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1Concord: {Done} Empty Concord: {Done} Wed Apr 06, 2016 10:19 pm



   Concord: {Done} JGQYVyv
   “There is no true alignment that humans can go by. We all are good and evil. It's just what you think you are. I have killed people and hurt others to protect those who I hold dear. Am I a bad man for that? I believe not because I am doing what I can to survive. Laws of society cannot define the laws of nature!


Name(s): "Concord" Jack Landolf
Nickname(s): Mutt, Jackie, Lance, Guardian of Crystalization
Age: Age 25
Gender: Male
Birthday: March 24th
Sexuality: Straight
Rank: D
Guild: None
Tattoo: Black-Forearm
Face Claim: Ren from DmmD


Height: 6'3"
Weight: 195 lbs
Hair: Dark blue Spikey Hair
Eyes: Neon Yellow-Blue
Description: Concord has two forms, but most would see him in his human form. His human for consist on a long dark blue and black cloak that has odd markings on it. He wears black blue jeans with boots that are the color of black. Concord has a head piece that covers his eyes and ears. He leaves it down enough so he can still see what's in front of him. When he is not wearing his cloak he either has a dark blue shirt or shirtless. On his skin are tattoos that stand for the symbol of his life. They are on his arms, back and face and a little on his torso. He has a necklace on that has a small crystal charm they he uses to connect with his vessel. He does have a whole in his neck that holds a jewel that is made of the most powerful crystals.


Personality: Concord is a quiet and observant individual. He has lived for at least over a few centuries to understand what how humans work. He has grow his battling abilities to a certain level of expertise to up to par with some of the excellent mages of today's time. Though, his magic is still at a rather low level compared to his vessel. He takes battling seriously since he always has to be in shape and on his feet at all times as a guardian.

Concord has a big belief there is no human that could be completely good or evil. He knows himself humanity is a weird thing in general. Concord forgives people for what they have done in the past. Forgive and admit your sins and learn. Sjnce Concord has to protect his sister and his vessel, he would rather get blood on his hands than theirs. He will go extreme measures to make sure they are happy. He will stretch himself silly to please and meet their needs. Concord is not phased by death or killing in general as long as it seve's a reasonable purpose such as protection or feeding his hungry vessel. Though he would rather killing a person who is a criminal by according to society and not on his terms of criminal. That way he wouldn't get charged. If anything, most of the time he would hire someone to killed for him if was for feeding his vessel since she is turning half ghoul.

Concord is a wise and quiet person who is rather cautious when make choices or doing a tthing. He thinks twice and ponders on his own thoughts. He is actually very witty and sarcastic with those he is close to. Unlike some guardians, he knows of a good few jokes. When he has a tight bind with someone such as his sister or LeeAnn for that mstter, he is very loosened up unless there are other people around. He will tease, irritate, laugh, bug, poke, make sarcastic remarks, and a lot of little things like that towards those people. This can be displayed  p between him and LeeAnn or his sister.

  • LeeAnn She is his main goal at the moment. He has to work in secret from her in order to fulfill his duty as a guardian. He rather get blood on his blood hands than hers. That's why he is willing to go to the extent of erasing his existance to help her in her quest and keep her alive.
  • Sylveon: His little sister. They have been together ever since birth. They haven't been seperated even once and have been very close. She is still extremely innocent. Like Hikaru is a big brother to LeeAnn, he acts like a older brother should. He shield her from a lot of the true reality of things. He is deemed to keep her safe.


  • Failing his line of duty: What he means by this is failing to fulfill his job as a guardian. His job is suppose to protect the one he was assigned to or assigned himself to. It's his job to keep his vessel, in this case LeeAnn, safe. He is a man of his word and will not back down. Failing his line of duty results in harsh punishment
  • Small Children: As funny as it sounds, he fears small children. How this happened? Sylveon can tell you. He was traumatized with kids pulling his hair, arms nd legs and man does that hurt! They are monsters.
  • Loosing his Sister: They have been together since birth and have not seperated since. Even in their afterlife, they sill remain close. He fears of loosing her or never seeing her again. He cannot, absolutely cannot be without his sister. Many see this as a weakness of his and aims for this, but most of the time they fail.


  • Witty Comments: He loves being sarcastic and a smartass when he can. It's just pure entertainment for the guardian to sit there and smart mouth another person. Their reaction is priceless!
  • Jewels: Stuff like diamonds, perals, and other minerals that give a shine interest him. He loves elements that look pretty. He is very knowledgeable about types of jewels and minerals and what they do.


