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1Sangoran Ceostra Empty Sangoran Ceostra Sun Apr 27, 2014 11:54 pm

Sangoran Ceostra

Sangoran Ceostra

   " The rich and powerful, they take what they want. We steal it back for you. Sometimes bad guys make the best good guys. We provide... ‘leverage’."

Name(s): Sangoran Ceostra
Nickname(s): Crime Sorciere’s Negotiator
Age: 19
Sex: Male
Birthday: November 3, X760
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Class: Cleric
Alignment: Neutral
Rank: D-class
Guild: Crime Sorciere
Guild Tattoo: left side of his left bicep muscle, purple in color
Face Claim: Rentaro Satomi – Black Bullet


Height: 5’ 9” (175 cm)
Weight: 144 lbs.
Hair: Short, riffled up a little, dark blue in color, nearly black in most views)
Eyes: Empty of life and emotion, hazel gray in color
General Appearance: Sangoran is a rather tall but lean person. Though young looking in age, he generally is dressed to be more fitting than he normally would. Despite most people, he prefers to wear suits and ties, dressing formally if anything without the formalities of life. He doesn’t very much wear much else, unless weather permits it otherwise. His hair is short and a bit ruffled, a very dark blur, almost black in color, which most people may confuse it on sight or at first glance. His eyes are a hazel gray and they show nothing but blank emotion and lifelessness, though he generally does show care and concern for others.
Extra: Emotionless, lifeless looking eyes.


Personality: Sangoran is a bit of a simple person as it comes to who he is, while in the same frame of time he can be a complete mystery. As to his more chipper times, he tends to genuinely care about protecting people, but he knows that with his past nobody will accept him. Among that, he also tends to enjoy his work negotiating problems other people may have and getting them to happy fair terms. This makes him feel accomplished and worthwhile to his guild and to life itself. He can stand to take a lot of annoying peoples comments, but he just like every other person has their own limits, and he won't hesitate to stick a gun in your face to shut you up so that progress can be made. If you took the time to sit down to come to an agreeable term, you may as well shut up and let the other person taken their turn.

A notable part of Sangorans personality is he is specifically tongue tied and shy around cute girls. He doesn't very much know why he gets like this, and he has no problems communicating with people otherwise, but once a cute girl strikes conversation, he is easily thrown off and at often times coming out with the wrong things to say.

To his more depressed side, he tries to read in order to cover up being depressed, though he has no specific genre of books he is into reading, he wouldn't mind it as long as the book wasn't too far over the top of make believe and unrealistic bull and more full of actual and more probable settings, though occasionally one may come out to peek an interest. However, when he is not reading, Sangoran tends to try and stay away from people as much as he can, as not to let this side of him come out much to have others see, especially if it was him feeling the aches of his wounds from childhood, which he tends to derive it most from. He does however make the effort to be more happy as much as he can, but sometimes these things cannot be helped.

