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1Raion Okami  Empty Raion Okami Fri Feb 07, 2014 10:25 pm

Raion Okami

Raion Okami

   Raion Okami  Raion_12
   "Heh Heh, oh man. I swear I live for this!!"

Name(s): Raion Okami
Nickname(s): Fiore's Black Fang
Age: 19/Nineteen
Sex: Male
Birthday: 3/2/X761
Sexuality: Straight
Class: Mystic
Alignment: - Chaotic Good
Rank:  D
Guild: Lamia Scale
Guild Tattoo: Right side of chest
Face Claim: Lindow Amiya- God Eater


Height: 6'1
Weight: 170
Hair: Black and short cropped to his neck.
Eyes: Blue (When in use of his magic his eyes glow a light blue, or a bright red. When truly angered they turn to a beastly yellow/gold)

General Appearance: Rai is tall and his posture is straight and strong. He takes the appearance of a young man with a fairly lean but muscular build with fair skin and deep blue eyes. He has a very distinct color of jet black hair which is cropped down to his neck. With strands and bangs left flowing around his eyes. Often times when using his full abilities his hair will turn color to a snow white. Raion is stated to be very handsome to most, his height, build and posture greatly enhances this fact. He is slim but pretty well cut, and has pretty broad shoulders which make him look a tad bit bigger then he really is.

His clothing varies from time to time, he likes to wear very casual clothes but will often opt for a different outfit depending on his tasks.
A sleeveless, black shirt, this is unbuttoned, with no buttons to have freedom of movement, thus revealing his rather muscular figure. Along with this, he wears form-fitting faded black pants and black, military boots which he remarks are easy to move in. Finishing the attire off, he wears black gloves which are fingerless, and wears a variety of long coats.

He keeps a surprisingly vast closet of clothing, thanks to his old friend and dependent Adelly who is constantly supplying him with new clothing that she thinks best fit him. His total closet consisting of numerous scoop neck, V neck t-shirts of all colors. Hoodies, and thin jackets. Roomy and stretchy pants some even loose fitting to have free mobility when fighting. He has many sweat pants and combat pants but barely wears them. The reason this comes as a surprise is because Rai likes to wear as less clothing as possible. He is constantly taking off his clothes at random times, making sure to be truly loose and free.  
Such is why he tends to be shirtless...allot which angers Adelly to no end.

Extra: Raion also has a assortment of tattoos that he got over the years. Mostly on his upper shoulders and going down his back. One tattoo on his left shoulder blade signifies that he indeed was a slave in the south district. He always thought about getting it removed by decided against it believing that his time as a slave helped him to who he is today and it always serve as a reminder that ones life is never decided by fate.

A large tiger tattoo on his right shoulder. A back tattoo that was inspired by his teacher Nelo Angelo which consists of a large blue cross and rain drops going down to a celestial god like face over the sun. His left bicep has a dragon band tattoo that he got spontaneously. "The Rain" is tattooed on his lower neck. He has a star and a heart tattooed on his left hand, the star was done just because, but the heart represents his care for all those dependent on him like Adelly and the infant.



As a result of being born into a life of relative poverty, Raion was a reckless, albeit brave individual. Who is infatuated with the idea of power,fame and surpassing the limits. Raion's ambition burns hot; hotter than the very sun placed above the earth. This burning ambition turns into a blistering passion. Passion for himself, passion for the people close to him, and passion for the world of magic. He wants nothing more but to push his body to reach it's peak performance; without looking like he wants to be the very best at everything. His ambition to surpass himself has to be the biggest thing keeping him going.

During his adolescent years Raion was known to have quite the law breaking streak, and was known for rebellious acts. He is a very free spirited person and believes one should always follow their heart and do what is right. Despite his law breaking attitude at times, Rai always has a good reason for his rebellious acts.

