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1Fungomancy Rebuilt Empty Fungomancy Rebuilt Wed Apr 13, 2016 11:54 am

Angela Agaricus

Angela Agaricus
MAGIC: Fungomancy
TYPE: Caster
CLASSES: Offensive, Defensive, Supplementary
DESCRIPTION: Fungomancy relies on utilizing supplementary spells with diverse and varied functions to obtain an advantageous position. Once in such a position the caster can hit the enemy with a variety of offensive spells. In addition there is a small selection of defensive spells to offer support to and protection for either themself or any allies. Fungomancy's greatest asset is it's diversity and the ability to avoid enemy attacks.

Name: Puffball Grenade
Rank: D
Element: Plant
Cost: 10
Class: Offensive
Duration: Instant
Cooldown: 2 Posts
Effect: This spell conjures a baseball sized puffball that can be thrown up to 7 meters away. Upon hitting the ground or a target the puffball explodes in a 2 meter diameter, releasing a flurry of spores. These spores are like particles of fiberglass, upon being released they can inflect dozens of tiny, irritating cuts on anyone that is caught within the explosion. The caster is not immune to the effects of this spell.

Name: Toxic Spores
Rank: D
Element: Plant
Cost: 10/5
Class: Offensive
Duration: 4 Posts
Cooldown: 5 Posts
Effect: Fires a directional cloud of spores up to 7 meters away creating a cloud that lingers in a 3 meter diameter area. These spores enter the victim's blood stream through the pores on any exposed skin as well as the mouth, eyes, or nose. Once in a victim's blood, the spores deal 1/2 a D rank of damage each post the victim makes for 4 turns after last contact with the spore cloud is made (spell must be sustained with 5 mana per turn until this effect fades). The caster is not immune the spore's effects. The spore cloud can be dismissed at will by the caster, but the poison effect cannot be dismissed early.

Name: Polyporous Shield
Rank: D
Element: Plant
Cost: 10/5
Class: Defensive
Duration: 3 Posts
Cooldown: 2 Posts
Effect: Creates a vertical, circular (semicircular if summoned from the ground) fungal shield large enough to cover one person. This shield can either be summoned to the casters hand, arm, or on the ground at their feet up to 5 meters away. This shield can sustain a cumulative C rank of damage before crumbling.

Name: Pixie’s Parasol
Rank: D
Element: Plant
Cost: 10/5
Class: Defensive
Duration: 2 Posts
Cooldown: 2 Posts
Effect: A small, umbrella-like mushroom sprouts in the caster's hand. This mushroom's stalk is 1 meter in length and the cap is 1 meter in diameter. It can cancel out all fall damage by allowing the user to drift slowly to the ground. The mushroom can sustain a C rank of damage before crumbling, allowing the caster to block spells with its cap. This mushroom can be used to hit people, but due to its pliable nature it would neither deal damage nor do anything beyond startling whoever got hit.

Name: Bioluminecence
Rank: D
Element: Plant
Cost: 10/5
Class: Supplementary
Duration: 3 Posts
Cooldown: 2 Posts
Effect: A small, floating puffball is conjured to float beside the conjurer. The puffball emits a gentle blue light that illuminates a 10 meter area.

Name: Corrosive Spores
Rank: C
Element: Plant
Cost: 20/20
Class: Offensive
Duration: 4 Posts
Cooldown: 6 Posts
Effect: Fires a directional cloud of spores up to 12 meters and lingers in a 3 meter diameter area. These spores burn through organic material, both animal and plant. When these spores come in contact with any exposed skin they cause second degree chemical burns. Damage is sustained so long as the victim remains within the lingering spore cloud. The caster is not immune to the spores' effects. The spore cloud can be dismissed early at will of the caster.

Name: Razor Cap
Rank: C
Element: Plant
Cost: 20
Class: Offensive
Duration: Instant
Cooldown: 3 Posts
Effect: Casts a small cluster of spores that immediately form into a calcified mushroom cap with sharpened edges. The cap is cast like a discus at enemies, traveling a maximum range of 10 meters, and is capable of inflicting moderately deep cuts on impact.

Name: Red Cage
Rank: C
Element: Plant
Cost: 20/10
Class: Defensive
Duration: 3 Posts
Cooldown: 3 Posts
Effect: Grows a close-knit fungal shell around the caster or a target that is within 10 meters of the caster. The outside is hard and calcified while the inside is soft and cushioned. This spell defends against a cumulative 1 B rank of damage and reduces fall damage (counting toward the B rank damage). The shell is only large enough to contain a single person.

