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1Demonic Spirit | Spells Pg 2 | Done Empty Demonic Spirit | Spells Pg 2 | Done Thu Apr 28, 2016 10:01 am


Magic: Demonic Spirit
Type: Caster
Classes: Offensive | Defensive | Buff
Element: -
Description: Just as the title of this magic already explains, this magic is a magic used primarily by high ranking demons. This magic allows the user to draw pure energy from within themselves. The color of the energy is usually blue, but when buffs are in use they change into a burgundy color with a black tint. Being that this is demonic energy, spells can allow burning damage to be done. In short, this magic is good in almost any situation as oxygen isn't needed for it to be used. This magic even has a reputation as energy-make magic, given its abilities to harden the energy or soften the energy. Since this magic draws pure energy from within the user himself, it also allows the user to buff his physical capabilities.

Weaknesses: Despite not being aligned with any element, this magic is naturally weak to light/holy magics. Furthermore, any devil slayer magic also dominates when this magic is being used. Lastly, this magic has no elemental strengths.

Name: Basic Demon Blast
Rank: D
Magic Cost: 10
Requirements: Demon DNA | Demonic Spirit Magic
Class: Offensive
Element: -
Cooldown: 2
Duration: Instant
Effect: With either one of his palms, Xan releases a blast of demonic energy that is 1 meter in radius. The blast can reach as far as 5 meters. Upon contact this spell causes light bruising and 1st degree burns.

Name: Hell Spark
Rank: D
Magic Cost: 10
Requirements: Demon DNA | Demonic Spirit Magic
Class: Offensive
Element: -
Cooldown: 2
Duration: Instant
Effect: As long as a target is within a 5 meter range, X can surge his power through the ground towards them. Upon reaching directly under where the target is, the energy will explode over a range of 2 meters into burgundy/black energy, giving whatever is on it slight burns and creating a 7 foot in length hole in the ground. Should the target proceed to drop in it, no damage will be done. The target is capable of dodging, given that they see the magic circle under them before it explodes.

Name: Hells Chain
Rank: D
Magic Cost: 10 -10-
Requirements: Demon DNA | Demonic Spirit Magic
Class: Offensive
Element: -
Cooldown: 5
Duration: 6 | Until deactivated | Until Mana is depleted | Until target moves out of range
Effect: Xanex lightly taps his foot on the ground, in order to initiate the spell. Much like hell spark, his energy surges through the ground up to 5 meters away in order to reach a target. Upon reaching them 1 chain will sprout from underneath the target. The chain is are each 2 meters long with a big cuff at the end. The chain grapples the targets waist like a belt. After the shackle attaches itself to the target, it will disconnect from the ground, giving the target freedom to move if they wish but If the opponent does move, shackles get tighter and tighter with every post, doing D rank damage per post every post after the first. This spell can be destroyed by 1 D rank offensive spell. This spell does not immobilize the target at all, they are still able to freely move, but they will face the consequence of being damaged. Once the target is more than 5 meters away from the user of this spell, the chain will vanish.

Name: Basic Demon Strength (Strength Buff Lvl 1)
Rank: C
Magic Cost: 20 -10-
Requirements: Demon DNA | Demonic Spirit Magic
Class: Buff
Element: -
Cooldown: 3
Duration: 6 | Until Deactivated | Until Mana is Depleted
Effect: This is one of the first buffs Xanex learned. It allows him to tap into a little bit of his demonic energy in order to increase his physical power. The burgundy/black thin, translucent, fiery-like energy coats both his hands, up to his elbow and takes the form of two demonic like arms. This allows him to do an additional C rank damage (heavy bruising  with a single physical hit)

Name: Demonic Cloak
Rank: C
Magic Cost: 20 -10-
Requirements: Demon DNA | Demonic Spirit Magic
Class: Defensive
Element: -
Cooldown: 3
Duration: 6 | Until Deactivated | Until Destroyed | Until Mana is Depleted
Effect: Much like his "Demonic Shell" spell, with only the use of his mind, Xanex can extend his demonic energy enough to make a 2 inch coating of blue energy outline his body (the color of the energy changes to burgundy/black while a buff is in use) This energy is then able to defend Xan from 1 B rank, 2 C ranks, or 4D rank offensive spells before breaking.

Last edited by Xan on Mon May 09, 2016 5:37 pm; edited 4 times in total

2Demonic Spirit | Spells Pg 2 | Done Empty Re: Demonic Spirit | Spells Pg 2 | Done Sat Apr 30, 2016 10:38 am


Basic Demon Blast - Approved For Training
Hell Spark - Denied because it is doing too much environmental damage for a D rank spell. Also the .1 second to react makes it close to autohit.
Hells Shackles - Denied on the grounds of it is trying to completely immobilise a target as a movement debuff and also dealing damage
Basic Demon Strength (Strength Buff Lvl 1) - Approved for training
Demonic Cloak - Approved for training

3Demonic Spirit | Spells Pg 2 | Done Empty Re: Demonic Spirit | Spells Pg 2 | Done Sat Apr 30, 2016 10:53 am


Hells spark - Edited to 1 second AFTER the magic circle is created, which by common sense would give the target time to flee before the circle detonates. Also, I changed the hole to 7 feet......

