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1Aster Starjun Empty Aster Starjun Mon Mar 10, 2014 5:29 am

Aster Starjun

Aster Starjun

   Aster Starjun VsMMelI
   "I may be shy, But I will never stop doing my best!"

Name(s): Aster Starjun
Nickname(s): Lamia Scale's Key Wielder, Star
Sex: Male
Birthday: May 21st, X763
Sexuality: Straight
Class: Cleric
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Rank: D
Guild: Lamia Scale
Guild Tattoo: Left Side Neck - Orange
Face Claim: Tsunayoshi Sawada - Katekyo Hitman Reborn


Height: 5'10
Weight: 135 lb
Hair: Light Brown
Eyes: Brown
General Appearance: Aster's appearance is quite average, a bit under normal height and weight with average muscle tone along with a slight tan skin tone even for most of the time he spends indoors. His facial features are quite childish making people mistake him as younger at times. His eyes are a nice feeling brown color that compliment his large spiky, light brown hair that droops down to his eyes and the back of his neck.

Aster's prefers quite a warm style having his arms covered. His attire all usually consist of a variety of colors but mainly brighter colors like orange or white. He usually seen with a darker colored jacket with the sleeves usually pulled up to his elbow, which is usually left open and hangs just below his abdomen with a colored trim around the cuffs and middle with an orange undershirt. His lower body is usually covered with white long shorts, with normal dark colored shoes.
Extra: Aster also wears a pair of black and orange goggles with white lens.


Personality: Aster has a shy, happy, and moderate personality. With being shy he is often seen with few to little people, trying to stay away from the larger crowds. Even though his shyness makes him kind of quiet, when he gets to know someone and can call them a friend, he seems more alive acting more happy and speaking out more. He has a rather hatred for spicy foods  When he gets nervous he often acts and says things that he doesn't mean too and natural apologizes for it until the other person stops them or they leave. His happiness is usually seen from a far, even though he seems rather lonely he enjoys peace and quite often to allow him to think more clearly and better. He likes to assist people, but only to what he thinks is right and will often not listen to others if he thinks they are wrong. He has a dislike for dogs as they make him sneeze uncontrollably, though that is not the same for spirit dogs. Just like his normal personality, during combat not much changes, he is still shy during fights and often relies on his spirits to help him really get into it. Even though he may seem weaker when it comes to muscle or magic abilities, he has a strong will that lets him stay longer when hurt.


  • Reading Books - Aster enjoys learning, while not having many friends growing up he mainly did things alone and he found reading to be one he really enjoyed. As he doesn't like loud noise and also learning new things excited him.

  • His Celestial Spirits - His Spirits are pretty much his best friends. He grew up with them and his father, so they are practically family. They also taught him to be strong enough to feel he was able to join the guild his father was in.

  • His Guild - Lamia Scale has become his new home. Rather he sees it as one and all the guild members his family. So he would do what it takes to protect them and his home itself.

  • Quietness - Who doesn't enjoy some peace and quiet. Aster usually does better work when he can think without being bothered. Even though he may not necessarily like to be alone, he doesn't really like when they are really loud.


  • Bad weather - Bad weather makes Aster feel tired and a bit annoyed, especially when it's a thunderstorm.

  • Large groups of people - Aster has a shy personality and gets a bit nervous when in a large group, he feels awkwardly out of the loop and tends to seem invisible.

  • Loud noises - He has a bit of a fear for loud noises for no particular reason then he was never around it as a child, so it kinda freaks him out. Also the fact that he enjoys quietness makes it rather annoying for him.

  • Dogs - Dogs flat out make him sneeze fairly bad. He has allergies for dogs which make him uncontrollably sneeze. Though it is not the same for Celestial Spirit dogs.

  • Fighting - Aster is rather weak in physical strength and his magical strength is realying on his spirits to help him out during fights. He also doesn't like to see his friends get hurt.


  • Find his father - After he joined Lamia Scale, Aster received a letter saying that his father was still alive somewhere in Fiore and now he wishes to find him.

  • His guild - His guild is his motivation, he wants to do his best to assist it in anyway and continue to have fun there. Lamia Scale has became his home and he thinks of the members like family and will do anything to make sure both of those things are alright.


  • Fear of heights

  • Being closed/kept into small places

Positive Traits:

  • Alertness (+2): You have finely tuned senses.

  • Fortitude (+3): You are tougher than normal. You can take more hits than the regular Joe.

  • Diligent (+2): Your meticulousness allows you to analyze minute details that others miss.

Negative Traits:

  • Cautious (-1): You are uneasy engaging in behavior that carries a chance of failure. You must spend twice as long performing any skill that requires an action. For example, deciphering a page of text would take 2 minutes for you instead of 1.

  • Shy (-1): You are distinctly ill at ease when dealing with people, and you try to avoid social situations whenever possible. When you become the center of attention you freeze. Don't expect to make any public speeches.

  • Curiosity (-1): You're a naturally curious person and you find mysteries of any sort irresistible. In most circumstances, alas, your curiosity overrides your common sense.This forces you to investigate something unusual, even if it looks like it might be dangerous.

  • Allergies (-1): You are afflicted with allergies. These may be something as simple as hay fever, but the reactions to such will result in something like a huge bout of sneezing and gasping. You must mention this allergy in your character application. Aster is allergic to dogs.