Name: Propulsion Mold
Rank: C
Element: Plant
Cost: 20
Class: Supplementary
Duration: Instant
Cooldown: 3 Posts
Effect: A wall of rubbery mold up to 2 meters in diameter sprouts up within 10 meters of the caster, bouncing whoever is right next to it 10 meters away. Due to being soft and rubbery, collision with this does not cause damage, but bouncing off this can cause damage if the victim strikes against a wall or a similar structure. (All sides of the mold are rubbery, meaning anyone converging on the point the mold is conjured can be knocked back).

Name: Slime Mold
Rank: C
Element: Plant
Cost: 20/10
Class: Supplementary
Duration: 3 Posts
Cooldown: 3 Posts
Effect: A 10 meter long and 3 meter wide trail of slime spreads across the ground straight out from the caster. This slime reduces traction allowing someone to slide more easily along the ground or causing the unaware to lose their footing.

Name: Bludgeoning Cap
Rank: B
Element: Plant
Cost: 30
Class: Offensive
Duration: Instant
Cooldown: 4 Posts
Effect: At the caster's command a sizable mushroom rapidly sprouts up from the ground or a wall within range. The cap is hard and calcified, approximately 2 meters in diameter. The mushroom can grow anywhere up to 20 meters away from the caster (provided there is a surface for it to grow on, it cannot sprout from the air). The mushroom can either sprout straight up, at an angle, or, provided there is a wall, vertically. This mushroom slams into the target with considerable force, causing deep bruising and inflicting minor damage to bones.

Name: Lion's Mane
Rank: B
Element: Plant
Cost: 30/15
Class: Defensive
Duration: 4 Posts
Cooldown: 4 Posts
Effect: A thick, fungal hanging that resembles a lion's mane sprouts from the target's neck (the target can either be the caster or anyone within a 20 meter radius of the caster). This fungus can absorb both kinetic and magical energy, canceling out a cumulative A rank of damage.

Last edited by Angela Agaricus on Fri Apr 22, 2016 1:15 am; edited 11 times in total

2Fungomancy Rebuilt Empty Re: Fungomancy Rebuilt Sat Apr 16, 2016 4:09 pm


Sorry it's taken me so long to look at this. First off, please look at this and select yours

3Fungomancy Rebuilt Empty Re: Fungomancy Rebuilt Sun Apr 17, 2016 6:29 pm

Angela Agaricus

Angela Agaricus
Bump, classes selected.

4Fungomancy Rebuilt Empty Re: Fungomancy Rebuilt Sun Apr 17, 2016 10:16 pm


I figure you're replacing these, right? therefore 5 D and 2 C will be free, ok?

oh and just for future reference, what I said in that thread, specifically
me wrote:I think the ones we got for aoe are
d rank - 3 square meters
c rank - 5 square meters
That was totally wrong information, and I'm sorry I messed you up like that.

As you are C rank you only have access to 2 B rank spells

Polyporous Shield
size of shield
damage that can be sustained by shield

Pixie's Parasol
this looks like a defensive spell, therefore it will only do defense things ok

Concealing Spores
This spell is a debuff; not within your Offensive/Defensive/Supplementary skillset, sorry

Corrosive Spores
Target has to be within 15m of you as long as the spell is sustained

Propulsion Mold
has defensive capabilities, please restrict it to supplemental capabilities only

I'll do the b ranks when you have selected which you wish to save for later

5Fungomancy Rebuilt Empty Re: Fungomancy Rebuilt Mon Apr 18, 2016 6:16 pm

Angela Agaricus

Angela Agaricus
Bump. I made the appropriate changes to all the spells and replaced the concealing spores spell.

I'm okay with keeping my AoEs the same, assuming their within the rule parameter.

6Fungomancy Rebuilt Empty Re: Fungomancy Rebuilt Wed Apr 20, 2016 6:29 pm

Angela Agaricus

Angela Agaricus
48 hour bump. Please review whenever you get a chance.

7Fungomancy Rebuilt Empty Re: Fungomancy Rebuilt Fri Apr 22, 2016 12:56 am


Pixie's Parasol
"The mushroom can sustain a C rank of damage before crumbling (this is merely in terms of if someone attempts to destroy it)."
it still is a characteristic of a defensive spell, to take up to damage one rank up, sorry. Either let it be defensive (I see no problem with that, since defence to fall damage and defence to attack damage is more or less the same thing) or get rid of the clause please.

8Fungomancy Rebuilt Empty Re: Fungomancy Rebuilt Fri Apr 22, 2016 1:16 am

Angela Agaricus

Angela Agaricus
Bump. Fixed pixie's parasol so it should work now.

9Fungomancy Rebuilt Empty Re: Fungomancy Rebuilt Fri Apr 22, 2016 1:24 am


ok go train those 3c and 2b

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