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1Kurogane Shizuki Empty Kurogane Shizuki Thu Jan 02, 2014 11:35 am

Kurogane Shizuki

Kurogane Shizuki

   "My sword is for milady."

Name(s): Kurogane Shizuki
Nickname(s): Kuro; The Black Knight; Midnight Blue
Age: 20
Sex: Male
Birthday: X760
Sexuality: Straight
Class: Cleric
Alignment: Neutral Good
Rank: D-class
Guild: Blue Pegasus
Guild Tattoo: On the left side of the collarbone
Face Claim:


Height: 5’10”
Weight: 160 lbs
Hair: Black and boyish
Eyes: Blue, with just the right amount of innocence

General Appearance: Kuro has the appearance and built of a youthful boy fresh out of high school; slim, with hard, lean muscles where it counts, pale skin with a bit of brown, a heart-shaped face that goes well with all manner of hats and glasses, and rather feminine hands and feet. In fact, many people think Kuro’s too feminine for his own good. Some of his closest friends prefer to call him androgynous, just to save him the shame of being called a girl. He looks nice in boy’s clothes, but with the right outfit and make-up, Kuro could end up looking prettier than other women out there.
His usual choice of clothing is a long black coat with large collars over a simple black shirt and black slacks. The ends of the slacks are tucked into steel-tipped shoes, and a sort of leather harness runs the front of the coat to the back, securing it to his person. And because of the nature of his magic, he wears black fingerless gloves. But he has an alternate outfit, when a mission requires the utmost discretion. This includes a wig of flowing black hair, a similar black coat modified with shorter sleeves and a steel breastplate, black slacks, boots and fingerless gloves that reach just beneath the elbow. For casual wear, Kuro prefers simple T-shirts, shorts and pants, with a myriad of hats, glasses and shoes. He likes dark colors such as maroon, navy blue, and yes, black.

Extra: In the right angle of moonlight, one could see lines of cybernetic energies running over his skin, and his eyes will shine with an ethereal glow. This marks his lineage as a cybernetic knight of the Silver Apple.


Personality: As technology in Kuro’s former world advanced, there came a way for human consciousness to be translated into binary code and re-created into a cybernetic entity. Whoever Kuro was in the past was gone, but he has inherited some of his former self’s personality traits. He is known to be happy-go-lucky, sarcastic, and very blunt. He also has a bit of problem when authority when he feels he’s being shackled by its structures. This means he makes more enemies than he does friends. But beneath all that is a surprisingly pure soul. When he reads a good novel, sometimes he gets emotional and cries over it, as he does over the slightest of things. If there’s a beggar lying down on the street, he’ll suddenly stop and hand him a Jewel, or food if he has any. But perhaps his strongest quality is his unrelenting pursuit to defend those who cannot defend themselves, and his powerful drive to mow down all who dare harm or even insult those he cares about.

In battle, Kuro is like flowing water, but fierce like a roaring fire. He is relentless, never stopping until the enemy is down or he is defeated. He rarely shows mercy to his opponents, only if they’re really deserving of it. But all others face the white walls of the infirmary after a confrontation with him. If necessary, he would fight his friends if he felt it necessary for them to realize something. He has no qualms standing up against authority; he felt that doing the right thing shouldn’t be dictated by rules set by bureaucrats.

Certain times – when he’s under intense pressure or emotional distress – the remnants of Kuro’s former self come out and temporarily dominate his behaviour. When this happens, he becomes more serious, less talkative, and twice as ruthless. It’s a rare occurrence, but during this Kuro is practically a different person, more like a heartless assassin than a happy mercenary. The only things that could help pull him back to normal are getting knocked out, or being urged by the words of those closest to his heart.