  • Claustrophobia (-3): A character afflicted by a phobia persistently fears a particular object or situation. She realizes that the fear is excessive and irrational, but the fear is disturbing enough that she avoids the stimulus.


Magic: Celestial Spirit Magic
Caster or Holder: Holder
Description: Celestial Spirit magic is a kind of holder magic that can summon beings through the use of different keys. These spirits like humans have different powers and different personalities for both an advantage and disadvantage depending on which spirit you summon. These keys act as gateways for the spirits to cross over and can only be done when you have the key for that spirit and when you and that spirit make a contract that signifies your agreement. If the contract is broken the spirit is set free and the user can no longer summon that spirit. There are two types of keys, the more common of the two is the Silver keys and the more rare Gold keys which are considered more powerful and only 12 are in existence.

Strengths: It allows the user to call spirits to aid them in difficult situations. With each spirit being different, they all have different strengths, techniques, and skills that can all be used in many different ways. Since these spirits are not of this world when they are increasingly damaged, instead of death, they get transported back to there world.

Weaknesses: Spirits, like humans have different skills and personalities along with there own to not be obligated to help you at that time, or may not listen to there wizard. Using Celestial Spirit magic drains magic quite quickly as it takes magic away from you to summon them and also to use there abilities. Using this magic usually means one of the user main weaknesses is there own self, as they might not be as physically strong with relying on there spirits.


History: Aster life began in Clover a town in Fiore. He born into a home without a mother, leaving his father the only one to take care of him. Because of this his father often had to work twice as much to support them, he was often left in care with his uncle, whom was an alcoholic and mostly didn't pay much attention to Aster anyhow. He wasn't very popular with the other kids in town, as he would always end up getting to shy and nervously babbled towards them until they started to make fun of him. So instead he spent most of his time practically alone. Though the time that his dad was around were the happiest times of his childhood. Aster's dad was a wizard in a guild, Aster didn't know which guild or even about magic at his age. One of the things he enjoyed most where when he would use a kind of magic to bring people from what seemed to be another world, one was called Lupus and the other the other call Capricornus. Aster quickly grew bonds with them and they would all play together.

Though the day came when all that ended. When Aster was nearing ten, he was eagerly awaiting the tick of the clock for the time when his dad usually got home from his work. He waited and continued to wait until he past out and awoke the next day. He was around the age were he was trusted to walk around without adults, so he went to the guild his father would talk about, he described what it looked like and Aster only vaguely remembered what it looked like, but managed to find it fairly quick. He walked inside as all the people stared at him. He asked where his father was saying his name and they all looked down sadly. A woman approached him and told him that he and his group were killed by something with magic power that was to great for them to handle. Aster grew tears in his eyes as they started to flow down his face. She grabbed him close as he cried on her shoulder for awhile.

After he was done a man came out and held two objects in his hand. He said since these were your dads, they belong to him now and handed him two keys. Aster had a puzzled look as to what to do with them. The woman told him that those keys are used for Celestial Spirit magic, which lets you summon being  to help you. Aster decided on that day that he would master this magic that his father used and join this guild.

He returned to his uncles house who agreed to take him in and tried to use the key to call a spirit. He swung the key and mimicked the words his father would say and out came a large looking man with white hair, wearing a black hood. Aster looked somewhat stunned knowing that he just used magic and also yet happy seeing Lupus once again. He looked at Aster for a second before apologizing about his dads death saying he wasn't strong enough. He told Lupus that he wanted to become a strong wizard and he needed him and Capricornus's help to make him stronger. He grinned and told Aster more details about Celestial Spirits and he began training.

After awhile he returned to the guild and asked to join, they agreed and he began his journey as a member of Lamia Scale. He started to help the guild out, doing jobs, making friends, and even got his own apartment. But one day he received a letter that he didn't quite believe. It said his father was still alive, and he was somewhere in Fiore but couldn't give up his location as of now and it was signed in his hand writing. Aster didn't know if he could believe this, but he needed to know for sure what had happened to his father, why couldn't he come back. Aster decided he would find his father one day.

Last edited by Aster Starjun on Sun Mar 23, 2014 1:42 pm; edited 9 times in total

2Aster Starjun Empty Re: Aster Starjun Tue Mar 11, 2014 11:50 am


Hello, Aster.

  • Your General Appearance should contain at least 75 words, yours contains 73 words.
  • Your Personality should contain at least 200 words, yours contains 199 words.
  • Please use the list code for your Likes, Dislikes, Fears, Positive Traits and Negative Traits.
  • Your History should contain at least 400 words, yours containts 104 words.

3Aster Starjun Empty Re: Aster Starjun Fri Mar 14, 2014 9:39 am

Aster Starjun

Aster Starjun
All good and ready to be graded

4Aster Starjun Empty Re: Aster Starjun Sun Mar 23, 2014 1:41 pm

Aster Starjun

Aster Starjun

5Aster Starjun Empty Re: Aster Starjun Sun Mar 23, 2014 2:22 pm

Tali Zorah

Tali Zorah
Everything appears to be in order. You may have to wait a few days to get your color when Rias returns, but you are free to start RPing.

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