and to make friends. She is able to look by that though to work with others, but not without eyeing them with suspicion. She will put herself first before others in this situation, especially if it means her life. She will be neutral to all until she knows friend or foe.

However if she has an suspicion that the person or persons are from her homeland, she is more prone to being hostile towards them. If she knows they are from her homeland, well, she is probably going to run if outnumbered or two attack.

Being alone is something she is used to. The pain she carries from her home makes it hard for her to be trusting. Becoming her friend may change her, but as it stands she is alone. As it always has been. Hearing her past and reliving those memories just ignites her desire for vengeance.

She desires power. Power to scare her foes and even her allies. She fears reliving the past and even mentioning her past puts a solemn look upon her face. She finds it hard to be happy and rarely jokes. Taking everything as seriously as she can. Everything as an opportunity to become stronger. Passion in her vengeance.

Don't get her wrong. Despite being a good person majority of the time. If anyone gets in her way she would not hesitate to destroy them. Changing her would be a rather difficult task and despite knowing that claiming revenge will not bring the happiness of the past back. She knows that it will prevent others from knowing her pain. She puts her beliefs and desires before all else.

Planning/thinking-She is often careful and likes to think things through.

Tea-As a child she was raised to have three cups of tea day unless it couldn't be helped. This stuck with her.

The Piano- When she first saw and heard a piano she became mesmerized by it. Eventually she got to play it. Even though it was bad and rough at first, through her perseverance she achieved a higher level of playing and is now able to play it well.

Her mother- Her mother stood by her at the events that took place so long ago. Though this only ended in tragedy as she died protecting Ariaa.

Freedom: She is more free than she once was, but not entirely. She enjoys her freedom, but is in constant fear of those who will eventually try to drag her back to the past she desperately escaped from.

Dislikes: Onions-Growing up she had onions and as most children she despised her veggies. Though as she grew in age a lot she came to like. Unfortunately, onions were not on that list. Her dislike for them is so great if she somehow got onion on her tongue or in her mouth she would most likely lose her lunch.

Her homeland- The events and the willingness of what took place here brought upon her hate and fear of this place.

Her father- Inside of her are memories of a loving and caring father, but how quickly that turned. This man is the one responsible of her mother's death and almost her own. The man who should of been on her side betrayed her with such ease. This stemmed great hatred and heart break.

Being bored- I mean who likes being bored. Ariaa sure doesn't and sometimes will go at great lengths to not be bored despite absolutely nothing happening.

Idiots/Fools- She dislikes those who try to act out for attention or those who act stupid to impress others. She also dislikes plain stupidity.


Destroy her homeland - Due to her cruel history and the deep feelings of betrayal she wishes to destroy her homeland so no one ever has to go through with what she had to. Also to experience true freedom without fear.

To expand upon her magic to become powerful and feared - She desires power to protect herself and eventually become strong enough that even mention of her name will send foes reeling. She never wants to relive the nightmare of her past. Another reason for her desire for power is so she can change. Change the world to her ideals. Even if only one person at a time.

To not be alone- To find those whom she can place her entire faith in. It is hard for her though due to her past. In other words friends in which won't betray her or are worthy to be by her. Really picky about it though.


Being captured/Returned to her homeland- She fears that those of her homeland are hunting her down to drag her back to finish what was left incomplete.

Losing motivation to destroy her father and her homeland- With time anger can fade. She fears she will forget the hatred, the agony, the suffering, and the pain that was caused. She fears that the freedom she has will make her forget.

Losing- I mean who likes to lose? Not many. However Ariaa fears certain types of loss. Especially those involving magic and over all combat. She fears that her limits to be reached if she loses. Never gaining enough power to change the world.

Betrayal- She fears making friends would only lead to them betraying her. The pain of being betrayed is great and she knows it well.

Bees- As Ariaa is allergic to them she has an unnatural fear of them.

Positive Traits:
Diligent (+2): Your meticulousness allows you to analyze minute details that others miss.

