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1Seraxael's Spells for Training Empty Seraxael's Spells for Training Wed Mar 19, 2014 2:31 am

Seraxael Seriel

Seraxael Seriel
Name: Shadow Dragon’s Shield
Rank: D
Magic Cost: 10
Requirements: Shadow Dragon Slayer
Class: Defensive
Element: Dark
Cooldown: 3 posts
Duration: 1 post or until breakage. .
Effect: Creates a shield of dark energy to block attacks, it is capable of blocking 2 D rank spells, or 1 C rank or above spell. shield is 5 meters by 5 meters in dimension

Name: Shadow Dragon’s radial blast
Rank: D
Magic Cost: 10
Requirements: Shadow Dragon Slayer
Class: Offensive
Element: Dark
Cooldown: 4 posts
Duration: instant
Effect: Erupts a wild roar from the body that emits a wave of dark energy that stuns those who come in contact with it it for 1 post. The roar is actually dark energy that causes those who hear it to still in fear. Stun lasts 1 post. There is a 3 meter cast radius. Can be blocked by a d rank shield, or moving outside of the cast radius. Blast moves outwards at 3 meters per second. A D rank can block this.

Name: Shadow Dragon’s Slash
Rank: C
Magic Cost: 20
Requirements: Shadow Dragon Slayer
Class: offensive
Element: Dark
Cooldown: 3 posts
Duration: instant
Effect: Creates claws on the user’s body that span about half of a meter in length that the user slashes at his opponents with. It causes medium size cuts and bruises on the body of the victims. This spell can be blocked by any d rank defensive move or up.

Name: Shadow Dragon’s Roar
Rank: C
Magic Cost: 20
Requirements: Shadow Dragon Slayer Magic.
Class: offensive
Element: Dark
Cooldown: 3 posts
Duration: Instant
Effect: Erupts a cone like burst of dark energy from the user’s mouth. It extends to 10 meters and is 2 meters wide. Causes deep bruises on impact. Travels at 10 meters per second. Can be blocked by a c rank spell or shield.

Name: Shadow Dragon’s Sword Arm
Rank: B
Magic Cost: 30 (15 to maintain)
Requirements: Shadow Dragon Slayer
Class: Offensive
Element: Dark
Cooldown: 6  posts
Duration: until the sword is cancelled, broken, or mana is depleted.
Effect: creates a blade of dark energy that spans the length of the user’s forearm and comes out about a meter from the elbow. It can be used to cause internal bruising, and slight fractures. Can be blocked by a C rank shield, and broken by a B rank spell.

Name: Shadow Dragon’s Horn Edge
Rank: B
Magic Cost: 30
Requirements: Shadow Dragon Slayer
Class: Offensive
Element: Dark
Cooldown: 3 posts
Duration: Instant
Effect: The user concentrates dark energy on to his/her head to form a set of horns at about a meter long. They are used to charge at the foe and attack them head on.  Damage caused by this attack are small stab wounds, slight fractures, and minor internal bruising. Can be destroyed by a b rank spell, and blocked by a b rank shield.

Name: Secret Dragon Slayer Art: Shadow Dragon’s Unrelenting Darkness
Rank: A
Magic Cost: 40
Requirements: Shadow Dragon Slayer.
Class: Offensive
Element: Dark
Cooldown: 6 posts
Duration: Instant
Effect: A magic circle appear under the target that erupts into spikes of concentrated Dark energy. Range is 30 meters. The magic circle is 10 meters in diameter and deals deep internal bruising, and medium stab wounds about 2 inches deep. 5 spikes are erupted in total. Spikes can be blocked by a C rank shield for 1 spike, B rank for 2-3, and 4-5 require an A rank to block. The spell itself cannot be stopped, but there is a 2 second delay inbetween cast and effect.

Name: Secret Dragon Slayer Art: Shadow Dragons Vicious Assault.
Rank: A
Magic Cost: 40
Requirements: Shadow Dragon Slayer
Class: Offensive
Element: Dark
Cooldown: 4 posts
Duration: Instant
Effect: The user dashes forward with blinding speed, jumps and goes airborne. This can be used to hit either Airborne or Grounded enemies by moving in close and dealing 2 B rank hits each causing deep internal bruising and fractures. And stuns a body part for one post, but only if it is a limb. Once the spell is used up the user descends rapidly and softens their descent with Dark energy. The user can Jump up to 25 meters in height and 10 meters per second.

Name: Secret Dragon Slayer Art: Draconic Judgment
Rank: S
Magic Cost: 50
Requirements: Shadow Dragon Slayer Magic.
Class: Offensive
Element: Dark
Cooldown: 10 posts
Duration: Instant
Effect: Magic circles appear behind the user, on either side of them. Dark energy begins to charge in the center of the circle as the spell casts. A wide range burst of 50 meters in length, and 25 meters wide. The beam causes major destruction and can break every bone in the human body if a direct hit is taken. If only a limb is hit, it can easily tear it off. The compressed dark energy is devastating, and in most cases, Lethal. Can be blocked by an A or S rank spell, and travels at a speed of 50 meters per second.

Last edited by Seraxael Seriel on Wed Mar 19, 2014 8:06 pm; edited 4 times in total (Reason for editing : Edited agaiiinnnnn)

2Seraxael's Spells for Training Empty Re: Seraxael's Spells for Training Wed Mar 19, 2014 9:08 am

Aoi Mitsurugi

Aoi Mitsurugi
Just a general note for the D ranks; the are 10 mp and 5 to sustain.