Shackles: Gave the target the option to move freely. This spell in no way forces the user to stay in one place. & Debuffs can't be destroyed, these shackles can.

Hopefully this is good enough.


4Demonic Spirit | Spells Pg 2 | Done Empty Re: Demonic Spirit | Spells Pg 2 | Done Sat Apr 30, 2016 11:32 am


Hell Spark - Just received confirmation that you can't have a spell originate at a location, all spells must begin from the user with few exceptions.

Shackles - So the spell is just four things latching onto the target and dealing damage? If so then just state that, and state that each chain deals 1/4 D rank damage. Also see Hell Spark regarding the origin of the spell

5Demonic Spirit | Spells Pg 2 | Done Empty Re: Demonic Spirit | Spells Pg 2 | Done Sat Apr 30, 2016 11:48 am


Bump. Edited spells accordingly.

6Demonic Spirit | Spells Pg 2 | Done Empty Re: Demonic Spirit | Spells Pg 2 | Done Sun May 01, 2016 10:04 am


bumpity bump bump.

7Demonic Spirit | Spells Pg 2 | Done Empty Re: Demonic Spirit | Spells Pg 2 | Done Mon May 02, 2016 5:00 am


Bumping once more.

8Demonic Spirit | Spells Pg 2 | Done Empty Re: Demonic Spirit | Spells Pg 2 | Done Tue May 03, 2016 5:13 am



9Demonic Spirit | Spells Pg 2 | Done Empty Re: Demonic Spirit | Spells Pg 2 | Done Tue May 03, 2016 6:05 am


Alright. I'll be pre-reviewing this.

Hell's Spark: It's done well. Just add that the energy can only travel in a straight line.
Hell's Chain: I get the idea and it seems fine to me but I think the wording got mixed up a little in the middle xD
Demon Strength: It seems fine as well, I guess.

As per the new sustain rules, your offensive sustain spells (Hell's chain and Demonic strength) needs to have their sustain cost be equal to original spell cost and have +3 posts cooldown. So they will have 5 posts as their cooldown. That's all I see. A real mod shall have to look through this again though.

10Demonic Spirit | Spells Pg 2 | Done Empty Re: Demonic Spirit | Spells Pg 2 | Done Wed May 04, 2016 5:24 am


bump bump bump

11Demonic Spirit | Spells Pg 2 | Done Empty Re: Demonic Spirit | Spells Pg 2 | Done Mon May 09, 2016 4:38 pm


Evangeline wrote:Alright. I'll be pre-reviewing this.

Hell's Spark: It's done well. Just add that the energy can only travel in a straight line.
Hell's Chain: I get the idea and it seems fine to me but I think the wording got mixed up a little in the middle xD
Demon Strength: It seems fine as well, I guess.

As per the new sustain rules, your offensive sustain spells (Hell's chain and Demonic strength) needs to have their sustain cost be equal to original spell cost and have +3 posts cooldown. So they will have 5 posts as their cooldown. That's all I see. A real mod shall have to look through this again though.

Demonic Strength is a buff & Hells chain already has a sustain cost equal to its original

12Demonic Spirit | Spells Pg 2 | Done Empty Re: Demonic Spirit | Spells Pg 2 | Done Mon May 09, 2016 4:49 pm

Adlet Brave

Adlet Brave
Hey sorry for the wait. I will be taking over this. Hopefully we can get this done :)

Basic Demon Blast: Looks good

Hell Spark: Whats the range of the spell. You have the distance from you but not the area it will hit in

Hells Chain: Cooldown is 5. Also the range which is 5 meters the farthest this spell can travel from you. So if someone leaves the 5m area from you this spell should deactivate. Also the spell can only last 6 posts if it reaches the end

Basic Demon Strength (Strength Buff Lvl 1): Looks good

Demonic Cloak: This just is like an aurora off the body? Like how far does the aurora extend off the body?

Please bump when these changes are made

13Demonic Spirit | Spells Pg 2 | Done Empty Re: Demonic Spirit | Spells Pg 2 | Done Mon May 09, 2016 5:38 pm


Aigh, bump x400

14Demonic Spirit | Spells Pg 2 | Done Empty Re: Demonic Spirit | Spells Pg 2 | Done Mon May 09, 2016 5:39 pm

Adlet Brave

Adlet Brave
Cool, let me grab a mod to look these over and approve them

15Demonic Spirit | Spells Pg 2 | Done Empty Re: Demonic Spirit | Spells Pg 2 | Done Mon May 09, 2016 6:42 pm


Adlet Brave wrote:Cool, let me grab a mod to look these over and approve them

Very much appreciated

16Demonic Spirit | Spells Pg 2 | Done Empty Re: Demonic Spirit | Spells Pg 2 | Done Wed May 11, 2016 5:01 pm


approved for training

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