Appraise Magic Value (+4): Your ability to determine an item's worth and your knowledge of magic allow you to determine the exact properties of a magic item.

Alertness (+2): You have finely tuned senses.

Deceitful (+2): You have a knack for disguising the truth. Your lies are difficult to distinguish from the truth.

Acrobatic (+3): You have excellent body awareness and coordination.

Negative Traits:

Ambitious (-1): You crave power. Money is nice, but being in charge of other people is your favorite thing. You are likely to be brought down by attempting a risky grab for power and failing. Even when deals are risky you will give in and agree most of times.

Judgmental (-1): You form opinions quickly and change them very slowly. You also have a tendency to judge people on their appearance. A man dressed as a pirate, no matter how gentlemanly, is a scoundrel and a dog as far as you is concerned. A man covered in mud is a peasant, and a woman wearing revealing clothing is a prostitute.

Cruel (-1): You have a sadistic streak that causes you to perform acts of cruelty for no good reason. Of course, this doesn't endear you to others. Most times you are prudent enough to carry out your cruelties on those under your thumb, rather than those you see as equals. However, you carry a constant social stigma, as rumors have their way of getting around.

Derangement/Insanity (-3): Due to circumstances beyond your control, you are permanently insane. You may have a congenital brain disorder, or perhaps you saw something mortals were never intended to lay eyes upon, and it drove you mad.
Choose a Derangement/Insanity for your character from the lists below. Though the list is by no means exhaustive, the following options are ones that have been presented in game terms and that have definable--and most times numerical--penalties.

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: This illness manifests in one of two main forms, obsessive thoughts or compulsive actions; some characters exhibit both. -For some reason she has this unusual OCD habit. If she sees something untied like shoelaces or a ribbon half tied she will usually try to fix it unless she is unable to.

Phobia: A character afflicted by a phobia persistently fears a particular object or situation. She realizes that the fear is excessive and irrational, but the fear is disturbing enough that she avoids the stimulus. - Bees

Allergies (-1): You are afflicted with allergies. These may be something as simple as hay fever, but the reactions to such will result in something like a huge bout of sneezing and gasping. You must mention this allergy in your character application. -Bees

Intolerance (-1): You have an irrational dislike of a certain thing. It may be an animal, a class of person, a situation, or just about anything at all. Note that some dislikes may be too trivial or ridiculous to count--a dislike of Bavarian-crème-filled donuts or mechanical pencils, for example, has no real dramatic value and will not be allowed. -Idiots/Fools who act out. She will call them out and try to knock them down. Also will not tolerate the presence of the priests from her homeland.

Bad Reputation (-1): You have a reputation that angers or frightens people. Examples include being unlucky, petty, or cruel. The rep may or may not be accurate, but in either case, word travels faster than you do. -Cruel to her enemies/No mercy

Righteous (-1): The end justifies the means. You are willing to perform morally repugnant actions in order to achieve noble goals. Unfortunately, this can alienate those people who might support your cause if you didn't use such heavy-handed methods.


Magic: Ouroboros
Caster or Holder: Caster
Ouroboros Tattoo: Ariaa Ouroboros-tribal-dragon-tattoo-design_zpsd48f4dc3

Ouroboros Tattoo Description: The tattoo is how it originally got it's name. The main design is a snake eating it's tail with a magic circle within it. When place the mark is three inches in radius. Only one mark per person can be done. The placement of the tattoo appears wherever the castor touches the target and wishes to place a mark on them.

Description: Ariaa is able to create marks on whatever she chooses by touching it. By infusing her magic onto a target the target will form a tattoo. This tattoo can be destroyed through destructive means or removed by the creator. The mark created though Ouroboros magic isn't in itself lethal or deals any damage. It is usually combined with other spells to create effective spells and tools. I.E- The mark can be used to create communication between friends or allies. Allowing them to talk to the mark castor and thus allowing the castor to deliver messages. Eventually at higher levels the castor will be able to set up links that allow for marked people of her choosing to communicate with each other.

