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1Kobayashi  Empty Kobayashi Fri Jan 03, 2014 11:58 am

Kazuki Kobayashi

Kazuki Kobayashi
Kobayashi  353484-chaser

Beneath The Mask:
   "Fake; it’s the latest trend, and everyone seems to be in style."

Name(s): Kazuki Kobayashi
Nickname(s): Crimson Tempest
Age: 18 (Some would say he is far older)
Sex: Male
Birthday: 8, Jan, 762
Sexuality: Straight
Class: Scavenger
Alignment: Neutral Good
Rank:  D-class
Guild: Fairy Tail
Guild Tattoo: Back of the left hand, red in color
Face Claim: Chaser John Doe (Masked) Asbel Lhant (Unmasked)


Height: 5'8
Weight: 167
Hair: Unknown (Blonde beneath mask)
Eyes: Unknown (Red beneath mask)
General Appearance:
Standing at the average height for a man, Kobayashi always wears two things--his tattered cloakand his rather intinimidating mask. Clothes underneath this vary, but they usually consist of something black, with gloves and boots. He prefers form fitting clothes to fight in, though this is not an exclusive case. For him, it depends upon the nature of the job--but as most require a sense of nimbleness or guile, form fitting clothes fit both very well.

He never removes these two things in public, and as such, no one has ever seen his true face.
Extra: Always wears his mask and cloak.


Kobayashi, despite his outward appearance, is a nice person through and through. He has a strong belief that actions speak louder than words, and as such, doesn't speak very often. Since he cannot express his emotions via expressions, he does so through little gestures. Shrugs, hand waves, and occasionally he will outright state his thoughts.

When he speaks, he is to the point and honestly—even brutally so. He doesn't lie, and he never aims to deceive someone else. He is resolute to the point of flat out stubborness, getting back up when most people wouldn't be able to move. He seems to have an almost super natural healing process, and whether this some is from his magic, or some sort of mutation one cannot be certain. Despite his element being fire, he is a level headed person, only letting his anger get the best of him on a handful of occasions, usually when he is having a difficult time within a fight or a problem he cannot solve. He had a knack for looking at the smaller things in the bigger picture.

Despite being a nice person, with a love for life, he can be very unapproachable, be it from his mask or his way of explaining things as if everyone is an idiot. Because of his appearance, and his downright cruel way of dealing with dark mages, he has a reputation that throws people off. He is rarely called by his name, and usually “The Crimson Tempest” as that is what he is commonly known by. His past is a mystery, and should be kept that way in his eyes. Digging up the past is futile, to him, as it cannot be changed and should be left buried. Despite being a nice guy, he has a mean streak in which he will not hesitate to level a town to find a dark mage that is hiding. If the many have to be sacrificed for the greater good, so be it.


  • Fairy Tail: Though he isn't talkative, he likes the hustle, bustle, and laid back attitude.
  • The Night: There is comfort within the folds of darkness.
  • Children: Despite his rather fearsome look, the man has a soft spot for children.


  • The black hearted: He will go to whatever means necessary, even murder, to down an evil person.
  • Pears: It's the texture.
  • Water: Not only because of his magic, but he cannot swim.
  • The cold: Luckily, his magic can keep him warm.


  • Wiping those who are evil from the world, via violence or conversion.
  • Settling down with a family (despite his wicked appearance).
  • Becoming a Guild Master / Wizard Saint.


  • Drowning: This is likely because he cannot swim. Or perhaps it was a traumatic experience, linked to his darkest experiences.
  • Rejection: He knows that his appearance doesn't give much room for quarter, but beneath the mask he is a normal guy.

Positive Traits:

  • Alertness (+2)
  • Die Hard (+2)
  • Dilligent (+2)
  • Enhanced Strength (+3)
  • Fortitude (+3)
  • Regeneration (+4)
  • Zealot (+4) [Katana]

Negative Traits:

  • Allergies (-1) [Peanuts]
  • Bad Reputation (-2)
  • Curiosity (-1)
  • Compulsive Honesty (-2)
  • Color Blind (-2)
  • Dark Secret (-1) - Caused a girl to drown when he was a little kid.
  • Dare Devil (-2)
  • Derangement/Insanity (-3) [Phobia-Aquaphobia]
  • Intolerance (-1)
  • Judgmental (-1)
  • Reckless (-1)
  • Righteous(-1)
  • Trusting (-2)


Magic: Dragon Slayer (Fire)
Caster or Holder: Caster
Description: Decent in both ranged, this type of magic excels in close ranged combat. It's primary uses are coating the hands and feet in flames, allowing for powerful strikes infused by magic with the ability to cause some fabrics and elements to catch alight, burn, or melt. Despite this, the fire can be launched over distances for the same effect, though lacking the upclose and personal methods of it's melee counterpart.
Strengths: Fire being it's element, the caster is able to burn other elements that are weak against it. The main one is wood, though it can be used to melt ice, and if burning hot enough, possibly evaporate it on contact. Because of the nature of Dragon Slayer magic, the caster can 'eat' their own element. Because of the nature of the magic, fire magic users are at a large disadvantage.
Weaknesses: Obviously, the main weakness is water, but it is not excluded to it. Wind can put a fire out if strong enough, and earth can smother it. Both elements posses a natural affinity that cannot be overcome by force alone. Ice can also pose a threat, as when melted it can turn into water that would douse even the fiercest of flames. Metal, although it can be heated, can withstand the flames.