  • Peace: The calm and friendly nature that people tend to come into agreements on makes Sangoran very happy at what he does for the people.
  • Leverage: When the going gets tough, and the people get greedy, negotiations just won’t cut it.
  • Neutral Grounds: People getting into pointless arguments and having to become the middle man in the affairs to help bring things to a fair and happy agreement brightens his day up.
  • Happy Children: The sound of children laughing and playing around makes him happy, and brings him back to a time in his life before he had seen more violence than any child should have to witness.
  • Reading: Reading is a nice calming tool that Sang has come to terms is a very satisfying way to calm ones nerves if ever needed, especially after a day of annoyances.
  • Pointless Arguments: Ah yes… Arguments over the simplest and more redundant things tick Sangoran off highly.
  • Needless Violence: This is one of the only things that makes Sangoran angry. The point of needless violence is irrational and unneeded, and would indicate that someone end up getting hurt for no reason, which in turn would provoke him to fight back.
  • Innocent People in Harm’s Way: This goes especially for children, but any innocent person who cannot defend themselves and is put into harm’s way makes him uneasy. He first tries to calmly approach it, but after a while he may become more erratic and desperate.
  • Ill-tempered people: Oh these people… The people that can’t take one small comment, or one piece of information that THEY find to be false and loudly have to make point of it annoy the living balls off Sangoran. He does put up with these people as professionally as possible, but sometimes things can’t be helped.
  • Making Peace:  In seeing so much violence in his life, Sangoran’s main goal is to make sure that he makes the most peace he can in his life and minimize the conflict between people.
  • Ensuring safe lives for children: Sangoran believes no child should have to suffer through the same trauma that he did growing up as a child, and uses his past experiences to help bring peace to people as much as he possibly can, no matter the cost.
  • War: Sang fears the thought of a large scale war to break out in Fiore and bring nothing but chaos to countless people’s lives.
  • Death: This a major fear, though he has come to terms that if he should die he would not regret any actions taken before it. He had almost died once before, and refuses to let himself get close to it again.
    Positive Traits:
  • Alertness (+2): You have finely tuned senses.
  • Diligent (+2): Your meticulousness allows you to analyze minute details that others miss.
  • Persuasive (+2): You have a way with words and body language. Somehow you manage to persuade weaker minded people easily.
  • Diehard (+2): You can remain conscious after attacks that would fell others.
  • Fortitude (+3): You are tougher than normal. You can take more hits than the regular Joe.
  • Swift (+3): You are fleet of foot. When running, you move three times your normal speed.
  • Regeneration (+4): You heal very fast inside and outside of combat. Small cuts that go up to one inch deep are healed in the next post.

    Negative Traits:
  • Bad Reputation (-1): You have a reputation that angers or frightens people. Examples include being unlucky, petty, or cruel. The rep may or may not be accurate, but in either case, word travels faster than you do.
  • Branded (-2): You have fled for a crime committed and now have a prominent brand. You may have been a criminal, a slave, or some other such illicit individual. The brand is such that it cannot be easily covered, and a cursory search reveals it each time. Law enforcement agents of any lawful land will immediately take you into custody if they see the mark, for extradition or imprisonment. It is your choice as to whether or not you were falsely accused of the crime. (Sangoran is forever branded with a scar of an old bullet wound near his heart that was a result of his surgery in order to save his life. Seeing this gives away what kind of past he used to have.)
  • Bravado (-2): You are rash in combat, refusing to show weakness by falling back from your enemies' blows. You either face it and stop it, or get hit in the progress. In addition, you cannot fight defensively.
  • Dark Secret (-1): You have some sort of secret that, if revealed, would make you an outcast amongst your society and companions. While this secret is on your mind at all times, it will come up in topics only once in a while, but when it does, watch out! (His dark secret is he murdered his own parents in order to survive during a violent war.)
  • Intolerance (-1): You have an irrational dislike of a certain thing. It may be an animal, a class of person, a situation, or just about anything at all. Note that some dislikes may be too trivial or ridiculous to count--a dislike of Bavarian-crème-filled donuts or mechanical pencils, for example, has no real dramatic value and will not be allowed. (Ignorance)
  • Righteous (-1): The end justifies the means. You are willing to perform morally repugnant actions in order to achieve noble goals. Unfortunately, this can alienate those people who might support your cause if you didn't use such heavy-handed methods.
  • Star-crossed (-1): You keep falling in love with the wrong people. You're the common soldier who falls in love with the king's daughter at first sight, or the hero who falls for the villain's daughter without knowing who she is.
  • Motor Tension (-3): Jitteriness, aches, twitches, restlessness, easily startled, easily fatigued, and so on. All attack rolls, Fortitude and Relfex saves, and all checks involving Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution take a -2 penalty. (Occasionally, at least once in a thread, Sangoran will feel a large painful ache from her chest from the surgery, though this will never get serious.)
  • Phobia (-3): A character afflicted by a phobia persistently fears a particular object or situation. She realizes that the fear is excessive and irrational, but the fear is disturbing enough that she avoids the stimulus. (This particular phobia is the fear of rats.)
  • Depression (-3): Symptoms of this illness include changes in appetite, weight gain or loss, too much or too little sleep, persistent feeling of tiredness or sluggishness, and feelings of worthlessness or guilt, leading in severe cases to hallucinations, delusions, stupor, or thoughts of suicide. (The depression of having to live with killing his family haunts him and makes him depressed)