The Ouroboros mark is also able to be used as a camera and is often used in conjunction with a mark on an inanimate object. Often times the Ouroboros mark giving life to the object into a form the castor desires for surveillance purposes. Thus allowing mobile surveillance and often with small form. Basically allowing for discretion. The created object is controlled by the castor as they will. Not only can it give sit, but words can be heard and is directly transferred to the castor.

Over all the basic usages of the Ouroboros mark is surveillance and communication. However there are a few other usages for this magic. The Ouroboros mark is only, but one tool in Ouroboros magic. It is still however the groundwork for a lot of the more useful spells. I.E- Placing a mark on a foe will allow magic like Ouroboros Shot to aim towards it target. Thus making the castor's offensive capabilities still relevant against those of their own rank. The guidance property is best explained as a temporary magnetism. An object converted will be guided towards a selected mark as it is set into motion. After that it's course is set and will follow that course even if it misses. It is only during the initial motion that it is sent in a direction towards a targeted mark.

Another use for the magic is self-placement marks. This allows the user to be quicker and stronger if they so desired. Broken limbs are not healed, but the user can now control them through the pain as if they're not broken. However the side effects can end up dely healing and multiple use is not reccomended. The mark can even be used for suicide, which is useful to prevent torture and leaking information to potential enemies. However this is usually a last resort.

There is one more use for this magic. It can convert objects that aren't living into objects that can be combined with the mark's guidance. to create destructive power or lethal strikes to destroy foes. The area used to convert into said object is made from the same material as the converted object, but is created at the users discretion in terms of location. The object used to create the object is destroyed in scale to what is created. This is especially useful as it can be any object that the mark has been placed on within 10 meters of the user can be used as conversion material. Multiple material can be used to create special objects. Marks are only used by the castor and can only be set up as such via castor's magic. (Read weakness to understand the limitations fully.)

Strengths: It is a high utility based magic. Allowing the user to observe and communicate from a distance. The guidance properties of the marks allows for easier combat against enemies and the utility side could come in handy during certain situations. The conversion part allows for a versatile fight especially combined with the mark's guidance properties. (By guidance it is meant that when one mark that is selected and another mark that is selected as the weapon. Any motion the user does in regards to the object will send the object in targeted mark's direction. However the guidance only lasts for a split second as it begins to move. This also allows for the user to drop an object and it could be sent flying towards a targeted mark.) Marks to not vanish unless the inflicted spends time to remove it or the castor removes it. Destruction also works, but is often not recommended. Especially if placed on a human body. Converted objects can be created where the user desires. Can create defenses and offensive weapons from near by terrain. Can use objects within own possession as conversion material. This is good for combining conversion materials to make an object.

Weaknesses: The first weakness if a major one. Objects needs to be touched to place a mark and gaining the benefits of the mark's guidance property is hard to do in the middle of combat. Secondly marks can be removed through destructive means. Thirdly conversion magic can't work on ethereal stuff(Gas or a ghost xD.), can't converter another's magic, can't convert objects owned by another, and only objects within ten meters of the user can be converted. Only a maximum of ten marks can be placed at a time and during co-op operations marks can be scarce. Objects created through conversion can only be made from the material used to convert. For the castor to take advantage of the conversion appear where they want, it is recommended to have a mark on the target. Otherwise the object will not move towards the person unless the castor throws the object or uses the object to attempt to inflict damage on the enemy. Lots of spell slots used due to there being a lot spells to learn in this magic and relies on a lot of different combinations. Self body seals can cause permanent damage or delayed healing.



Let's see... Where shall I begin. Oh, yes. I know where, I know exactly where. Long ago, about 12 years now I believe Ariaa lived in a town. A normal town by appearance, but one with dark workings beneath it's plain exterior. Ariaa herself completely unaware of the occurrences that happened each year and the dark ritual that had taken place at the yearly celebration. A sacrifice each year must be made. All to appease a false god they worshiped. Kyrazuco. That was and is the name of the false god. However it was said that it blessed them in turn for this sacrifice. Giving them bountiful harvest ,no droughts, and no plagues. The sacrifice was not a small one though. It was a human life. Yes, each year a human being was sacrificed. It was done through a lottery system of sorts and from the ages of six and above people were forced to participate.