With a natural air of charisma often called his natural charm, Raion is a joy to be around. He is a fun and adventure loving young man. That will take his time performing anything, and will always move at his own pace.
He is also quite exuberant and never embarrassed to make a funny scene in front of people. He never really cares for what people think of him, or comment about him and has a high level of confidence and self-esteem.

Being the nice charismatic guy he is, Rai becomes extremely hostile and battle-ready when something he care's for is on the line. When faced with a opponent; or just another person that means to cause him or the people he cares for harm, Rai turns into a savaged beast and extremely impulsive. He's also very competitive, and can't stand not being able to push his body and mind past it's natural limits. Which makes him a bit arrogant and reckless from time to time. If there is one thing about Rai's persona it's his pure determination and undying will to overcome. The kid simply doesn't give in no matter what the situation is; and has a ridiculous resolve matched by no one.

Raion's overall behavior is very sociable, outgoing, laid-back and friendly. A high spirited person, that has a very warm aura. He can be pretty lively and goofy while being a tad bit emotionally sensitive when not in the heat of battle. He's a very passionate fellow and can often put allot of feelings into rather small things that he cares about. Unless something heavy is on his mind, Rai's behavior will seem to never falter. But Rai can fall into his emotions from time to time and will sometimes need a friend to pick him back up if he cannot do so on his own.

Because Raion tends to let his emotions rule over him his moods will fluctuate when around certain marines, and figures of authority. Because he lost his Grandmother to a marine he tends to hold a bias to many of them. Becoming more aggressive when around them, especially ones that abuse their power.  
When angry Rai becomes very brutal and aggressive, his fighting style changing to be somewhat merciless aswell. When his grandmother's passing is mentioned and mocked on, Rai's whole persona changes making it clear it had a big effect on him.

Raion has a rep of being rather flippant and mouthy to his enemies and rivals. Especially ones from the marines. He tends to get under someones skin rather easily and rather enjoys to rub people the wrong way. He has a lack of fear for his enemies, making it easier to taunt them and reply with witty comebacks.

His habits are rather hard to pin down, because he chooses to do things very spontaneously. He does things on a whim of interest, if he is enthusiastic about it. His biggest habits though would be falling victim to a form of game or challenge. Specifically fights given the momentum Rai can be very competitive. But he does greatly enjoy games and gambling when they involve making some money. Whenever money is involved his playful greed tends to take over. But when not being his outgoing self or trying to find a way get rich quick scheme Rai can be very laid back. Sometimes he just wants to lay down and observe the world for all it's greatness. [/font]


  • ~Adventure~

    Raion is quite the outgoing fellow, always ready for a grand plan (that never really follows through) most importantly a grand adventure. He loves to see new places and interact with new people, try new things, and eat new food. He gets quite bored though when being at one place for to long believing he always has to keep moving forward.
  • ~Money~

    Raion has a near obsession with things like gold, jewels and everything else related to wealth. Although mostly seen as comical, don't let it fool ya Rai is a money hungry fiend. Often repeating many times he would choose money and riches over everything else in the world (though this is a joke, he usually ends up penniless). Despite his attraction to money, Raion is almost always broke either for spending all his beli, or letting go over something else.
  • ~Competition~

    Raion at heart is a fierce competitor, he will take up nearly any challenge no matter how difficult it may seem. It can be a sport he is terrible at (Basketball for instance) he will take the challenge to try and beat you at it. He loves a good fight (one of the few things he is good at). He loves to test his limits, and will pick fights with anyone that peeks his interest not matter how strong. Though don't let this think that Rai is a violent person, he definitely is not. He just enjoys a good rush sometimes.
  • ~Food~

    Often said as the one sole way to a man's heart is through his stomach and with Recknos this is proven true fact. He loves to eat, and can eat almost anything at any given time. He usually eats in loads and loads of food at a time. Devouring multiple plates at a time and always reaching for more.