  • Eels: They freak him out! They are so slimy and gross. You can't even eat them. ACK! GROSS!!
  • Being called Mutt: He hates being called Mutt by his sister or LeeAnn. It all started with him barking like a dog in his Spiritual form. Since then, he was called Mutt by them. Its a forbidden name in his books!
  • People who try to be completely evil or completely good: People who try to be the most good or the most evil they could be and believe they are truly good or evil. He has a strong belief no on is truly good or evil that were a mixture of both, but not completely neutral.

Positive Characteristics: 12

  • Deceitful (+2): You have a knack for disguising the truth. Your lies are difficult to distinguish from the truth.
    Explanation: Players can lie to enemies when being questioned and won't get caught if they're lying.
  • Persuasive (+2): You have a way with words and body language. Somehow you manage to persuade weaker minded people easily.
    Explanation: When using this feat, players will have to roll a bronze die. Failure to land on a number results in them agreeing with you.
  • Diehard (+2): You can remain conscious after attacks that would fell others.
    Explanation: Allows for 1 A-Rank spell to be shrugged off. Damage is still applied, but no pain is shown. Limit of once per battle.
    Swift (+3): You are fleet of foot. When running, you move faster than most people.
    Explanation: C-rank speed buff passive.
  • Acrobatic (+3): You have excellent body awareness and coordination.
    Explanation: Character can perform flashy moves such as back flips, cartwheels and various other moves when dodging an attack.

Negative Characteristics: 12

  • Dependent (-3):LeeAnn and Sylveon: You have a ward or charge that depends on you, usually a young child or elderly relative that needs you to provide for them and devote at least part of your time to them. In money terms, this will cost you five percent of your jewels a month. You may also be required to stay near home often in case you are needed.
    Explanation: You will be placed on a list and at the end of the moment five percent of your jewels will be deducted.
  • Intolerance (-1):Eels: You have an irrational dislike of a certain thing. It may be an animal, a class of person, a situation, or just about anything at all. Note that some dislikes may be too trivial or ridiculous to count--a dislike of Bavarian-crème-filled donuts or mechanical pencils, for example, has no real dramatic value and will not be allowed.
    Explanation: You must act very disgusted and displeased when your dislike comes into play.
    Cautious (-1): You are uneasy engaging in behavior that carries a chance of failure. You must spend twice as long performing any skill that requires an action. For example, deciphering a page of text would take 2 minutes for you instead of 1.
    Explanation: You are very slow in your actions because you take more time to do things. This requires you to use 20% more words in any roleplay that has a word count requirement (such as travels or requests).
    Allergies (-1):Pollen You are afflicted with allergies. These may be something as simple as hay fever, but the reactions to such will result in something like a huge bout of sneezing and gasping. You must mention this allergy in your character application.
    Explanation: Whenever this allergy comes into play you must suffer the consequences. The allergy must be something that can actually come and not something strange and unique.
  • Derangement/Insanity (-3): Due to circumstances beyond your control, you are permanently insane. You may have a congenital brain disorder, or perhaps you saw something mortals were never intended to lay eyes upon, and it drove you mad. Choose a Derangement/Insanity for your character from the lists below. Though the list is by no means exhaustive, the following options are ones that have been presented in game terms and that have definable--and most times numerical--penalties.

    Generalized Anxiety Disorder: The character suffers from a variety of physical and emotional symptoms that can be grouped into certain categories (select a single category).
    Explanation: Character has a tendency to snap at people for no reason
  • Disfigurement (-2): Hole in the neck: A hideous disfigurement makes you ugly and easy to notice and easy to remember. Whatever your particular choice of disfigurement, it has to be something blatantly obvious to a casual glance. In addition, as it is a birth deformity, it cannot be healed, though you could employ magics to cover it via illusions in some instances, and perhaps utilize high level magics to transform yourself into a more pleasing form for the duration, though you'll always have the lingering fear of it being dispelled.
    Explanation: You have a visible major disfigurement.
  • Dark Secret (-1):Dark Past (Killing his old vessel): You have some sort of secret that, if revealed, would make you an outcast amongst your society and companions. While this secret is on your mind at all times, it will come up in topics only once in a while, but when it does, watch out!
    Explanation: You must think about your dark secret at least one out of ten posts. When things that are relevant to the dark secret are brought up you can't stop thinking about it.


Magic: Crystallization
Type: Caster
Element: Crystal
Description: Crystalization is a type of magic that is powered by crystal stuck into the user's body. Its a natural form of obtaining a certain amount of power in order to control this magic. It contains a lot of amount of torture to get this magic. This is a elemental magic of crystal. Its sturdy and great for defensive spells as well as offensive.

  • This magic is not good for buffs or debuffs.