  • The Color Black – There was something about this favorite color of his that fascinates him. He believes that people who could wear black and still make an impression might as well be wearing a halo. And Kuro always makes a good impression.
  • Fighting – To Kurogane, the soul of a warrior lies in his blade. Therefore, every time he fights, the thrill of combat burns within his very core, pushing him onwards to victory. Nothing is more fulfilling than baring his soul in battle, and coming out triumphant.
  • Tea – Even if it tastes weird, even if t’s simply glorified water, Kuroko would rather drink tea than coffee or even alcoholic drinks. The refreshing scents of the herbs and flowers in the tea relax him more than a full night’s sleep ever would.
  • Cross Dressing – This one is simply for the heck of it. Whenever the mission demands it, or when he simply gets bored, he changed into his ‘trap’ form, which is that of a beautiful young woman. He delights in seeing their reactions after he bluntly tells them his true sex and gender.


  • Spicy Foods – Kuro faintly remembers horrible and terrifying memories of his former self involving curry, a glass of milk, and an entire week of shame and muddy toilets. In respect to those memories, he dares not to touch a plate of curry even to save his life.
  • Waking up Early – Despite the busy nature of his job, Kuro is not a morning person. Try to stir him from his sleep in the wee hours of dawn, and you’ll have a blade pressing against your throat in a second.
  • Unnecessary Violence – While Kuro is a proponent of much efficient violence, he still doesn’t go beyond a certain line. Anyone who goes beyond that line, however, is subject to his efficient violence.
  • Disgusting Flirts – This is true particularly when he’s in ‘trap’ mode. He knows a bit of flirting is nice every now and then, but those who just go too far make him gag, and itching for something to slice and dice.


  • Protecting the People – Hardcoded into his programming is the drive to protect. And so whenever the opportunity presents itself, he would jump into the line of fire to save a girl from bandits, or to stop a raid on a village, or to simply get the cat down from atop the three. Sometimes, protecting someone involves decimating an entire settlement of bandits. If that’s what needs be done, then it will be done.
  • Perfecting his Skill – The way of the warrior encourages development and growth through training and meditating on the sword. During his free time, Kuro would go out and practice a few kata in order to ingrain every movement into his body. This is also the reason why he likes fighting, in order to prove whose skill reigns supreme.
  • Becoming Her Shield – Another hardcoded program is the need to connect with a Mother Server. In the Code Atelier, the Mother Server takes the form of a young woman that is not unlike a princess who needs a knight guardian. That program still urges him to find a lady he could connect to, perhaps on a level deeper than what the program requires.


  • Failing His Obligations – In Code Atelier, failure isn’t tolerated; it is punished with troubleshooting and eventual reprogramming, which in human terms is like scrambling all body parts into a desired form – both painful and disturbing. Being human again added more reasons to avoid failure, like disappointment – from him and his charges – and sadness and guilt. This is emphasized with his obligation to become Her Shield.
  • Claustrophobia – This stems from the above fear. The process of reprogramming could be compared to being compressed in a tight cube with zero sensory input. That means no light, no sound, and no touch. Kuro is already bad with cramped bathrooms, but turn out the lights and he might have to slice his way out.
  • His Former Self – Kuro admits that the repressed traits of his former self are more on the darker side, and while he is slowly learning to accept them, he still fears them. They are similar, yet contrasting in their view of the world. And the former self is an intense, brooding being, prone to malicious thoughts.
  • Breaking His Sword – As mentioned before, Kuro considers the sword his soul. To break it would be the ultimate display of defeat and act of dishonour. So in combat, Kuro is careful to let the sword flow instead of meeting heavy attacks head-on.

Positive Traits:

  • Agile (+3): You are particularly flexible and poised.
  • Enhanced Strength (+3): Your character is slightly stronger than other characters when it comes to physical strength.
  • Blindsight (+4): Using senses such as acute hearing and sensitivity to vibrations, you detect the location of opponents who are no more than five feet away from you. Darkness and Invisibility are irrelevant, though you cannot detect non corporeal beings.
  • Daunting Presence (+2): You are skilled at inducing fear in your opponents.