  • ~Goblins~

    Little ugly dwarf goblin creatures. He hates them with a passion. Why? Because everything that he usually has, they take from him.Hobbes mostly live in caves or underground tunnels. They don't speak english instead a warped scratched 'hobbe' language that Rai seems to understand and speak aswell. He actually grew up dealing with goblins ever since he was young, always meddling in affairs of his from small petty jobs, to big ones. What makes it funny is no one ever believes him on his story about hobbes and their meddling.
  • ~Authority~

    Raion has quite the history with authoritative figures. He never liked em, never wanted to like em, and never will like em. Point Blank. He is a rebel at heart, and at his very core he will always oppose those "That think they are above us!" Raion believes in fair justice and every one is a free man. When seeing justice being done wrongly he will always step in to see it abolished. Rai was born into poverty and as a slave, he lost his grandmother do to the "Justice System." and has ever since been fighting it to see it destroyed.
  • ~Being Broke~

    Rai the greedy scoundrel often states he hates one thing, and one thing only. And that is being broke. Which he is quite often and nearly all the time. As said earlier Raion loves money and the thoughts of wealth, so when he has no money he enters a near state of depression.
  • ~Treachery~

    One of the few things that will truly show his anger. Recknos likes to trust people and puts a lot of faith into others. It truly angers him when all his faith was put in and it was crushed by a traitor.


~Himself and "The Mission"~

Raion often gets this question allot when asked what motivates him to try so hard. And he always state the three in order. "First I always try to improve and better myself! Second I will not cease, till Fame and riches are mine! And Third and certainly not least! I can never rest till The Mission is over! And the mission is never over!"

Of course he is asked what exactly is the mission? It's his personal mission to abolish all things unjust in the world. He sees this as a perfect guide, and philosophy for himself. First always want to better yourself, Second to make your name remembered, and third to change the world around you for the better.

~ Leaving a Trailblazing Legacy~

Raion is a extremely passionate person when it comes to leaving behind a legacy. Unlike many others Raion started from nothing, he was born a slave to slave parents. He has no lineage, no other family, his only set fate and destiny was to be a slave. But he has come a long way from that, and believes that his destiny is now forever changed. He wants to explore and venture to places he never dreamed of going to. Find places that have yet to be discovered and leave his mark on them.


  • Falling to the wrong path

    On his quest for higher power and surpassing the limits Raion fears he will fall to the wrong path and become power hungry eventually becoming something evil. He makes it his goal to stay along the right Path.
  • His Nightmares

    It is a rare occurrence that Rai will have nightmares of the day he failed to save his grandma. He fears them, the ones where he is unable to save his loved ones. But also hates himself for falling to them as he should be able to overcome any and all of his fears.
  • Failure

    In despite of all his confidence, guts and bravery. Raion fears the day his all won't be good enough. Kind of like a hidden low self-esteem, Raion can become very depressed, bothered and low minded when he discovers he failed at something that had great impact. He has yet to learn how to overcome from his failures and make them strengths.
  • Losing his freedom

    Being born a slave and then fighting to be a free man, Raion has a big fear of one day losing his freedom again. He doesn't like being tied down or caged up or having his freedom threatened, because deep down it scares him. He never wants to experience what he did as a child again.

Positive Traits: = Total 19

  • Regeneration (+4): You heal very fast inside and outside of combat. Small cuts that go up to one inch deep are healed in the next post.
  • Swift (+3): You are fleet of foot. When running, you move three times your normal speed.
  • Zealot (+4): This person has trained themselves to wield a specific type of weapon. This weapon can be mentioned behind the Zealot feat within brackets to claim it upon app. (Swords)
  • Fortitude (+3): You are tougher than normal. You can take more hits than the regular Joe.
  • Diehard (+2): You can remain conscious after attacks that would fell others.
  • Acrobatic (+3): You have excellent body awareness and coordination.

