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1Water Jet (First Level, Starter Spell) Empty Water Jet (First Level, Starter Spell) Mon May 16, 2016 9:12 pm

Takeo Mizuchi

Takeo Mizuchi
Name: Water Jet (First Level)
Rank: D
Magic Cost: 10
Requirements: Mystic Arts of Ryujin
Class: Offensive
Element: Water
Cooldown: Two posts
Duration: Instant
Effect: Takeo shoots a jet of water from both of her palms. This water can move back an enemy slightly from its force, and it causes blunt force trauma to the opponent. At close range, it is more effective at actually bruising the body, and at a further range, the bludgeoning damage lessens, but the impact of the water is still felt. The jets go a distance of five meters.

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