Dragon Shield: -needs no sustain, as supportive type classes wouldn't be very useful.. Though that had nothing to do with it, a shield never usually lasts more than a post or two anyway.
-the shield also needs dimensions to it on how big it is, otherwise you can always bs the size of it every time it's used. Also with this include how far from the caster the shield appears as well.

Dragons Thundering Roar: -state a proper stun time relative to post count, which at D would be roughly 1 post.
-this spell needs a range added as well, 3 meters since the spells has such an effect added to it.
-include a way this spell can be blocked or stopped.

Dragon's Slash: -change up the requirements to the name of your magic, and enter that portion down to the next line so it isn't a jumbled mess there.
-include how this spell can be blocked.

Dragon's Roar: -include a speed in which this spell travels
-state this spell can be blocked by a C rank shield or spell.

Sword Arm: -increase the cooldown to 6 posts
-state how this spell can be blocked and or destroyed.

Horn Edge: -Olay!~ state these can be destroyed by 1 B rank spell and can be blocked by a B rank shield.

Flight: -Increase the cooldown of the spell to 6 posts since it is a sustained mode.
-how fast can you fly exactly? How high I can you fly?
-include these wings can be destroyed by an A rank spell.

Aerial Assault: -Hitting someone so many times is practically god modding. You may be able to get maybe two hits in, but the 8 is rather much. Tone this down some.
-State how fast you travel, and how high up you can go. Keep in mind of you keep the stun, you must include a lowered distance and speed, as well.

Draconic Judgement: -state the speed this spell travels
-increase the cooldown to 10 posts
-state this can be blocked by an A rank spell or an S rank spell.

Bump when edited.

3Seraxael's Spells for Training Empty Re: Seraxael's Spells for Training Wed Mar 19, 2014 1:44 pm

Seraxael Seriel

Seraxael Seriel
edited and bumped.

4Seraxael's Spells for Training Empty Re: Seraxael's Spells for Training Wed Mar 19, 2014 2:07 pm

Seraxael Seriel

Seraxael Seriel
Edited again because Dragon Slayers can't fly. :(

5Seraxael's Spells for Training Empty Re: Seraxael's Spells for Training Wed Mar 19, 2014 3:33 pm

Aoi Mitsurugi

Aoi Mitsurugi
#1: Increase the dimensions to 5 by 5 at max. 1x1 is very small for defending against a spell.

#2: This spell is sound based, which is not allowed. You'll have to redo the spell to make it unable to be sound based.

#3: Approved to train

#4: Increase speed to 10 m/s

#5: You missed the number 6 in the cooldown section. Please add that in.

#6: Approved to train

#7: -How many spikes appear in total for this spell? (Note: The more spikes you have, the less damage each individual spike will do after a certain number of spikes.)
-State the spikes can be blocked by a B rank shield. (This is to be determined to change based on the number of spikes.
-Can this spell be stopped before the spikes can erupt?
-Is there any sort of delay in the circle appearing and the spikes erupting?

#8: -Viscious assault will be looked over by mods and noted in my next grading.

#9: -Look over the magic rules for S rank spells and adjust the speed accordingly.

Bump when edited.

6Seraxael's Spells for Training Empty Re: Seraxael's Spells for Training Wed Mar 19, 2014 4:28 pm

Seraxael Seriel

Seraxael Seriel
Edited and bumped.

7Seraxael's Spells for Training Empty Re: Seraxael's Spells for Training Wed Mar 19, 2014 7:52 pm

Aoi Mitsurugi

Aoi Mitsurugi
#2: -State the speed of the spell
-Remove the three second portion in the spell.
-State a D rank spell can destroy this spell as well.

#4: Approved

#5: Approved

#7: -Change the shield minimum needed to C for 1 spike, and B for 2-3 spikes, and A for 4-5 spikes. Being that there is 5 spikes, each individual spike would deal roughly C rank damage. 2 C rank = 1 B rank, and 2 B ranks = an A rank, which would even out to be an A rank for 4-5 spikes in total.

#8: -State that each of the two hits is B rank, so if one is able to be blocked or hit it can be noted how much damage they may still take.
-Change the stun to be a stun of a body part hit for 1 post if hit by both hits, but if now should miss the stun will not work. If hitting a chest, this spell will not apply a stun. Being that this spell is as complex as it seems, if it hits a limb it can apply a stun.

#9:-Increase the cooldown to 10 posts.

Bump when edited

8Seraxael's Spells for Training Empty Re: Seraxael's Spells for Training Wed Mar 19, 2014 8:06 pm

Seraxael Seriel

Seraxael Seriel

9Seraxael's Spells for Training Empty Re: Seraxael's Spells for Training Wed Mar 19, 2014 10:01 pm

Aoi Mitsurugi

Aoi Mitsurugi
Ok, approved for training.

10Seraxael's Spells for Training Empty Re: Seraxael's Spells for Training Wed Apr 09, 2014 7:41 pm

Seraxael Seriel

Seraxael Seriel Training complete.

11Seraxael's Spells for Training Empty Re: Seraxael's Spells for Training Wed Apr 09, 2014 9:52 pm

Aoi Mitsurugi

Aoi Mitsurugi
Training is approved~

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