Negative Traits: = Total 19


  • Allergies (-1): You are afflicted with allergies. These may be something as simple as hay fever, but the reactions to such will result in something like a huge bout of sneezing and gasping. You must mention this allergy in your character application. (Raion is heavily allergic to Fish)
  • Arrogant (-1): You firmly believe that you are better than anyone else is. Your ideas are the best, your clothes are the most stylish, and you have to let everyone else know how much better you are. Once in a while you openly show contempt or disdain for someone else.
  • Bad Reputation (-1): You have a reputation that angers or frightens people. Examples include being unlucky, petty, or cruel. The rep may or may not be accurate, but in either case, word travels faster than you do.
  • Branded (-2): You have fled for a crime committed and now have a prominent brand. You may have been a criminal, a slave, or some other such illicit individual. The brand is such that it cannot be easily covered, and a cursory search reveals it each time. Law enforcement agents of any lawful land will immediately take you into custody if they see the mark, for extradition or imprisonment. It is your choice as to whether or not you were falsely accused of the crime. (Raion is branded as a slave)

  • Daredevil (-2): You only really feel alive when you're staring death in the face. Your character is addicted to the thrill of death-defying stunts, pushing himself to the limit at every available opportunity.
  • Dark Secret (-1): You have some sort of secret that, if revealed, would make you an outcast amongst your society and companions. While this secret is on your mind at all times, it will come up in topics only once in a while, but when it does, watch out! (Raion's big secret is that he used to be a slave, not only that. But he did injure and attack some Rune knights that were corrupted by the cult that enslaved him)
  • Dependent (-3): You have a ward or charge that depends on you, usually a young child or elderly relative that needs you to provide for them and devote at least part of your time to them. In money terms, this will cost you five percent of your jewels a month. You may also be required to stay near home often in case you are needed. (Rai has two dependents first is a teenaged girl named Adelly who was enslaved with him by the cult. She is in a wheel chair though while she can live on her own she is dependent on Rai. The second dependent is a baby, that Raion found in a newly made slave camp not to long ago. He took it upon himself and Adelly to watcher over the baby from now on)
  • Derangement/Insanity (-3): Due to circumstances beyond your control, you are permanently insane. You may have a congenital brain disorder, or perhaps you saw something mortals were never intended to lay eyes upon, and it drove you mad.  (Phobia)- Raion has a extreme phobia of seeing his dead grandmother, anytime he starts to doubt himself he sees images of her in his head, which could drive him into madness.
  • Greedy (-1): Money makes your eyes light up with joy. The more, the merrier, as long as it spends. Once in a while, whenever you're divvying up shares of the loot, being offered a hefty bribe, or catching wind of some fabulous treasure, the flaw can to convince you to grab for as much money as possible.
  • Intolerance (-1): (Authority) You have an irrational dislike of a certain thing. It may be an animal, a class of person, a situation, or just about anything at all. Note that some dislikes may be too trivial or ridiculous to count--a dislike of Bavarian-crème-filled donuts or mechanical pencils, for example, has no real dramatic value and will not be allowed.

  • Overconfident (-1): Nothing is beyond your capabilities. If you wanted, you could defeat the best swordsman in the world; you just haven't had any reason to do so yet. And surely that chasm isn't too wide for you to leap across.

  • Proud (-1): You don't like accepting help from others. If a gift or offer of aid smacks of charity or pity even the slightest bit, you grow indignant and refuse it.
  • Reckless (-1): You lack the emotion of fear. Unfortunately, it is often an important cue that keeps men from doing foolhardy things. Sure, you don't flinch at the sight of even the most hideous monster, but neither do you feel the need to run away when outclassed.
  • Righteous (-1): The end justifies the means. You are willing to perform morally repugnant actions in order to achieve noble goals. Unfortunately, this can alienate those people who might support your cause if you didn't use such heavy-handed methods.


Magic: (リニューアルセージ, 上天 Rinyūaru Tengoku) 'Renewal Art of the heavens' Otherwise known as "Aura Magic"

Caster or Holder: Caster

Description: Rinyūaru Tengoku is the magic art that focuses on manipulating the ethereal energy that surrounds every sentient being known as Aura. Of course the one using Rinyūaru Tengoku  can only control his own aura. This ethereal energy field permeates every cell within one’s body before it is subconsciously radiated away. Most auras are dormant or very weak and cannot be perceived by the average person.