None know how long this ritual had been around. Some say since the birth of the village. Others say otherwise and say it is a recent adoption to their village. Still, it did not matter as it existed and those who were selected were always taken by force or by will. The sacrifice itself was never done in the sight of the villagers and Ariaa whom was at a young age still always believed they were becoming a, "hero" and saving their village. Her parents never telling her the truth.

Now, her parents were both loving and adoring. They were probably ideal parents, but more than that she loved her mother. Her mother was always there for her. She never whined when Ariaa asked a lot of questions nor scolded her for making mistakes. To Ariaa, her mother meant a lot to her that she wouldn't know what she would do without her.

Now her father was a well respected individual in the village and worked hard. He cared for his daughter and always brought her little gifts when he could. However he was a devout follower of Kyrazuco, which was not unusual being in this village. He would always say a prayer before eating, before leaving, and when he returned home. He was a true believer and religiously followed the beliefs. So did a lot of villagers. So the events about to unfold were something that no one blamed each other for. Well, no, that is not true. Ariaa blamed the villagers and even her own father.

For Ariaa herself, well, she was naive. Still young and did not know the ways of the world. She did however had a secret between herself and her mother. She had the talent to do magic. It wasn't much, but it was a start and showed that she had potential. Her mother made her promise to not tell anyone. And everyone included even her own father that she could preform magic. After all by Kyrazuco laws magic was outlawed. The only exceptions were the priests who were allowed to use magic. With this explanation and few others she eventually made the promise with her mother to never reveal it.

Years passed an days became ritual almost. They rarely varied day from day. Ariaa however was now 16 years old and had not been idle in her magic studies. She still wasn't worthy of being called a mage, but she was able to control her magic a little. Her mother supported her and constantly told her to make sure no one ever saw her do it. But still her mother would find books time to time to help her along with at least the basics of her magic. She quickly learned her magic was unique. It wasn't elemental magic, celestial magic, take over magic, requip, nothing in the books ever said anything about her magic.

One day she decided to ask her mother. Her mother simply replied, "I believe your magic is one from long ago. A magic that doesn't exist in this day and age. However there are tons of different magic out there that is hard to say." She said with a smile on her face. Ariaa was satisfied with this answer. After all the books she had supported what her mother had said.

Eventually time passed and the time of the festival finally came near again. Despite it involving a sacrifice it was still a festival and of course there was lots of fun to be had. So dancing, food, and several other forms of entertainment were available. Ariaa, still did not know the truth of the festival, but she was about to this year. After all she won the lottery.

The time had finally come. The time of the lottery to decide who will become the village's next, "hero." This year it kind of piqued her interest. Why did she never see these heroes after they were selected? How did she not notice this till now? She thought hard on this as the lottery proceeded and finally the lottery winner was selected. On the paper it was Ariaa's name that was cleanly written in black ink. Silence was in the crowd of villagers as they looked around trying to find her.

Her mom next to her pulled her arm and began to ran back. "Ariaa run!" she yelled as she pulled on Ariaa's arm. Ariaa followed without question and began to realize that this lottery was not a good thing. The winner never returned and right now her mother was trying to save her. "W-what is going on?" Ariaa managed to voice out as they ran, the crowd following behind. Voice could be heard yelling for them to stop and don't move. "Ariaa, I was hoping this would never happen. Or at the very least you got strong enough to escape from this place before something like this." She said with a sad tone, but continued. "If only I had power like you... Maybe I could of saved you. I need you to keep running. We have to keep running. We got to escape this place." Her mother said in the same tone. "What about father? Also what do you mean save me?" Ariaa asked still slightly confused on the topic as well as worried about her father. "Well, your father most likely does not approve of this. However I can't let my daughter die! You are the hope to bring it to an end. This ritual must end, no more sadness, no more death, and no more hate. It all must end. Become strong, become a true heroine and end it. So no matter what happens tonight. Even if I get caught, keep running and don't look back." She said her voice unchanging from the earlier tone.