    • Every few times a spell is cast it inflincts as small amount of damage on the caster as well.
    • Neutral element no elemental advantages



    Previous Life
    "This world is full of bullshit and you have no idea how bad it is until you see it yourself"

    Concord was born in to the Landolf family with his younger sister, Sylveon. His real name was Jack as his sister's real name was Maria. Both their parents were mages that were guildless and took on any pathetic job they could. Their mother was a Seiker. Life was a struggle since they weren't very well off either. Concord and his sister would do odd jobs to get by and help out with their family. Life was never easy, but they thought everything was going to be okay. They grew up in the slums of the city in the captial, Crocus. They would always admire the beauty of their wonderful city and never really seen the dark parts of the other side of the city and of life. Concord's parents sheltered him as much as they could with what little magic they knew.

    Concord and Sylveon thought one day to become mage seeing a mage's tournament coming up in a few months. They were young and innocent not really knowing what it was really all about. They both saw the prize of a million jewel to the grand winner. Bring this poster back to their parents, both their mom and dad thought to keep them happy they would enter the tournament. Months of training, their parents entered the tournament knowing they would loose, but to make their children happy. It was a three day tournament. Concord and Sylveon would cheer on their parents. During one of the match, it was their parents against a pair of high ranked wizards. The battle was tied actually to their parent's surprisement. But suddenly their oponents decided to pull a sneaky move. A powerful spell that was banned by the magic council launched at they two of them. Upon contact, their parents were turned to ash. At that moment, the tournament was cancelled. Concord and Sylveon were at a loss with no where to turn. Their world would shatter even more from that point onward.

    When Concord was 10, they were orphans on the streets trying to get by like they had been when their parent's were alive. Concord decided to learn magic from a shady man who told him its a powerful magic. Anything to protect his sister. The magic was called Crystalization and it was a intense magic. He had to stick Crystals into Concord's body in order to obtain the power. They were shards off a lacrima and a few other powerful jewels. Concord thanked the man and told his sister they were join the shady man's dark guild. It was the only way to make money. The dark guild noticed they were the kids of the couple who had died in the torunament. Concord and Sylveon did the dirty work around the guild to get by. They gotten a place to stay, clothed, and feed. Concord grew up staying in that guild and performed illegal tasks to make money. He didn't like it, but he would do the job to protect his little sister. When Concord grew to become 19, he left the guild and work for a light guild instead to make Sylveon feel safe in the jobs he was taking, at least for the most part.

    Concord was on a few errands with Sylveon when something caught his little sister's eyes. A frog? She started chasing it and hopping like it even though she was a six teen year old, she was still very innocent. Concord had to run after her until he ran into another man who was also a Seiker. They man commented how he looked like someone he knew, meaning his mother. Concord asked who and the man mentioned his brother's name. Sine that day, he kept in touch and went to the Seiker for help. Going to the Seiker clan for help, he had to prove he was one of them. He told them about his mothere and knew of a man he had met those days ago. The believe him since the man he had met came into the room and approached them

    Since then, he had become a Seiker and stayed with them ensuring a safe life for his sister. When Concord was 15, he and his sister when on mission that was high ranked. They needed the money to pay for the bills that were overdue. On this mission they encountered a powerful wizard and of course this monster was no match for them. First upon the sight of the monster, it looked like it was easy but during combact it was a different story. Concord and Sylveon died in the process of trying to defeat it.

    "Our life was hard. I have to admit I had done many horrible things and a lot of things I regret, but I had to do what I had to do to protect my sister. Was that really a bad thing?

    "Life is not a right, its a privilege. It can be taken away within one snap of your fingers"

    He remembered seeing a blackness for a long time then a voice as it spoke it shown a blue light then faded after it spoke. It soothed him. Finally he found himself standing. He had to pinched himself to think he was dreaming, but he wasn't. Or was he? He looked around standing in pitch black then saw his sister next to him. A spirit had shown up. The spirit's named was Obsiaden, a Seiker Gaurdian. He had been watching them for quite some time. He had said that both of them had a hard life and saw their purity in their hearts. Obsiaden had given the powers of a Seiker Guaridan.

    Concord and Sylveon had changed their true forms of their human selves into animal-like creatures. Sylveon was a cute fox with pink and white fur and ribbon as Concord had changed into a replitle with three and half legs. They hda to change their human named to someone else. Sylveon changed her name Maria to Sylveon and Concord changed his name Jack to Concord, bringer of peace. Obsiaden said they had to watch over the Seiker family and take on a vessel if needed when they felt like it. There was a certain process of taking on a vessel as the purity in their hearts and if they were in a lot of pain.