Aura manipulation and perception are abilities that can be unlocked through strenuous training, prime physical ability and meditation. The true nature of aura is the fact that it’s fundamentally linked to the soul, and thus it could manifest around anything containing a soul, organic or inorganic. The current emotions of one's soul effects one's aura. The potency of one's aura is greatly affected by their emotional state and personal psyche. Powerful emotions can enhance the power of an aura, not just in the destructive sense, but in giving it the power to effect people on a subconscious level.

Due to the fact that the aura is the manifestation of pure spiritual energy, it does not have the same properties as physical forms of energy (e.g. electromagnetic radiation). However, aura also shares some characteristics with natural energy, as well as having unique ones. Aura's for the most part are invisible to the naked eye. They can only be seen when the one that control's it wills it. Each Aura can take a difference in color, in Raion's case his aura is mostly a ruby red, but can turn to a cool blue, bright gold, and misty white. There is a certain presence or feel for aura's one that uses Rinyūaru Tengoku is capable of pin pointing a specific person just by sensing their aura.


This energy can be manipulated in various ways for a myriad of effects. By manipulating ones aura a branch of possibilities are opened. From increasing physical capabilities like strength, speed, stamina and durability to great lengths, to shaping his aura to create weapons and other constructs. It can also be used with other weapons for more specific attacks.

Higher mastery allows one to form spiritual exoskeletons that move at their command, release powerful energy waves, beams, pressures and spheres to damage and stun the opponent. One can even create energy made clones of themselves to aid in battle. Defensively one can manipulate their aura to form barriers and shields, coat themselves in energy to defend from attacks.

Rinyūaru Tengoku also has uses outside of battle aswell, from using to heal injuries to oneself and others. Track people down by detecting their distinct aura.  

Weaknesses: Rinyūaru Tengoku while very powerful does come with its weaknesses. To control one's aura to a greater degree they must have certain control over their emotions. Their emotions reflect their power, if one is feeling weak and useless then their power will be weak as well. Falling into rage and anger can also have nasty effects on your aura, causing it to be more dark and vile making it easier to lose your true self in the middle of your rage.

Rinyūaru Tengoku also releases on several key parts of your body in order to release one's aura. The forehead, spine, throat, heart, and stomach. If any of these parts are severely damaged or blocked in some way it becomes extremely difficult to manipulate one's aura. If these spots are blocked aura simply can not flow.



Raion was born a slave in the far south district known as Portgas. T Balgon. A cult of dark mages were using Balgon as a base to build structures in order to honor their dark gods. He was enslaved with his grandmother his parents passed shortly after his birth. His grandmother raised him in the servants camp along with other children around his age. Though living life as a slave Raion grew to appreciate the smaller things in life rather quickly. The other young children around him grew to be friends and would look out for each other when things went wrong. It wasn't the best life, but when they all had each other it made it all worth it. Raion grew to a strong bond with a young girl Adelly who was two years his younger, she was like a little sister to him. She couldn't use her legs so people in the slave camp built her a wooden wheel chair to get around in. The eight year old Raion also took a peculiar interest in a older slave, who was always garbed in a long tattered brown cape and hood that always covered his face. He was known by many on the slave camp simply as N.  

As the years went by many have tried and failed to escape from these slave camps. It was being noticed by others that allot of the slaves were disappearing and never returning. Only making some more anxious to try and escape. Raion was feeling the same, his grandmother getting to old for the work load he started to fear for her safety. It was then that Raion and the others started to think of a way to escape. The eleven year old Rai would dress up as a forest beast causing rumors that this "beast" was eating and devouring many lives of the slaves through the tunnels. This caused the man in charge Lucius to step in with his dark mages, for his structures could not be done if his slaves were being eaten. Using Rai as a distraction, his friends mostly Bo, Zi yu, Adelly and others would escort the other slaves free through a well hidden back spot in the tunnels. For the first week it was a success. Many slaves found freedom, but when it came to escort Raion's grandmother and the rest. Things went very bad. They got caught and Lucius's mages caught Raion. As punishment Lucius tortured everyone involved, and planned to take young Raion's life believing him to be the leader of this revolt.