Like all first generation dragon slayers, Kobayashi was raised by a dragon. Whether he was abducted by the creature, or was abandoned by his parents he is not sure. Though such a concept would be humorous, a dragon breaking into a house and kidnapping a baby. From the moment he was able to walk and talk, he was trained in the art of dragon slaying by the Fire Dragon Ignis. It was explained that, like people, there were both good and bad dragons. It would be his job, one day, to get rid of those dragons. A tall order for, at the time, was a three year old. Still, Kobayashi continued with his training.

One day, when Ignis let him off to enjoy his youth for a bit, Kobayashi found a girl who was being washed away in the nearby river. The young boy cried out to her, that he would save her. He leaped in after her, disregarding that he was never taught to swim. He was able to get to the girl, but without being able to swim, he was not much help, and eventually as he began to become unable to hold his breath anymore, he passed out.

He awoke with Ignis over him, and the girl next to him. He had been fine, despite nearly drowning, but the girl didn't make it. From that day on, he was scared of not just water, but drowning. He had clung to the girl, trying to help her, and blames himself for her drowning—going to far as to believe he drowned her.

That day always haunted him, and when he was granted permission by Ignis to leave home and help the less fortunate, The Crimson Tempest was born. He has had the mask and cloak since he was sixteen, and years of fighting have placed chips on the porcelain, and frayed the cloak. He wandered for a long while, never staying in a single place for more than a few days, and always arriving at the news of a Dark Mage or Dark Guild. Eventually, after helping a group of Fairy Tail wizards deal with a particularly nasty group of dark wizards turned bandits, he was offered a spot in the guild and joined.

Since then he can be found in the guild hall, unmoving eyes of the mask surveying all those around him in their deeds and actions. If there was one thing that little girl's life had taught was actions, speak louder than words.

Last edited by Kazuki Kobayashi on Tue Sep 02, 2014 8:50 pm; edited 8 times in total

2Kobayashi  Empty Re: Kobayashi Fri Jan 03, 2014 8:06 pm

Alyssa Strauss

Alyssa Strauss
Heya Koba,

So first thing is first, I'm Alyssa and I'll be reviewing your application before it goes to the Administrators for approval. I see a template problem with adding extra images so please remove all images except for the one at the very top. Secondly, you need to state your full name regardless of whether other characters know it IC or not. Thirdly, please edit your spacing throughout your application so it looks like:


and not

Description: (blah)

It just makes it easier for the reader. Thirdly, please state what your dark secret is in your Negative Traits section. Fourth, there is a major problem with your magic. Each guild is only allowed to have one Dragonslayer and in Fairy Tail, the guild that you applied to, the current Dragonslayer is Noah Stark (Holy DS). Therefore, you cannot have that magic. Please make sure that you find a replacement. Sorry to inform you. Also, I suppose you'd have to change your history due to the change in magic.

You've done a good job of your application but some edits still need to be made before approval from the Administrators. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to ask Tali Zorah or me. Best of luck in your edits.


Alyssa Strauss

3Kobayashi  Empty Re: Kobayashi Fri Jan 03, 2014 8:20 pm

Alyssa Strauss

Alyssa Strauss
Dear Koba,

So apparently I was told that Lucius approved of your Fire DS. Therefore, disregard my previous statement about Dragonslayers. That aside, you have completed all the edits that I have requested with deadly efficiency and quality. Thank you for your work. I deem this application ready for approval from the Administrators.


Alyssa Strauss

4Kobayashi  Empty Re: Kobayashi Sat Jan 04, 2014 4:11 am


Sec, Dragon Slayers blow out their element out of their mouth when using roars and such. How would you take care of that when you're wearing a mask?

5Kobayashi  Empty Re: Kobayashi Sat Jan 04, 2014 7:01 am

Kazuki Kobayashi

Kazuki Kobayashi
He was going to remove it just before firing (suck in the air and such with the mask on) and then remove it to fire it. He doesn't hide his face behind the mask because he doesn't want people to know who he is, he does it because he became 'The Crimson Tempest' since he believes he himself is weak. It's sort of a persona to hide behind.

6Kobayashi  Empty Re: Kobayashi Sat Aug 02, 2014 1:01 pm

Tali Zorah

Tali Zorah
Pulled for characteristics reset

7Kobayashi  Empty Re: Kobayashi Sat Aug 02, 2014 2:50 pm

Kazuki Kobayashi

Kazuki Kobayashi
Characteristic Reset complete.

8Kobayashi  Empty Re: Kobayashi Sat Aug 02, 2014 2:53 pm

Tali Zorah

Tali Zorah
Characteristics reset approved.

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