    Concord and Sylveon went right to work. For a good 100 years the did their job as protecting the Seiker family and taking on their frist vessel, Haru. Haru was a Seiker and suffered from a horrible past of abuse. Concord sought to help turn his life around. Sylveon just followed innocently and did whatever her brother did. Haru was alright though he was mentally disturbed, but never shown. Concord taught Haru magic, a magic called Lucid Light. The only kind of magic they both knew. During their training sessions, he started noticing odd changed in his vessel such mood swings, sucidal thoughts, and attempting to kill others. Concord was confused on what he had done. Once night, Sylveon was trying her best to calm down Haru, but it wasn't working. He was starting to hurt Sylveon. Concord walked in with some medication for Haru. Sylveon was knocked down to the floor. She was already in a lot of pain. Concord's mind had snapped. His ittle sister was hurt and no one had the right to do that! Concord calmed down and analyzed the siatuation. Haru wasn't the same boy they once knew when he was six now a full grown man and unable to think straight. Concord had no choice but to kill him. Upon an attack, Concord had slit his throat with a crystal shard.

    He knew they Seiker Guaridans weren't going to be too happy. Concord picked up his sister and decided to mysteriously left. Later they would find out what happened, but it would already be too late.

    "There are somethings you just have to do in life even though you do not want to do it"

    Arceus the God of Life
    "You can change the world without using force"

    Upon wandering, Concord and Sylveon had to leave the Seiker guardians from what they or Concord did. Sylveon just assumed they had to leave cause of a disagreement between her brother and the Seiker Guardians. The God of Life, Arcues, had summoned them upon seeing how much they were suffering. He had given them a second chance on doing their job only under a god named Chrom of the Northen Winds and Titan of the Southern Sea. Concord sought this to better. Arcues rarely did this for anyone as the gods themselves found this to be very unnessicary. Titan and Chrom did their tasks without hesitation.

    Titan and Chrom had assigned them to watch over a certain portion of the lands and protect nature instead of a human. Titan was busy watching over the sea as Chrom decided to take them under his wing more than Titan since he was busy. Chrom taught them how to be protectors or guaridans of the land and protect it. Sylveon and Concord protected the land by managing the wildlife and keep poachers and others from hurting it.

    "It was then I knew she needed me! Those eyes were just begging for help"

    One day many years later, a young girl named LeeAnn Nakamura came upon their land. She was very lost and looked extremely sick. She was cold and tired. Coming upon the cave where Sylveon's and Concord's crystal was she was drawn towards it. Concord sensed she was appraching then and saw how sick she was. He was reminded of his sister when he saw the little girl. The girl touched the crystal summoning Concord and Sylveon. The girl looked startled. Concord studied this girl and used his previous wisdom and knowledge thatw as untouched for hundreds of years to see her purity. She was pure, very, and suffering from being extremely ill. The girl started crying because she was lost and cold. Sylveon comforted her the best she could. Concord said he would be right back as she ran to the nearest pond using a reflection. Arcues appeared seeing the distressed Concord. He had asked about taking on a vessel. Acrus was hesitanat about this since it wasn' their job nad didnt want him killing another one. Arcues saw the crying little girl and Sylveon comforting her. He said yes only on one condition that he doesn't kill her, but become her guardians. They both promised. From then on, Concord and Sylveon taught Leeann magic and fulfilled her desires to prove to herself and her parents that she could do it. They traveled together and Concord kept Leeann in check consistantly. He gew to watch over her like he did with Sylveon. Until recently, he had forced her to join her brother's guild, Alabaster Wovles.


    Recent changes had sprung upon LeeAnn and Concord is determined to find out and keep the people he loves the most safe. He made a deal with Arceus to give up all his guardian powers other than his magic. He gave up his immortality and ability to change in between forms. He had to leave his sister and LeeAnn to Chrom to do a few things to get keep LeeAnn safe. He now a mortal again at the age of 25 in a completely new body.

Last edited by Concord on Sun Apr 10, 2016 3:36 pm; edited 3 times in total

2Concord: {Done} Empty Re: Concord: {Done} Sun Apr 10, 2016 1:15 pm

Hikaru Nakamura

Hikaru Nakamura
Crystallization is a type of magic that is powered by crystal stuck in someone's body.: Just make sure to state that the magic is gained through sticking it through the user's body rather than someones. It's less vague that way.

Weakness could just be that is neutral so no elemental alignment

Lastly regarding concord being a Guardian I have to talk to staff about this. It's mainly the fact that now we have items that make people transform so him having two forms, is an iffy because some people brought that via jewels . Furthermore immortality is a trait that very little people posses on this site.

3Concord: {Done} Empty Re: Concord: {Done} Sun Apr 10, 2016 3:36 pm


Done my kind sir. I hope its okay if I alternated a few things but did erase everything that saw with the immortality and changing form at least in apperence and general. I kept it but if you read new the end I made a new chapter show he did loose everything but his magic making him mortal.

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