Though facing apparent death Raion was able to laugh it off. A large squad of Rune knights had infiltrated the camp, putting an end to Lucius and his dark structures. Raion was grinning from ear to ear for he had devised a even bigger plan to ensure the end of all this slavery on Balgon. He entrusted one of the slaves he got free to report this to the Magic council and Rune knights.

Victory was seemingly in Raion's favor but it all turned and crumbled before him. When the leader of the rune knights Asard stabbed Raion's grandmother right in the heart. Revealing that the slave Raion sent out to alert the council was already corrupted, not only that but Lucius had pawns of his own in the magic council. Seeing his grandmother's life be taken right infront of him, and being betrayed by some of the people he trusted, caused Raion to go berserk with emotion and magical power. The Dark mages holding him down barely able to hold him back. Within all his rage and anger Raion's magical power began to awaken. Taking everyone by surprise no one thought any of these slaves were capable of using magic, but here this young boy was releasing a powerful out burst of magic that Lucius and his mages never felt before.

Sensing it from a distance in his long tattered cape and hood N rose his head, revealing a older face with strands of long white hair. He turned to his side where another "slave" who was much bigger then the average male. Infact with him standing full height he was a very large man. Seeing Z head nod towards him the large man reached into his large fur covered cape and took out a large metal hammer. He raised it up high and all the older slaves working stopped and looked up. Many of them had hoods covering their faces hiding their appearance. They each started to remove them revealing battle hardened faces, it was obvious these were not the faces of slaves. The large man took one more look at N, then slammed his large hammer to the ground. "MEN IT IS TIME!! THE REVOLT BEGINS NOW!!!!!"
The shouts of many men awoken and burst through the air. N the large man known as Cain and the many men followed to the scene where it would all end.

Lucius at first was taken back by Raion's sudden burst in magical power, it was hard to admit but the boy's force was even pushing him back. Raion went on a rampage, already killing about six of the dark mages and rune knights that attempted to subdue him. It was only a matter of time before Lucius himself intervened striking Raion in the back with a powerful attack, nearly killing him. Adelly, Bo and Zi yu in shock. But before Lucius could deliver the final blow, his arm was sliced off in a instant! He looked up face full of anger to see who would dare strike against him. Only to see the face of his biggest nemesis N! N was holding a dark blue flaming blade that he used to cut off Lucius's arm, his hood removed showing a older male with long silver hair. Lucius still in shock muttered the words "Neellooo Angellooo?!"

Nelo waisted no time with his finish strike attempting to stab Lucius in the chest. Only to be blocked by one of the dark mages. Nelo then grabbed the injured Raion from the ground and put him over his shoulder. A green mist of smoke covering his palm was healing Raion's injuries. "Your time here is done Lucius! The Revolt begins now!" it was here when Nelo's forces met Luciu's dark mages, and the corrupted Rune knights. Nelo's and Cain's forces were able to drive Lucius's forces back and put and end to the slave camp.

Nelo was able to save Raion and his friends, though he could save Raion's grandmother. Remembering what Lucius and Asard did, Raion swore to get vengeance one day. Seeing how powerful Nelo was Raion demanded Nelo to train him to one day get his revenge. Adelly and the others went to Clover town to start a new life and Raion went with Nelo.