Magic: Hollow Point magic
Caster or Holder: Holder
Description: Hollow Point is a magic, which is solely based off of the creation of bullets using magic to fire. Using magic, the holder can fill the magazine of his gun and fire them just like normal bullets, though they are limited in range based oh it's rank as any other spell would. However the gun itself is modeled just like a normal gun would, though it cannot be destroyed, it can still taken apart like any normal gun to clean. The use of this magic can pierce shields, ricochet off of objects, and allows for quick reloads of bullet types. On top of it, the holder is able to create magic based bullets of any type, and can create them quickly. Single shot rounds are able to be used as well, mostly by sliding a hand over the chamber to add a single bullet into it.
Strengths: Strengths of this magic include the ability to create several bullets of magic into the same magazine without the need to remove the cartridge to refill or replace. The magic is able to vary it's effects based on the type of bullets used, like for example rubber bullets being able to ricochet off of objects. This magic can also multiply the amount of bullets in a clip or magnify it's power through buffs
Weaknesses: Weaknesses would include the inability to shoot anything from this gun aside from bullets made of magic. The clip in which this is used is too small to fit normal sized bullets, so therefore it would  never be able to hold it. The gun cannot shoot anything unless there is even a single magic bullet placed in the magazine or the chamber itself. The holder cannot cast any spells if they are not wielding their weapon.