Negative Traits:

  • Compulsive Honesty (-2): You cannot tell a lie, nor can you behave in a deceitful fashion. You tend to be blunt rather than tactful, even if it means insulting someone who you and your companions are trying to impress.
  • Allergies (-1): You are afflicted with allergies. These may be something as simple as hay fever, but the reactions to such will result in something like a huge bout of sneezing and gasping. Kuro isn’t allergic to spicy foods as a whole, but raw powdered black pepper can send him in a fit of sneezes and swelling.
  • Intolerance (-1): You have an irrational dislike of a certain thing. It may be an animal, a class of person, a situation, or just about anything at all. Kuro for one has intolerance for his own failure.
  • Righteous (-1): The end justifies the means. You are willing to perform morally repugnant actions in order to achieve noble goals. Unfortunately, this can alienate those people who might support your cause if you didn't use such heavy-handed methods.
  • Shy (-1): You are distinctly ill at ease when dealing with people, and you try to avoid social situations whenever possible. When you become the center of attention you freeze. Don't expect to make any public speeches.
  • Derangement/Insanity (-3): Phobia: A character afflicted by a phobia persistently fears a particular object or situation. He realizes that the fear is excessive and irrational, but the fear is disturbing enough that he avoids the stimulus. As mentioned above, Kuro has claustrophobia.
  • Short Attention Span (-1): You have little patience, causing you to have difficulty concentrating on repetitive tasks.
  • Daredevil (-2): You only really feel alive when you're staring death in the face. Your character is addicted to the thrill of death-defying stunts, pushing himsefl to the limit at every available opportunity.
  • Misfortunate (-1): Lucky breaks are something that happen to other people. Your luck isn't terrible; you wouldn't have survived as long as you have if it were. It just isn't very good. Look at it this way: if you need some blind luck to get you out of a sticky situation, expect to be sticking around for a while.


Magic: One Thousand Armaments [Black Knight]
Caster or Holder: Holder
Description: All knights of the Silver Apple are equipped with an anti-virus that can shift form to accommodate whatever virus comes their way. The anti-virus takes the appearance of whatever the wielder wishes it to be. In Kuro’s case, his program is a slim black sword. And in the world of Fiore, this entire system has been translated into the magic he uses in combat. The One Thousand Armaments is more a name than anything, but it enables Kuro to change his sword into any weapon imaginable, both melee and ranged. In the early ranks, the Armaments can only assume the form of singular weapons with basic magical effects (such as a bat, a hammer or a lance –some of which can do energy bursts). But once it gets powerful enough, the sword can morph into larger or multiple weapons with varying effects aside from the typical stabbing, slashing and smashing, which can involve giant cannons and a field of exploding spikes.

Strengths:  The Armaments is very similar to Requip in the sense that they utilize a variety of weapons with special effects focused around explosions and lasers. Versatility is this magic’s real strength, because Kuro could flow from one weapon to the next in a combo of strikes. Not only that, but Kuro could also conjure armaments that could either act as shields or projectiles. In later ranks, The Armaments is capable of large-scale devastating weaponry focusing on AoE and piercing strikes, such as bombs and lasers. And being non-elemental means that there are no elemental weaknesses for the enemies to exploit.

Weaknesses:  Because of its very nature, The Armaments is naturally weak to an opponent with mainly ranged attacks that could work best against melee magic. Kuro would have to get up close and personal for the magic to have any devastating effect. While The Armaments doesn’t have any elemental weaknesses, it doesn’t have any elemental strengths Kuro could take advantage of. And lastly – and probably the most important weakness here – is that most of Kuro’s weapons last only in the post they were cast in. So if he turned the sword into a lance one post, on the next one it’ll go back into a sword.



Last edited by Kurogane Shizuki on Thu Jan 02, 2014 4:45 pm; edited 1 time in total

2Kurogane Shizuki Empty Re: Kurogane Shizuki Thu Jan 02, 2014 4:35 pm

Kurogane Shizuki

Kurogane Shizuki

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