During this time Raion would travel with his teacher Nelo Angelo who taught him all the aspects of magic and combat. But Nelo did take up another disciple before him, it as here where his rivalry with Taizon started. They grew up to be very close friends but always used each other to get stronger. Sparking a very prominent rivalry between the two. Raion's teacher Nelo took a sudden disappearance and Taizon defected later after words. Raion returned to Clover town to be closer with family like Adelly. Within his first day being there he joined the guild Lamia Scale under Adelly's instruction. Over the years she had grown to be more strict and assertive, while Raion was always laid back and exuberant. She would serve as an adviser to him always prompting him before missions and quests, while using her unique magic to help him on missions. They worked as a team.

In one of his most recent missions Raion came across a small slave camp much similar to the one he and Adelly were on. He recognized the patterns and everything alike. It was much less guarded, and Raion held nothing back when it came to ending the camp. He freed the slaves there, but came across a baby infant. He wasted hours upon hours looking for the babies parents, but to avail he couldn't find them. Leaving him one thing to do, take the baby up under his care.  

Now at Lamia scale Raion works on becoming the best that he can be, raising the young infant child. Still looking for Lucius and Asard to get his revenge. He also makes it a personal mission to try and change the world around him to a better place.  


Last edited by Lion Messi on Tue Feb 18, 2014 11:50 am; edited 7 times in total

2Raion Okami  Empty Re: Raion Okami Tue Feb 11, 2014 10:37 pm

Raion Okami

Raion Okami
I is Finito!  :fuckyeah: 

3Raion Okami  Empty Re: Raion Okami Wed Feb 12, 2014 11:37 am

Aoi Mitsurugi

Aoi Mitsurugi
Hello Lion, I am going to be grading your app today.

So, There isn't very much that needs fixing really. I need you to add one more motivation. Having only one isn't much in the way of setting a goal for your character.

I need one more fear, a realistic fear like the dark, lightning, heights, etc. Or you can change one of the current ones.

Lastly, You will need to remove the section in your magic of seeing the emotions of others through their aura. That is considered metagaming, especially if one wished to hide themselves for reasons.

Bump when edited~

4Raion Okami  Empty Re: Raion Okami Wed Feb 12, 2014 2:30 pm

Raion Okami

Raion Okami
Okiiieee! made le edits!!!

5Raion Okami  Empty Re: Raion Okami Thu Feb 13, 2014 1:52 pm

Aoi Mitsurugi

Aoi Mitsurugi
Ok then, approved for final review

6Raion Okami  Empty Re: Raion Okami Sat Feb 15, 2014 9:02 am


Hello, Raion.

First of all, leave out the font. You can also leave out the description from Chaotic Good.
- Use the list code for the Positive Traits and Negative Traits.
- Add your Dark Secret and Dependent after the description.
- "Rinyūaru Tengoku is the magic art that focuses on manipulating the ethereal energy that surrounds every sentient being known as Aura." You can only manipulate your own aura.
- "Track people down by detecting their distinct aura." You can make this into a spell and are able to use it on people within that topic.

7Raion Okami  Empty Re: Raion Okami Sat Feb 15, 2014 11:20 am

Raion Okami

Raion Okami
Made le edits!

8Raion Okami  Empty Re: Raion Okami Tue Feb 18, 2014 12:39 am

Raion Okami

Raion Okami
Bumping this, its been a couple of days :/

9Raion Okami  Empty Re: Raion Okami Tue Feb 18, 2014 3:50 am

Alyssa Strauss

Alyssa Strauss
Hello Lionel,

This application would be approved if it weren't for one simple thing. I request that you follow the template provided. This means that you should only have one picture at the top of your application and no where else. Please remove all additional pictures. I will re-check after you have completed this. Godspeed and may the Force be with you.

10Raion Okami  Empty Re: Raion Okami Tue Feb 18, 2014 11:52 am

Raion Okami

Raion Okami
Aaannd awesome picture with tattoos is gone :(. Bump for approval?

11Raion Okami  Empty Re: Raion Okami Tue Feb 18, 2014 3:09 pm

Alyssa Strauss

Alyssa Strauss

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