They made it out of the village but was quickly stopped by the priests. "Halt. You can not leave. You are the sacrifice correct?" The priest asked while looking at them with piercing eyes that could seemingly cut through rock. "I'm guessing saying no will work." Her mother smirked and with a flick of the monk's wrist earth spewed forth and flew into her mother. Sending her backwards. As she flew she retrieved something from her sleeve and threw it towards the priest as his attention switched to Ariaa. It was a vial with some form of purple liquid in it.

Ariaa managed to recognize it a second before it hit and jumped back. Within the next second it landed squarely on the side of the priest's head, exploding. The priest unaware that she had such a trick had no preparation or defense up. His left side of his face was melted and he collapsed to the ground. Ariaa was in shock in what had happened. She could just simply look at the body that laid there before her. However she snapped out of it when her mother yelled, "RUN ARIAA!!!" Tears were in her mother's eyes and she could see it from her. The crowd was upon her and the on in the front was her own father. He had a crazed look on his face as he brought down the wooden club he had found somewhere onto her mother's head.

She watched for a moment as the club in his hand dripped blood from the end. Her mother motionless on the ground. The crowd had not stopped and would be on her in a matter of moments. Her fear overpowered her shock and she turned running away as fast as she could. In her mind she repeated the events tears rolling down her face. Her own father. Her dad. Memories flowed of the constant kindness he showed towards her. How... How... He never would do something like this. Then she remembered. His daily ritual. Prayer after prayer, he would not stop. His faith outweighed his love for his family. It all made sense now. The lottery winners are to be sacrificed to Kyrazuco. What god would cause such cruelty? She thought and came upon the idea that he was no god, but a demon. A demon that lurked within most of the villagers.

She ran and ran. Even when she was out of breathe she ran some more. Even when she could no longer feel her legs she ran. The scenes replying in her mind non-stop. Her peaceful life ended. She had nothing now, but the clothes she wore. What could she do? She had nothing... No, that is not true. She had magic and according to her books magic wasn't banned in the outside world and considered useful. Her mother's words echo'd in her mind, "You are the hope to bring it to an end. This ritual must end, no more sadness, no more death, and no more hate. It all must end. Become strong, become a true heroine and end it." The voice gave her power to run, but eventually her body could no longer take it and she collapsed reaching the next town over by sunrise.

From here a stranger had nursed her back to health and asked her what had happened, but no matter what she never said anything. She stayed here for an entire year with the stranger who had saved her that day. His name was Steve Furgerson. A local field worker, but a kind man who was willing to share with a stranger. She of course started to help around the house to pull her own weight and eventually she opened up a little, not all the way, but a little. But then it happened a priest arrived to the town. It was a follower of Kyrazuco. His robes gave it away so easily. He marched into the center of the town and with a voice that seemed to echo into every inch of the town he yelled, "Ariaa, I know you're here. Return to the village at once." She had no reason to listen to that and wasn't going to. She however was no longer safe here and fled.

Over the next several years she eventually made her way across Fiore. On several occasions she encountered with the priests. Because of this she has become weary and careful of where she went. These encounters and several other things improved her magic to a point of use. It is here we begin at the age of 22. Eventually she joined to Rune Knights in her quest for power. Figuring numbers would also protect her from the priests until she became strong.

Eventually with effort she finally achieved the rank of Lieutenant of the Intelligence division. She is currently happy at her progress and strives for more. But many trials await her and a special meeting with a certain someone looms on the horizon.

Last edited by Ariaa on Wed Apr 30, 2014 9:09 am; edited 6 times in total

2Ariaa Empty Re: Ariaa Tue Apr 29, 2014 12:48 am

Aoi Mitsurugi

Aoi Mitsurugi
Hello Ariaa! I will be grading your app today/tonight!

