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1Hinata Rosario Romanov's Starter Spells Empty Hinata Rosario Romanov's Starter Spells Fri Feb 28, 2014 12:59 am

Hinata R. Romanov

Hinata R. Romanov
Name: Stymhalian Birdsclaw
Rank: c
Magic Cost: 20, 10 each extra post.
Requirements: Needs to open her hand
Class: Offensive
Element: Metal
Cooldown: 2 posts
Duration:Until cancled
Effect: Hinata’s arm turn into a massive metal claw with razor sharp claws the cuts of the claws are two cm deeps. The skin turns also into metal and can hold of 3 C spells or 6 D spells of heat spells. And 1 C spell and 2 D spells of water. The weakness of this spell is salt water.

Name: Werewolves face
Rank: D
Magic Cost: 10, 5 each extra post
Requirements:She needs to howl.
Class: Offensive
Element: none
Cooldown: 2 posts
Duration: until canceled
Effect: Her tooth will grow of that of a semi grown werewolf. Her face turns into that of a Werewolf-ish. Just her face. That means that the bite marks from the spell aren’t that deep in the victims wound. It isn’t poisonous, so the bitten one can’t turn into a werewolf. The damage are just bruises.

Name: Shade eye’s
Rank: D
Magic Cost: 10, 5 each extra turn.
Requirements:She need to close her eyes
Class: Supplementary
Element: Dark
Cooldown: 2 posts
Duration: until cancled
Effect: Her vision increase In a radiation of 7 meter. She can be blinded for a moment by a bright light. She can see almost every detail on almost everything.

Name: Golem’s Fist
Rank: d
Magic Cost: 10 / 5 extra post
Requirements: Must bold a fist
Class: Offensive
Element: Earth
Cooldown: 2 posts
Duration: until canceled
Effect: The fist turns into a rock hard stone hand. This spell can be forced to undo by an enemy. If the oponent does 1 C spell, 2 D spells or 1 Water spell to this hand then the spell will disspell. How by Water spells, the stronger it is how faster it breaks.

Name: Harpy feet.
Rank: d
Magic Cost: 10/ 5 extra post
Requirements: Hinata needs to stand on one leg.
Class: Offensive
Element: dark
Cooldown: (2 posts
Duration: until cancled
Effect: Her feet transform in to that of a harpy, it has purple claws and birdish and yellow skin. The claws are not big but they can hold on something very hard. It can carry up till 15 kilo. The claw can make small cuts and bruises.

Last edited by Hinata R. Romanov on Tue Mar 11, 2014 2:39 am; edited 2 times in total

Hinata R. Romanov

Hinata R. Romanov

Hinata R. Romanov

Hinata R. Romanov

Tali Zorah

Tali Zorah
Stymhalian Birdclaw
-What kind of damage is inflicted?
-Instead of salt water, just say that it is weak to water in general. Also, metal is resistant to heat so remove that as a weakness. Instead, state that it can withstand 3 C ranks or 6 D ranks against heat. 1 C rank or 2 D ranks against water.

Werewolf's Face
-What kind of damage is done by the bite?
-Nature is not a recognized element. Just use none.

Shade's Eye
-A D rank spell is too weak to see through walls. What about just an increase in standard vision?

Golem's Fist
-How much damage is done?
-Is it able to be destroyed? If so, what does it take?

Harpy Feet
-Describe what the transformed feet look like.
-How much damage do they do?
-How much weight can be carried with this spell?

Hinata R. Romanov

Hinata R. Romanov

Tali Zorah

Tali Zorah
Edits have not been finished to the Birdclaw.

For the Golem's Fist, state the it can be destroyed by 2 D ranks or 1 C rank. Or 1 Water type spell of any rank.

Hinata R. Romanov

Hinata R. Romanov

Hinata R. Romanov

Hinata R. Romanov

Tali Zorah

Tali Zorah
Approved and added to profile

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