History: Sangoran was born up into an average home, one devoid of any sort of magic prowess or anything of the sort. His parents were firm believers that anything magic related would lead to nothing but unnecessary violence. He held tight to part of those beliefs growing up; just the unnecessary violence, but as he learned from experience, it wasn’t from solely differences of magical or non-magical people, but more so on the premise of biases of others. Seeing this, Sang began to try and work out small problems people may have by looking into problems and trying to come to a fair point, but it seemed the ego of most people had been too great to go on. It seemed some mages believed to be better than others because of them having supernatural like powers, while others were plain little fodder or target practice. In his sectional town, there were a number of problems like that, which was a large problem. Nobody wanted to do anything to stop it, only to antagonize and provoke problems and make it worse.
Being around 12, Sangoran couldn’t stand the arguments and the blood shed of it all. He began to crack down himself and tried to become a bit of a negotiator, a purely neutral party who could solve a problem for both sides without the need to come to any sort of violence or arguing. Yet, people would cast him aside and bat him down for his attempts to “meddle in adult affairs”. Idiots, the lot of them, but he wouldn’t turn his back on trying to prevail in getting something beneficial done for this town. He begun to wear suits and study in human psychology to be able to tell what made people act the way they did, as to better approach a good side of people to help ease along the process. Another problem arise that those who did bare magic had thought he was out for bettering terms for those without magic, so he again was denied his right to try and help anyone.
Over the course of about 4 years, things began to escalate to a larger scale of violence. Humans began to arm themselves with weapons and mages were trying to claim that they were above a higher power. The place was falling apart and nobody but Sangoran wanted to help this out, except for one girl –a childhood friend who had inspired him to want to continue this idea of bringing peace to the town, but even she –as sweet a girl as she was- was cast aside for simply being a girl. The straws were growing thin as the entire place was beginning to spiral down to nothing but an all-out war. The teen had decided if things were going to get out of hand, he needed to be able to handle defending himself in the event things would ever need to see to it that he would have to fear for his life. With the way these things were going, it was a safe bet that he was going to be right.
He took a trip into the next town over, which was a lot more peaceful and civilized than anything else had been. Looking around, he shopped through a couple of shops for weapons, but none of them he could think to come to a decision to keep. Around the 4th or 5th shop, he found himself to be at a general weapon sop, but nothing like he had ever seen before. Things were high priced, prices he could never think he could ever afford, until one stuck out to him. A normal sized hand gun sitting in a display case under a Plexiglas countertop. It looked like any normal gun truthfully, but as his eyes trailed away, a man approached the counter and picked up his hand. He gently ran his hand over Sangoran’s, which was VERY awkward as he had seen a smile on the man’s face as he did this. He mentioned a bit of magic and potential he had, a more so driving force that gave away this little aura. Letting go of his hand, he reached into the case and pulled the gun out and held it out to him. Hesitantly, the boy picked it up from his hand and held the gun, and it began to glow a purple color. In shock, Sangoran dropped the gun and the aura vanished, making the man laugh. He explained to him that gun was a special thing, one that had almost had a mind of its own in who could wield it. The aura Sangoran had was something that he found to be peculiar, because it never once showed that color to another customer. As a token of this marvel, he offered the gun at a discount, which he then went to purchase and took him into the back room, where a large target practice area lied. The man had pulled out one similar to it, and began to teach him ways to use this weapon, how to clean it, shoot, load, and most of all, use it magically.
The gun, to Sangoran’s surprise was an older weapon said to have been able to more versatile than any other gun in existence, and to which he became accustomed to using well. It was almost like he was a bit of a natural, but he despised the thought of using it to kill anyone, which made this clerk happy to have someone who simply wanted something to help defend himself, and strive for peace. In his return home, his parents had been on the wire, paranoid, afraid, and angered. Being the oldest of 3, Aoi looked around and had not seen his siblings anywhere. He asked angrily what happened, but before then a large fireball collided with his home and tore through the room, though it hadn’t harmed anyone. Taking out his gun, the boy looked around for the assailant and then to his parents, whom he heard a gun click next to his head. He froze up, but his eyes turned towards them. They were pissed, but the gun was shaking in fear. They questioned him and the gun he possessed whom still had this purple magical aura around it. His gun was pointed to the floor, but he had aimed just right and fired the fun into the ground and then watched it ricochet off the ground and peg the older man in the throat. His gun dropped and went off into Sangoran’s right leg, but the pain wasn’t as severe as he thought. He looked down and shook his head to his father, but looking up, his mother had held another gun to him, but this time he only kicked up his father’s gun, which misfired and hit his mother in the heart, and continued to fire as its clip emptied out into the torn apart room and then the last of the 4 bullets landing into his father.
Sangoran was in shock, he couldn’t think this had happened, but he couldn’t move, and quickly the other people approached him and seen the pair lying on the ground with the gun in his hand and yelled out accusations. He tried to explain, but they simply called him a liar and opened fire on him. That was of course until a bolt of lightning had struck the group down by a mage nearby who had seen the group gathered and thought of easy prey. However, the entire town ran from the approaching of the Rune Knights and found the boy barely breathing and rushed him to Era. They patched him up and performed hours of surgery on him until they had repaired his body, and was left to the hospital wing to recover. Whole there, they questioned him and soon found out he was the one who had killed his parents there, but instead of arresting them, they found his story to be correct, as a pebble had managed to lodge itself into the trigger and caused it to fire off as it had. However, they did brand him for the crime despite everything, but he hadn’t tried to deny it or fight it, he simply accepted it and sat out his recovery in course of imprisonment and headed out once he was released.
His only problem was that he had no guild in Fiore that would take him, and he was not going to join a dark guild to try and gain a point for a peaceful situation, to which he had found himself a guild for just that; Crime Sorciere. A mercenary guild from which had suited the need to solve things in ways most others would not, and so he set a course to join and see how things would turn out for his cause, with the hopes it would end up for the better, as he would hope for this guilds own new potential negotiator.

2Sangoran Ceostra Empty Re: Sangoran Ceostra Tue Apr 29, 2014 9:35 pm

Azabel Poppins

Azabel Poppins
Approved! Good job.

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