-First up, please add the source to the face pain in which you see using.
-After that, please remove the second dislike of onions please.
-Next up I would like for you to lessen the word bees down to a normal word please. It's unnecessary and unneeded.
-For your magic, remove any and all mentioning of homing. That is by guidelines a form of godmodding and would be unfair of others you were fighting. Include instead that only your spells activate these marks abilities and will not activate on spells of others.

That may be it for now. Tomorrow I may notice something when I go back over it, but for now this is it. Bump when edited~

3Ariaa Empty Re: Ariaa Tue Apr 29, 2014 1:12 am

Ariaa Norwood

Ariaa Norwood
-Removed second onions. Sorry I tend to have a bit of fun when making an application
-Worded the word bees normally. Same reason as first.
-Removed all mention of homing. Replaced it with a guidance system with an explanation.

Here is the explanation for convince purposes

Guidance system: Imagine shooting an arrow and if a target moves before the target hits the arrow will continue on it's course and miss. Now imagine a conversion object, let's say a knife is converted and is from behind. Now the knife becomes the arrow and if the target moves the knife will not follow. It will miss.

Note: I never intended to have it an instant hit system. I was more kinda referring to a system that would make other RPers rely more on blocking or having it difficult to dodge. That is my mistake as I do know the way I wrote it was a bit misleading. I'm however fine with how I changed it as I figure it will be easier to accept.

4Ariaa Empty Re: Ariaa Tue Apr 29, 2014 11:35 am

Aoi Mitsurugi

Aoi Mitsurugi
Alright. There's no big deal, and in glad to have people that don't fight with a mod over how their magic is supposed to work over things. There is always instead if a guidance system or anything to be able to use self buffs for accuracy. So for this case, I would ask that the guidance would all be considered accuracy buffs.

Bump when edited.

5Ariaa Empty Re: Ariaa Tue Apr 29, 2014 8:21 pm

Ariaa Norwood

Ariaa Norwood
I am a little confused as to what you meant, but read what I wrote below please. @-@ I realized some errors on my part and tried to clarify them.

Ok, it seems I made some mistakes in the way I wrote that. I was REALLLLLLLY tired when I did that. I'm going to re-explain it since I'm a bit more awake now. I just realized that I had caused some confusion I think.

The guidance system is more or less I can select a mark. Objects also effected by the mark can be attracted towards the selected mark. However it is not homing. It just gives the marked object a direction and force to moves towards the selected mark. If you want me to remove this all together and add it in separately I can, but to even use it, it requires multiple marks. It has zero homing ability, but allows for versatile combat with the marks.

P.s If you meant this already, I apologize. I just felt I left it rather confusingly and had to re-explain it a bit better.

6Ariaa Empty Re: Ariaa Wed Apr 30, 2014 1:04 am

Aoi Mitsurugi

Aoi Mitsurugi
If I may, just cause it's late for me and I don't seem to see it, but can you point out the placement of the look and size of the marks please?

I would also like to ask you limit the marks to 1 per person.

Bump when edited.

7Ariaa Empty Re: Ariaa Wed Apr 30, 2014 9:10 am

Ariaa Norwood

Ariaa Norwood
I went to bed about half an hour before you. Here is a copy paste of what you asked.

Ouroboros Tattoo: Ariaa Ouroboros-tribal-dragon-tattoo-design_zpsd48f4dc3

Ouroboros Tattoo Description: The tattoo is how it originally got it's name. The main design is a snake eating it's tail with a magic circle within it. When place the mark is three inches in radius. Only one mark per person can be done. The placement of the tattoo appears wherever the castor touches the target and wishes to place a mark on them.

8Ariaa Empty Re: Ariaa Wed Apr 30, 2014 11:44 am

Aoi Mitsurugi

Aoi Mitsurugi
Alrighty then, thank you for your patience! Your approved! ^_^

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